Demon Bound

Chapter 15

Rounding the corner and looking back into the store Maria could see a small group of demons standing in front of Edith. Though Maria had been here for nearly two weeks now, she had yet to interact with any other demons besides her lover, so this would be a first. Though she was not feeling the best about this for some reason. Maybe it was because they called her Edith a halfbreed?

“Minx,” Edith started dryly, “what are you and your lackeys doing in such a nice place like Celesque?”

“Oh, we're just out having some fun, cousin,” the leader of the small demon pack said. Minx wasn’t the tallest of demons, even compared to her group, but the pink colored demon stood a rough five foot three, with large, fluted horns that easily made up the height difference. Honestly, how heavy must those things be?

Wait, that’s Edith’s cousin? Edith has cousins?! Maria stood back behind one of the racks, watching from the other side of the store, not sure if her presence would do much good. Also these girls looked and sounded similar to the kind of people back on earth that would pick on her for being trans, and Maria really didn’t want a confrontation...

“Isn’t fun for you getting fucked sideways by some ugly human sleazebag while you steal his life energy?” Edith stood her ground, putting on a face of caring little of the conversation. Maria could see the tip of Edith’s tail flick back and forth like an annoyed cat.

Minx chuckled. “You say that like it isn’t what normal demons do. Oh wait, you’re not normal are you, halfbreed?” The posse of demons behind her snickered, and Maria felt her blood boil.

“You know as well as I do that demons don’t do halfbreeds. Otherwise, you’d be half the ugly human bastard your mother fucked to get knocked up. Right, halfbreed?” Though Maria couldn’t actually see the smirk on her lover’s face, she could definitely hear it in her voice.

Minx’s face scrunched up in anger, as apparently that was a sore subject for her. Some of her gang even looked angry at Edith, though one looked shocked by what Edith had said and was now looking at Minx in surprise.

Oh so, Minx lets her friends know about her ‘halfbreed’ cousin but doesn’t tell them all she’s in the same boat. Maria couldn’t help but be pissed off at how hypocritical Edith’s cousin was about her lover’s heritage.

“Well at least I’m normal where it counts,” Minx said while making an obvious glance down at Edith’s privates. 

Edith let out a laugh, seemingly unbothered by her cousin’s words. “You know perfectly well that there’s nothing wrong with a woman packing a little extra down there. Besides, I rather enjoy packing both. Means I can experience more pleasure than your succubus ass ever could. Oh, how fucking good it feels to sink my cock in a dripping cunt while mine gets filled at the same time,” Edith said with a sultry purr to her voice. “But you would never understand what that feels like, would you? Not unless you use some body shaping spell and give it a try. Who am I kidding, you would never want to be a ‘freak’ like me down there would you?” Though Minx seemed more pissed off than anything, one or two of the friends looked rather flustered. One even obviously mulling over Edith’s idea.

Though Edith sounded completely unfazed by the talk of her different equipment setup, Maria knew that her demon had some uneasy feelings about what other people thought of her. To further confirm this, Maria could see Edith’s tail wiggling around, as if searching for something. It took a split second before Maria realized that the tail was probably looking for her calf to hold onto for reassurance.

Oh gods. She should be up there. She should be helping defend her lover and telling that bitch to fuck off back to Hell or wherever she’s from. But Maria’s legs wouldn’t move. Though she knows she needs to be up there, this is all too similar to confrontations Maria had in the past with transphobes. Just random strangers on the street who decided that her being trans was a direct attack on them and their precocious cisnormativity.

“Well at least I’m not a freak born from ‘love’,” Minx shot back and Maria saw Edith go stiff.

Oh fuck her! Fucking fuck her and fuck her fucking friends for laughing! Maria felt her little tail angrily flick back and forth inside her pants, which was a strange feeling, but there were more important things at the moment. Maria needs to be up there, telling this bitch to fuck off! If only her god damn legs would fucking move!

As Maria blinked, a sudden sense of dizziness and weightlessness washed over the budding demon. It only lasted for the split second her eyes were closed, and when her violet eyes opened, Maria found herself standing right in front of the group of harassing demons, right by her scarlet lover’s side.

No one said a word. Everyone just stared wide-eyed at the budding demon who suddenly appeared in the middle of rather hostile conversation. Somehow Maria managed to pull her eyes away from the pink demon to turn and look at her love with a look of ‘what the fuck just happened’ on her face. Edith in turn stared back at Maria, shocked at her sudden appearance.

Suddenly a bursting laugh came from Minx, breaking the air of shock. Almost instantly Edith’s tail wrapped around her calf tightly as the pair turned back to the posse of demons.

“Oh Hells! Haha! You—you fucking—haha!” Minx could barely get the words out because she was laughing so hard. She was also incredibly loud. Loud enough that store goers were openly turning to look at them instead of pretending not to hear.

