Delayed Transfer

Chapter 69

The four of them started to plan on what they needed to do first.  Armina and Enleed said that as per Mark suggestions, they would quit their job and focus on dungeon diving.  Mark then made a decision of inviting Sam,  Enleed and Armina to live with him and treat the house as their guild hall.  Since there were three bedroom, he would continue staying in the primary bedroom and Sam and Enleed can bunk on one of the bedrooms.  They just need to re-arrange the room.  Armina could have the other room.  Armina agreed to move in since Mark’s house was way  much better to where she was currently living.  Enleed and Sam agreed to be roomies as well.

Mark asked Sam if Melissa was okay to stay in his apartment and continue supervising the project.  Sam said that he would talk to her and tell her that he would move in with Mark  and other guild mates so they can focus on gaming.

Mark told Sam to tell Melissa that he would add more funds to the project as incentive and when Sam heard that, he assured Mark that more than likely, Melissa would agree.

Sam then said to Mark that he would need to go home to arrange everything with his employees regarding the project and to talk to Melissa about becoming the manager.  Mark transferred some money to Sam to make sure that the project would run smoothly and to purchase things that he would need in arranging his and Enleed’s room. 

Enleed also said that he would need to leave so he could quit his job and talk to his landlord so he can give up his lease on his apartment.  Armina said the same things.  Mark then said to everybody that he will handle talking to Donald Dren regarding the healer role. 

When everybody left after eating the lunch that he prepared,  Mark called Donald and said to him that he would like to talk to him personally about some magic stuff.  Donald immediately agreed and said that he would be coming to his house together with Elizabeth.   Mark said that he should be the one going to him but Donald said that they liked visiting his house and that it wasn’t a bother anyways.  Mark thought that maybe it was for privacy.  He just agreed and said to Donald that he would wait for them.

While waiting for Donald, Mark went to the 1st floor of the dungeon to empty it of his things and transferred all of it to the 11th floor.  He will use the 1st floor safe section as party dungeon base for now and would probably let the party skip the other safe location since he was planning to use those as his own private bases.  After he was done, he then went back up to wait for Donald.

Donald arrived together with Elizabeth and his bodyguards.   Mark invited the couple in and Donald told the bodyguards to wait in their cars.

Mark served Donald and Elizabeth some snacks and drinks in the living room.

“So why did you invite me here again Mark?  Do you have another item that you want to sell?”  Donald asked.

Mark looked at Donald and Elizabeth for a bit and pondered how he would tell them about the dungeon.

“Do you know something about massive multiplayer online role playing games?" Mark asked Donald.

Donald felt bewildered on Mark’s question and wondered where it was leading to. 

“I know a bit since Elizabeth’s nephew got hooked on it to Elizabeth’s brother’s irritation but personally, I have only seen it since Elizabeth’s nephew showed it to us convincing me to invest in a developer’s company or something.  He said that it will be the next big thing and it will be a “WoW” killer or some such thing.  I don’t even know what ‘Wow” is.”

Mark then asked them to wait for a bit while he went to his room to get his laptop.  When he returned, he showed Donald and Elizabeth some clips on YouTube of some dungeon raids in an MMO game.  After a couple of minutes of watching Donald turned to Mark.

“Why are you showing me this?  Are you inviting me to invest in a developer’s company as well?"  Donald laughed and Elizabeth hit his arm.

"If you ask me too, of course I will.”

Mark was surprised at Donald’s willingness to invest if he was the one who asked.

“No Donald.  I’m not asking you to invest in a game company.  Have you ever wondered where I got the items that I sold to Robert Scott and to you?  It dropped from a dungeon raid that I did, similar to the video that I showed you of those gamers fighting monster and taking the items from the dead monsters.”

Dungeon and Elizabeth was very surprised and bewildered.

“Are you saying that you’re able to take the items from the game?”  Donald asked, still very confused.

“No.  I found a portal to a monster dungeon and went there physically and fought with monsters.  That’s where I got the item that allowed me to heal Elizabeth.”

“Oh my God!  Can anyone enter this…Dungeon?”

“No.  I own an item that summons the dungeon and only I would be able to use it because the item is what we call “soul bound”.  The necklace with the skill that let me cure cancer is also soul bound but those are rare items.  Most items can be used by anybody just like the ring that I sold to Robert and the shoes that I sold you.”

“Why are you telling me this?” Donald asked.

“Starting ether tomorrow or the day after, we will be tackling the dungeon as a group with my guild mates.  We have a front line damager who will be using a sword with a skill, an archer who will be using a bow with a skill, a wizard who will be using a staff.  The reason why I’m telling you this is we have an item called a magic iron scepter that will heal people who uses it just like the ring that I sold to Robert and that item will go to our party mate who will be the healer in the group.  We would like to sell the role to you or to anybody you assign for two million dollars and that money will be split to my party member so they can quit their job and focus on dungeon diving.”

Mark paused and allowed Donald and Elizabeth to take in all what he said.  After a couple of minutes, he continued.

“The items that we will be getting as a group will be assigned to anybody who needs it but you or the person you will assign as our healer will have the right to buy the item that  you need.  I know we’re taking advantage of you but you have the money and we don’t and we would like to focus on dungeon diving instead of worrying about paying our bills.  We will not care what you will do to the items that you will buy.  You can use it, re-sell it or research it if you want.”

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