Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 55: The end of the edge [Hashi]


By the time your reading this I'll either be writing or uploading chapter 84 of days of a demoness of the patreon... Just saying.

Anyways, enjoy~♥


A total of four large males stormed forth through the crowd while forcibly pushing the poor little mortals aside like baggage.

There was nobody who would try to find trouble with these oni in general since their leader already got along well with the top content for crown prince. This fear was of course amplified after watching another (if admittedly younger) oni viciously murder five people to seemingly impress some other girl. With that being the case it wasn’t surprising that people attempted to move out their way though some weren’t as lucky.

Those that couldn’t get out the way of the hulking men were met with the powerful arms of the oni who sent them flying with powerful sweeps. Behind the gang of oni the arrogant visage of the gem adorned Vanta; having hair that matched her name. Said hair followed behind her in the form of a braided tail with pearls embedded between braids as if to look like the night sky.

Slate herself was quite curious why the crowd had started screaming while people flew through the air to smash into other people or structures. Though with the rate they were going through the crowd it didn’t take the blue haired oni to see what was happening. The members of {Orchid} around her all tensed while preparing their various weapons at the aggressive figures of Vanta’s gang.

Even then Slate didn’t seem bothered as she had the large blade’s flat side bounce up and down upon her right shoulder. To prevent the shadow guards from striking at the oni preemptively she merely lifted her left hand - that was enough as they all remained in their positions. Still they continued to glare at the confident oni’s.

The men snorted at these ‘little fellas’ who dared point their weapons towards them without knowing who they followed. Meanwhile it was around this time when Vanta stepped forward to look at Slate though unlike Onyx she didn’t look friendly. Instead she lifted her nose to the air while glaring down at Slate as if she was better than her in every way possible.

“ *Snort*What do you think your doing here playing around like this kid? Do you think you're impressive for causing trouble for us in this powerful empire by killing some no names just because I’ve been spending time building a strong backing for the oni here? Well I have no intention to help you get yourself out of this!” <Vanta>

For a solid second Slate just looked at Vanta with a look that one would only give as they looked upon an idiot trying to say something smart. This of course only enraged the bratty oni who ground her teeth while clenching her fists with rage. Luckily before the situation could get any worse Slate spoke up at last.

“We do not need nor want your help; Ojou-sama has all this sorted out, Vanta…-sama.” <Slate>

“Ojou-sama! You actually dare to refer to someone other than those from our {Little Hannya Family} Ojou-sama like this? I have to bring your loyalty into question now, is it that dumb looking girl on top of the roof there who you follow now? I suppose that means you're a traitor who has led these non-oni in order to rebel against our eons' long rule!” <Vanta>

“... Violet Ojou-sama is your younger sister you don’t know about due to Matriarch Ebony forgetting to contact you during the last 15 or so years.” <Slate>

Hearing that didn’t do much to calm down the aggressive yet arrogant oni woman as she stomped her foot on the floor causing the ground to shatter. It was quite obvious that Vanta didn’t appreciate the insinuation that she wasn’t even important enough to the {Asura Yakuza} to contact about another possible heir. No, it was more likely she couldn’t believe it to be so.

“The only younger sister is that disgusting same-sex loving half-blood and that purple hair prune certainly isn’t her for sure. You say that she’s a possible heir yet she hasn’t even got black hair like the rest of us while you call her Ojou-sama so readily despite her not even accomplishing anything of note! If you admit that your at fault now and kill that little bitch I-” <Vanta>

“You have accomplished nothing of note unlike Ojou-sama who was busy holding back the hordes of cultivators after presenting a realm rank treasure to the matriarch. When was the last time you gave any offerings of worth to the family head? Violet ojou-sama isn’t even of age at 15 so isn’t required to give offerings so it’s no wonder she was accepted as the young matriarch over you since you’ve just been playing around!” <Slate>

Hearing her lord being threatened, how could she hold her head up if she didn’t rush forth to defend Violet’s honour from the sheer slander of the fool? With such vengeful rage pumping through her veins it wasn’t surprising that the girl lifted her blade from her shoulder to point it towards the arrogant miss. This in return made the young miss point her finger angrily towards the angry samurai girl.

“Her, the young family head, don’t try to take me for a fool! As for what I’ve done I’ve gained something far better than any of that! I’ve been making the favoured prince of this very {Dong Empire} into an ally! We need these sort of allies if we stand any chance of surviving in this modern era yet mother doesn’t even understand the importance of this!” <Vanta>

“The oni people have never received help from other races - we only provide help to other races that is the way of us as a warrior race - for you not to understand that shows you’ll never be in the running to be the young matriarch!” <Slate>

“Urgh, enough of this, just deal with them I’ll explain it to my mother personally!” <Vanta>

With that the male oni’s grinned menacingly while cracking their knuckles to walk slowly towards the angry female who didn’t seem to care much for their attitude. On the other side of things seeing the sturdy men surround the admittedly muscular Slate the already punchable face of Vanta only became more punchable. A confident grin upon her face.