“You did a—a nuptiea!” Suddenly all her posse caught onto what was happening, looked back at the couple in shock, before bursting out laughing as well. “Oh gods! You’re a freak just like your sorry excuse of a mother! ‘Oh look at me, I’m Edith and I want to love like my dear old freak mom!’ Haha!”

Maria found Edith’s arm wrapping around her to protectively pull her behind her demon. Edith also began to growl animalistically at the laughing demon.

“Don’t you fucking dare call my mom a freak!”

“All right, that’s enough!” a new voice shouted. All of the demons, including Edith, suddenly went completely silent.  Though the posse was still laughing hard, and Edith clearly had a growling sneer on her face. All of the demons quickly realized that they couldn’t make noise just as the owner showed up, her arms crossed and a mean look on her face.

Minx turned to the owner, angrily trying to say something at her, but nothing came out of her mouth. Still, that didn’t stop her trying again, and again... Her groupies even joined in. Edith however just stayed quiet by Maria’s side.

“Now, you’ve caused a bit of a ruckus in my store and I don’t like that. If you want your voices back, you’re welcome to leave, and you’ll get it back.”

This only angered the pink succubus even more. Minx tried to get right up in the human’s face, but before she could the owner waved her hand casually. Suddenly Minx spun around on the spot until she was facing the door. The succubus almost fell over, but did manage to find her footing, albeit clumsily. She turned back around and made for the owner again, and the process repeated itself.

Maria watched the little show, slightly amused by the sight of Edith’s bitch of a cousin getting more and more frustrated. The budding demon couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight and was surprised she actually made a sound. It also seemed that everyone else, except the witch, was surprised by this. Apparently, the owner hadn’t actually considered Maria a part of this ‘ruckus’ which was nice.

Sadly, this nice surprise for Maria only made the succubus and posse more upset, but like before, the owner wasn’t having any of it. This time instead of turning just Minx, she turned the whole group of rowdy demons, Edith and Maria excluded. The witch didn’t even do anything different than her lazy hand gesture, which was rather impressive to Maria even though she had no knowledge of whether what the witch was doing was hard or not. 

Eventually Minx seemed to finally have had enough and quickly stormed out, her groupies following close behind. 

“Bye, don’t come again,” the witch said dryly. Minx turned to give her the finger and shout from outside. However, the door slammed in her face, cutting off any sound. “Well, that takes care of that,” she said before turning to face the couple. “You’re not going to be rowdy, are you?” Edith shook her head, before bowing apologetically. “Alright,” she said and Edith let out an audible sigh of relief. “Next time I would appreciate it if you took your family drama outside and refrain from using such language in my store.”

“Sorry, Miss. It won’t happen again,” Edith apologized.

“Good.” The witch turned to Maria. “Here are your measurements,” she said, handing over a small piece of paper. “There should be a decent amount in your size, but if you find something that you like that isn’t, let me know and I’ll size it for you. If that’s everything, I need to get back to the counter.” The demon couple nodded their reply before the witch went back to her counter.

Alone once again, Edith frantically turned to Maria with a confused look on her face. “Did you teleport over here?”

Maria looked back at her demon with a little wide-eyed look. “Um... Maybe?”

That didn’t seem to satisfy Edith much. “What happened exactly?

“I um... I really wanted to be over here with you, but the thought of confrontation made me really scared and my legs wouldn’t move...” She admitted sheepishly. “Then I blinked and all of a sudden I was standing here.”

Edith took a slow deep breath. “Well that’s a surprise.” 

“What do you mean?”

“Teleporting is a hard thing to do. Most people never even learn how to do it. Even at short ranges. Do you feel drained at all?” Edith asked as her arm wrapped around Maria’s waist.

“I—I don’t think so.” Was her teleporting really that impressive? She’d seen Edith do it rather casually a small number of times in the past two weeks. Mostly when taking her to bed after making out on the couch, but still. Edith never seemed too bothered by it, and Maria had just assumed it was a thing demons could do.

“Well, regardless, thank you for coming to my aid,” Edith said with a big smile, before kissing Maria’s forehead, making her blush.

“I didn’t really do anything. I feel like I made it even worse by showing up...”

Edith shook her head. “You didn’t make anything worse, dear. Minx is a bitch and was going to be a bitch no matter what happened. She would also probably find out about our relationship at some point and make fun of me for it anyway, so might as well have gotten it over with.”

Maria cuddled up to her demon’s side as Edith led her over to some of the stuff she had been looking at. “I’m still sorry about you having that bitch as a cousin.”

“Most of my cousins are assholes to me, anyway. I don’t really like any of them either so it’s whatever.”

“Why are all your cousins assholes to you?” Maria asked rather surprised. “And how many cousins do you have?”

