Delayed Transfer

Chapter 53

Mark smiled when Donald told Amanda the effect of the Dryad’s Circle spell.  Amanda then looked at Mark again.

“Thank you so much Mr. Baker.  I can’t begin to thank you enough.  This problem of mine has been going on for quite sometime.  It started after I returned from my vacation in Rome.  I knew my family has been looking at me like I’m crazy.  At first I went to a psychiatrist to check if drugs for crazy people can help me but it didn’t help.   The voice was getting louder and I can only actually invite those mystics during those times that it was silent. Nothing worked.  The voice was getting louder and louder.”

“What was the voice saying to you?” Donald asked.

“Now you believe me.  Before when I asked for your help you said it would best for my mental health to see a psychologist.”  Amanda mildly snorted. Donald apologized to her but Amanda just rolled her eyes at him and continued.

“it wasn’t anything I could understand.  It was whispering in an unspeakable horrifying unknown language but I can understand the intent.  First, it asked me to let the other people in the mansion go, so I did.  Then it ask me to do a ritual, I think.  Involving blood.  I tried my best to ignore it but it was getting louder and insistent.  Yesterday, it was particularly trying so I called you, Donald.”

“You don’t need to thank me, Ms. Dren.  Donald here said I will be paid for my services.”  Mark smiled.

“Of course you will be and I’ll be the one who will pay.” Amanda insisted.  Donald just shrugged, complying with her demand.

Mark thanked her and asked what would they do with the creature’s corpse.  Donald asked if he was interested in it.  Mark said he was.  He was planning to destroy it using Material Inventory Destruction skill to check if he could get a unique material.  It was the first monster he saw that didn’t turn into a blue bubble when it died.  He was guessing that those monsters in his personal dungeon weren’t real monsters since they burst into bubbles after they died but they do try to kill him nevertheless.

They went back to Amanda’s room to retrieve the monster’s corpse.  Donald, his brother and Amanda were surprised when the creature’s corpse disappeared when Mark bent down and touched it. Then they heard a knock on the door and Donald let Robert entered.  Robert greeted everyone then Mark said that he was ready to leave.  Amanda went and hugged Mark thanking him again.

While Mark and Robert were driving to Donald’s mansion to retrieve his Lamborghini, he received a notification on his phone.  Mark read that he received one million dollars from Amanda Dren.  Mark smiled and thought of the four million on his account.  He thought of the fact that he now had enough funds to get all the things he would need to create a luxurious house on one of the safe floor of his dungeon and if he needed more money he now had the means to get it from rich sick people.  He couldn’t wait to get to the 11th floor which was the next safe location.  He was really hoping that it would be bigger than the 1st floor safe location.

Mark thought of getting an RV mobile home as soon as it could fit on his Inventory and then he would put it on one of the Safe Floor location.  But then again, when he looked at the RV homes in YouTube, even the most luxurious ones felt small to him and suffocating.  He decided, he would learn how to build a house!  He would get the materials group by group, put it where he would want to build the house then build it there.  He decided then as well he should put more points on Telekinesis since it would allow him to control things using his mind and use it to easily build the house although the effect of his Intelligence stat did increase the weight he could carry using his Telekinesis skill.   

Mark thought that even without Telekinesis, his body was strong enough now to build a house manually because of his stats.  He actually wasn’t aware of how strong he was physically since he never tested it but he was guessing it was enough to do manual labor.

After retrieving his car from Donald Dren’s house, Mark went home.  Since it was only around 6 in the afternoon, he decided to complete the 9th floor of the dungeon and maybe by tomorrow he could defeat the 10th floor boss and finally have a look at the 11th floor safe location.

When he arrived at home, Mark received a phone call from an unknown number again.  He was getting exasperated.  He really wanted to do the dungeon dive tonight.  He answered the phone.

“Hello, is this Mark Baker?”

“Yes, this is him.”  Mark got an inkling that the call was from the Philippines because of he woman’s accent so he spoke to her in Tagalog.

“Ano pong kailangan nila?”

(How may I help you?)

“Ah, ang pangalan ko ay Carmelita, ikalawang pinsan ako ng inay mo.  Namatay kasi yung pinsan ng lolo mo kaya humihingi lang kami ng tulong sa pamburol.

(Ah, my name is Carmelita and I’m your mother’s second cousin.  The cousin of your grandfather died and we’re calling to ask for help for his burial.)

The first thing that came into Mark’s mind was to hang up the call.  The second was to shout at the woman on the phone but he calmed himself.  When his parents died, it was a trying time for him and nobody from his mother’s homeland reached out to him for assistance.  Well he didn’t call anybody there since he didn’t know anyone’s number and he didn’t have any idea how the woman got a hold of his number.  His mother told him that her parents, his grandparents, were already dead and she had no more close relative in the country.  He was aware that the caller could’ve been a scammer but he did dimly remember that name and that woman when he was still living in the Philippines as a child.  A quick search on Facebook did show that she was really a very distant relative.

It was absurd to him for people to ask for help from somebody who was not  a close relative.  The only thing Mark did was asked for an account number so he can send money.  He would leave this world anyways and he would rather be kind to the last remnant of his mother’s blood.   

Mark knew that this may not be the last time these people ask for money but he didn’t care. It was only money and he had the means now to earn more.

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