“Could we play with her a bit since it’s been awhile since we found a woman who could handle us going through a rough boss?” <Oni 1>

“Never bred a genius before so it should be good!” <Oni 2>

“Yea, that’s right, Slate was meant to be really good at handling swords so she should be even better than other girls right?” <Oni 3>

“I know a sword she can handle bwahaha!” <Oni 4>

“As expected of an oni; although her chest is lacking her ass makes up for it heh.” <Oni 5>

“Heh, very well, since I’m a gracious ruler I’ll let that traitorous bitch live in order to breed some high quality servants for me as the next matriarch!” <Vanta>

Crossing her arms while no longer being able to even see Slate past the imposing presence which was 3 hulking male oni approaching her. Still the only people who were nervous was the watching crowd as the shadow guards had ironically left their battle ready postures as if they already knew they had no need to act. On the other side Slate moved that large blade as it was a mere extension of herself, keeping it outstretched to the right.

“Y’know I’ve been presented with a problem I cannot do anything about… Ojou-sama seems to like women with large chests. Despite that as well as the purpose of my life being to serve all her needs I found myself unable to do anything about my meagre offerings. As such I decided to put twice the effort into my training to make up for the lack of two lumps. It was obvious Ojou-sama would realise what I was doing though…” <Slate>

“What’s that got to do with anything, come here already!” <Oni 1>

The large oni fearlessly jumped forth and tried to grab her right arm obviously to disarm her so he could push her to the floor. Knowing there was no way they would care about getting to a private place thus fully intended to strip then breed Slate then and there. Kitty couldn’t help but gasp seeing this yet from the roof top two people stood on the edge looking down below.

“You must be very happy Violet Ojou-sama since you're smiling so much~!” <Ashue>

Violet was indeed smiling yet the smile on her face was one that very much suited her infamous title as the first and strongest of the demons…

She was more excited than happy…

“It matters a lot since Ono-sama made sure that I wouldn’t lose to anyone elses sword style by teaching me her own through vigorous training. Something I’m sure even {The Sword God Emperor} would be for. Thus I can never lose and bring shame to her [Absolute Destruction Empress Sword Style - Hashi]!” <Slate>

Then it was if the world itself came to a stand still as everyone could suddenly see the world in black and white where the only thing of colour was that large sword. It didn’t have it’s usual appearance but shone with a vivid violet aura as it slowly completed a full arc in front of her resulting in the only in front of her being cut in half. That wasn’t where the horror ended…

This was a sword art Violet herself used to use when claiming the apex of the sword that even now has been left untouched after all.

The entire world went black then to everyone's horror violet twinkles appeared all over their vision in front of where Slate was. Soon those lights grew to form ‘端’ upon which light returned yet the street they once knew was already nothing but a memory. All around were countless severed limbs, halved torsos, separated hips and rubble.

Clean cuts had left the area completely diced up with even the mighty oni screaming in pain as none of the five were in one piece. The one who was in front of Slate originally was in so many pieces it was hard to tell where he began and ended. At this point they were honestly more akin to ground beef than oni.

Out of all this chaos not even buildings were able to stop themselves from being reduced to tiny fragments yet this was a simple one move from Violet’s sword art. In truth Slate couldn’t even be said to have understood 1% of the potential of that move nevertheless as should be expected from Violet that still let so much destruction occur. Still one person managed to remain unharmed from this horror situation.

Currently Vanta was completely stunned with a wide open mouth and horror filled eyes as she slowly turned to look at all the destruction. These buildings were already sturdy enough to survive the average cultivators but yet everything within Slate’s field of view was gone. With how strong these buildings and people was, although normally such destruction would be easy for someone in the nascent realm, it was above what a pseudo-immortal could accomplish.

She knew that for a fact since she was sure she couldn’t do something like this despite being as strong as a {Female Executive} even if she wasn’t allowed to be one. Despite such a situation the purple haired girl stood in front of her with a hand raised, smoke slowly rising from her open palm, without so much as a scratch. Looking at the girl who she was slandering earlier standing up in front of her to defend her certainly made her confused.

“Y-you sav-*PAP!* GUGH!” <Vanta>

While Vanta was confused Violet turned around and swung; connecting a powerful punch to the oni’s head thus sending her to the ground. On the other side Slate smiled smugly while looking at the destruction she caused as she swung her sword up to land the flare side upon her shoulder once again. Her looking like a powerful god of war ended when she coughed up a mouth of blood and subsequently fell backwards.

Luckily her partner in crime (as well as Qin since that sword was very heavy) came up to support her before she fell to the ground.

“You certainly got over excited this time, Slate~!” <Ashue>

“She looked down upon Ojou-sama *huff*… Couldn’t *huff*… Help myself *huff*…” <Slate>

“Mmm~makes sense to me~!” <Qin>

On the other side there was the surprised Kitty who just silently overlooked the destruction with sheer awe.

<So this is the kind of power she grants her followers…>

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