Demon King Priest

Chapter 69: The Pink Tree (2)

Rasputin felt that her heart had never beaten so violently, and it felt as if her heart was about to jump out of her chest. Because now, she was about to do the most important thing in a girl's life. Looking at the black-haired boy standing in front of her, thinking of the time she had spent with him over the past weeks, her mood was unprecedentedly nervous.

Strong strength, gentle personality, and never bully and look down on girls, and very caring for children. These were the conditions she set for her ideal boy. But despite saying that, before meeting the black-haired boy in front of her, she didn't even believe that there would be such a good boy in this world. She just regarded it as a girl's dream.

However, he appeared. Although she did not notice his presence the first time she met him and other people in the guild, he and she had an unexpected "close" contact soon afterwards. The unexpected contact left a shadow in her heart. It was not a pleasant contact. To be honest, she even cursed the intimate contact after that.

However, the second meeting afterwards completely overturned her first impression of him. In her eyes, he was only a weak fourth-level light mage, he actually possessed the power of a seventh-level master, which shocked her. . But what moved her even more was his caring for the little girl named Cherie and his determination to help the passengers on the Titan Poseidon. In fact, at that time, he could leave Titan Poseidon and come back to the continent with his own power, but he still took up the sword and fought bravely with the big octopus.

In the end, it was the time he and she spent on this deserted island, during which she truly understood what kind of person he was. Originally from the second impression he left in her mind on the Titan Poseidon deck, she thought he should be a powerful master. But his performance broke her opinion again. He would never show a domineering look to girls, and he would never underestimate girls. He was gentle to all girls, and he didn't look like a powerful master at all. Such a person who fully met her ideal boy standards, she may never meet again, so today, she finally made up her mind and asked him to come down to this beautiful big tree she accidentally found...

‘What does he think of me? Would he think that I, who wore a black cloak and a veil all day long, look nothing like a girl. Would he like an uncute girl like me?' After asking that sentence, Rasputin's heart flashed countless thoughts. She looked at Ulysses anxiously, hoping to hear his answer.

"Uh. This? Rasputin, you are a very strong girl in my eyes. No matter what enemy you face, you will not show a fearful expression, and you can accurately make the most correct judgment when fighting an enemy. And you are also a top mage with three elements at such a young age. You must have gone through very hard training, so to be honest, I respect you very much. When I first saw you using the Hell Lightning Burst, this is how I see you." Ulysses thought about it carefully, and said her answer.

"So, do you think I'm just a tough girl? You are right. A girl like me who wears such an ugly black cloak all day and is not afraid of bloody scenes is really not cute at all. Probably none of you boys would like such a girl." Rasputin replied sadly.

‘Sure enough! In his eyes, I am just a powerful sixth-level mage. Maybe he didn't treat me as a girl at all, he just treated me as a trustworthy partner. Sure enough, this black dress would not be liked by boys at all.' For the first time in her life, Rasputin hated the black dress she was wearing.

‘Mom is right, things in the world are difficult to develop in the direction you want them to be. Although he is my ideal boy, it is impossible for me, who is not cute at all, to be his ideal girl. If I take off this ugly black dress and put on a beautiful skirt, will he change his impression of me? No, if I do that on purpose to please him, then I will not be me. What I want is him to like the real me, not the kind of me who wears a flashy appearance.' Unknowingly, faint tears appeared in Rasputin's eyes.

‘Goodbye, my first love.' Rasputin gritted her teeth and was about to leave this sad place without looking back, but what Ulysses said next made her stop immediately.

"However, during the time on the desert island, my impression of you has changed a lot. Not only did you promise to stop killing rabbits for Cherie, but you can also take care of the two children Cherie and Helen very gently. Without you, I probably still don't know how to take care of those two children. To be honest, you've helped me a lot. So I should correct what I just said, Rasputin, you are a strong, cute, and gentle girl."

At that moment, Rasputin was stunned, and her head suddenly became blank, followed by a huge joy that was indescribable enough to make people feel dizzy. That kind of excitement was like a person who had been trekking in the desert for more than ten days suddenly saw an oasis, and a person who had fallen into the abyss suddenly caught a life-saving rope.

Tears, big drops of crystal tears flowed from her emerald green eyes, and she couldn't stop them from coming out! No, it should be that she didn't mean to stop them at all, because these were not tears of sorrow, but tears of extreme joy.

Sure enough, the black-haired boy standing in front of her was the only one in the world. Probably she would never meet a boy who would meet her ideal conditions and understand her like him again. Rasputin looked at Ulysses's not particularly handsome face, and finally made up her mind. Right here, at this time, she wanted to say to him the most important thing for a girl.

"Ulysses, I want to tell you something. You don't need to give me an answer right after listening, but I hope you can listen to me. Because it took all my courage to finally decide to say this sentence." Although shy, Rasputin still spoke.

"Rasputin, what are you going to say? Why are you so serious?" Ulysses looked at Rasputin, who was shaking and blushing all over, in confusion.

"That is, I like... ah yah yah!" But just as Rasputin was about to say the most important thing to her, an accident suddenly happened.

The pink tree behind Rasputin suddenly swayed wildly. As if those green vines came back to life somehow, they entangled Rasputin like a snake in an instant, and then rolled her up to the tree.

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