Daughters of Demeter

157. Mayor

=::= Day 66 - Ella's PoV =::=

"Hey ma?" Jace called as he banged on the bedroom door. "Are you awake?"

I grumbled some choice swears before calling back, "I am now! What in hells is going on, that you feel the need to wake me up at this time of night?"

The door opened a moment later and I winced against the light pouring in from the hallway. The boy looked like he'd got dressed in a hurry, he was just doing up his belt as he spoke.

"Ma it's war," Jace stated, with enough worry in his voice I knew he wasn't kidding around. "There were a few broadcasts before the communications grid went dead. They say the orbital platforms turned inward. Prosperity Creek's been destroyed, same with the spaceport over at the capital."

"Oh hells," I sighed as my blood ran cold. I knew some good people at Prosperity Creek, including their mayor Edward Arun. I also knew Ed was wanted for speaking out against that bastard Taggart and his good for nothing government.

It took me a couple seconds to get over the shock, then I looked at the boy and stated "Go get Rebecca. I don't care what time of night it is, I'll wager she knows more about what's going on than we do. I wanna talk with her, and start working out a strategy to try and keep Ganvis safe."

"Get Finn too," I added. "We'll need him and his boys on this as well."

Jace nodded, "Ok ma."

He turned and hurried off, while I slumped back against the bed and sighed. I turned my head to the left, of course Preston was awake. No way he'd have slept through that racket.

He watched me for a few seconds then commented quietly, "We best be getting up then. Sounds like we're gonna have company in a few minutes."

"Yeah," I sighed again. "You know if they turn them orbital platforms on us, ain't nothing we can do about it. Only mercy is it'll be over before we even know it's coming."

He frowned, "You think they'll do that?"

"I don't think Ganvis is a big enough threat on its own," I replied softly. "But that damn ship's been parked on our doorstep for more than sixty days now. Ain't no way the government don't know it's here. Jace says they blasted the spaceport, if they're going after ships then it's a fair chance we're on someone's list."

Preston watched me for a few more seconds, then leaned in closer and the two of us shared a kiss.

As he finally sat up he said, "If our time's coming due, then I mean to spend the last of it with you wife. So let's get up and get dressed, we may as well be presentable when we meet the maker. Or our guests, whichever get here first."

"You always were a big ole' softie," I smiled. Then I pulled myself upright and started fumbling around for my false leg next to the bed. After a few seconds I swore, "Damnit. Can you give me a hand with this blasted thing?"

I honestly wasn't sure what was worse, getting blown up or getting old. Then again, getting blown up then getting old was hands-down the worst of both worlds. If not for Preston there's no way I'd have lasted this long. My man came through for me yet again as he crouched down and helped get my false leg in place.

In all it took the two of us about fifteen minutes to make ourselves presentable. Preston was in his best outfit with the white shirt, black jacket, and bolo tie. I wore a nice blouse and another long skirt, but I had a sweater on overtop since there was a chill in the air. And as we made our way down to the office I expected to find the place full of impatient folks. Instead the only two people waiting in there were Jace and Finn.

"Where's Becky and her girls?" I demanded. "Didn't you get through to them? Or didn't they want to grace us with their presence?"

The boy shook his head, "It's not that. Rebecca asked that we all go and meet with her folks on her ship. She said it'd be easier to brief us there."

"More damn walking," I grumbled. "Alright then, let's get a move on!"

Preston was on my left, he slipped an arm around my waist as we all set out. And Jace was beside me on the right, a pace or so away. Finn took the lead, and the big man had his rifle cradled in his arms in case of any trouble.

Except a rifle wasn't any use against the kind of trouble we'd been talking about. I held my tongue, no point giving the man anything else to worry about just yet. If we'd been targeted then there weren't nothing we could do regardless. And like I told Preston, at least we wouldn't suffer. A couple tons of tungsten coming down at mach ten would turn all of Ganvis into a crater before anyone even knew they was coming.

On the other hand that didn't mean it was ok to dawdle, and once again I found myself silently cursing my frail broken old body. The four of us were all moving at my speed, and my speed was slow.

"Finn you heard any more about this yet?" I asked, while we made our way past the empty shipping containers towards Becky's ugly old space tug.

He shook his head, "No Mayor Wheeler, the communications grid is offline. Before it went down there was some talk of fighting in the capital city though. Rebels shooting soldiers, soldiers shooting civilians. Sounded like a right mess."

"Damn," I sighed.

When we finally reached the ship Becky was already there by the ramp waiting for us. She hadn't bothered arming herself, apart from the little pistol she always had on her belt.

"Thanks for coming Ella," she greeted me quietly. "And Finn, Preston. Let's head up to the main deck, you can get comfortable while we brief you on the situation."

With all of us on board she sealed up the ramp behind us, then we made our way through to the back of the ship. We took the lift up to the main deck, then headed forward again. There weren't enough seats for everyone, but a few folks didn't mind standing. Them creepy twins was standing on either side of Cam, while both Finn and Jace stayed on their feet behind me and Preston. Becky and her pet fox handed out coffee to them that wanted it, then they sat down and finally got things started.

"So the four of you know the Deveron civil war's just begun," Becky began. "We have more details and insight into the situation, but before we share everything with you I need you all to promise that what we tell you doesn't leave this ship. Some of this is incredibly sensitive, and I have to know that our secrets are safe with you."

