Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 47: The Violet effect


So~ only one person thought that the little princess was cute... The other 90+% of your just wanted to squish her cheeks like the perverts you all are!

Relatable tbf

Anyways, enjoy~♥



As soon as they landed upon the famous palace you could practically hear the gears inside the heads of the members {Orchid} all come to a halt.

Obviously Violet couldn’t give less of a shit so before all the dragons even landed she had jumped from the fluffy mane onto the [Spirit Stone] roof. Being an oni she couldn’t care less about how high quality the qi radiating from it was so instead of focusing on how amazing the palace is. Walking up to the side of the palace the purple haired demoness simply lifted her hand up to admire how high up she was.

It was at that point Violet spotted something quite interesting - a cute little kitty dressed up like a princess in long white hair. Within her hair were wavy black lines that were a pattern she knew all too well to be that of a tiger and with Violet being the smart girl she was she remembered the information her older sister gave to her. Yet for some reason the little princess seemed very nervous which made Violet frown.

Why wouldn’t she be happy when she was going to have a party soon!

Even stranger was for a tiger she looked very skinny as the [White Tigers] from the past were all rather chubby while being as tall if not taller than Photon. Could there be a lack of food resulting in the princess not being able to eat properly; then again there was a really fat man standing while occasionally glaring towards the back of the cute kitten which made Violet not happy. That look reminded her of the gross one men used to give her older sister when she was forced into work for the dragons alongside their birth mother.

She considered killing him because he made her remember something unpleasant though luckily for her she also noticed the aura of three of her children. That did make her remember that she let quite a few of her kids play around in this {Great Dong Empire} so it was nice to know things were going well. It even seemed one of them were doing quite well on their sword cultivation which would certainly please her grumpy fox.

Knowing how kind she was to spare that wad of fat she couldn’t help but congratulate herself as she leaned forward as if she was about to jump off the roof.

“Violet o-” <Slate>

“[True Demon - Trigger].” <Violet>

“And she’s gone~.” <Slate>

Slate, who was holding a coat in her hands to place it over Violet’s shoulders, instead felt a gust of wind blow back as Violet exploded towards the princess. As usual her [True Demon Arts] were marked by the [Violet Flames of Destruction] while her speed was likely above that of the mighty Stormbringer had shown - with the caveat that it was far more limited. While it was something she had only just come up with, her [Trigger Art] martial art was best described as converting her destructive leg strength into a single jump during a [Flash Step].

With her overwhelming level of strength it made sense her jump would be powerful yet since it was just her pushing off it certainly shouldn’t be confused as pure speed. Though she certainly would be able to chain several together after her body had finished growing yet at the end of the day it wasn’t as if she was running or flying. She chose a direction then kicked the floor till she reached it; it was a brutish technique that needed raw physical strength even if it did require quite a bit of talent.

It just so happened the person using it was the same person who could punch through essentially anything in her prime.

Even if one knew it was coming as long as she acted first her first would already be churning it’s targets into gore before anyone could act… Well except her older sister, Sohn-Tochter, who was maybe even faster and maybe Cheshire who’s own martial art lended itself well to being possibly countering Violet’s own…

Maybe also Mother through some bullshit methods?

Well anyway, if Topplers couldn’t react to Violet’s [Trigger Art] nobody except her own children would be able to stop her without knowing what was happening. Of course they did nothing so before anyone could understand what was happening Violet was staring into the golden eyes of the little princess behind all of the guards who stood in front. When she did appear she didn’t even say anything then seconds later a huge gust of wind announced her arrival to the confused guards who saw the infiltrator vanish.

Since the little princess was behind all the men and maimed jaguar nobody realised when Violet appeared since the kitten was silent; likely in shock at the sudden face. Still the guards, prince and fat man were no better off as they were just as surprised that a little girl had managed to charge straight past them. It wouldn’t be surprising if they thought she just teleported behind them, which could be considered slightly ironic if she's the one Empress who can’t do something akin to teleporting unless you include her punching(literally)  holes through the realms.

Things only got more surprising still as Violet reached out to poke the girls cheeks only to frown followed by reaching to grab hold of the princess chest. One could imagine the girl was quite surprised at suddenly being groped yet she didn’t dare jump away as he beastial bloodlines both warned her of this beings strength. Instead she turned away with a blush and a trembling lip.

“W-w-w-w-what do y-y-y-you w-w-w-want?” <Kitty>

As can be expected many thoughts were going through the peanut gallery - the silentest of them all being the prince who recognised who Violet was thus was very quiet as he planned his next steps. He knew she was the infamous heir to the {Asura Yakuza}/{Little Hannya Family} and was already thinking over the possible benefits of selling Dong Kitty to Violet. What nine years of engagement?

He would be fine selling some of the actually pretty sisters or brothers to become toys for the oni if it helped him gain support.

