Delayed Transfer

Chapter 78

Mark decided to put points on Gaia’s Disciple tree, specifically, he wanted to chase after Abyssal Thorn. First he put a point in Language Comprehension to make sure that he could understand anyone who speaks a language. Mark felt happy. He didn’t need subtitles anymore when watching animes or once he decided to go on vacation, he wouldn’t need an interpreter.

Next, to chase after Abyssal Thorn, he needed to spend a lot of skill points on its requirements. So he added one point to Thorn Whip bringing it up to level three. It now has a 15 MP cost with 20 feet range. The whip itself which would hit the enemies three times had a 50 feet range and would have 70 damage per strike. Mark took note that the damage describe was it’s base damage not including the additional damage synergies of other skills and his Intelligence would provide.

Honestly, Mark really didn’t want to calculate the exact damage since the life of a monster in the dungeon was based on its total HP plus its defense and evasion so if he knew that if he started with the math, he would drown in it. So when looking at the description of the skills, he was content to see the base damage because when he cast spells on enemies, he would repeat it until they died and he never minded how many spells he cast since his MP was being restored by his resource managing spells like Floating Sunflower, Bed of Daisies, Dryad’s Circle and even Forest Sanctuary.

One good example was his Telekinesis. He tested it once and he managed to lift himself up with telekinesis although the MP consumption was great but the description of Telekinesis was he can only lift several kilogram of weight but because of his Intelligence stats, he was able to lift himself.

Mark leveled up Thorn Whip to three because Thorn Spike required level three Thorn Whip so once he reached it, he added three points to Thorn Spike since Thorn Spike Field required three points to Thorn Spike.

Level three Thorn Spike would summon a large spiked thorn from the ground which would give 300 damage to enemy it hits. Mark laughed when he imagined enemies being hit by a large thorn on the anus. Thorn Spike level three had a casting cost of 35 MP and a 70 feet range.

Mark then added three points to Thorn Spike Field. It had a 55 MP cost and a 70 feet range. It’s a 20 feet by 20 feet of AOE spell which would summon six thorn Spike on its area of effect with 100 damage per thorn.

Next, he added three points to Thorn Spike Barrage. Mark felt that this spell was a bit fun since it would allow him to summon a thorn plant within 20 feet that would shoot thorns on the enemies six times. Its bullet thorn had a 70 feet range and had a 100 damage per thorn.

Abyssal Thorn was special. He added a point on it and it said that it would allow him to summon a spatial crack for 50 MP that would summon a large three tentacles filled with thorn within 70 feet and the tentacles would hit the enemies once and give 200 damage per tentacle. The Abyssal Thorn itself had a 50 range hit. He thought that it should have been named as Abyssal Tentacles instead of Abyssal Thorn.

The good thing about the Plant Mage skills, they would not hit his plant golems. That means that he could allow his summon to fight the enemies while bombarding them with plant mage spells.

Mark kept the eleven skill points remaining for rainy days. He felt happy on how he spent his stat points and skill points so he went to his bedroom to celebrate by playing Diablo 4 on his computer to inspire himself.

After a few hours of playing games, everybody arrived bringing food with them. Even Donald and Elizabeth were with Armina and Enleed. Mark wondered for a bit why the couple didn’t have any children but he wouldn’t ask since its none of his business.

Sam brought a lot of decorations with him when he entered the house. They were statues of characters from the games they were playing and some copies of famous weapons.

“Wow Sam! Those are nice. I was planning on buying some to decorate the whole house so it would look like a real guild house of gamers!” Mark said. Sam looked at Melissa scornfully.

“See! I told you Mark would love them. “ Sam told Melissa and Mark could hear her muttering “nerds”.

“We should buy some more!”

“Yeah let’s go on Monday after I brought you your laptops and hard drive.”

“I can’t on Monday. I have a meeting with someone.”

“Okay, I’ll bring your things on Tuesday and we’ll go buy some more props then.”

Mark agreed excitedly. He couldn’t wait to get those things and get a copy that he could store on his future villa in the 11th floor.

Mark then asked Donald what brought him and Elizabeth back since they were planning to do a half day dungeon dive tomorrow. Donald requested to postpone the dive since something came up on his business. He then propose that instead of doing the dungeon dive half day twice per week, they should do a full day dive once a week on a Sunday. He agreed with Donald and said that starting next Sunday, they would do a full day dungeon dive.

Mark then suggested to Sam that since they weren’t doing anything the next day, they should proceed on acquiring the anime, game and movie prop decoration acquisition. Sam agreed and Armina and Enleed asked to come with them. Melissa asked if they would encounter any problem since it would be a Sunday the next day, maybe some of the shops would be close. Sam told her that the weekend was actually the busiest time on their community.

Mark then asked what they discovered on the dungeon items that they were researching. Donald told them that they haven’t actually started the actual research yet since they were still building the research location and team. They would need to make sure that all people that would be involved were investigated thoroughly to prevent any leaks.

Mark listened but really didn’t care what happened to the items. He wasn’t really sure if their research would amount to anything since the items consisted of different type of energy which was mana and he wasn’t sure if modern devices would be able to record or imitate the energy. He then told everybody that he finished the 12th floor but didn’t find any item that was noteworthy. He described to them the desert that he saw and the monsters that he fought. Everybody got excited and Enleed already planned on what type of clothing and items they should bring for protection.

Mark told Enleed that the 12th floor was a long way for them so he decided to describe the location and monsters that they would encounter on the third floor to the 10th floor. He also gave them the detailed strength and power of the boss and his two minions on the 10th floor of the dungeon.

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