Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 25: The ending has to start somewhere


Still technically working on Tuesday’s patreon chapter as it’s now on 30k words without signs of stopping… Defo is gonna have to split that into parts. Gonna be pretty great when it’s finally up but I guess you guys will have to wait even longer to read it all?

Anyways, this is everyones favourite type of chapter, the one where Violet lives up the the title! In the words of patreon; gotta do your stretches.

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Anyways, enjoy~♥

One of the first sects that stood proudly on the front lines of this extermination was the old but powerful {Prancing Mud-Horse Medium Sect}.

Many disciples had already arrived varying from the outer-court to even some of the most prestigious core-court. The outer-court disciples mostly were setting up simple foundations while inner disciples spent their time making powerful fortifications with their Earth-Mud Techniques in preparation for the Oni. Their sect was a powerful Medium sized sect located in the {Dong Empire} so it was easy to come up with a counter to the simple abilities that Oni had; they were just able to have powerful bodies. Compared to their campaigns against the filthy beast-kin or elves this was an easy feat.

They just set up large walls around their camps while waiting for the fools to charge at them only to be skewered by the pitfall traps below. If they tried climbing the walls their [Mud-Horse - Mud Slide] or [Mud-Horse - Mud Hoof] would easily send them back down into the spikes. While other sects may need to worry about plans to attack with their rich history in dealing with lower races they knew cornered beasts were most dangerous when you got within their range. It was safer just to patiently wait for the Oni to reach their whits and attack them!

Their {Prancing Mud-Horse Sect} wasn’t the only sect under the ‘Mud-Horse’ branch but one of many. They were descendents of the supposed first ever human sect so they could be seen as rather standard when it came to set up; they did also have a strong human supremacy dealio going for them as well. That could be said to be one of the reasons why even their largest sects didn’t tend to break into the ‘Large’ category… It would actually make them a target for the more inclusive sects.

Like many sects they were split into three courts being called the outer, inner and core courts - the stronger the disciple the closer to the core of the sect they can get. The easier way to be accepted into a new court was to accept an elder of that court as your master but this was harder said than done. Of course, if you were a disciple of the Supreme-Elder or Sect Master you were considered above even other Core-Disciples, often gaining another title. Among the people who came was the talented disciple of one of their Core-Court Elders; Lao.

His family name was Da though so many of his fellows called him senior Da which worked well since he was raised by his master and uncle. The elders thus tended to call them as little and big Da which he didn’t mind; he had grown up in the care of the sect. His parents were also talented cultivators but lost their lives while on a raid of a wandering filthy wolf-kin tribe who had moved away from their previous territory and was destroyed by an evil-sect.

Thinking back he couldn’t help but wonder if those evil-cultivators pitied the filthy beasts since they were both beings of pure evil?

Fewer people knew he actually had some memories from his previous life - it was nothing too amazing though as he was just a regular student in his previous life. He had already spent far longer in his current life than he ever had in his past. His previous life was in a far different world though. It was one where conflict was mostly digital due to countries possessing such strong weapons that an all out war could lead to the end of the world for everyone.

He didn’t particularly care for that life though; his death was simply due to being stabbed by a manic druggy on the street.

His new life was much better.

Although his parents had died and the elders were certainly busy they always made some time to let him know he was always cared for. Not only that but he was surrounded by ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters’ who fought beside him against their shared enemies even if they weren’t related by blood - in fact he certainly enjoyed the fact these ‘eager sisters’ weren’t related to him. He did feel a bit guilty for some of them after the fact but he didn’t think much of it as he had little reason to support them when he only slept with them for fun. Such was basically common sense in his previous life.

Either way it was far better than his past life where his parents hardly had time for themselves yet alone him. Thinking this he calmly turned to the middle-aged man by his side; the two of them were just peaceful overlooking the preparations of the lower disciples. Something about standing above all these people filled him with immense pride.

“Master, do you have any idea when they will attack, this entire forest makes me feel like I’m slowly being suffocated…” <Lao>

“That is quite the apt description of the situation - the fauna in this place naturally absorb all the qi from the surroundings. It makes them naturally tougher but leaves none for use to use meaning we have no way to recover let alone cultivate with… As for when the Oni will fight we have little clue. Martial God Cheshire did not fight against them so neither did our sect so we know shockingly little about their strategy.

