Delayed Transfer

Chapter 76

Mark took the two knives and the spear from Donald and put it on his backpack.  He thought of getting a ring and pretending it was soul bound storage ring so they could use his Inventory to carry things.

Mark noticed that he was not leveling up and thought that doing the second to the ninth floor would not contribute to him leveling up anymore.  He remembered back then that his plan was to repeat the first ten floors of the dungeon until his level was very high but guessed that he really didn’t need to that since when he was running the dungeon alone before, his leveling speed was extremely fast.

Mark and his party mates fought the next couple of group of enemies without any  mishaps.  Thankfully, the goblins were pathetically weak making them experience the combat of the dungeon without experiencing any real danger.

The group rested for a while when Elizabeth saw that it was already around three in the afternoon.  Mark then told everybody while they were resting that he would push on the 11th floor and below by himself.  Sam asked if he was not afraid on doing it alone and Mark replied that he was actually extremely strong now.  

Mark admitted to the group guiltily that he was keeping one secret from them which was he was able to get possible stats points from monster drops and add it to whatever stats he wanted.  He didn’t know if the rest of the group could do that as well since they haven’t found one of the bubbles that produced stats.  Mark knew that of course they wouldn’t be able to get the stat or skill points since they didn’t have interface.

Mark then told everybody that he would keep the items with skills to give to the group but will not hold on to those that didn’t have one.  Sam said that he should keep those that gave high stats or defense but Mark said that he didn’t want to carry extra items because they were heavy.

After their rest, the group continued on fighting the enemies and they were able to equip everybody with the leather set.  Mark said that since it was the second floor, all items were leather items or iron weapons but the next set of floors would provide items for mages and archers.

It was around seven in the evening when they completed the second floor of the dungeon.  The group went to the first floor of the dungeon to store their items there except for the items that Donald would take with  him.  Mark could see the exhaustion on everybody’s faces.  Mark then asked everybody if they wanted to continue diving tomorrow.  He reminded everybody that the third floor would have more difficult mobs.  After some talk, everybody decided to do dungeon dive twice a week, during Friday and Sunday.

Mark said that everybody should freshen up first and he would prepare a meal on the dining room.  He then told Donald and Elizabeth that they could use the bathroom on his bedroom.

After taking a shower using the bathroom downstairs, Mark prepared the meals by replicating some of the meals from the restaurant that he stored on his Inventory the laid them to the dining room table.  His friends including Melissa came down after around thirty minutes and went to the dining room.  While everybody was eating, they talked about the experience that they went through fighting the monsters.  Melissa said she wanted to join on the next dive and Mark just agreed. Everybody admitted that it was exhausting so Mark promptly made a decision that they would be doing it for only half a day about after lunch up until early in the evening. 

Sam requested to take his armor to his room since he wanted to clean it and Mark agreed which promptly made Armina and Enleed to do the same.  Sam also asked if he could keep another set for Melissa just in case and Mark agreed.

After their dinner, Donald and Elizabeth went home driven by their bodyguards and the rest went to their rooms to rest.  Mark thought that since it was too early and he wasn’t tired yet. He decided to head to the 12th floor of the dungeon.  He really didn’t like feeling stagnant since his level and his skills were stuck.  After a few days of them not rising, the urgency that he felt of not being strong enough before transmigrating came back.  He enjoyed being with the group but he was glad that they would only do the group dungeon dive twice a week and only half a day per dive.

Mark went directly to the 12th floor using his bathroom door as the dungeon portal.  The moment he arrived, he saw that it was a desert and since it was night time it was extremely cold.  Mark promptly went back to his bedroom knowing that it was a mistake to tackle the 12th dungeon during night time.  He decided to do it the next morning.

The next day, Mark went and did his morning rituals and after that he stuck a paper on his door that said that he would be busy and he would not be able to hear anybody knocking on his door and would not see the messages on his phone.  He also sent a group text to everybody regarding this and everybody just replied with “okay”.

Mark went to the 12th floor and felt the temperature which was extremely hot.  He could actually see the sun glaring at him from high above.  He looked at his surrounding which consisted of undulating dunes and stone pillars and thought that it really looked like another world already.

Mark thought that  it was a good thing that he can Levitate since he didn’t have to exhaust himself traversing the soft dunes.  He also felt a bit afraid of what could be lurking underneath the sands.

After levitating forward and after a bit he was actually ambushed by a Giant Scorpion. He didn’t know how they found him since he was floating but speculated that I could be because of his shadow.

It was good thing that his Space Shield and Bark Skin prevented the Giant Scorpion from damaging him and the height of his levitation also helped a bit so he levitated backward.  Two more Giant Scorpion came out from the ground to confront him.  Mark cast Glacial Void on the three Giant Scorpion which only slowed them down and then he cast Swamp of Briar to slow the further.  He then hurled a Void Chain Lightning at the three Giant Scorpion and after that he summoned the Void Storm to bombard them with spatial cracks.  He also hurled a Void Tsunami at them to push them back a bit then cast another Glacial Void and Void Chain Lightning at them which promptly killed the three Giant Scorpion.

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