Demon Bound

Chapter 12

Hey everyone! I wrote this chapter before the Sammy Interlude, so there is a little overlap between the two, I hope you don't mind.

“That was a rather fun outing,” Edith said, pulling Maria in closer to her. After an interesting dinner out with Sammy and Ahti, the couple found themselves heading back home on one of the many trolleys in Celesque. Though neither of them felt any sort of cold, they were still cuddled up close on the very empty trolley. The only other person on it was the driver who was actually reading a book instead of driving. Edith had told Maria the trolleys were driven magically, and the drivers were really there to make sure nothing went wrong. It reminded her of those fancy self-driving cars back on Earth, where you still needed someone at the wheel even if they weren’t driving.

“Yeah, it was. Well mostly at the end. When we first got to earth it was a bit precarious, I guess you could say, having to hide all this from Sammy. But I’m really glad we told them. It would have really sucked to keep hiding all this from them.”

“Yeah, I could see that on your face when we were trying to skirt around it all. I think it was well worth it to tell them. I wouldn’t want you to lose any friends because of being with me,” Edith admitted a little sheepishly.

“I wouldn’t let that happen,” Maria said, leaning up to kiss her demon. Or would it be her fellow demon now…? “I’m just happy they seemed to accept all this really well, too. Also, if it wasn’t worth telling Sammy just so I could be honest about my life, it was well worth it to see their face when they finally saw the real Ahti.” Maria still couldn’t help but giggle at it.

“That was pretty amazing,” Edith said with a laugh. “I’m really glad I invited Ahti. Not only did it get her away from her ex, but it seemed like her and Sammy had a good time.”

“They really did.” It was nice to see Sammy getting along with someone in a potentially more than friendly way. They hadn’t been with anyone since their bad ex and often avoided the idea of a new relationship out of fear. Hopefully Ahti might help with breaking that.

“I’m actually kind of surprised Ahti was that interested in Sammy.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah. Ahti has always very much leaned towards more masculine and more… I don’t want to say dominant because she doesn't like people controlling her, but they were at least trying to be more dominant. Well, her ex was… The manipulative kind of dominant to say the least.”

“Huh. I would have thought she was kind of like you when it came to…” Maria trailed off.

“Oh no, she is. Or at least when I’ve slept with her, she is.

“You’ve slept with her!?”

“Yeah. Only a couple of times. We tried the whole friends with benefits thing for like two months. Nothing really came of it though and we stopped.”

Maria wasn’t too sure how she felt about that. Well, it shouldn’t be a surprise that Edith had other sexual partners before. She’s seven decades older than Maria, so it would make sense that she’s been with a few people. Suddenly Maria felt she was being hypocritical. She’s talked about old partners with Edith. There is no point in getting jealous over Edith’s past partners. They were together now, and they were literal fucking soulmates!

“Oh okay,” Maria said, doing her best to sound neutral to it. “So, it’s surprising she seems to be into Sammy?”

“Yeah. And I wouldn’t say ‘seems to be’ into Sammy. I think it’s pretty obvious she’s into them. She’s always said she finds humans cute. She also walked them home.”

“Right, she did!” Maria remembered just how hard Sammy was blushing when Ahti said she would, saying ‘A cute little thing like you shouldn’t be walking about the streets at night all by yourself’. Though that did prompt another question. “Will she be okay trying to find her way back to the gate at night by herself?”

“Oh, Gods yeah. Ahti’s bite is way worse than her growl.”

“Do you mean that literally or figuratively?” Maria couldn’t help but ask with a giggle.

“Both,” Edith replied with her own chuckle. “But still, I’m happy she’s kind of going after Sammy. They seem like a good person, considering how fast they accepted a literal demon had taken their best friend. I think it would be a really good change of pace for her.”

Maria nodded. “It might also be good for Sammy, finally moving on from… Gods, I won’t even say his name, that monster.” Edith gave her a look of worry. “It’s okay. Like I said, this will probably be a really good thing for Sammy.”

Maria’s newly magical phone vibrated in her pocket. Pulling it out she found a new text from Sammy. Opening it up showed her a screenshot of their contact for her, with the new name ‘Maria, the demon fucker’. Maria couldn’t help but laugh out loud and show said demon.

“Ha! That’s pretty accurate. Maybe we could make that even more accurate when we get home?” Edith whispered the last sentence in Maria’s ear, causing her to blush hard. Edith chuckled, “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’?” Maria only blushed harder before giving a nod a second later. The red demon smirked and kissed Maria’s head.

