Demon Bound

Chapter 8

Maria leaned on her demon as they made their way down the street towards Edith’s home. Well, maybe it would be more accurate to call it their home now. Either way, Maria was looking forward to getting home. It had been a rather long day with all the legal stuff and an impromptu dinner with friends, not that the dinner wasn’t fun! Maria enjoyed making new friends with Luna and Ahti. Though she still wished to have a more proper first date with Edith soon, because at this rate she’ll be meeting Edith’s parents before the first date. Needless to say, after all that, Maria was tired and ready to climb into that large soft bed and cuddle up to her cozy warm girlfriend.

“Are you sure you had a good time?” Edith asked Maria for the umpteenth time.

“Yes! I had a good time, Edith. You don’t need to keep asking.”

“I know… I just...” Edith sighed. “I don’t know. I wanted our dinner out to be more intimate, but then I just had to freeze up and let them join. I just feel bad.”

“It’s okay,” Maria said, giving her demon a side hug. “It was actually kind of cute seeing you get all nervous.” Because of Maria’s new magically enhanced sight, she could make out Edith blushing a little in the dark. “But Luna and Ahti were really nice. Well, except for Luna just outing me without a second thought.”

“Yeah. Believe me that happens a lot. That’s actually how Ahti found out her ex cheated on her.”

“Wow. Yeah, Ahti’s ex sounds like a really piece of work from what I heard of him tonight.”

“Gods, he really is. I’m so glad they aren’t together anymore. I felt like an ass when they did break up, because I was happy they weren’t together anymore, but Ahti was so heartbroken. She slept in my spare room for an entire week after the breakup because she didn’t want to see any of the stuff he left there…”

“I get it. My friend Sammy was in a really similar situation a couple of months ago, but I’m so glad they left that dick.” Maria suddenly paused. “Oh fuck! I forgot it was my birthday! People probably sent me messages. Shit, they might be worried that I haven't responded yet.” Maria immediately started searching for her phone, only to remember that it didn’t work in this plane and she had left it at home.

“Oh, right. I probably took you away from people and stuff you had planned…” Edith sounded a little upset with herself.

“What? No, no. I wasn’t planning on doing anything for my birthday. I even forgot about it, remember?”


“And you didn’t really take me away from any of my friends. I didn’t really have many friends that I could really see. Sammy is my closest friend, but our work hours are always different, so I don’t even see them often. Still, I mostly talk to them through texts and Discord.” Edith looked at her human with a bit of a sad look, and pulled Maria in a little closer, not really knowing what else to do. “It’s okay. It’s been that way for a while, but is there a way we can get my phone to work so I can let people know I’m okay?”

“Of course! We can head out to the market district and get that done in the morning. We can also get you some new clothes because your wardrobe is pitiful,” Edith finished off with a joking tone.

“Well, we all can’t have dresses straight out of the Victorian era.”

“I don’t have anything from the Victorian era. I’m only ninety-six.”

“But you… You have dresses that look Victorian.”

“Yes, but they aren’t. Celesque kinda stayed in the Victorian era style until like six decades ago. Then we sped our way to the modern era, but we kept the buildings.”

“Ohhh. Is that why you have that photo of your family that looks ancient?”

“Ha! Yes, that’s why that photo looks so old to you,” Edith said as they walked up to the front door. “Ah, home sweet home. By the Gods, it’s been a long day.”

“Yeah, it really has. But at least it was a fun one at the end. Especially when I got to see you freeze up and get all nervous.” Maria could see the light blush on Edith’s face as they stepped through the door.

“I’m not the only one who freezes up though,” Edith said, quickly losing her blush and putting on a mischievous look. “Like when I kissed you the first time? I’d been told I’m a good kisser but making someone faint from a kiss was new.”

“Oh my gods. I fainted because you are a literal demon!”

“Oh? Are you sure it was that and not because of my tongue?” Edith finished off by licking her lips the same way she had the first night. Maria just stared with wide eyes at Edith’s tongue. Her face flushed slightly as a small wave of arousal washed over her. Edith let out a deep chuckle. “Oh, it was definitely the tongue.”

Maria blinked a few times before managing to turn away from the devilish tongue. “Of course you would have a split tongue,” Maria mumbled. “I suppose that’s a demon trait then?”

“Yep, and if you end up being a demon, my dear, you’ll have one, too,” Edith said as she led Maria up the stairs. Maria paused for a split second. Yes, she had a bit of a kink for split tongues, but she had never thought about getting one herself. Now that was a very real possibility, however, she immediately wondered what making out would feel like. Edith chuckled lightly. “Oh, I can tell exactly where your mind just went from that look on your face.”

