Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 49: Obligatory Bath Scene


Yeah, every story needs one, so here we go!

Anways, enjoy~♥


With kitty being left by herself, other than shaking to get the water out of what she assumed was now her fur, had plenty of time to take in her surroundings.

She ended up discovering that she was actually in what appeared to be a bathhouse not only that but the qi even in the air (let alone water) was absolutely incredible. The building seemed to be made out of pure marble with various golden reliefs or ornate statues of the four cardinal beasts spewing out qi rich water. Every royal - and maybe everyone from the {Dong Empire} - could only guess this to be one thing…

{The Grand Bath of Cardinal Immortals}!

There wasn’t a more highly regarded bath in the entirety of human kind; as one can imagine it’s the bath with the highest quality qi in the palace with the highest quality qi. It really wasn’t an over exaggeration to say that the orthodox sects would fight amongst themselves for a chance to send a few of their own. Despite that being the case this wasn’t what Kitty found herself focused on - although her attention was on some beautifully done art - it was completely on the purple haired oni depicted on the backs of Slate & especially Ashue.

Obviously she had realised they were actually back tattoo’s yet that just interested the now actual kitty even more. She wasn’t an artisan so she couldn’t say for sure, nor was she particularly well versed with art as much as she would like to be, yet she was sure that making art on someone's body would be more difficult and painful than a canvas or wall. Despite that being the case she doubted anyone would fault the quality as being lesser than anything within this palace which showed clear dedication to that purple haired oni… Still she was even more curious about what was happening on the artwork.

Very clearly it was passionate beyond belief yet to her such an act of passion was strange since she had never experienced such passion. It made her feel a longing for that kind of feeling while the little heart in her furry chest beated rapidly. She didn’t even seem to notice that despite how timid she usually was she was staring at another sentient creature without any sign of embarrassment.

“What is that nya?” <Kitty>

While for her that made sense to most mortals that would just sound like the curious cute mewling of a kitten. Of course none of the people she was trying to speak to were mortals with two of them also being beasts (thus could understand the beast tongue) while the other one was an oni who was about as far from ‘mortal’ as one could get. While the stoic Sohn-Tochter only gave the girl a glance the two chuckle-sisters turned around to look towards the beast with tilted heads.

“What's that’ little princess?” <Ashue>

Ashue moved a hand to pet the little head only for Kitty the kitty to nervously reel her head backwards showing her unwillingness. Surprisingly the usually foolish Ashue ended up pulling her hand back with a pout. Though Kitty thought it was because the ‘wise lady’ understood her own reluctance making her feel a little bad - it was Ashue so it was more likely she didn’t want to move in the pleasant water with her turtle-ness.

“T-t-the beautiful depiction on y-y-your back nya… It l-looks wonderful but I don’t understand what it actually is. Can you t-tell me nya?” <Kitty>

Hearing the words of the kitten Ashue held an excited smile on her face while clapping her hands in joy. Meanwhile Slate who was beside Ashue could tell exactly where this was going to go now that the ‘Violet Ojou-sama’ button had been pressed. With that in mind Slate just held her face with a long sigh.

“This is our fate in 5 years when Violet Ojou-sama comes of age! As soon as she fully develops she’ll need countless women to satisfy her carnal desires - it would be foolish to be selfish in trying to keep Violet Ojou-sama to ourselves. So we should have many women who should be offered to her and feel gracious for it! There will be no greater pleasure for us woman than having our meagre bodies permanently destroyed, unable to find pleasure in others, all in order to pleasure her mighty fat co-” <Ashue>

“Watch it you thick shelled fool!” <Slate>

It was at that point when Slate pounced upon Ashue with her hands falling upon the tortoise’s mouth to prevent her from finishing her line. The sudden attack did indeed surprise Ashue who was sent falling under the water with Slate now sitting upon the woman. Although Slate remained on top of Ashue to stop her from surfacing, that obviously wouldn’t matter much to the water Spirit Beast hybrid.

What the oni didn’t expect was Ashue’s hands to come up around her waist to grab her but making the mighty yakuza let out a yelp. Instinctively Slate moved her hands to grab Ashue’s hands only to fall into the tortoise's likely unplanned plan. Ashue resurfaced and used her talents as a shadow guard to swoop Slate up by her thighs, forcibly spreading her thighs to show her surprisingly cute little pussy with a hard little beam.

To show off even more to the kitten her thumbs even spread apart that little lady bits causing the oni to angrily pound on the other advisors head.

“What’re you doing you fool?!” <Slate>

“Showing off to the kitten since she’s curious? Anyway as you can see Slate’s small pussy is nice and tight right now but in eight years this’ll be a semen smelling meaty crater that no silly man will ever be able to pleasure. Thus we’ll have to rely on each one which is what we’ve been doing while waiting for Violet Ojou-sama to grow, though I can only fit a finger and a bit inside without stretching her out~. ” <Ashue>

“Stop you dumbass!” <Slate>

“Eh~? But I haven’t even shown your cute little butthole which’ll become a fat cock sucking donut though~?” <Ashue>

“Your not meant to do that to a fucking child!” <Slate>

A burst of intent exploded from Slate causing Ashue to be stunned for long enough for Slate to dismount from the idiot. Following up with that she violently pushed the girls mouth downwards back into the water - it must be said she wasn’t embarrassed about all this rather it was just because Ashue was getting ahead of herself like always! Still Ashue tried to speak.