The guards meanwhile were wondering what they should do at this point as it wasn’t their job to think but instead act when and if they are ordered to. Though the ones having the easiest time were the vampire trio that just passively watched from the side with the hidden red gleam from their eyes becoming less hidden. Surprisingly the most subtle reaction was from the [Black Jaguar] who simply watched over with no real expression to speak of. Yet the gaze she gave her owner showed she wished he would attack someone else - displeased duke Duke and his fellows didn’t already put an end to him.

There was someone who’s reaction was nowhere near as subtle as the rest. While others were confused or simply chosing to wait, the grand duke's reaction quickly changed from bewilderment into heated fury. His face quickly turned redder than it already was while watching as a girl just popped up and made moves on his future pet - while officially they would marry he had no plans for some grand ceremony for the beast. Instead he planned to follow the popular saying of mother like daughter when it came to the girls treatment.

To make matters even worse the purple haired oni leaned in to gently kiss the tip of the beast's nose causing the bastard princess to quiver. It was clear she didn’t expect such a gentle action from the other girl since the cat turned to look at Violet with wide eyes - all according to Violet’s plan as she then pressed the girls lips to her own. It wasn’t anything lewd though since they just softly touched lips before Violet pulled away.

“Mmm kitty cute but too skinny so fatten up later.” <Violet>

Before anyone could fully register Violet’s words she had already appeared behind Kitty to wrap her arms around the girl's waist - lifting her just like a cat. As if it was the most natural thing in the world she also proceeded to bite the girl's slender neck to draw out some blood making the 666th princess cry out in surprise. This finally broke down any resistances the grand duke had as he refused to be some cuck!

“Who do you think you are to lay a hand on what’s mine you little purple haired bitch - if you were so desperate to die you could have at least done it where I wouldn’t need to lift my own hand to grant it? Or maybe you simply wish to also become mine-” <Grand Duke Jabba>

It was at that very moment that the trio from the traditional faction couldn’t stop themselves from bursting out in laughter much to everyone's surprise. Surprisingly it wasn’t just the marquise who was laughing but both the duke & viscount also couldn’t hold themselves back. The prince who had extensively studied their behaviours were most confused as nobody was more loyal to the Immortal Emperor than the traditional faction. So why were they laughing at the grand duke confronting a member of the group who treated his palace like a beast stable?

This enraged the grand duke even more though since he just believed they were laughing at how he was being made a fool of by the little girl. As for Violet herself? Of course she didn’t give two shits about what the little human thought as she was too busy with the tiguar kitten. Since she wasn’t a vampire some would think she didn’t know anything about bloodlines however that would be quite the foolish thought.

Who gave birth to the vampires after all?

By pushing an incy wincy bit of her essence into the girl's blood then continuing to forcibly accelerate the rate of the girl's blood flow. The latent blood essence from her bloodlines would then begin to activate in response to the pressure from VIolet’s own - in no time at all the full potential of the 666th princess thus would unlock. This wasn’t exactly painless though since the awakening of potential, let alone powerful bloodlines, always involved a process of adapting which was no different than Violet’s own growth spurt yet in far less time… Well obviously nowhere near the level of pain or nobody could survive it (other than Violet etc.).

In the eyes of everyone else (except the secret vampire trio) Violet just gave the innocent little princess a hickey. Yet in response to the oni’s bullying the kittens entire body became crimson as she began to gasp with heated breaths all the while quivering in the brutes tight embrace. If the grand duke wasn’t angry before he certainly had lost all reasoning now.

Since he was as cowardly as the tiger he also had hung around towards the back yet since he was a man hundreds of years old it was less excusable. That cowardice ended up being exactly what he needed to stand right beside the girl duo as he raised his hand into the air to fill his palm with qi to deliver a ‘powerful’ slap. Seeing this the prince made no attempt to move and merely shook his head.

<The little oni shouldn’t have picked a fight with someone stronger than her; I suppose I can hand Jabba over to the yakuza afterwards. It’s believed that the {Little Hannya Family} has at least two more possible heirs, one of which is invited to the upcoming party… I can smooth it over with her then support her in succession as a fiance. Yes, this can actually be quite advantageous even if I Lose the grand duke's support. If I can wed the stupid older sister then take over tha yakuza I’ll have just as much sway as an Immortal Emperor!>

With such thoughts his expression changed to an expectant grin getting a snort from the Jaguar whose senses were sharp enough to tell what was really happening if only because it was her daughter.

“You damn whores I’ll beat you both near death the- *BOOM* GGAAAAAH” <Grand Duke Jabba>

Shocking the ‘mere mortals’ was the sudden sound of thunder crackling betwixt them as a single beautiful if mature woman with azura hair appeared between the grand duke and Violet at a speed which put Violet to shame. In her left hand she held the handle of a silver butterknife she had taken from {The Immortal Palace} which her right index finger glided over the blade which didn’t even nick her glove. The knife couldn’t seem any duller.

