Delayed Transfer

Chapter 73

The next morning, Mark went to the private gym to continue doing his One Punch Man exercise set.  After that, he received a text from Sam, that the siblings were coming to invite Armina and Enleed for shopping so they can re-arrange their rooms. 

When Armina went out of her room, she saw Mark who just came out from the gym all sweaty.

“Wow, Mark!  You’re really an eye candy now.  You have  more options when doing cosplay.”

Mark laughed and told Armina that, that was also the first thing that entered his mind when he became fit.  He would really like to do a Sasuke cosplay or Kakashi and post it on instagram to check how many likes he would receive.  The both of them laughed.  Mark told Armina that Melissa and Sam were both coming and she said that she did forgot to asked for Melissa’s number.  Mark went to his bedroom to take a shower and dress himself.

When the siblings arrived, the group went out for shopping and Mark stayed to do some more planning.  He called Sebastian to check the status of his order and the architect said that they’d already rented a warehouse.  Mark then gave Sebastian his credit card details so he can charge it anytime he needed funds to pay for the materials and the warehouse.  Sebastian said that he understood and would call back once everything was settled.

Mark then spent the rest of the day doing what he loved.  Read web novels, play games and watch animes.  He then thought of tackling the 12th floor since it will take the group several hours before they were finish redecorating their rooms but he was feeling lazy.

At around six in the evening, everybody was done with their project so they met in the living room and waited for Donald to arrived.  When he arrived, Mark let him in and introduce Donald and Elizabeth to the group.

Donald then asked for their account number and the group gave it to him except for Mark.  After a few minutes, each one of them received a notification that they received one million dollars each.  Mark asked Donald why he gave so much and Donald said that since Elizabeth was coming in as well, the additional was for her spot in the group.  Mark just shrugged and told everybody to make sure that Elizabeth and Donald were safe.  Everybody, of course agreed since they were still excited at the amount of money they’d received.

Mark then invited Donald and Elizabeth to the party and taught them how to accept the invite.  He then led everybody, including Melissa, to the basement so they could enter the 1st floor of the dungeon.   Everybody saw the portal except for Melissa since he forgot to invite her.   Mark then told Melissa to stay upstairs and keep the place safe while laughing.  Melissa agreed but said that both him and Sam would pay for not including her.

When they entered the 1st floor of the dungeon, Donald and Elizabeth tested the dungeon items on the table.  They were both amazed at the feeling the magic gave them.  Donald then reiterated that he felt like a main character in a fantasy movie about to embark on an adventure and Elizabeth agreed with him.

Once they were done testing the items, they went back to the living room to have a talk on what they would need to bring and how to strategize.  Based on experience, Mark told them the 2nd floor of the dungeon would be riddled with different types of goblins like warrior goblin, rogue goblin, spear goblin and shaman goblins.

Since their items were from a 10th floor boss, they would be overpowered at first.  They would need to keep the items dropped from the monsters since it adds to their stats which would increase their damage and defense.

Mark also told them to be mindful of the uses of the skills since every item they had had only a certain amount of charges and even though it earns one charge per 10 minutes it would still take time for the items to be recharged. 

Mark also described that enemy groups they will encounter would consist of two to ten monsters per group so they would need to form a strategy to avoid chaos.  He also told them modern devices would still work but they of course would not be connected to the internet.  He had no idea if modern ammunition would work but he advised against using such things because it defeats the purpose of having a magical raid.

Enleed took over on how to strategize the fight since he was their main brain when it came to strategizing during guild raids in the game.  Enleed said that any plan they make was just tentative since they hadn’t actually experience the fight yet except for Mark and everything would change.

Enleed advised that the first ones who will engage with the enemy would be Mark’s summon and when the enemies were focused on them, Sam would then proceed to engage the nearest enemy.  Armina would be on the left and him on the right focusing on long range monster first then monster who were attacking Sam then after that the monster who were attacking the summons.  Donald and Elizabeth would be at the back and Donald would prepare himself to hit Sam with Holy Bolt since he would be most likely the one who would be injured.  Donald then would use his judgement on which enemy to hit with Holy Bolt for stunning purposes.

Mark advised Donald to not cast Holy Bolt on the summons since he could re-cast the Bush Golem spell to refresh their lives.  He also warned Enleed that fireball would also damage allies so he had to use his judgement on when to cast it.  Enleed then said that since that was the case, he should be the one opening fire first.  Mark agreed then they would proceed with the engagement plan that he made earlier.

Donald then asked what type of clothing they should wear and Mark told them that as long as it’s sturdy and comfortable, it would be fine.  Monsters on the dungeon would drop armor sets that they could wear and the armor set would automatically fit them once they intended to wear them.

Mark also advised the team that once they were done with the dungeon dive, they should leave the dungeon items on the 1st floor of the dungeon to keep them safe except for Donald, since he would be paying for the items that he and Elizabeth would be equipping.

Enleed then said that Donald shouldn’t need pay so much since he already paid them one million each but Donald said it was fine.  He would pay for what he thought the value of the items since he was now getting an idea of how much they were worth.  Mark just shrugged and said he would follow his decision.

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