Going back to the text, Maria quickly opened up her contact for Sammy and did some altering of her own. Before long she sent off a screenshot of the contact that read ‘Sammy, Ahti’s cute little furry’. A reply soon returned.


Sammy: !!!That’s not funny!!!

Maria: No, it’s cute ;3


Maria: She finished walking you home?

Sammy: Almost home now.

Maria: Then stop texting me and keep talking with her!


“How’s it going?” the curious demon asked.

“Good so far, I think. Hopefully it ends well.” Maria couldn’t help but smile.

“Oh?” Edith asked with a mischievous raised eyebrow.

“Not like that!” Maria laughed. “Sammy needs things to go a little slower than what happened with us.”

“Well, if I were them, I certainly wouldn’t complain if something more happened.”

“That’s because you’re a nymph.”

“Hey, I am not a nymph. My Mitéra might be one, but I’m not. I thought we already discussed this.”

“Oh. No. I mean. Fuck, is it bad to say nymphomanic?” There wasn’t actually a word for nymphomaniac in Infernal so she just had to say it in English. Edith suddenly burst out laughing. “Is it?!”

“Oh Gods,” Edith could barely talk, she was laughing so hard. “What does that even mean? Someone who’s manic for nymphs?”

 “Uh…” Maria suddenly got embarrassed. “It means someone who is really hypersexual and has an excessive sex drive.” She said it quietly so that the driver wouldn’t hear. Her response only made Edith laugh harder.

“That is fucking beautiful! By the Gods. Ha! I’m going to have to tell Mitéra about this. Oh fuck, that’s amazing.” Edith slowly seemed to be calming down from her laughing fit, but she couldn’t help but giggle every now and then.

“So I probably shouldn’t say that?”

“No. Might be for the better. But it might actually be a little accurate, funnily enough.”

Maria nodded in response, before remembering something. “Oh, aren’t we seeing your parents for dinner tomorrow?”

“Oh right, we are.” Edith scrunched up her face in thought, before looking down at Maria “The last few days have been pretty hectic and crazy, haven’t they?”

“Yeah, a little bit,” Maria admitted.

“I was kind of hoping to use today to relax and just spend some time together. We haven’t really done that yet.”

“Well, we have a bit. We cuddled for a long time this morning.”

“Yeah, but I mean like a full day to relax and just be with each other without distraction or things coming up.”

Maria nodded. It would be nice to have a day like that.

“Would you be opposed to doing that tomorrow?”

“But what about your parents?”

“They’ll understand. I really think it would be good for us to have a day like that before we do anything else.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, dear.” Edith gave her a reassuring smile. “I would actually really like that. Our stop is almost here. I’ll give them a quick call when we get off.”

“Okay.” Maria was a little worried about upsetting Edith’s parents, but fuck, she really liked the idea of just a calm full day of Edith and her to themselves.

The trolley came to a slow stop and the pair stepped off. Luckily the stop was just at the end of the street, so it wasn’t a long walk back home. Edith quickly pulled out her phone and started calling her parents. Meanwhile, Maria felt her phone vibrate again.


Sammy: Why did you let this happen to me?

Maria: Because you’re adorable. Did you two stay at the front door awkwardly not knowing how to say goodbye, like two lovebirds in a romcom?

Sammy: Is scrying a spell you can cast now? Because if so, I don’t appreciate you spying on me. XP

Maria: That is such a forever DM thing to say. And that’s adorable!  Did she give you a kiss goodnight? :3

Sammy: ...Yes…


Sammy: It was only on the cheek though!!!

Maria: Did you want one on the lips?

Sammy: ...maybe…

Maria: Aww… Well, will there be a next time for it to potentially happen?

Sammy: We gave each other our phone numbers, and she said I better text her.

Maria: !!!!! YES!!!! DO IT!!!!

Sammy: Well considering she just texted me...

Maria: What did she say?


There was a pause that lasted long enough for Edith to get off the phone.

“Anything happening?”

“Ahti gave them a kiss on the cheek goodnight.”

“Hm, I’m surprised she didn’t go for the lips.”

“Me too. I was kind of hoping.”

Maria’s phone vibrated.


Sammy: She said ‘come outside, I changed my mind’.

Maria: And?

Sammy: I went outside…

Maria: And?????????

Sammy: She gave me another kiss goodnight… On the lips…

Maria: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! I am definitely keeping your new contact name!

