Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 65: [Ohohoho Beam]


I know it’s jian but Violet doesn’t.

Tempted to drop a 'preview' of LHO...

A friend did get this bad boy done for me; say hello to Armor-Cordis who is the mc of LHO; though starts out more similar looking to a certain pseudo-demon lord


Anyways, enjoy~♥


Violet sat with her legs crossed, elbow resting on her knee to support her chin with her hand, a large pout on her lips as she gazed up to the stage.

Due to someone interrupting her she never managed to get up onto the stage before someone else worked up the courage; resulting in her needing to wait. She wasn’t an impolite girl who would interrupt someone else's fight just because she wanted to fight as well. It was a little boring that the new challenger was using the exact same weapon.

Humans were boring like that as they held ‘tian’ style swords with some strange level of reverence like no other weapon could compete with it. Eighty percent of all weapon-based martial arts she had seen were specifically for using a tian - as a clearly superior person Violet of course realised how silly that was. Curved blades were better for drawing hence why Mother who focused on an Iaido-style used varieties of them, Sohn-Tocther used a unique spear as well as enlarged swordbreaker that is more like a sword than a parrying dagger and Cheshire basically used whatever she could!

That was only for humans on this side of the frontier of course yet that didn’t change the fact that a collection of mortals tended to focus on one weapon. On the other side of the planet the humans focused mostly on boring long swords - maybe paired up with a shield. Then there were tribes of beast-kin that also focused on their own things.

It was no wonder mortals couldn’t stop her from destroying their worlds if they always behaved so predictably that one knew what to expect after one encounter. Watching the two men slash at one another, the occasional poke mixed in, Violet couldn’t help waving at her mouth while letting out a long yawn. Some people who noticed couldn’t help but give her a black look yet didn’t do anything more after that.

Originally they had attempted to take her away yet after she sat down whenever they attempted to approach her it appeared they made no progress. It was as if she was surrounded by a high levelled  barrier that blocked anyone from approaching… Because, that’s to the surprisingly useful Ashue had set up a ‘simple barrier’ which worked on high level spatial manipulation to revert an individual to their last spatial coordinates before they touched the barrier.

Something even children could do according to Ashue.

“Y’know I’m always surprised when you prove you can actually do something beneficial with those arrays & formations of yours…” <Slate>

The oni pondered to herself while leaning her back against the side of one of the stands with her eyes closed and head lowered. A gentle wind blew through her hair making it rustle in her air while she was actually taking in everything she learnt over the last few days - she wasn’t just spending her time giving Violet a full body hotdogging after all. At first she just reviewed her own actions in using [Hashi].

With her talent just self reviewing her own successes and failings got her some nice progress yet it didn’t end there. Violet was the one who made as well as gained the most success with the strongest [Absolute Destruction Empress Sword Style]; not only that she seemed quite pleased with Slate’s progress with it. Using many powerful slaps she ‘corrected’ Slate’s posture while also making her fully aware exactly what she was…

Violet’s toy.

Not that Slate cared about such a position since she had essentially committed herself to following her ojou-sama ever since she helped birth her. On the other hand Ashue was just looking towards the stage with the same tired expression as violet - waving away yet another yawn while tilting her head. Clearly questioning what her partner was about.

“I can do plenty of useful things~!” <Ashue>

“Like?” <Slate>

“... I can give helpful adv-” <Ashue>

Slate immediately lifted her hand up to stop Ashue from talking any more nonsense.

“I’m going to cut you off right there.” <Slate>

“What? I’m Violet ojou-sama’s faithful advisor and right hand woman~!” <Advisor Ashue>

Hearing that Slate opened her eyes to look at Ashue with the coldest look she could manage for the fumbling buffoon which was her fellow ‘advisor’. It always bewildered her ever since the day she first met with Ashue - why did matriarch Ebony, grandma Wine & ancestor Ruby choose to pair both of them with Violet? Even if secretly she admitted Ashue was certainly fun to be with yet she wasn’t exactly worthy of the title ‘advisor’.

“How about you let me focus on the advising and you can look good in the back?” <Slate>

“Oh I bet I’m amazing at hohoho~!” <Ashue>

With a big grin on her face she crossed her arms under her chest to ‘reposition’ her bosom, gaining the eyes of quite a few people in the crowd. Among them was Slate who couldn’t help licking her lips a little - thoughts about Ashue that certainly weren't PG floated in her head. She did close her eyes again though.

<Can’t wait to milk those plump puppies for Ojou-sama’s fresh milk while maybe she sucks on my own chest… Focus on the sword Slate… Ojou-sama’s big fat sword…>

Quickly getting distracted by the thoughts of a grown up Violet wielding her very own ‘legendary greatsword’ to ravage both her butt and Ashue’ breasts. Well aware by now that nobody could match Ojou-sama’s physical prowess, images of her defeated figure beside her comrade made her breath become heated. She couldn’t help turning to Ashue once more.

