DC: Don't Utter A Word

Chapter 191:

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[Raven / Rachel Roth - POV]

[Young Justice]

After leaving Dr. Kent and the others behind, I went to collect the other ingredients I had left in my room before starting to prepare them for the spell. Once I had all the ingredients in my possession, I opened a portal to a desolate area where I would have the room and peace of mind to prepare everything correctly.

What I was about to do wasn't easy. It would be, without a doubt, the hardest spell I had ever attempted to use in all my life. It needed careful preparation and perfection at every turn, as I had to draw symbols and runes in the blood of Teekl, all while chanting in ancient long forgotten tongues.

But even if it felt impossible, I would not fail him, not again.

Using my magic, I began to draw the symbols around the area, chanting the long-forgotten arcane words in the order it was required. Once I was done with the sigils and the runes, I channeled my mana into the spell, lighting the runes and sigils in a dark red tone.

Now, all I had to do was keep channeling my mana into the symbols until the portal opens.

"Hm, a rather crude method of traveling, but I suppose it will do," A voice said, coming from behind me.

An enemy? A friend?

It didn't matter; either way, if I moved, everything I had done, every step I had taken until now would be for nothing; if I stopped now... no... NO!

"Relax, I honestly mean no harm," The unknown man chuckled before walking into view. "The name is Lucifer Morningstar, and yes, the pleasure is all yours."

Lucifer Morningstar...

He was the devil.

"Right, you can't speak or move while you make your portal," Lucifer said, walking around the place like a curious child. "Let's fix that, shall we?" he added, snapping his fingers, and completing my spell.

He created a transdimensional portal with a snap of his fingers, no runes, no spell, he just willed the portal into existence, and it did. This man was dangerous, more so than even my father.

"What?" Lucifer said, a smirk curling his lips as he took a seat on a chair that hadn't been there before. "I mean, I can't have a pleasant conversation if you can't speak, so... I took the liberty to make your portal. You're welcome."

"Why are you helping me?" I asked, unsure of his true intentions.

Lucifer chuckled before rising from the chair and walking towards me with a confident stride, stopping in front of me with a smirk still on his lips. "Juicy gossip, that's why."

I... what?

"I'm... sorry, but... what?" I asked, confused.

"A friend of mine and I have a few bets on who will confess to who first," Lucifer explained, tucking his hands in his pocket and looking away with a sly smirk. "I personally think you will be the one to tell your depressed little crush that you like him more than just a friend, but my friend seems to think he will be the one to confess first."




What is going on?

"So," Lucifer said, looking back at me with a knowing smirk. "What do you think? Who will confess first? You or him?"

"I have no idea what games you're playing. All I want is to save him, nothing more," I said, my voice firm and unwavering.

Lucifer deadpanned, giving me a look that said. No one believes that. "Hm, the denial is strong in this one." He then smirked, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Now, now, there is no need to fight it. You can tell me your heart's deepest desires."

"I want to see David again, more than anything in the world. He was my home, the part of me I thought to be non-existent."

"And there it is!" Lucifer said, clapping his hands in delight. "Now that you have been honest with yourself, it's time to stop dallying. We have a future boyfriend to recover!"



What did I just say?

Did... did he just bewitch me?

"Now let's talk first-date arrangements," Lucifer said, index finger pressed upon his lips. "Let's see. It would be your first date, so... something overly cliche... Hmm... Chocolate-covered strawberries and a romantic stroll down the river? Or maybe a night out on the town? What's your budget?"

I stared at Lucifer in disbelief. Before deciding, it would be best to simply ignore him, even if he could will me out of existence. "Thanks for the help, but I need to bring David back, and I can't waste my time with you."

"Hmm, a low budget, you say?" Lucifer said, ignoring my words and continuing with his own agenda as he followed me through the portal. "Worry not, I have plenty of money, and I'm overly invested in this, so no limits."

"Could we change the subject?" I asked as calmly as possible.

"Like lingerie arrangements?" Lucifer asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"No!" I almost shouted. My magic going out of control for a brief moment as I lost hold of my emotions.

"I assure you, I am an expert in lingerie," Lucifer said, his face now more serious, looking almost insulted at my reaction. "I can make sure without an ounce of doubt that your future boyfriend is titillated by whatever you choose as your outfit."

I stared at him, my eyebrow twitching in disbelief. How did I even get into this mess?

"But I suppose we can change the subject to something else," Lucifer continued, a small smirk forming on his lips.

"Thanks," I muttered with a sigh.

"Waxing arrangements?" Lucifer suggested nonchalantly.

"WE HAVEN'T EVEN GONE ON OUR FIRST DATE YET!" I exclaimed exasperatedly, my voice echoing throughout the portal.

"Oh, so that means there will be a first date," Lucifer said, a satisfied smirk on his face. "I suppose I should start looking for that lingerie now, then. Better be prepared for any development."

I want to die.

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