Delayed Transfer

Chapter 18

     Mark paused for a bit since he noticed that his new gaming laptop and smartphone were ready to use.  The first thing he did on the computer was download a lot of anime and movies.   He was not mindful of the expense for he was planning to deposit some funds tomorrow to his bank so he could pay for the things he purchased using his credit card without any problem.  He thought of purchasing another laptop for more downloading purposes and paying Sam to help him since there were going to be a lot of media that he wanted to download.  Mark also planned to increase the size of his Inventory gradually for there were a lot of things that he would like keep on it.   He was planning to increase it until he can comfortably put in a generator, a ton of fuel, some solar panels, complete set of entertainment equipment like a huge TV and speaker, all the consoles and games that he could get, complete meals, consumable necessities and possibly a car.  More than likely, it would take a lot of Skill Points but he did have a year to increase his level.  Once he saw that the laptop was fully busy, he went back to his Skill Tree tab window.

     The next skill that Mark added a point to was Identify. He needed to Identify the items that he got so he can check its stat parameters.  The good thing was it only cost two MP per use at level one, although on the games that he played or web novels that he read, the Identify skill did not cost any mana or MP.  It did not matter because with it, he would also be able to check the stats of his enemies so he would know which was the best skills to use.  After that, he went back to the Space and Void Chancellor to see which skills he can add points to for defense. 

     Mark added a skill points to Space Shield and read its description.  It stated that when casted, a twenty MP upkeep will be reserved and then a floating translucent shield would appear in front of him.  The shield would have an HP of sixty and would be destroyed once its HP was reduced to zero.  It would re-appear after ten seconds with a consumption of five MP as long as upkeep was maintained.  He activated the Skill to check it out then his MP was reduced to one eighty and remained there.  The shield appeared floating one foot in  front of him but it actually did not obstruct his view.  He stood up and walked everywhere to see what the shield would do.  It kept floating in front of him and just slid through ordinary things like chairs and tables. It was a bit awkward to see it just floating there in everyday setting but in combat, it will be invaluable.  Mark deactivated the skill, went back to the sofa and continued assigning his skill points.

     Mark thought of adding more points to Space Shield but held off since he thought that his MP might not be able to keep up.  He realized that the two hundred MP that he had was beginning to look too limited.  He reminded himself to prioritize Wisdom once all of his physical stats were five.  He looked at the remaining skills available on the Space and Void Chancellor section and saw that they were offence and utility skills.  He then decided to put a point to both Void Slash and Void Push since both skills were available and met the requirement to be used.  Void Slash had an MP cost of twenty , an area of effect horizontal slash of twelve feet, a fifty feet range and a damage of one hundred to HP at level one.  Void Push on the other hand had a range of only twenty feet with a twenty MP cost but it can be counted as a control skill because it would push enemies away aside from damaging them by fifty.

     After that Mark thought of adding one more defense skill, another control skilll and then he would add more damage dealing skills.  He skipped Rune Engineer since he would not be able to focus on crafting for now and went to Gaia’s Disciple section.

     Under Gaia’s Disciple, Mark added two skill points to Goodberry so can he can get Barkskin then he added a point to it.  Level three Goodberry now had forty MP cost and it would give three berries that heal for fifty HP per berry.  Barkskin on the other hand had a cast cost of twenty MP that would provide him a magical bark like skin with fifty physical defense and twenty magical defense for thirty minutes.  Casting the skill again would not stack its defense but would refresh the duration.  He now had twelve remaining skill points. 

     Mark continued spending his skill points.  He added two points to Thorn Whip for more offensive skills and to meet the requirement for Field of Briar and then he added a point to it.  He could cast level two Thorn Whip anywhere within twenty feet for ten MP cost and a plant with a long whip like tentacle filled with thorns would grow and strike the nearest enemies within fifty feet of it three times with fifty damage to HP for a total of one fifty.  For Field of Briar, it had a cast cost of twenty MP with an area of effect of thirty feet and duration of five seconds.  It has a range of fifty feet and any enemies that enter the field would be slowed down and received damage of twenty per second for five seconds.

     Mark also added a point to Floating Sunflower for MP resource management.  When he read the description, he was a bit stunned because it did solve his immediate MP issue.  For a twenty MP cast cost, a floating sunflower will appear that will hover above him.  It will provide a ten MP regeneration per seconds for twenty seconds and during the twenty seconds, it would also relieved body fatigue.  Mark thought that it was an awesome skill.  He immediately casted it to check what it looked like and a sunflower appeared floating just above his head to the right.  It glowed with a warm yellow light that relieved the fatigue that the full day of shopping gave him.  Mark now only had six skill points left.

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