Edith took a deep breath as she looked through a rack to find something in Maria’s size. “A lot. Mom has seven siblings and most of them have at least three kids.”

“You have twenty-one cousins?!”

“Twenty-six. Or at least last time I bothered to check. It’s been a while.”

“Holy shit. Okay. How do you even remember all their names?”

“I don’t,” Edith said, pulling out a rather scandalous bra that made Maria blush simply looking at it. “Like I said, they’re all assholes to me so I don’t really care for them.”

Maria found that rather sad. She herself didn’t have any cousins as both her parents were the only child, but she had always heard what it’s like to have a big family from her friends. She had always been jealous. Maria didn’t really want to push the subject, but she really did want to know more about her girlfriend/wife/soulmate.

“Why are they all mean to you?”

Edith paused in her search for the sexiest things she could find and looked down at the ground. “Mom and I are the black sheep of the family.”

“What? Why?” The second that came out of Maria’s mouth she realized from what Minx had been saying to Edith it was rather obvious...

“Well for starters, we don’t live in Hell. We didn’t follow the tradition of becoming succubi, and... Well...” Maria could see some tears forming in her lover’s eyes. “We wanted love...”

The budding demon felt tears of her own form as she gave her love the biggest hug she could. Edith gave her a little sad smile in return and leaned into her slightly.

“I’m sorry, Edith.”

“It’s okay,” the scarlet demon said, wiping away one or two tears that managed to fall. “I don’t really care what they think of me to be honest. I couldn’t honestly give a fuck. But it’s... It’s when they insult mom that really pisses me off. They all put mom through the ringer when she and mitéra got married, and it really hurt her to lose some of her siblings over it.”

Maria didn’t know what to say as she stayed by Edith’s side. Edith had talked about how romance and relationships weren’t really a big thing in demon culture before, so Maria wasn’t fully surprised by what she just witnessed. Still, watching her demon get directly made fun off because of it was really upsetting. Though Edith was still putting on a brave face, her tail was like a vice on Maria’s calf, giving away her real feelings of insecurity.

“Come on,” Edith said, breaking the upsetting silence. “Let's forget about that bitch and get you into some of these,” the scarlet demon said, holding up some of the underwear she had picked out for Maria. The budding demon couldn’t help but blush at the small selection her lover had picked out. Of course Edith would go for the one that would clearly show everything. Regardless, Maria nodded her head before heading off to the fitting rooms in the back of the store.

“I do have one question if that’s okay?”


“So on Earth most people think succubi are like a breed of demons, but you said you didn’t follow that path.”

“There are a small number of different demon breeds, but being a succubus or incubus is a profession rather than a breed. Remember how I said that a demon’s body will change to fit who they are?” Maria nodded “Well when a demon realizes who they want to be, or what they want to do it shifts to fit that. Sometimes. So succubi and incubi typically shift to be sexier or have more exaggerated sexual features.”

“But wouldn’t their body already fit who they are and want to be beforehand because it’s their soul that defines the body?”

“Yeah, that is true. But another part of it is self-exploration.” Edith let out a sigh as she opened the door to one of the fitting rooms. “Demon biology is really fucking weird and complicated. I took a class on it in college and even then, I still don’t really understand it. Like I said it’s not a ‘normal’ thing for a demon to be born intersex like me, which is true that doesn’t happen for children of two demons. But there are plenty of intersex demons, they just have their bodies shift later in life to fit or use shaping spells to give it a try.”

“So when you say being intersex isn’t ‘normal’, it’s just not typical to be born intersex but becoming intersex after you birth is completely fine? Whether by spell or demon bodies doing what demon bodies do?

“Exactly,” Edith said, locking the door behind them with her tail as she set the lingerie on the hooks.

“But bitches like Minx will still pick on you for it? That’s really fucked up.”

“They only do it because of who my parents are, not really because there’s a problem with being intersex.”

“That’s still really fucked up, stupid, and hypocritical.”

“The multiverse may be more socially accepting than Earth, but that doesn’t mean it’s perfect. There will always be assholes and people who don’t like those who are different from them.” Maria let out a little defeated sigh, not knowing what else to say. “Alright, enough of dumb racial stuff, lets get you undressed,” Edith said, with her typical hungry look returning to her face as she goes in to start undressing Maria.

The budding demon let out a small squeak as her lover quickly stripped her of any clothing, leaving her completely nude in the small fitting room. Though Edith had seen her naked plenty of times, Maria still felt a little embarrassed having her lover’s eyes approvingly wander over her nude form. Her little tail nervously flicked back and forth. The feeling was strange, very strange, but also natural in some odd way. Like it had always been part of her, even though it only started growing in the past few days. Though it felt natural to have, she still had very little control over it yet. It pretty much did whatever it wanted, which was nothing most of the time. But every now and then it would start moving.