Despite that the grand duke was on the floor crying full force while clutching a heavily bleeding stump with no arm in sight. This caused the hidden guards to raise their weapons towards her only to hear a wet *thump* behind them which made them quickly turn their weapons towards that with cold sweat running all the way down their body… A large fat right arm now lay behind them with blood flowing out from a very clean cut.

“I hope you don’t mind me borrowing your knife while you were eating, Dong.” <Sohn-Tochter>

“That’s not m-” <Prince>

The prince immediately tried to answer the scary woman who had an aura which simply made all submissive - confused about what she was saying - yet another voice cut him off…

“Oh no, not at all, it’s my fault I didn’t greet you as soon as you arrived. I expected you to arrive a bit later since you said you were also going to bring lady Shuten’s servants and not just her though I suppose I should’ve expected this speed from you. Plus how can I blame you for preventing the demon empress herself from erasing my palace from existence due to the fallout of her no doubt devastating blow?” <Emperor Dong>

“She has improved her control massively in these last years so you needn’t worry.” <Sohn-Tochter>

“Well that is reassuring.” <Emperor Dong>

A young yet surprisingly wizened voice from aeons of experience called out from behind the group causing them to turn and be shocked yet again. Slowly a young man adorned in a simple white robe with gold ornaments walked up from the palace with an aura of a ruler (that paled in comparison to Sohn-Tochter) though a kind smile on his face. His hands rested behind his back as she looked over the scene without so much as questioning his own descendants before he finally just turned around to look at the dragons on his roof.

“That bunch of hatchlings you caught sure have grown up to the point I don’t even associate them to their origins anymore. Then again their fate has turned them into much nobler creatures than their ancestors or fellow dragons has it not? Once again I suppose nobody would know as much about being noble as you lady Zhu?” <Emperor Dong>

“I personally think Violet has done a far more impressive job in creating an entirely new realm which has since greatly led to the stability of this one.” <Sohn-Tochter>

“Indeed. Speaking of Lady Shuten, it seems she’s about done with my daughter. It’s nice to see that she also likes this silly daughter of mine.” <Emperor Dong>

While saying that he and Sohn-Tochter both turned to look upon the two girls as steam was practically rising from the poor little Kitty’s body. She could no longer be said to be quivering but more  spasming as she wasn’t even able to catch her breath enough to scream out due to the intense pain she was under. Soon black gunk poured out from her pores while her crimson skin was no less blood red than the [Devils] back in the {Demon Realm}.

Then suddenly it all stopped and her body poofed.

Well it didn’t quite disappear completely but in Kitty’s place was an adorable little snow white tiguar hybrid that unconsciously emitted it’s bloodline provided aura. Everyone who wasn’t related to Violet in some way as well as {The Immortal Emperor Dong} fell to their knee’s as if worshipping the mythical beast. An icy wind began to take over the capital as snow soon blanketed the streets leaving nothing else visible. In truth even the emperor had drawn blood from his hidden palms in order to remain with his regal vistage.

“As expected…” <Emperor Dong>

“Finally a [White Tiger] has been born once more. Though I suppose it may be an existence a little closer to myself if with only a [Spirit Beast Bloodline] instead of another impressive beast like myself I suppose. At least it’s something since now all four [Cardinal Bloodlines] have been awakened after the great wars ended.”

“Mmm Kitty not quite as good as step-mom but I’ll make up for… You’ll need to fatten up to be nice and pretty though.” <Violet>

All three rulers mumbled yet they couldn’t be more different; Violet even nuzzled against the back of the head of the beast.

The little tiger no longer felt exhausted by the pain as strength constantly flowed into her body as her body constantly felt more refreshed than it ever had every second. Deep inside herself she felt a foundation that could only be called a world of white quickly formed an unshakable foundation that expanded beyond what she thought possible. Above black clouds began to form to celebrate her breaking the barrier to foundation formation while feeling the warm embrace of the oni behind.

Even as lightning came down the girl hugging her didn’t even so much as tremble but instead began to softly pet Kitty’s head. It was as if she wasn’t holding a [White Tiguar] going under a tribulation - then again it wasn’t a particularly strong one… Not that the scared grand duke would agree with that. Afterall it was a tribulation produced to push her body to maximum refinement with no wide danger resulting in it being more like a bath for the legendary beast and demon god empress but a death sentence for mortal races!

Seeing the pair bathed in lightning without flinching he clenched his teeth before moving his remaining arm to summon a bottle of pills which he skulled while sending his qi into another ring which resulted in him vanishing from his place.

By the time the storm ended Kitty had become so comfortable she fell asleep in Violet’s embrace.

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