DC: Don't Utter A Word

Chapter 204:

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[David Lance POV]

After what felt like an hour and a minute at the same time, our embrace came to an end as I slowly unclasped my hands from around Raven's waist, allowing her to wipe a few stray tears from her cheeks.

"What's on your mind?" Raven asked softly.

~Nothing you should worry about,~ I replied.

"We are a team, no matter what," Raven said with a small smirk, playfully nudging me to the side.

~Don't worry about it, really,~ I replied with a strained smile, not wanting to burden her with my current situation. If anything not involving her would give me peace of mind.

Raven stared at me, her violet-blue eyes intense and searching, before letting out a sigh. "Not telling me won't change the fact I will do my best to help you. I don't know what this world has made you believe, but you're not alone, not when I'm around."

"Friend not alone, friend has good kitty," Dex-Starr interjected, twirling his tail around my legs.

"I... who's the cat?" Raven asked, her brows furrowed in confusion.

~This is Dex-Starr,~ I replied, petting the cat's head. ~He's a friend of mine. He came to earth with me.~

"He did?" Raven muttered. "I didn't even notice his presence."

"Friend of friend, friend of kitty," Dex-Starr said looking at Raven, purring as I ruffled his fur.

Raven smiled, reaching out to pet Dex-Starr and scratching behind his ears. "In that case, it's nice to meet you."

~Rae... I know you want to help me, but believe me, when I say, this situation is well out of your range,~ I signed, taking a deep breath as I met her eyes.

"You've been gone for a year David," Raven said, her voice heavy with sadness. "I'm not gonna let you do this alone, not without putting up a fight."

~You don't know what I'm up against,~ I signed, looking away as tears started to form in my eyes.

I was so happy.

So happy nothing had changed.

She still cared for me.

I was so happy.

But in order to protect that happiness, I had to keep her away from this.

Raven nodded, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. "I don't, but I will, with or without your consent. I won't change my mind, David, so you either let me fight this battle alongside you or I will fight it for you to the best of my ability."

My heart sank and swelled at her words and before I knew it my lips curved into a smile, despite the tears running down my cheeks, and with a heavy sigh, I nodded. ~I guess you're still stubborn as a mule.~

"Not the animal I would use to describe, but yes," Raven said, her voice lightening up as she smiled. "I lost you once David, I failed to protect you, and you were forced to change, I won't let that happen again, from now on, no matter what the situation might be, we'll take it together and we'll try to make the best out of whatever comes our way."

"Now, kiss," Lucifer said, appearing from out of nowhere.

"If I could kill him, I would," Raven muttered, her face turning red.. maybe from rage, I could relate, Lucifer seemed infuriating.

"What are you doing here Lucifer?" I asked.

"What am I doing here? I... I thought it was pretty obvious, I came to watch you two smooch, kiss, and peck at each other," Lucifer replied with an arrogant smirk before winking at Raven.



I shook my head. "Ain't happening, so you can leave."

"Are you sure? Isn't that what your heart truly desires?" Lucifer replied, his tone sounding somewhat different than before, it was almost... hypnotizing. From the moment I laid eyes on him, I felt a strange pull - my heart skipped a beat and soon rational thought was replaced by an intense desire to say something.

"There's nothing I want more," Without realizing it, I found myself responding to his query without consciously willing it. Something in his voice had bewitched me, wrapping around my soul and reaching into the deepest recesses of my heart.


I can't believe I just said that...

God, if you're up there, kill me, and while you're at it, kill Lucifer. Preferably first, so that I can see him die.

"Ahh, young love," Lucifer said with a chuckle. "Well with that confession out of the way, I'll take my leave and let you two be," he added before vanishing into thin air.



"So... where were we? Right! I'm helping you," Raven said, her voice a little shaky.

"Uh, yeah," I nodded, unable to look at her, and how could I? I mean... My heart was beating so fast, I thought it might burst out of my ribcage.

"If it makes you feel any better, he did the same thing to me," Raven whispered, coughing awkwardly.

"Good to know," I nodded.

"And my reaction was pretty much the same," Raven added, her voice still shaking.

"Awesome, good to know, lovely discovery... but we should probably get going," I said, trying to change the subject in order to avoid further embarrassment. I mean, I didn't even know I had a... thing for her, for fucks sake those desires were a secret to me as well!

And now that I SAID what I said, I can't stop thinking about it.

Raven nodded, a small smile appearing on her lips. "Let's go then." With that said, she grabbed my hand in hers and softly pulled me into a portal she was opening.

The grabbing of hands is not helping at all. At FUCKING ALL.

"Friend okay?" Dex-Starr asked, standing on my right shoulder.

"Never better," I replied.

I have no idea how, but Lucifer will pay for this.


[Lucifer Morningstar POV]

[The one and only.]

[The sexiest.]

[The irresis… you get the gist of it.]

The poor thing thought I was going to pay for what I did.

Spoiler alert, I won't.

I won't pay for anything. Save their first date.

I can barely contain my excitement.

"You had to do that?" Death asked, disappointment clear in her voice.

"I regret nothing," I replied, crossing my arms. "Those two are as awkward as they come, they need a friendly push... with two gigatons of force. Had I let them move at their own pace, they would've held hands in a decade."

".... Lucifer," Death sighed.

"What?! It's true! That's what happens when two shut-ins like each other, is like watching grass grow, unbearably boring, I HAD to intervene, if not for our amusement, FOR THE VIEWERS! FOR THE POOR VIEWERS, who more than anything, crave this, and things that will most likely put their soul in my care," I replied, with a nod. I had done good, I had done very good, now it was time to see how things grew from here.

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