Maria blushed and kept looking straight ahead. “Well, we will just have to wait and see what I turn into… Fuck, it’s so weird to think I’m not going to be human anymore.” Maria finally made her way into the bedroom before flopping down on the bed, not even bothering to take her clothes off yet. A massive wave of exhaustion finally took over her. Edith sat down next to Maria’s prone form. Her tail, now back in the safety of their own home, found its way to wrapping around Maria’s calf again.

“I can’t imagine what that must feel like. But I will always be here for you, Maria,” Edith said before leaning down and giving the back of Maria’s head a kiss. Maria was glad that her face was stuffed into the blankets as it easily hid her immense blush caused by her demon’s sweetness.

“Thank you, Edith. Though you were the one that got me into this mess, so you have to take all the responsibility.” Unlike the last time Maria accused Edith of this, this time it was said jokingly. Edith chuckled.

“Oh, trust me. I will take responsibility for every part of your body. New and old.” Maria could hear the smirk in Edith’s voice. “But right now, how about I take care of you by getting you out of these clothes.”

Maria sighed. “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” With that Maria sat back up on the bed and started to get undressed. Before she could do anything however, Edith suddenly leaned in and started kissing her. Maria quickly swooned into the kiss as Edith’s exploring hands started to pull her shirt off. The two had to pull away from their kiss to get it off, and once that was done, Edith dove right into Maria’s neck.

Maria bit her lip in a moan as she felt Edith’s teeth on her neck. Though she was enjoying the feeling, Maria was still insanely tired from today.

“Edith…” Maria’s demon hummed a response from her neck. “I’m really tired…” Edith quickly pulled back from Maria’s neck, and instantly Maria felt bad. It wasn’t as if she didn’t want it, because she very much did. But she was too tired to reciprocate Edith’s advances. “I’m sorry…”

“Hey,” Edith said, running a hand through Maria’s hair, and making Maria look her in the eyes. “It’s okay. If you don’t want to do anything that’s perfectly fine. Don’t ever be sorry for not wanting some sexy time.” It put a smile on Maria’s face to hear Edith say that.

“Thank you. But it’s not that I don’t want it,” Maria said, closing her eyes and leaning into the hand running through her hair. “I’m just too tired to do anything back…”

Edith paused for a second, making Maria look at her again. “You know you don’t have to do anything back, my dear Maria.” The smirk was returning to Edith’s face.

“But I’d feel bad...”

“Maria, believe it or not, I really like making you feel good.” Edith brought their faces closer together. Maria could feel Edith’s warm breath on her lips. “I don’t need anything in return for wanting to make you feel good. This relationship isn’t about making sure we make each other come the same number of times.” Slowly, Edith started pushing Maria up fully onto the bed. “It’s about enjoying ourselves, and enjoying making each other feel good. If we were trying to even out the scale of how many times we’ve come, you would already be one ahead.”

Maria was now fully on the bed with her head on a pillow. Her legs were spread apart as one of Edith’s pushed between them. She could feel her cheeks heating up, as small waves of pleasure shot through her body at Edith’s words. Though the words were definitely doing something for her, it was the fact that her demon was now fully leaning over in a somewhat dominating way that really caused her womanhood to stir.

“If you would like me to make you feel good, Maria,” Edith’s tail slowly let go of her calf and ran up her leg until the tip was rubbing against her stirring arousal, “I will gladly turn you into a moaning mess.” Edith leaned in and gently nipped at Maria’s ear with her sharp teeth, causing her human to mewl a little bit. “But,” Edith pulled herself and her tail back, “If you don’t want to, that is perfectly okay, and we can just cuddle up to one another and get some sleep.”

Maria's face was bright red as she thought about Edith’s words. She was really tired, but who doesn’t love a good orgasm to fall asleep to? Also, her cocklett was screaming at her to be free already. Looking up at her demon with her new purple eyes, Maria nodded her head.

“I would like it.”

Edith smiled before putting a hand on Maria’s cheek. “You’re such a cute little girl, Maria,” the demon said just before leaning back in to kiss Maria.

Once again, Maria lazily swooned into the affectionate kiss. He arms wrapped around Edith’s neck, holding her close as her mouth opened to Edith’s eager tongue. Maria moaned lightly as her demon’s tail started to rub up against her covered hen. One of Edith’s hands slowly slipped under Maria in order to unclasp the piece of clothing stopping her from getting at Maria’s nipples. Maria realized Edith was all too skilled at removing a bra one handed like that, but she quickly pushed that thought out of her head.