Sammy: This is all because you fucked a literal demon! I hope you know that!

Maria: It is, and I’m happy about that. And you’re happy too right? :3

Sammy: Yes… Thank you. <3

Maria: You’re welcome! Love ya!

Sammy: Love you too!


“So?” Edith asked, opening the front door for her lover.

“She came back and kissed them on the lips.” Maria couldn’t help but smile.

“That’s my girl!” Edith said triumphantly.

Maria chuckled and started heading up the stairs. “So what did your parents say?”

“Oh, they said that is absolutely fine, and for us to take as long as we need before going to see them. They always have pretty open schedules, but Mom does work during the morning most days.”

“Are you really sure it’s okay?”

“Yes, Maria,” Edith said following Maria into the bedroom. “It is perfectly fine. And I’m more than excited to spend a whole day with you alone.” Edith wrapped her arms around Maria from behind before she could start undressing. “And to be able to do whatever I want to you.” The demon nipped at the top of Maria’s ear, causing her to gasp a little bit.

“Would you like that, Maria?” Edith pressed herself fully up against Maria’s back, as her tail wrapped around the budding demon's hips, holding her in place. “To have Mistress do whatever she pleases with you?” Edith half growled into her ear.

Maria’s face quickly began to flush as a shiver ran down her spine at her demon’s words. She really liked the sound of Edith’s idea. She couldn’t help but squirm happily in Edith’s grasp, putting her arms over Edith’s tight grip on her. Her lovers already growing bulge pressing against her ass and now newly sensitive tailbone, causing her to let out a small moan.

“I need an answer, Maria,” Edith chided lightly in her ear.

“Yes.” Maria could hear the eager shakiness of her own voice. She had never actually done a Mistress/sub roleplay before. Truthfully, she had never wanted to before, but something about the idea of Edith being her Mistress set a fire inside of her.

“Yes what?” Edith bit the top of her ear, as one of her hands clawed at Maria’s clothed hip, making her mewl lightly.

Much like the day Maria woke up, she did feel a wave of embarrassment run through her at the prospect of calling Edith “Mistress,” but mixed in with it was a rush of hellish pleasure. She gulped lightly before whispering shakily, “Yes, Mistress.”

“What was that? I couldn’t hear you, you were so quiet, Pet.” Edith ground herself into Maria’s rear, making her moan out lightly, her mind fizzling a little at being called ‘Pet’.

“Yes, Mistress,” Maria finally managed to say at a more audible level, even though she fully knew Edith could hear her the first time.

“Hmm that’s a good girl. Now whatever shall I do with you, dear?” The demon’s hands roamed over Maria’s body as the tail held her in place.

 Maria couldn’t help but gasp as one hand ran up to cup her breasts, teasing at the nipple still covered by clothing. The other scarlet hand made its way to the front of her pants, and happily groped at the already noticeable bulge.

“Would my Pet be comfortable with touching a part of her Mistress she had yet to pleasure?” Though there was a tone of dominance in Edith’s voice, there was still sincerity in the question.

It embarrassed Maria that it took a second for her to remember that Edith had a vagina. It wasn’t as if she was avoiding it, it just hadn’t really come up. Maybe it was a subconscious thing that she avoided it for fear of it giving her dysphoria, but she didn’t want that. She didn’t want her lover's body making her feel bad about her own. Besides, Edith said a demon’s body will naturally change to fit who they are, so since Maria is now a budding demon that means she should grow one of her own. It was actually a weird thought, growing your own vagina. She had always hoped for surgery one day, but that was surgery, not literally growing a vagina. And what would happen to her penis during all this? Oh boy. This is not a road Maria wanted to go down right now. She wants to be in the moment with her lover.

Taking a breath to shake the previous thoughts from her mind, Maria spoke, “I would very much like to, Mistress.” Again, a tingle of naughty pleasure ran down her spine at calling her demon lover “Mistress” combined with the already pleasurable feeling of her Mistress’s cock on her tailbone.

Edith gave an approving growl. “My, my. Aren’t you such a good girl?” Maria’s demon chuckled in her ear, and made to pull away, but suddenly stopped. “If you ever want me to stop, or if things start making you feel dysphoric, let me know and we will stop. Okay?” Her voice lost all dominance and was sweet and reassuring. It made Maria’s heart melt for her loving demon all over again, knowing that Edith truly cared about her.

“Yes. Thank you.”