Edith chuckled lightly as she watched Maria try to get her tail to stop flicking around. Upon hearing the chuckle Maria couldn’t help but blush and decide to leave her new appendage alone. Taking a breath to calm herself, Maria reached out to start putting on a matching pair of underwear that Edith had picked out, while said demon leaned against the wall, intently watching.

The underwear felt great. The bra was perfectly fitted and supportive, even though the soft lacy material looked like it would be more akin to a bralette than an actual supportive bra. It was also so soft and light. She barely even felt it. 

The underwear was also incredibly comfortable. There was a hole in the back for her tail to slip through, so it wasn’t trapped inside, though the hole was too large for her at the moment. Also, the front had extra material in it to basically cradle her junk. It felt a little strange to wear underwear that purposefully had a bulge in the front so that it wouldn’t feel tight and constrictive on her external reproductive organs, after wearing underwear built for people with internal organs for so long. Though Maria had never been one to fully tuck before, as she found it more of a hassle than anything, there was a pang of dysphoria at having such a visible bulge in her underwear. She was still so used to having to hide the fact that she had a penis, that showing it off like this felt weird. 

“That looks really good on you,” Edith said with a genuine smile, and just like that Maria’s little bit of hesitance with the underwear washed away. It looked good on her. Edith liked how it looked on her. There was nothing wrong with having a little extra down there. Edith sure did, and her underwear never tried to flatten and hide it away. Hells, her pants seemed to try and show it off, which did things to Maria.

“Thank you,” Maria said bashfully.

“Though I think it would still look better off of you.”

Maria rolled her eyes at her love. Of course she would say that cheesy line.

“You say that about everything I wear.”

“What can I say?” Edith gave a smirk and a shrug. “I just like seeing my little Maria naked.”

There was something in the slightly possessive way Edith called her ‘her little Maria’, that sent shivers down the budding demon’s spine, and now newly minted tail. It also just so happened that Edith knew quite well the effect she had on Maria.

“Well you get to see me naked quite a bit. You sure you’re not used to it yet?” Maria asked as a quip, but there was a little hint of worry in her question. Would Edith get used to seeing her naked? Would it become just normal and no longer exciting?

“Oh, my dear,” Edith said, pushing off of the wall and taking a step forward, causing Maria to push back against the other wall of the small space. The scarlet demon put a hand on either side of the budding demon, trapping her in. “I could never get tired of seeing—” Edith leaned in close, showing off her superior height, “—my little girl. No matter if you're fully clothed.” Edith’s tail slid up her thigh and over her hip, barely brushing against her contained sex. “Wearing only some sexy lingerie.” Her tail now wrapped around Maria’s waist pulling the two together. “Or completely naked.” Maria could feel Edith’s growing arousal on her own, and was surprised, though she shouldn’t be, to find her own had been growing. “I will always want you, Maria,” Edith whispered right into her ear.

Maria gulped and shivered under her lover’s dominance. Her breath was already a little ragged, and her hips were moving on their own. Grinding her hard hen into her love. Edith chuckled in her ear, before giving the tip a nip. The budding demon did her best to hold in a little “eep.” Gods, Edith really would have made a good succubus... But the thought of sharing Edith with others didn’t sit right with her. Edith was hers, and she was Edith's.

As if to help her mind solidify the fact, Maria grabbed onto her demon’s hips, grinding harder, as her head turned to the side to meet her lover’s lips. Maria couldn’t help but let out a small satisfied groan as she kissed her girlfriend. Edith returned the pleased groan and kissed her back hungrily. 

Oh gods, is this going to happen? Are they really about to do something in a changing room? Are they going to fuck in this tiny room with people just inches away? Oh gods, will she be able to stay quiet? She’s normally quiet, but ever since meeting Edith she had progressively gotten louder in the bed. Oh gods this will be hard, but so fun! Speaking of hard, her little hen definitely feels harder than normal. Holy shit, her cocklet’s going to work fully again soon. Maybe. Can she fuck Edith? Oh what would it feel like to be inside her demon?

“Everything alright with you two in there?” The voice of the owner cut through the couple's passion, suddenly ending the kissing, and leaving Maria with a massive blush on her face. 

“Everything’s fine,” Edith said as if she hadn’t just intended to fuck her girlfriend in this woman’s store. “Just wanted to make sure everything fits properly.”

“Let me know if you need anything.”

“Will do.”

With that the pair could hear the owner walk away.

“Oh gods,” Maria quietly whispered. “Did we really just do that?”

Eidth smirked. “Of course, we had to make sure it will fit at all times.”

“What?” Maria asked. Edith just glanced down, causing Maria to look down. Oh wow. Erection fully contained in underwear, and it doesn’t feel awkward or constricting. And yes, it was definitely bigger and harder than a week ago.


Another chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed it ;3

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