We do know they turned to a life of crime after the great wars where Cheshire as the first cultivator helped to quell the heavens themselves. Graciously gifting them to the {Heavenly Beasts} while she spent her life teaching human cultivation. The disgusting Beast-Kin took advantage of her kindness to also learn. The oni apparently helped the beast-kin do this while in return the beasts worked as their servants - making an empire of crime called the {Asura Yakuza} which later spread into many other Yakuza families. In some ways similar to what happened with our own sect I believe; there are still some rumours that the ONi are in charge though it’s unlikely.” <Elder Da>

Lao nodded absent mindedly but was secretly shocked at hearing the name ‘Yakuza’ since he remembered something about them in his previous life. A group that were often called criminals with a code that had received a lot of flattering renditions in the media such as video games and film. Hearing about them in this world certainly hit him with a wave of confusion.

He wasn’t too sure about what exactly they were other than something like Mafia for japan but it made him curious about the possibility of other reincarnators?

Perhaps some one had reincarnated in the past as one of these Oni only to lead their entire race down a dark path. Instead of trying to regain their humanity they completely abandoned it to betray their original race - leading their fellow monsters to commit atrocities against humanity as a whole. He really couldn’t help but feel disgusted at the thought of such a thing happening…

Of course, he was completely wrong as the Yakuza in this {Genesis} long existed before ‘his world’ even did.

“Did Grand Ancestor Cheshire mention anything about the Yakuza’s origins?” <Lao>

The middle-aged man just gently shook his head with a sigh.

“You overestimate our connection with the {Grand Ancestor of Immortality}; she merely gifted us our name from her as the first sect to officially pass down her life-long work. We know little about her own personal life or beliefs.” <Elder Da>

“And her lifelong work was…” <Lao>

“The path we all walk to this very day my child; Cultivation of Immortality itself was her greatest masterpiece. All cultivation originates from her even if it has degraded massively over the aeons since she departed from us. According to our records she originally produced a technique perfect for herself but then seeing her fellow men would never be able to overcome the feral beasts and their kin she blessed us with more generalised techniques. Over the years we’ve watered and rebuilt those techniques repeatedly till we have the current state of cultivation with an endless series of similar but differing techniques.” <Elder Da>

“I see… Even just receiving a name from such a mighty figure shows how great we are. It also makes more sense why we were able to split up as we did yet still managed to be as powerful as we are. Could it be that if we were to unite all the other Mud-Horse sects we could piece together her original technique?” <Lao>

“An interesting question I’ll need to think about, hm. Well you’re my disciple so will know about this in the future anyway so I’ll tell you. I don’t think it would be possible to use her technique even if we did get it. However, I did not tell you this next part.” <Elder Da>

The middle aged man winked at the young man causing him to chuckle at his antics.

“In all seriousness don’t tell anyone else about this, I have already isolated this space with my Spirit Sense so no one can hear us. Based on some old records we believe that if one could gain insight from all the techniques across all the Mud-Horse sects they may be able to revive the original [Mud-Horse Scripture]. This was the original set of techniques used by the {Earthly Mud-Horse Supreme Sect} of the era of antiquity before even the four empires fully emerged.

Of course, only Core-Elders like myself and above usually know this.” <Elder Da>

The only thing Lao could do was look at his uncle/master with a surprised expression mixed with a mouth so large it looked like he was trying to catch birds. Who wouldn’t be surprised at being told something like that? Even if he had confidence in his uncle who was a 3rd layer Spirit Elder he couldn’t help but look around to ensure none of the other disciples noticed their conversation thus hearing what his master just said. If such a technique really existed it must be at least Immortal Ranked technique collection!

Such a thing was good enough for the old monsters from the Great Sects to step off their peaks to ‘request’ their sects for their techniques politely. If it spread that such a possibility existed there was no doubt in his mind that the orthodox sects and unorthodox alike would target them all to collect their techniques in a hope to piece them together. As confident as well as proud as he may have been in his sect… He was well aware they weren’t unparalleled in many regards.

Thankfully the Grand Ancestor was human or they may even attract the pesky beasts for the technique!

“No need to be so nervous! Even if we’re keeping it secret I’m sure there have been many who thought of the possibility so one little elder talking nonsense to his disciple wouldn-” <Elder Da>


Half way through pacifying his disciple Elder Da stopped speaking and looked towards one of the many giant trees surrounding them; all of his previous light-heartedness vanished in an instant replaced by coldness. Lao naturally was shocked at the change so followed his master's gaze only to see… A tree?