“Good,” Edith finished with a kiss on the back of her head. “Now,” the demon started, pulling away to step in front of her pet. “I think the first order of business is for you to undress your Mistress.” Edith used a finger to lift Maria’s gaze to meet hers. “Don’t you think, Pet?”

“Yes, Mistress,” The budding demon said with enthusiasm. Maria had yet to actually undress Edith herself so far. Well, the first night when they made love she had helped, but it was more of a ‘let’s get these off as fast as we can’, rather than actually undressing her properly. Edith simply smiled down at Maria, clearly waiting for her to start.

Reaching forward, Maria started unbuttoning her Mistress’s shirt. Her eyes were glued to her lover’s newly exposed red skin, as she felt Edith’s hungry gaze on her making her flush with nervousness. Her fingers slipped once or twice, when she caught herself staring at the lingerie Edith had on underneath.

Apparently nearly all of Edith’s underwear and bras were lingerie, except for some workout clothes. While it did cause Maria a significant amount of dripping arousal, as her wet panties would indicate, it did make her feel a little jealous. By the time she had started wearing more feminine undergarments herself, she couldn’t afford all the nice lacey things she once desired. She did realize she could actually afford it now, however. Though the thought of going lingerie shopping was incredibly embarrassing.  She couldn’t even bring herself to step foot in a Victoria Secret back on Earth, not that she could buy anything if she did.

“Enjoying what you're seeing, Pet?” Edith put a finger under her chin and brought her eyeline back up to meet hers. “I thought you would have steadier hands, but you keep slipping. I fear if you can’t keep your hands steady, a button might snap off. Neither of us would want that now, would we?” Edith’s eye glared down at her disapproval and a promise of punishment if she did snap a button off.

There was definitely a part of Maria that wanted to know what her Mistress would do to punish her. A part that wanted to rebel and defy her Mistress in hopes of sweet pain and punishment, but that part of her would have to wait. Right now, she wanted to be the good girl who puts every fiber of her being into pleasuring her Mistress.

“No, Mistress. I would not wish to damage your clothes.”

Admittedly as much as she liked being dominated this way, she hadn’t had much experience and trying to react back to Edith’s prompts was a little clumsy. Though Edith didn’t seem to mind at all. Getting back to work, Maria soon pushed Edith’s shirt down off her arms and let it fall to the floor.

“Good girl.” The demon stepped back from Maria, letting her fingers gently slide out from beneath her chin. Without breaking eye contact, Edith sat herself on the edge of the bed, leaning back onto her hands slightly. She gave Maria an expecting look as if to say, ‘don’t keep me waiting’. Maria stepped forward to place herself between Edith's spread legs and went to the button of her jeans.

“No, no,” Edith said, wagging the end of her tail in Maris’s face. “On your knees.” The budding demon hesitated for a split second, but that was still enough time for it to displease her Mistress. “I said, on your knees now, Pet.”

Maria dropped to her knees fast at the sound of Mistress’s command, and thankfully she didn’t end up hurting herself. With the height of the bed, she found her face perfectly level with Edith’s nethers.

“That’s better.” Her demon Mistress gave her an approving growl as she ran a hand through her hair. Maria felt herself leaning into the hand on her head, closing her eyes as a strange light rumbling began in her upper chest. But before Maria could think about the rumbling, Edith pulled her hand away, causing Maria to let out a small upset groan. Regardless of her displeasure, she knew it was meant for her to get back to work.

She could feel the already large bulge through Edith’s pants as she undid the button. Pulling the zipper down, she was giving her first glimpse at her lover’s cock through the very lacy underwear she had on. Maria couldn’t help but gulp. It seemed so much larger than it had in her hand just this morning. That being said, it also gave her her first real look at the demon's other equipment, through lace of course. Still, it sent a pulse of excitement through her at the idea of being able to pleasure her love in all new ways.

With a little shimmying help from Edith, Maria pulled her pants the rest of the way off and was blessed with the sight of her demon in only sexy black lace lingerie that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. God’s, Edith was so sexy. Maria couldn’t help but stare, trying to burn every little detail of her lover into her mind. Now having demon eyes of her own, it was actually a little easier.

Edith chuckled as her lover stared at her. “It’s impolite to stare, Maria.” The dominance was back in full swing. “And I don’t recall giving you permission to stare at me.”

Maria immediately looked away with a huge blush on her face. “I’m sorry Mistress, please forgive me.” Maria looked down at her demon’s feet and she saw Edith pull her tail out of her sight. She heard Edith make a disapproving ‘tsk’ as the sound of a plastic bottle popping open rang throughout the room.