“Uanguage!” <Ashue>


That wasn’t what Kitty was focused on however more than anything she was trying to work through everything Ashue had told her about their apparent future. They genuinely seemed so happy that in the future their entire being would be dedicated to fulfilling the brutal desires of the violet haired oni. Meanwhile to her it was something that meant suffering for a woman/girl since that’s what it clearly meant for her and her mother…

“So you a-a-are wives for that c-cute purple oni nya?” <Kitty>

Hearing that Slate finally let Ashue up again while turning to answer Kitty herself before Ashue could say something dumb again.

“We’re not good enough in any fashion to dare take the position as Ojou-sama’s wife - think of us more like her… Toys. We’re basically like toys that also advise her about various topics and dealing with stuff she can’t be bothered to. Ashue here is a master at formations, surprising as that may be while I’m fairly good with a Sword.” <Slate>

Once again Kitty tilted her head.

“W-what’s a toy nya?” <Kitty>

“Have you never played with a toy before - Slate has tons of t-” <Ashue>

Before Ashue could continue Slate abruptly lifted her first upwards to hit the beast in her nose resulting in her falling backwards once more while cradling her face.

“Ow~.” <Ashue>

“Shut it you, you’ve said enough. A toy is just an item which you can use to enhance or create enjoyment for yourself as you can use them freely however you really want. There are all sorts of toys including for what Ashue has been talking about.” <Slate>

So even if Violet can’t give them any attention couldn’t they use toys to help satiate themselves in the meantime? In that case maybe it truly isn’t too bad being a breeding tool for such an adorable yet powerful person… If this Violet wasn’t kind, even generous, for allowing many women to have such an honour as being one of her own toys then who is?

As if Ashue was reading the girl's mind she spoke up once more with a wise smile on her face to ask the question even Slate was wondering about. Though perhaps Ashue said a bit more than she should have… Though Kitty’s response surprised even herself.

“What do you think? Do you want to also dedicate your body and soul to Violet Ojou-sama for all of eternity? I think an adult version of you on my back would look great~! “ <Ashue>

“Nyes.” <Kitty>

There was a moment of silence before steam practically exploded out of the kittens head while her paws cutely shook in the air as if she was trying to wipe a window or something.

“I-I-I-” <Kitty>

“Hm… Honestly Ojou-sama seems interested in her as a person while this little princess has the right bloodlines to make something worthy out of herself. Maybe she could actually take up the converted spot as Ojou-sama’s wife? If not she’ll at least be a concubine  who could occasionally satisfy I suppose.” <Slate>

“If you want to satisfy Violet Ojou-sama you have to remember to eat well from now on - she doesn’t like weak sickly girls but strong ones that can take a beating~!” <Ashue>

“True since Ojou-sama’ll never consider being gentle with you just because you're crying and begging her to. So best cultivate well if you want to survive your first night. I won’t be the one to clean the remains of your exploded guts off the wall.” <Slate>

“That’s unlikely with Violet Ojou-sama - ploughing your face right in them while unloading inside your butt seems likely hohoho~” <Ashue>

“Urgh… True…” <Slate>

Before she could even explain that her thought had kind of just slipped out of her mind while she was thinking about her answer the two were already discussing. Occasionally throwing an odd piece of advice to her before it quickly devolved into her chances of dying due to Violet getting too ‘eager’ making her tremble. Listening to them then get onto more detail of how her remains would likely be treated obviously scaring the timid little tiguar.

<So if I don’t get strong I can’t be of use, then why am I wasting time here, I should be cultivating right now nya?!>

Closing her golden eyes she would begin to feel qi flow into her body letting her slowly begin to expand her already impressive cultivation of Foundation Formation. She was no Jingye Dai but she was steadily making progress at about the same rate as one may imagine a new cultivator with talent to enhance. Clearly putting her siblings to shame at the very least.

That was until a giant splash behind her signalled the arrival of the very purple haired oni that everyone was talking about. It took her shocking little time to end up behind Kitty as she felt herself being brought into the soft embrace of Violet’s bosom while a comb slowly was pulled through Kitty’s hair. She didn’t even last a second before falling into a calm lul as all tension left her body.

<I-I’ll just sleep for a few seconds…>

“Violet, how many times have I told you, you’re meant to wash your hair first before you jump into the bath else it won’t be dry enough by the time you get out.” <Sohn-Tochter>

“Nuuuya!” <Violet>

Just as quickly the big sister went full big sister mode despite her emotionless voice making it seem like she was merely nagging. Her finger tips expertly massaged Violet’s scalp with bubbles quickly forming even as she shook her head to get her sister away. Anyone could tell that Sohn-Tochter was more than used to doing this even if she hadn’t done this in awhile.

Seeing the kitten sleeping in their ojou-sama’s embrace as she combed it while reluctantly having her own hair washed the two advisors looked at one another.

“So what do I do about my back tattoo?” <Ashue>

“Hm… When we get the time let Ojou-sama do it since she’ll know how she’ll end up treating the kitten the best?” <Slate>

“Ah, you really are smart hohoho~!” <Ashue>

“No, you’re just dumb…” <Slate>

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