When the two pulled away from their kiss to get Maria’s bra off completely, Maria found herself already panting. Edith only smiled as she looked down at her human. A warm red hand slowly ran down across Maria’s neck to her still covered hen. Of course, Edith couldn’t help but give one of Maria’s nipples a little pull on the way down, which caused Maria’s cocklett to jump slightly.

“You’re so beautiful, Maria,” Edith said as her tail moved out of her hand’s way and went back to Maria’s calf.

Maria was certain that her already flushed face was growing ever closer to Edith’s skin tone at her loving demon’s words. Much like the night before, though the compliment filled her with joy and euphoria, she still wasn’t the best at taking compliments. So instead of a ‘thank you’ she replied, “So are you, Edith.” Red eyes looked up and locked onto purple ones.

“Thank you, dear. You know you’re really cute when you don’t know how to take a compliment,” Edith chuckled out. Her words only succeeded in making Maria’s blush worse. Edith pulled her hand away from lightly kneading Maria’s arousal, which elicited a little groan from her. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to ignore her. I just thought I might get a bit comfortable as well.”

Edith started unbuttoning her top and made sure to take her sweet time. The demon’s eyes never left her lover, as Maria watched Edith’s little erotic stripping. Maria found her hen again screaming to be freed as Edith slowly freed herself of both her top and lacy bra. She could also see Edith’s cock making a noticeable bulge in the front of her pants. Maria couldn’t help but stare at the sight of her demon.

“Hmm, that’s much better, don’t you think?” Edith once again leaned over Maria, hovering just inches away from her face. Their nipples lightly rubbed against one another, and Maria let out a little whimper. “God’s you look so cute right now. But I know something that could make you even cuter.” Slowly, Edith leaned back to sit on her thighs, as her hands moved to Maria’s pant button. “Taking these off, so I can see your little hen.”

With a predatory smile, Edith slowly unbuttoned her jeans and started to pull them down. Maria’s little cocklett popped free of its confinement and slapped up against her stomach. An already very visible spot of pre dripped down onto her lower belly. Edith licked her lips again as she watched it happen.

“Aww, you’re all wet for me already,” Edith teased as she pulled Maria’s jeans down all the way off her smooth legs.

Wait. Maria felt as if something was off about the feeling, but she couldn’t figure it out. Or at least she couldn’t until she finally let her eyes fall from Edith's face to her own legs and privates.


Edith immediately stopped what she was doing and looked up at Maria. Maria meanwhile pushed herself up into more of a sitting position.

“Is everything okay?”

“I— Yes. But... I don’t have any hair.”

Edith raised an eyebrow at her human. “Yes, you do,” Edith said, nodding to Maria’s head.

“No, I mean I don’t have any pubes or leg hair.” Maria ran a hand across her smooth legs. Only then did she notice she had no hair on her arms either

“Is that a bad thing? I don’t have any.”

“No. It’s just I haven’t shaved in a couple days.” Maria curiously lifted her arm to look at her armpit. Lo and behold, she didn’t have any armpit hair either. “So, I should have some hair… I had hair this morning. I remember because I didn’t see a razor in your shower, and I thought I would need to get one because my legs were getting hairy. And now I don’t have any body hair!”

Edith rubbed one of Maria’s smooth legs. “Huh, I didn’t really notice. Probably because body hair is something demons don’t have. At least not naturally. I’ve heard that some like the look and feel so they use magic to grow it. Well, it looks like this is another one of your changes.”

“I thought you said they wouldn’t happen this fast.” Maria looked up at her demon with worry in her eyes.

“They don’t really, at least big ones. I mean losing body hair in a day isn’t a big fast change. I mean you could do that on your own with a razor in one day if you wanted.”

“That’s true…”

“Though I should mention…

“What?” Maria looked at her demon with more worry.

Edith bit her lip. “The more intimate a couple is the faster the changes will happen.”

“So they are going to happen fast!?”

“No. They… Fuck, I should have kept that pamphlet. Basically, being more intimate, which doesn’t just mean sex but also close bonding, can make the changes happen faster. And by fast, I mean instead of it taking a full year, maybe more, to complete, it could only take like three months.”

“That’s still pretty fast to completely change species…”

“I— I know,” Edith said, losing her smile. “I’m sorry, Maria. We can stop if you want, and take things a lot slower, so that the changes won’t happen so fast. I… I even have another bedroom if you want…” Maria looked at her demon who now seemed really upset. Both at the possibility they might be stepping away from each other a bit, and also at herself for not having given all the information to Maria as soon as she could.