“Do you think our hips will be fine in the future with… Ojou-sama?” <Slate>

“Heh I think they’ll at least crack a little on the night of her 18th birthday yet I’m sure we’ll quickly adapt as Violet Ojou-sama’s loyal hands~!” <Ashue>

“Huh… Well at the very least with her stamina we’ll get a lot of practice in and I doubt she’d be prudish enough to stop even if we pass out…” <Slate>

“Hehe~.” <Ashue>

Just as they were ‘worrying’ about their future selves (or jealous based on the sopping wet patches forming on the pair’s crotches) a roar exploded out. The challenger had thrusted his own jian sword  forward towards the stomach of the current champion - a poor choice as the challenger appeared to have metal attuned qi. By enveloping his hand with his qi a metal film formed over his skin allowing him to push the sword aside only to ram his own sword through the challenger's chest.

Dropping the sword he held, the challenger lifted his hands up to clutch the sword that pierced through his chest with a shocked look on his face. Clearly he couldn’t believe his life was about to end yet the champion showed no mercy; lifting his foot up he booted the stomach of the dying man to have him slam into the ground below. Lifting the bloody sword into the air the man roared out while taking a victory lap around the ring to the adoration of the roaring crowd.

Unlike last time though there was no ‘10 minute break’ generated through them not being able to decide who would go up next, both anyone could stop her a little oni stepped up. She held no weapon in her hands while taking no stance. Instead she just stood with her arms by her side while looking aimlessly around the crowd who went silent.

Even the announcers seemed confused at the sudden appearance.

“There seems to be a girl who looks similar to the star of our show here…” <Announcer 1>

“Indeed though clearly she is far younger than Vanta; the oni who levelled Bako street just a couple days ago leading to thousands dying.”  <Announcer 2>

“Age doesn’t matter though - now that she’s in the ring she can only await!” <Announcer 1>

Though it wasn’t a competition where the ending only came when the opponent died it was clear that the announcer’s never held belief that the champion would be so generous. In fact they were right as veins upon his forehead began to become visible as he glared towards the girl who interrupted his showboating. The man was in fact a mercenary who hoped to use this as an opportunity to grow his name thus his reputation as well.

Yet this little brat thought she could just come up because she was curious or got lost thus ruining his time to do just that? Grinding his teeth he charged towards Violet with his sword lifted up high - seeking to cleave the oni in half. Obviously she wasn’t very frightened at the man’s beast-like charge unlike the crowd who let out gasps.

She merely just lifted a hand to catch the blade despite the primitive sword-qi that the man was pumping into it. In fact, to everyone's shock, her didn’t even manage to draw blood despite the girl using nothing but her bare hands. Clenching her right hand she seemed to be about to punch only to freeze while the champion broke from his confusion and tried pulling his sword away from her.

<Need to practice qi techniques but don’t know where to start in making them… Maybe make seals like Mother does?>

With a thought like that Violet closed her eyes to imagine the figure of Mother clicking her fingers summoning thousands of chains. Chains which wrapped around the target sealing their movements as well as qi thus rendering them unable to resist her next action - drawing only to sheath her weapon in an instant. Doing so with such speed that even Violet was unable to see the actual appearance of the sword as it lobbed off another head while laughing that familiar ‘ohohoho’ all the way…

<Hm~ too much of a bother, would rather just kill them… Maybe like Cheshire?>

The next figure she imagined was a 5 foot galaxy haired girl doing… Something? She wasn’t quite sure but space was being weird while black holes were forming and gigantic balls of plasma fell down from the sky. Honestly Violet knew what was happening but didn’t know why it was happening since she didn’t care about that.

<Annoying like Cheshire… Brother At- nah would possibly drag harem into harm… Hm…>

It was then another figure appeared in her head along to shed some light; a figure that appeared to be fully clad in gold from head to toe. The only parts of them that appeared to be flesh and blood were their hands while a sultry smile was on their face. They lifted that hand to generate a tiny ball of greenish-gold qi while letting out a far more arrogant ‘ohohoho’ than Mother as that ball of energy exploded outwards into a piercing beam that went through the primordial god of reincarnation’s chest.

Remembering that move that focused on merely concentrating a beam of qi into a piercing attack Violet felt it suited her very well.

So while the champion struggled to pull his sword from her left hand she had the index finger open up from her midair right fist which was pointed towards his chest. A tiny ball, smaller than the dust particles in the air, of purple fire formed on the tip of her finger yet it still caught everyone's attention despite its size. Mostly because it was causing the world around to seemingly dim while it was the only thing which was still bright.

“[Ohohoho~ Beam]” <Violet>

She spoke in a manner which was shockingly similar to Sohn-Tochter as that little ball exploded forth into a beam that pierced right through the man's chest and out the other side. Everyone was shocked as the man himself stumbled back to clutch the tiny hole on his chest only to look at his hands to notice a secondary effect; [Violet Flames]. From the wound spread the purple flames which destroyed all which spread onto his hands as he was left screaming in horrifying pain as even his soul & mind burned away.

In mere seconds nothing was left of him but some vanta black scorch marks.

“Mmm next?” <Violet>

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