A strange noise came from the tree but it didn’t seem like anything really happened afterwards yet his uncle-master didn’t lighten up one bit. Even as the other disciples continued along their way after the noise he didn’t but did wave his hand to make his isolated space vanish. He muttered so softly that even Lao barely heard; yet what he heard made him shudder.

“We made a grave mistake joining this war… It appears this is my last day, my dear sister, so I'll have to part from your precious son.” <Elder Da>

His master quickly took one of the sect’s Communication Jade and sent a voice message to the Supreme Elder and Sect Master.

“We shouldn’t have come here; I’m not sure but I saw at least two female executives land nearby likely to- Nevermind appears to already be attacking. This is possibly my last act as an elder so I hope you respect it my old friends. Don’t waste anymore lives picking a fight with the Oni … No, the {Asura Yakuza}.” <Elder Da>

Hearing those words caused a confused and fearful Lao to turn to look at where his uncle was one more time but all he could see was the massive tree. Staring at it’s top he couldn’t help but feel it was shorter than before… But then he realised he wasn’t imagining it yet he was also horrifyingly wrong. The tree wasn’t getting shorter - it was getting closer at a rapid pace!

It was already too late to do anything… Not that he could do anything. He did have some faith that the wall would at least protect them from being absolutely destroyed though - it was made by hundreds of powerful inner-court disciples as well as some elders. Similar walls had been used many times in the past against Beast-kin sects, tribes and cities but always came through for them with its sturdiness. Some may die from the shattered bark hitting them but at the very least they wouldn’t all be crushed.

Not to mention they also had many formations & arrays to help them defend.


The giant tree was already falling over their camp but luckily it only was big enough to cover half of their camp. But unluckily for them it also ended up crushing half their camp who were too slow to even realise they were going to be crushed before it happened. The wall they were so confident in had been easily crushed under the weight of the tree as well as the power of whatever knocked it over… Soon the very monster which knocked it over jumped out.

Off the top of the fallen tree a short girl with a conical bamboo hat upon her head leapt upwards with a strange multifaceted metal spiked club in her hands. She held it over her head while the girl's face was completely hidden behind a veil that had violet petals upon it. Looking at that tiny figure Lao couldn’t help but think about why there was a child in the middle of a battlefield.

Nonetheless he soon recognised the outfit she wore as something similar to what the Japanese of his old life used to wear which made him link it back up with the last linked thing he heard about; Yakuza. It didn’t take long for the girl to land between a group of panicking disciples who didn’t even think to look above at the moment; far too shocked to look at the tree. Using this she landed on one person’s shoulders where a sickening crunch echoed out only to follow up by slamming her weapon into the floor. Just before she did her bell-like voice rang out lulling him into a very false sense of safety.

“[True Demon Despises the Earth]” <Violet>

The amount of demonic qi he felt from the moment before impact made Lao blackout for a second and by the time he came back… They were gone. It was just a sea of blood, torn flesh and shards of bone collected all in a crater around that little girl. He also realised his uncle must have retreated with him as he was set on the ground as far from the girl as possible while still within the walls of their camp… Well what was their camp?

That one attack from the girl had devastated the area to such an extent Lao wouldn’t be surprised if they lost 80% of the people they had. Losing 50% from the tree and the other 30% due to the radius and power of the girl’s blow. Yet the girl didn’t even seem slightly bothered despite having just used such a powerall art which meant two things; such destruction means nothing to her and she could’ve put far more power into it.

He didn’t even think such power was possible; it wasn’t like she just killed all those people or land around her.

No, she reduced them into slush.

She didn’t even seem to care that half her once beautiful dress was dyed with blood. The girl just slowly walked out from her pit while dragging the kanabo behind herself. Leaving a long trail behind her as she soon reached ground level once more.

His uncle soon acted as he pulled an artefact Lao recognised out from his storage ring and it let him calm down a bit. It was a simple artefact shaped like a ball that will create a powerful suction towards the device to trap anything that touches it within - Elder Da wasted no time in chucking it towards the girl. Lao was wondering why he decided to try to capture instead of attacking though.

The girl of course was looking in their direction as she hardly needed to look behind or around. Yet as an Oni she couldn’t recognise an architect even when it was being thrown right at her since they couldn’t sense qi. This meant that she did the dumb move of just holding her club to her side before swinging at it - hoping to bat it away literally. He couldn’t help but sneer at his stupidity but then he realised something… How come she just used Demonic Qi?