Maria leaned forward and hugged Edith tightly. “No, I don’t want that… I would very much like staying in the same bed as you and getting as close to you as I can. I’m… I’m still just scared that these changes might make me more masculine again, because… Well, my body is ‘male’ after all…”

“Oh, Maria.” Edith held onto her human tightly. “That’s not going to happen, I promise you. These changes aren’t going to be like that. This magic follows your heart and soul, not your physical body. You are not going to be masculine in any way. Okay?” Edith asked, pulling back so that they could look each other in the eyes.

Maria wiped away a few stray tears that she hadn’t realized she’d shed before nodding. “Yeah. Okay… So I guess there’s a good chance I’m turning into a demon, considering the eyes and no body hair.”

“Maybe. There are other beings without body hair. My Mitéra doesn’t have body hair. Though she does occasionally sprout some leaves and flowers from her skin. Sometimes even patches of bark. Though it’s kind of a seasonal thing.”

Maria laughed lightly, just thinking about the absurdity of all this. “That’s really weird.”

“Hey, that’s not weird. That’s my Mitéra you're talking about, missy,” Edith said with playful annoyance on her face as she poked Maria’s side, which only made her laugh harder. “Oh, you think this is funny, do you?” Edith poked her side again, causing another giggle. “Fine, I’ll show you.”

With that, Edith once again dived into Maria’s neck, biting ever so gently. Just enough to make her ‘soon to be not human’ gasp out. Enjoying the sound, Edith did it again harder, and was rewarded with a moan. The pair lowered themselves back down to laying on the bed without Edith ever leaving Maria’s neck. One red hand gripped and clawed lightly at Maria’s hip, while another found its way to her breast.

Maria’s dwindled arousal quickly grew back in strides, as Edith’s teeth bit ever harder into her neck. The hand on her breasts decided groping just wasn’t enough right now and started to lightly pinch and pull at her nipple. Maria moaned out freely, as she felt and heard her demon purr into her neck, sending vibrating chills running down her spine. The chills culminated both in her now throbbing hen, as well as the very base of Maria’s spine, which was a rather new feeling. However, in the midst of Edith’s playful assault she didn’t notice.

A little begrudgingly on both sides, Edith pulled away from the moaning mess of a human’s neck and began kissing and nipping her way down. The hand that had once clawed at Maria’s hip now found itself sliding over to her cocklett. A wave of anticipation washed over Maria as she waited for Edith to finally give her arousal relief, only for Edith to start teasing her head with just her thumb. Maria groaned in sexual frustration as her demon chuckled into her breast.

Maria grabbed onto the back of Edith hair, holding on tightly as the devilish woman continued to make her way down. As she reached her stomach, the teasing on her hen stopped as Edith pulled it out of her way to lick at the now larger dribble of pre on Maria’s belly. With her head on a pillow, Maria watched her demon through slitted eyes, only for them to open wide when she saw her lover's tongue.

“Oh gods. Your tongue is really long,” Maria gasped out as she watched Edith give her stomach one final lick with her six-inch-long tongue.

Edith giggled lightly before saying, “Yes, it is. Do you like that, dear?”

Maria had to actually think about it, which wasn’t easy given the amount of pleasure running through her body. Though she did quickly come to the conclusion that Edith’s long split tongue was in no way a bad thing, and right now she really wanted nothing more than for it to be tasting her.

Eagerly, Maria nodded. “I just wasn’t —” Edith suddenly rubbed her thumb on the back of her cocklett’s head. “Wasn’t expecting it to be long.”

“I am a demon, dear. That is one thing humans typically associate with us.” Edith’s teasing grew harder.

“I— Fuck, I only saw that it was split, so I didn’t think there would be more to it.”

“Well then, I’m glad it’s a nice surprise.” Before Maria could reply, Edith leaned in and gave her cocklett a lick from base to tip. Maria could only groan as she felt the tongue finally taste her. The best part about it was that Edith’s tongue could lick all of her cocklett at once, which was a whole new level of licking. Alongside that, because of the split, Edith’s tongue could almost wrap around her little hen. Going back to non-demon blowjobs was no longer something Maria ever wanted to do. Spurred on by Maria’s groans, Edith started using her tongue all over her lover, finally getting to taste Maria like she said she would when they first met.

Maria, now turning into a moaning mess like Edith promised, found that it was a bit hard to hold onto Edith’s hair with both hands when there were horns in the way. Without really thinking, Maria let go of one hand, only to grab on to one of Edith’s horns. Her demon let out a rather loud and deep growl as she did, that shocked Maria. Maria immediately let go of both hands and pulled them back away from Edith.


