Delayed Transfer

Chapter 13

Mark was still full of
adrenalin.  The exhilaration that he felt
was still making him feel high and again he was very thankful for the fact that
he was chosen by the System even though the looming transmigration would
probably bring  inconceivable danger.  But this was what he longed for.  This was the reason why he was addicted to
anime, web novels and game.  Deep in his
heart, he was longing to be part of something magical.  He thought of this ever since he discovered
the world of magic when he read his first fantasy book.  He wanted to be part of it all.  To be a team mate with wizard warrior Ingold
Inglorion battling the dark ones.  To be
a student in Hogwarts having adventure with Harry Potter and his gang.  To be a part of the group of hobbits
travelling to Mount Doom to destroy the one ring.  Now he was here,  battling monster in a dungeon and earning the
power and experience to grow and become more powerful.  Mark knew that there was still a long way on
this journey but at this moment, he was content.  All of those mockeries that he received, and
yes even from his mother when she was alive, went away.  He felt vindicated and knew that all the
knowledge that he had on being an otaku will assist him in making sure that he would
survive and even thrive on this transmigration voyage. 

Mark went to the corpses and saw,
after waiting for a bit, that there were five glowing blue orbs.  He picked all of them up and when he examined
the loot, he received two iron knife, one leather pants, one crude rod and one
skill point.  He chucked out all the
items from his inventory that he thought he would not need anymore and put all
of the drops that he deemed may be important. 
He thought that the items may have additional stats in them and he would
have to check them out later one by one. 
The crude rod did give him plus one to Intelligence when he was holding
it so Mark thought it would be worthwhile to check all of them out.  So now he had three iron knives, one iron spear,  one leather sandal, one leather pants, one
crude rod and two skill points from drops.

Mark checked the time and he saw
that he had been going at this adventure for three hours and he was getting
hungry.  Earlier, he was planning to
finish the Second Floor of the dungeon before going up but his stomach said
otherwise.    It was about five pm so he decided to go out
to get something to eat.  He looked at
himself in the mirror to check if he was presentable and he did look okay.  He did wore his favorite shirt and pants and
the monsters were not able to get near him before they died which made him a
little proud.  When he was outside, he
viewed his surrounding differently from how he used to view it.  Before, he looked at the city of Ventura with
excitement since coming from the Philippines, Ventura was a new city in the
states, home of Hollywood, or at least near Hollywood compared to out of state,
and then he looked at the city with indifference.  It was a good city, a beach city hospitable to
those with money as most cities in the world. 
But to him,  it was just a place
where his family went to, to get a better life but instead they died and left
him alone.  Now it was just a place that
he was leaving, to go to a different world after a year.  He was living at a dingy apartment since that
was all he can afford after he sold his house when his parents died.  At least he still had a home and he was much
better off compared to the homeless people he saw out and about.  While walking, he saw his beautiful neighbor
locking her door preparing to go out to work.

“Hi, Mark! Where you off to hon?’
her neighbor said to him when she saw him passed.  “Hi, Jenny. 
I’m gonna go to McDonalds  for
some burgers.”  Mark said.  His neighbor Jenny was an exotic dancer who
moonlights as a prostitute downtown.  Well
that was what she said when he asked her. Her boyfriend was a good for nothing
drug addict and Mark often heard them either having sex or arguing with each
other and he actually did not know which was which.  At least she was friendly to him and he never
felt any sort of racism from her and her boyfriend.  Mark had an inkling that maybe Jenny and her
boyfriend thought he was gay since her boyfriend never got jealous whenever he
saw her talking to Mark.  “Or maybe
because you look like a short pudgy Asian that’s why he never got jealous,”
Mark muttered,  or maybe a combination of
both, he laughed to himself.  Mark was
half Filipino but since his father was half Mexican, he actually looked full
Asian.  Some said he looked Korean and
some, Japanese. 

Mark waived
goodbye to Jenny and continued walking to the fast food chain, thankful that
there was one near him.  When he got to
the place, he sat down near a family with little kids after he ordered his big
Mac, fries and drink.  The kids whispered
to each other, giggling while looking at him and Mark could imagine what they
were saying.  Before it could have
affected him, but now, with everything that happened to him, he was
unconcerned.  He looked at the kids who were
looking at him and Mark moved the burger with his mind and brought it to his
mouth.  After he took a mouthful, he
placed the burger back to the table still using his Telekinesis.  The boy’s jaw dropped and the girls shrieked
and said “A Wizard! He’s casted Wingardium Leviosa!”  The boy refuted “No!  He’s a mutant like Jean Grey or Professor X!”  When their parents heard them, they just
smiled indulgently and went back to talking to each other.  Mark finished his meal, ordered a take out to
eat later and then smiled and waived at the kids.  The children waived back at him with their
eyes opened wide. 

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