Delayed Transfer

Chapter 37

Mark, and Juliet’s parents waited for a couple of hours. He could actually hear Mary praying so hard and she was crying non-stop. John was so anxious that he looked like he would run to where Juliet was but was holding on for dear life.

When the doctors came out, one of them sat beside John and Mary and told them that it was a miracle. That Juliet was fully cured. Mary clasped her hands to her mouth and cried so hard that one of the doctors got a bit worried. But then you could see her forced herself to calm down so she could listen to what the doctors were further saying.

The doctor said that this was a strange but not unique phenomenon since it happened in a nearby hospital as well. The doctor then asked if they could let Juliet stay in the hospital for a while for them to conduct some more tests and all of their bills would be waived.

John decisively did not agree on that. He told the doctor that Juliet had enough of the hospital for now and would probably recover better at home surrounded by her family and friends.

The doctor did not give John a hard time and allowed them to process the discharge. More than likely, it was because the other patients who experienced the same thing already agreed to stay.

When the doctors left, John turned to Mark and tried to give the envelope of money back to him but Mark insisted to keep it and use it for Juliet’s faster recovery. Mark then said to John and Mary to go ahead and get Juliet and that he would contact them at a later time for celebration regarding their daughter’s miraculous recovery. Mark hugged John and Mary and then they departed to get Juliet.

Mark left the hospital and went home. When he arrived there it was already late in the afternoon and just decided to head to the Sixth Floor of the dungeon the next day. He prepared himself some dinner and before eating he called Sam and asked if Melissa would be able to help. Sam said that she should be. She would be covering the organization of some of the media categorization and summary. She would also be the one in charge of the music download. Mark then gave the go ahead and advised him to tell Melissa that he would give her a thousand dollars per day for her work. He then asked Sam if he needed more money for more laptops and internet fees, Sam was not shy at all said that he did. Mark then asked Sam to head to his house the next morning to get the funds.

After they were done talking about the project, they talked about John’s family situation. Sam was actually aware that Juliet was sick since he also received a call from Ethel. Mark then shared the news of what happened in the hospital and Sam was amazed and happy for John. Sam then asked what was happening in the world. They had encountered and heard a lot of supernatural happenings. Normally, this type of things only happened on the novels they read or anime they watched. Sam then said jokingly that sooner a dungeon would appear and people would awaken their powers to dungeon dive. Mark laughed nervously and ended the call. He remembered that Sam was also an otaku and knew a lot about dungeons and leveling up as well. He imagined if Sam was a System Holder as well, they could have tackled the dungeon together and it would have been a great adventure, just like the MMO RPG that they had been playing.

Mark thought that it was too bad that Sam was not a System Holder because even if he invited him to join in dungeon diving, he would not level up and would only endanger his life.

For a moment, Mark paused. He thought that leveling up, though an integral part of getting stronger when it came to fighting monsters, it was also not the only way. He wished that the System was more interactive so he could ask questions from it. He then opened his System Interface to check if he could find any information and he actually did on the Identify skill. It said that Identify would be able to identify stats of every living thing if the skill has high enough level. It stated that individuals not holding the System would still be able to use dungeon items and the stats would be applied to the individuals wearing them but only System Holders with Identify skill would be able to view the exact stat information. It also stated that actual skills from dungeon items and not those that add just level to skills would be available for those non System Holder who equipped them.

Mark was a bit excited. There was a chance he could form a party with Sam and his other friends from the guild who would be interested in doing the adventure and risking their lives. Even though they would not level up, they would still get stronger since the quality of the items that they would receive would climb the lower the dungeon they would tackle. He also remembered the rod that he got earlier with plus to Fire Ball. He remembered testing it out and was not able to cast the Fire Ball spell since it was not an actual skill holder item but just a plus level to the skill.

Mark was considering if he would actually invite Sam and the others. It would be beneficial to him and to the others because first off, even if it was just the items, they would still get stronger. Once he transmigrate, he actually would not know what would happen to earth once he left. There was a chance that supernatural phenomenon could happened and that they would need the strength to defend themselves. There was actually a huge chance of that happening since it did happen to him. Second, it would also make him happy since it was lonely doing the dungeon alone and having party mates would be best.

At first, the dungeon diving was exiting and the fact that he was leveling up and kept getting stronger brought his blood boiling. It was still very exciting it’s just that Mark thought that the excitement would triple if he would be together with his MMO friends. It would be his last hurrah with them before he left for the next world. Mark laughed and thought that it sounded on his mind like he was dying.

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