As the girl swung the unexpected happened as it seemed like qi from the artefact simply vanished as the ball shot off towards an unlucky disciple. The ball passed through them leaving a bloody hole in their torso before creating a huge boom as it impacted the wall. Once again Lao bore witness to how small he was as the wall simply collapsed from that one casual attack of the pressumbly Oni girl - it wasn’t even an art nor did she use intent. She simply batted back the ball at a far faster speed than he could see with far more physical power than he had ever seen as if it were the easiest thing in the world. The girl even had the audacity to giggle at the disaster she had made yet somehow that beautiful giggle - like the constant ringing of a small bell - caused them to ironically lose some of their tension.

Ignoring the people around her the girl hugged the bloody kanabo to her chest with a wide smile while spinning around happily. Almost as if dancing with her weapon. At the very least they now had a path to escape with as many instantly began to run without any desire to avenge their fallen comrades. Unfortunately they seemed to forget their own preparations as many fell below into the mass of spikes below the wall - when they got past that many still fell into the pits hidden throughout the nearby area. The little girl made no move to stop them so at least some of them will escape to make those aware of

“It would seem we have met the worst opponent we could ever meet… An Oni Female Executive with violets as her marking and can use demonic Qi? The Oni didn’t get two random treasures nor did some random Oni obtain a [Dharma Treasure] that could destroy qi itself by pure chance. Well some of the kids shou- No, if it’s her no way she would’ve left a way out nobody r-!” <Elder Da>

Before he could finish what he was saying before an alabaster coloured arrow was shot from above to land right into his heart - from the wound his flesh slowly turned to match the colour of the arrow as the arrow vanished. Grasping his stone chest he gazed up in surprise to see another Oni…

This one held a bow in a unique firing stance with the symmetrical wooden great bow held up to her head while her body was perpendicular to the target. Said target being himself and evidently her sneak attack worked wonders. Nevertheless based on the bamboo hat on her head as well as the mature figure he was confident he wouldn’t stand a chance even if he could survive the first shot by miracle. In fact, he should take pride that an Oni of such pedigree was the one to put an end to his life.

He just closed his eyes with a peaceful smile on his face while nodding towards the figure - in respect for this man dying with respect Alabaster did the same. Violet seemed to notice this interaction but didn’t do much and ran to slowly catch up to the trapped rats. They thought they escaped but what they really did was run into the encirclement she had Quartz head.

She ordered Quartz to ensure it was bloodier than even her own.

Lao just stared at the slowly petrifying figure of his Uncle - tears slowly rolling down his cheeks as he slowly reached out. Since he first came to this world the middle-aged man had always been kind. Never once had he seen him be cruel to another human nor did he selfishly keep his wisdom to himself. Often held grand supers where he invited random disciples to come to his residence to experience finer foods while even answering their questions. He was a teacher and father to many… So how could such a man die?

Elder Da just opened his eyes one last time with a bitter smile while seeing his nephew crying, lifting his left hand up he withdrew a small paper packet from his special ring.

“Don’t cry, this is the way of cultivation, if you kill you have to expect to be killed. You may think us just but other races would see us as invaders and monsters who wipe out their family. It just so happens that today we chose to try to wipe out a race far more powerful than us. Do not despise them though; remind yourself that we were the ones to attack them… I never made the mistake of many and thought us just so neither should you; we were just cogs in a machine mortals call conflict.

Now take this.” <Elder Da>

After finishing this he slid the ring off his finger before forcibly pushing it into Lao’s outstretched arms. Lao tried to say something but Elder Da crushed the paper packet in her hand before throwing it at the boy causing the black powder to end up going all over his face.

Coughing for a bit Lao quickly felt his muscles going to sleep while his eyes began to lose focus and breathing shallow. He stumbled but Elder Da just pushed the boy's chest causing him to stumble in that direction before falling over the lip of the crater. With no power in his body Da Lao was unable to move as he soon sank to the bottom of the bloody bog - despite his body's state his mind was very much active.

With this action the middle-aged cultivator smiled softly with closed eyes. Unable to move his upper arm by now he just crossed his forearms in front of his stone chest while patiently awaiting death. It didn’t take long for the screams of the disciples to echo out behind him while the occasional explosion of demonic energies signalled destruction.

He really had created a mess this time.

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