Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 8: Meeting at the bar


Not got much to say about this chapter as of beginning to write it but I am thinking about possibly beginning to write a fanfiction - specifically a Bleach one. Obviously got ideas but the mc wouldn’t be a good girl so say the least - I won’t share her Shikai or Bankai because it would be spoilerish and ruin any surprise when it does appear.

Also please feel free to comment - I love hearing and just talking with you guys~! 

Anyway, enjoy~♥

“So that’s what happened - well those bastards will probably be comin’ over in no time then!” <Wine>

“Language you hag…” <Ebony>

“Well I feel like you youngins getting a bit rowdy at the idea that those weaklings challenging our mighty {Asura Yakuza} would be quite a natural, young matriarch…” <Ruby>

A third voice Violet somewhat recognized as one of her original {Assura God Slaying Battalion} - a young girl at the time who had her father and brother taken by the gods. Seeing her now Violet couldn’t help but compare her with the image of the past and realize how long has truly passed in the constantly changing {Mortal Realm}.

As one of the elders she of course had a conical bamboo hat of the Asura’s executive women though it was placed in front of her as it was for all the women in the room - her black veil would have tiny rubies beautifully embedded into it like making night sky with crimson stars glittering above. She was one of the stronger members, only finding her strength outmatched by the current leader, Violet’s own mother, Ebony. As such, Ruby was nearer the head of the table and hardly looked like the girl Violet brought along to wage war.

She now looked mature with her age showing in her eyes but with her power she still retained soft and bright skin. Though her skin was darker than the oni’s around her nobody seemed to mind nor say anything - everyone at this table were already legendary figures within the Oni in their own right. Though of course Violet could still be considered ‘newborn’ many of those here were those she once lead so it wasn’t surprising they could guess who she was - Violet hair is very recognisable plus she was already known as the ‘genius young Ojou-Sama’ able to create [Realm Ranked Treasure].

Making such a treasure was reason enough!

At the head was of course Ebony while on one side would be Violet and the other would be Ruby who was likely the second strongest. She was likely stronger than the old matriarch and many others who were also part of the old {Assura God Slaying Battalion} could certainly put up a fight but these women weren’t going to ruin the fun of the young. If it was because of their doting nature that these {Primordial Hannya Oni} hardly took part in these meetings. But hearing the call to action, how could they let these youngins suffer a loss with them still knocking around!

In fact - a lot of them were simply mediating under the manner or on the borders of the village.

If one looked upon them it may seem like Oni were nothing but a rowdy bunch… That would be right. Omitting that they also didn’t just suddenly ‘vanish’ furthermore Photon of course knew this which was why he was sure he needn’t worry about the Oni villages safety. Afterall - what is safer than having a bunch of doting (but violent) godslaying grannies around the place?! Most were being served good alcohol and piping hot meat by the various members of the yakuza from various families. Each having shining eyes at these old legends.

“Anyway as I was saying before I was RUDELY interrupted - those double backing bastards will no doubt be heading over here now that Hydra-” <Wine>

“Not Hydra. Demonic Heavenly Dragon.” <Violet>

Everyone was slightly surprised but Ruby just nodded her head - not minding that Violet was staring directly at her for an hour. In fact she had her busty chest pushed out fully as if showing off to her lord how grown up she was in front of her. She even pulled out caramel hard candy from somewhere to pop into Violet's slightly agape mouth from time to time.

All of these old Oni’s carried these candies.

After popping the candy in Violets mouth she softly mumbled to herself but those at the head of the table

“She was such a little cutie when she first hatched - much cuter than that lion-bird-thing. Of course not as cute as Ojou-sama~!” <Ruby>

Popping another candy into Violet’s mouth as she tilted her head causing a fawning sigh to escape from the grannies at the head of the table. Others weren’t as calm and understanding as these old timers of course. A frowning woman fairly far away from the ‘headliners’ seemed to represent a true minority group within the Oni - serious and astute. She had white hair with square framed glasses and a permanent scowl - she was often in charge of operations in the Yakuza so hardly spent time in the village.

“I understand she’s the matriarch's daughter but why is she here - this is a delicate matter that concerns the safety of the Oni village - I’d understand if it’s to get experience for the future but she even interrupted an elder.” <Alabaster>

She spoke in a cold and calm voice that displayed her serious nature perfectly. At her words the grannies all frowned though since they knew who the girl was - their leader unable to speak up at a little meeting about how to slaughter some humans? Of course, they knew she wasn’t at full power but before they could say anything Wine spoke up.

“If the lil’brat says something I’d die by it - her confirmin' it ain’t no hydra already is a great help for us! Not to mention us Oni only recognise one thing - strength - and even if she ain’t able to beat the shit out of us I’m not sure you should be sat at the table if you don’t know how powerful a [Realm Ranked Treasure] is.” <Wine>

Alabaster just frowned more so.

“Wouldn’t it be better to just give them away to avoid any of this trouble - even if we don’t give it to the humans we have allies we could have kept them for us. Allies the humans wouldn’t dare attack - if we give them as a gift we could even gain great benefits! At the end of the day it’s just a painting and we already know that she can’t use her [Personal Dharma Treasure]-” <Alabaster>

Before she could continue a frightening aura filled up the room - silencing Alabaster’s mouth but instead replacing it with the soft ‘pitter patter’ of her cold sweat falling to the floor. Many others at the end of the table also seized up under the pressure - the grannies group was of course more than dandy and continued to fawn on Violet who now had chubby cheeks thanks to all the hard candy she was sucking on.

Of course the pressure wasn’t from Violet.