Edith gave her one last lick before looking up and meeting Maria’s eyes. “Don’t be sorry. That wasn’t a bad growl, dear.” Maria still looked a little confused and skeptical. “I will admit it was louder than I intended, but it was a good growl. I very much liked you grabbing onto my horns, Maria.” The mischievous smile on Edith’s face did make Maria feel more at ease.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I really like it. So much so that you can grab onto both if you like.”

“Really? I’ve just had a partner before who didn’t like having their head grabbed because it made it feel forced…”

“Yes, it is really okay, and I don’t feel that way. To be honest, you are not strong enough to do anything to me I don’t want you to do. I just like it when you grab onto me like that.” Edith crawled back up her for a second. “I promise it’s okay, dear,” she said just before giving Maria a quick kiss on the lips. “Now can I get back to making you a moaning mess?” Maria gave her lover a nod, licking her lips and tasting herself on them. She was still a little nervous about it, but if Edith liked it then why not do it, right?

“Good,” the demon purred before going right back into giving Maria’s hen a tongue bath. A little tentatively, Maria reached forward and grabbed onto her demon’s horns. Another growl left Edith’s throat, as her eyes looked up at Maria. There was a hungry smile on her face and her eyes lit up like the first time they met. Edith’s hellishly warm breath washed over Maria’s hen one more, making her shudder, before Edith finally took her in her mouth.

Maria gasped, which then turned into a low drawn-out moan, finally feeling the wet warmth of Edith’s mouth. It was so much hotter than the few times Maria had ever penetrated someone, and not in a bad way. It felt like she was practically melting into Edith’s hungry mouth. Maria’s eyes drifted shut as she felt her shoulders slump, fully relaxed into the warmth of her lover. Edith couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of Maria, which ended up sending pleasurable vibrations down her engulfed hen.

Edith kept her pace slow and steady, letting Maria enjoy the feeling for as long as she could. The few times Maria’s hips rose up to meet her lovers’ mouth, Edith’s hands gently but firmly pushed them back down. Edith wanted to do all the work here. She wanted to make her lover a true mess without Maria doing a single thing.

Slowly but surely, Edith brought Maria ever closer to the summit of her orgasm. Maria felt the familiar tingling spread across her body as Edith sped up slightly. Without realizing it, she was pulling harder on her demonic lover’s horns as her body started to tense up. Maria's toes curled up tight as her legs squeezed the demon between them. Panting harder and harder, her body curled up slightly just before she managed to squeeze out the words, “Oh— Fu— Edith— I’m-!”

Everything seemed to burst inside Maria as she came, but her mind was only focused on the feeling of her cocklett spasming inside the hellish mouth. Her back arched as she moaned. Her legs closed in tighter around Edith as her toes curled and uncurled uncontrollably. Meanwhile, Edith happily growled into Maria as she watched her come. Edith’s mouth and tongue didn’t stop moving, only slowing down in perfect unison with Maria's decreasing climax.

Purring happily, Edith pulled away from Maria’s deflating hen as Maria watched through slitted and tired eyes. Edith decided to make a little show of swallowing her cum, which at any other time would have gotten a lot more of a reaction from Maria. Right now, though, being as it was an already long day and the fact that she just had the best head of her life, she was exhausted.

Edith chuckled to herself as she finally removed the rest of her own clothes, revealing her own continued and ignored arousal. This was about making Maria feel good, and that’s all she wanted. With care, Edith helped the very sleepy Maria under the covers and snuggled up behind her. As Edith pulled her in close to be the little spoon, she felt Edith’s cock against her and instantly felt bad.

“I’m sorry, Edith,” Maria said weakly, as she turned to look at her demon.

“Whatever for?”

“I didn’t do anything for you.”

“Maria,” Edith called as she sat up a little to look at her. “There is no reason to be sorry. I very much enjoyed myself, and I very much enjoyed watching you come because of me. I am more than satisfied with everything.” A red hand came up and rested on Maria’s cheek. “Come now. Let’s get some sleep, dear. And if you feel the same way in the morning… Well, I won’t say no to some morning fun.” Edith gave Maria one last smirk before leaning in and giving her a gentle kiss. The kiss was so sweet and gentle that Maria had trouble pulling away, but still they both needed to sleep and couldn’t kiss all night long.

With little effort Edith snuggled back up to her little spoon and kissed the back of Maria’s head. “Goodnight, my Maria.”

“Goodnight, Edith.”

After two sfw chapters, I thought it was time to bring some of the sexy stuff back. Hope you all enjoyed!

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