I scowled, "I knew you was holding out on me. So fine, you got my word I ain't gonna blab about your damn secrets. Now let's get on with it already!"

She waited until Preston Jace and Finn all gave their word as well. Then my former lover looked at one of them twins and asked, "Jenny? Would you please brief our guests on the situation?"

The girl with the white fringe in her hair nodded once then began, "Forty-seven minutes ago the orbital defence network destroyed the spaceport and all eleven ships that were grounded there. A few minutes after that the community known as Prosperity Creek also came under orbital bombardment. Orders for both attacks were issued directly by President Taggart."

"Shortly after that government military forces in the capital opened fire on unarmed civilians fleeing the devestation around the spaceport," she continued. "Armed rebels within the city retaliated, striking back at the military and moving to defend the civilians."

The strange young woman sighed, "About ten minutes later the orbital defence system was activated again, this time the targets were the parliament buildings, government offices, and the military base that had opened fire on civilians. All three targets were located in the capital city, and all three were destroyed. As best I've been able to determine, those strikes were not ordered by President Taggart. I believe they were arranged by a rebel faction within the military itself, possibly under the command of a new leader."

"Finally," she added, "After that bombardment the orbital defence network went offline. Both sides seem to believe the other's responsible, but neither of them have been able to regain control of the weapons satellites."

It took a few seconds for all that to sink in. Then I asked, "So Taggart's dead then? That second bombardment wiped out the existing government, now some new fella's gonna step in and take charge?"

"No," Jenny shook her head. "President Taggart and several other top government officials left the capital about two hours before hostilities began. They appear to have retreated to an isolated military facility some distance south of the city."

After another second or so I frowned, "How in hells do you know all this stuff missy? How do you know where Taggart's hiding? How do you know what these people are thinking?"

I caught the subtle look and exchange. The weird girl with the white fringe glanced at Becky, who nodded so slightly she almost didn't move at all.

Then the girl answered my question, "The civilian communications grid is offline, but the encrypted military grid remains active. And I have infiltrated it. I'm in contact with all active military computers, and I've reviewed and analyzed all orders and military traffic over the past twenty-four hour period."

"I'm also the one who disabled the orbital defence system," she added. "I took control of it after the strike that destoyed the government buildings, and changed the access codes to ensure both sides were locked out."

That left me almost stunned. "You did what? How?!"

This time it was Becky who answered, "Jenny is an AI, and she knows a thing or two about penetrating computer and communications networks. She's been monitoring the local government and military almost as long as we've been on this world. I ordered her not to interfere, monitor only unless the situation changed. And tonight the situation changed. After those last strikes I asked her to disable the orbital weapons platforms."

"That doesn't mean we're all in the clear though," she added. "The planet's still at war with itself, and while nobody else is going to be pulverized by orbital bombardment there's still plenty of firepower on the ground. There's the military and rebel forces, there's raiders, and who knows what else."

Becky fixed her eyes on me as she stated, "You're in charge here Ella, you're the mayor of Ganvis. Me and my people are just filling you in on what's going on around the world."

For the next few seconds everyone was quiet. Then I asked, "So you've got control of the orbital defence system, and you're telling me I'm in charge? Does that mean you'll give me the access codes?"

My ex shook her head, "No. I promised I'd help keep Ganvis safe, that's all."

"Yeah I figured," I replied. "Had to ask though."

After a moment I continued, "So Taggart's still around, and he's obviously got folks loyal to him. Any idea who he's fighting? Who's leading the charge against him and his corrupt government?"

The AI girl replied, "The name that's come up a few times in the military communications traffic is Arun. Some reports suggest he was the real target when Prosperity Creek was destroyed, but it seems Mr. Arun wasn't there when it happened. He may be leading the rebellion, but if so I haven't been able to determine from where."

I was quiet again after that, as I tried to think through what the various options were.

"Mom?" Jace asked after a few seconds. "Is there anything we can do?"

Finn added, "Sooner or later the war's going to reach us, ma'am. Until then all we can do is try and prepare, so we're ready for it when it gets here."

I frowned, "Maybe. Sounds to me like we got other options though."

"AI girl," I said as I looked to the twin with the white in her hair, "I assume you've got eyes on the world, if you're tapped in to all the military traffic?"

She nodded, "Yes ma'am. I have access to satellite imagery, and I can access any ground-based cameras or video feeds as long as they're on the military communications grid."

My attention turned to the tall redhead as I asked, "How do you feel about pickin' sides? Arun's a good man, I'd trust him in charge a hell of a lot more than that asshole Taggart. If we can confirm Arun's still alive and leading the rebellion, do y'all mind giving him a little help here and there?"

"I'm not going to fight a war Ella," Becky stated. "I'll defend Ganvis, that's it."

"Yeah yeah I ain't asking you to take up arms for a man you never met," I stated with a scowl. "But miss AI there said she knows where Taggart's holed up, right? If we can confirm Arun's leading the fight, what do you say about maybe letting that intel slip out? I'm sure your girl can arrange some anonymous data leaks, so the right information finds its way into the right hands."

My old lover looked thoughtful for a second or two, then nodded once. "If you can convince Jenny that it's the right choice, then I'll go along with it. As long as it doesn't endanger any of us."

That put a smile on my face, "Thank you Becky. That's good enough for me."

"So miss AI," I said as I turned my attention back to the digital girl, "What can I do to convince you to help a good man set things right?"

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