“With this mere ‘painting’ I could wipe out every other race on this continent within a couple days.” <Ebony>

Ebony spoke in a cold tone that was rather unlike Violet had experienced - of course she didn’t mind. Ebony slowly moved her hand into her garb before pulling out a scroll and placing it gently on the table - at this point even the old Oni’s stopped what they were doing to look at his object with awe. Only one unaffected was Violet who began to count the roof tiles.

“We are currently calling it [The Records of The Hannya Origin] but I believe it should be more accurately called [The Inheritance Grounds of The Asura God Slayers]. It is so impressive I believe even that may not be worthy. What name it actually has I couldn’t say since {The World Voice} is the one incharge of such - at the very least I doubt she’d rank this treasure lowly. If it’s not ranked in the top 5 I would hand my position down to a shell lover!” <Ebony>

This made Alabaster shudder as she felt unsure about herself with the confidence her leader spoke. She may have said what she did but that didn’t mean she didn’t respect Ebony - rather it’s because she respected the matriarch position and held expectations she refused to spoil Violet. Before she could speak up though, Ebony took this as the perfect chance to speak about something he had intended to speak about for a while.

“Me & Hag Wine have already done some testing and it appears only those recognized as official elders can utilize even a fraction of its power.

I already plan to have it be on the matriarch where it shall be used to recognise new and old members as it appears to be an item that can be bound by many even if it can only be held by one. I won’t get into details about it’s battle power because only I as the current matriarch and maybe my baby can make full use of it - what you should know is it offers a recognized person an unquestionable advantage to training. With my permission as the owner of course.

Within is every technique ever learned, taught, created or witnessed by an Oni - it is like one of those inheritances the old bastards of other races hide. It literally records all our knowledge as a race!

Not only this but it acts as one of those ‘pocket spaces’ those reincarnators also get - time seems to move slower while boosting our growth in aspects I’m unsure about. Even more impressive though is it allows one to fight any enemy fought by an Oni in the past with no permanent danger to themselves… This included Violet herself!

Violet! Indigo!” <Ebony>

At that every single Oni shuddered and looked at that scroll with nothing short of shock - even Violet was no different. She’d seen all the [Realm Ranked Treasures] before since she was who she was… But one that could help give someone her battle experience? She may have been considered slow but she certainly wasn’t dumb, she understood she was likely the second most battlehardened person…

As for the first…

“Chesire…” <Violet>

Her soft voice rang out a minute after Ebony finished her rant - for once it trembled softly displaying the shock even she held. Although she didn’t speak it was impossible to make her as speechless as her mommy had just managed; although she spoke in the same manner as always it was only due to her very taciturn nature.

Her word shook everyone else and even Ruby could only just let out a whimper.

“You mean the {Martial God}...?” <Ruby>

Ebony just gave a stern nod and Wine spoke.

“As I’ve been in charge of the records lately since I settled down with my hubby I checked all the old legends. Cheshire, Proditor, Photon, Kaiser, Bloodleaf even the fucking {Heavenly Demon}!” <Wine>

“Oi,oi, oi! Language!” <Ebony>

Wine decided to ignore the Matriarch and so did everyone else - they were too impatient to hear her next words - of course she had to take a breath due to running out of air but she soon answered the question that was silently burning.

“It allowed us to fight all of them… It doesn’t even seem to restrict how many can enter as long as one of us Oni are with them - funnily it seems to also as long as they’re both marked as one of our own as well as faithful members they could also join us in training. What do you think brat - can your contributions to our {Little Hannya Family} or {Asura Yakuza} the lil’brats?” <Wine>

The smug smile on Wine’s face made it seem like it was her own daughter who made it; though considering she was Violet’s teacher it wasn’t inaccurate. She even kept off her drink the entire meeting just to fully bask in those faces of awe at her little disciple! Of course, now she lived up to her name as she didn’t even bother with the small bowl in front of her and just grabbed the bottle and began chugging.

“I-” <Alabaster>

“Wine you hag - that’s enough bullying. For now we should discuss how to deal with those pesky rats. Even if they can’t make use of our treasure they are unlikely to let up till we knock them about a bit - I think we should finally make ourselves known to the wider community. Even those attacking us are those who we haven’t had business with according to our rat.” <Ebony>

“But us Oni-” <Alabaster>

“Have been looked down upon for too long - that {Qian Family} slander us so we’ll show them just how demonic we can be; I’ll fuck a Turtle before I let those humans look down upon us! That monk indirectly leaked their information to our rat at that meeting. Those double backers have made it clear what their intentions are as well and I for one ain’t happy they enslave our children.” <Ebony>

“I agree with the matriarch - fuck’em!” <Wine>

“This is the perfect chance to wage war - I volunteer to attack their homes with some of the old battalion on that continent! We may not be in communication at all times but if there is anything us Oni are loyal, I have no doubt we’ll raise an army alongside the rest of the Yakuza to heavily damage their foundations! We’ll hold back then that Lion won’t be able to complain that we wiped them out! I’ll take Ojou-sama along and show off-” <Ruby>

“Can’t. Not leave forest till older.” <Violet>

Ruby went silent for a second at Violet’s muffled voice (due to the candy) then in a flash went in for the [Double Cheek Granny Art] on her.

“Oh you are such a good girl~!” <Ruby>

The discussion continued on but it didn’t take long till it devolved into a drinking match compete with arm wrestling. They didn’t even pay attention when the {The World Voice} announced the information about their newly got [Realm Ranked Treasures] to the world causing shock and fear towards the ‘demons’ to spread due to the {Qian Family} propaganda reaching every mortals ears.

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