“You’re a very good girl, Maria, but I do think you need to learn a lesson about your place. Stand up, get undressed, and keep your eyes on the ground.”

“Yes, Mistress.” Her responses were coming a little better now. Quickly, the budding demon stood up and started removing her clothes. She deeply wished she could look as sexy for Edith as she did for her, but alas she still had a somewhat masculine body, and her underwear was nothing but plain and boring. Once everything was off, she felt the instinctual need to cover herself, but before she could even get there her Mistress stopped her.

“Don’t hide yourself from me.” It just made her blush harder and want to hide even more. Her eye’s closed tight as she fought to not hide herself. Suddenly she felt a hand on her cheek, gently tilting her head up. “Look at me, Maria,” Edith’s voice came as a light whisper. She opened her eyes and met her lovers, who was once again standing. The demon’s other hand reached around and held onto the small of Maria’s back, pulling her into a warm embrace. “You’re beautiful, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, even yourself. Do you understand me?”

Maria looked at Edith with a couple of tears threatening to make themselves known. She nodded lightly, and her demon smiled at her. Edith leaned in and planted a soft kiss on Maria’s lips. “I love you, Maria.”

“I love you, too, Edith.” Her voice was quiet and soft, but still her demon felt the true love behind them.

“Are you okay to keep going, dear?”

Maria wiped the few tears that managed to escape away before nodding. “Yes. I would like to.

“Alright, my love.” The hands pulled away from Maria as Edith sat back down on the bed, leaning back on her hands. “Now why don’t you get back on your knees for me, dear.” Much like before Maria dropped right back on her knees, between her demon’s legs. “I love how you look between my legs, but you know what would make you look even better?” Edith’s tail suddenly snaked its way behind Maria, before running down between her ass cheeks. She couldn’t help but let out a small moan, as the seemingly lubed up appendage rubbed up against her overly sensitive tailbone. “Watching you moan,” Edith said, rubbing her tail harder, causing Maria to let out another moan.

This was a very, very strange, but extremely pleasurable sensation that was starting to cause the budding demon to pant. Immediately she was fully excited to have her own full-grown tail for Edith and her to play with. She might even be able to use it to potentially penetrate Edith, considering her little hen wasn’t really up to that job. Though she did seem a little harder than usual, but it was probably just because of Edith’s teasing.

In the back of her mind, Maria did wonder why Edith had lubed her tail just to rub it against her, but then it quickly dawned on her when the tip brushed against her rear. Maria gasped sharply and grabbed onto her Mistress’s legs to hold her steady as the tail started to toy with her even more.

“Do you like that, Pet?” Maria nodded and rested her head on Edith’s leg, moaning all the while as the tail teased her entrance and rubbed along the end of her tailbone. “Would you like more?” Maria eagerly nodded again. “I want to hear you say it, Maria.”

“I… I want more, Mistress. Please, Mistress...Oh fuck…”

Edith chuckled at how much Maria was enjoying her teasing Maria’s new sensitive spot. It also felt very good to her, as well. Still, she quickly pulled her tail away. Maria whimpered in protest and looked up at her Mistress, but Edith only shook her head.

“This is about my pleasure, dear, not yours. And you haven’t done much in the way of pleasuring me now, have you?”

Maria’s eyes went wide as she realized she hadn’t pleasured her Mistress like she intended. Quickly, she dove in and started to kiss and lick long the demon’s covered length. Her Mistress gave a very loud and approving growl, as her red fingers brushed through Maria’s short hair.

“Hmm, that’s better. But it’s still not where I want you to use your lips and tongue, Maria.” Edith applied a little pressure to Maria’s head, not enough to force her in anyway, but enough for the budding demon to understand.

Eagerly Maria moved her kissing from the overly hot shaft to the folds of her lover’s lower sex. As she did, she started pulling the underwear along with her, which gained a nod of approval from her Mistress. Pulling the lingerie away fully, Maria was finally able to get a full look at her demon’s equipment. There wasn’t really much to say about it really. It was a vagina. A dark red and very wet vagina, but a vagina, nonetheless. It also wasn’t like those images of hentai where the cock grew out of the clit. They were two entirely separate sexes. But all that meant to Maria was the potential to give her lover more pleasure.

Without hesitation she gave Edith’s cunt a slow lick from bottom to top, causing her demon to let out a low moan. By the Gods, she loved hearing Edith moan. With a somewhat practiced tongue, Maria found her lover's hood covered clit and started circling it with the tip of her tongue. As she did, the pre-lubed tail once again found the end of her tailbone and her entrance, making her moan into her Mistress’s folds.

“Hmm,” Edith started breathily, as her hand now grabbed onto Maria’s hair, “the more pleasure you give me... Hmm. The more I give you. And there is to be no touching yourself or coming until I say so. Understood, Pet?” Maria nodded without stopping her oral assault on Edith's cunt. “Oh, that’s a good girl, Maria,” Edith moaned out.

Hearing her lover moan her name caused waves of hot pleasure run rampant through her. Her leaking cocklett was absolutely begging to be touched, but she wouldn’t disobey her Mistress. And to keep herself true to that, she wrapped her arms around the demon’s thighs tightly, holding her in place. Though her Mistress’s firm grip on her head was already doing a good job of that.

Maria wondered what it would be like to have Edith grab onto her horns. Would she like it as much as Edith? Does it actually feel good, or is it more of a mental thing? Either way she was eagerly looking forward to it, much like the tail. Oh, and the tongue, too! Oh, how she could please Edith with her long demon tongue. Twirl the two tips around her throbbing clit or push the full length inside Edith move it around.

The budding demon paused. She realized she was really looking forward to becoming a full demon. She wanted to be one. She was excited to be one. It was a little shocking of a realization, but not a bad one. No, not a bad one at all. In fact, it was a good realization. A great one! Well, it’s a good thing that she’s already demon bound, in more ways than one.

“Maria,” Her Mistress said sternly, but there was a hint of worry in it. Worry that Maria might be starting to feel dysphoric.

Quickly, Maria went about squashing Edith’s worries by pleasuring the woman she loves to her fullest ability. She can share this revelation after making Edith scream her name.

Maria eagerly did her best to pleasure her lover, so much so that her tongue started to hurt, but that did nothing to deter her. In fact, her Mistress’s tail had finally pushed its way inside of her while still rubbing her tailbone, making her groan loudly, which helped keep her mind off of her straining tongue.

Another thought occurred to her as Edith's tail flicked her prostate. Why not pleasure all three of Edith’s sensitive parts? Letting go of Edith’s thigh with one arm, Maria reached up and grabbed her lover’s cock. She felt Edith shiver as she did, which only fueled the fire in her to make her lover come.

It was a little strange stroking a cock while eating someone out and she had to make a little effort not to hit herself in the face, but it was pretty fun. It was especially fun when Edith couldn’t help but groan and moan loudly, while her body shivered. As Maria continued, she felt Edith’s tail start to become more sporadic, which was very pleasurable and incredibly teasing.

“Oh fuck…” Edith groaned as her body started to stiffen up. Her panting increased tenfold as her legs tensed around her lover. Then everything went very still for a second, though Maria did nothing to slow her efforts. Then Edith's world shook as her body quaked uncontrollably.

“Maria!” The demon half moaned half screamed out.

Hearing that was almost enough to send the incredibly teased Maria over the edge and into her own orgasm. Especially when combined with the end of Edith’s tail going a little crazy inside her. But she wouldn’t let herself come. Mistress hadn’t told her she could yet.

Slowly, Maria helped her Mistress come out of her orgasmic high before she pulled away from Edith’s cunt panting hard as the tail slid out of her. Sitting back, she could see Edith laying on the edge of the bed, withering every so often with a small purr. Her stomach was painted white with her hellish seed, and Maria couldn’t help herself from leaning forward and licking it all up, making her demon chuckle lightly.

“Hmm, do I taste good my dear, Pet?” Edith asked, breathlessly looking down at her.

“Yes, Mistress,” Maria answered immediately. Edith actually tasted a little spicy in a kind of cinnamon way, strangely enough. No saltiness like human cum, which was nice. “Yes, to both actually.” Her cunt didn’t really taste human in a sense, but it didn’t taste bad in any way. Kind of sweet, maybe?

“Hmm, I’m glad to know you like it.” Edith sat up and reached down to cup Maria’s fem cum covered face. “You did a very good job for Mistress.” Maria smiled at the praise and leaned into her Mistress’s hand. A definite purr starting somewhere near where her throat met her chest, mimicking the one Edith occasionally does. Her Mistress's face turned from a prideful look to a deviant one. “I think it’s time I reward you for your efforts.”

Hehe, I learned a little bit about myself writing this chapter. Next chapter will be the last in arc 2, I hope you guys have enjoyed it so far!!

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