Dark Magus Returns

Chapter 885: Sha Mo Vs the Dark Magus

Chapter 885: Sha Mo Vs the Dark Magus

Out on the field, Raze gripped the hilt of his blades, holding onto both of them firmly. Sha Mo stayed in position, looking at the Dark Magus.

The two of them were done talking. A lot of heat had led to the disagreement between the two -Sha Mo believing his clan had been disrespected from the beginning by a young fool.

While Raze, with the aim of getting stronger, wished to protect what was his. But in the back of his mind, he had another thought.

'If I take him down and use the extraction technique, then I will certainly reach the next stage! And then I can push forward, get rid of Alter, and finally take down all of the Grand Magus!' Raze thought.

Raze exploded from his feet, running around the edge of the arena, and the first thing he did was swing his light sword incredibly fast at the large size.

'Crimson Slash!' Several red slashes of attacks came out toward Sha Mo. Lifting up his large giant forearm, the attacks seemingly did nothing as they hit him.

"It's the same!" Liam complained. "Just like when all of us attacked. Sha Mo's Qi is so powerful-Is this guy a monster?"

Raze had to admit, his fast slash attack, mixed with Magic and Qi, having no effect at all, was a first, but he had somewhat expected it as well.

After blocking the attacks, Sha Mo moved. His large body seemingly disappeared and was right in front of Raze.

Sha Mo had thrown out a fist from above, and it looked like it would land regardless of what Raze did. Pivoting his foot on the ground though, Raze had activated something.

"Pillar Rise!" Raze stated.

At that moment, right from the floor, a giant piece of the ground had risen and hit the back of Sha Mo's giant thigh. The pillar continued to grow and had practically thrown Sha Mo off balance.

His fist was hitting nothing but the air, and with the Ghost blade in Raze's hand, he was ready. Dark magic and Demonic Qi swirled behind the sword as he pushed forward and thrusted his hand, massive amounts of magic exploding from behind the weapon.

"Void Pulse Formation!"

The sword crashed right into Sha Mo's shoulder, and it pierced through his skin slightly. Equally, it looked like the power of the attack continued as a ripple was seen through the air on the other side of Sha Mo's shoulder.

"So it looks like the giant can bleed," Ricktor said.

"Did you see what he did before that though? He shifted the whole ground and raised it up to throw Sha Mo off balance. When could he control the ground like that?" Mada asked.

During the gifting ceremony for becoming the head of the Dark Faction, Raze had received various power stones, and one of them was an earth-based power stone. It allowed Raze the chance to now use Earth magic.

Thankfully, there were also other Earth power stones that had been given to Raze, allowing him to increase his affinity with it. On top of that, Raze also knew the method of how to increase one's affinity with Earth magic as well.

It was a strange one, one of the strangest of all the different elements, but one needed to increase their knowledge of materials linked to the ground itself.

The earth, the flora that one stood on, after all, was made up of multiple different substances. So one needed to know the breakdown-how plants grew from it and more.

They even needed to learn about different minerals and rocks that could be found. However, there was a key difference as well between knowing and learning.

Just as someone who could copy a formula and receive the right answer, if they didn't

understand the formula itself, it wouldn't be true knowledge.

Raze had thought back to the masters of those who knew Earth Magic, and it always amazed him-their dedication and discipline.

In the past, on Alterian, Earth magic was actually considered one of the weakest forms of magic because of the way one needed to increase its affinity.

However, when the portals to other dimensions opened up, those that practiced and had Earth cores grew extremely powerful. It seemed discoveries of new and different types of objects related to Earth increased their power as well.

Discovering rocks and the ground itself on these different planets.

Raze had explored a lot of Pagna, and being a researcher of magic himself, he understood magic more than even talented individuals.

His understanding of things was great, which meant his affinity with Earth magic was great as well.

Using Wind magic, Raze quickly flew up in the air. He saw Sha Mo fall to the ground due to the pillar hitting him, as well as the Void Pulse attack.

The wind-enchanted sword disappeared from his hand, and with it out, the ground started to shift again, creating giant earth-like cuffs around Sha Mo's hands and legs, pinning him to the floor.

A sword appeared in another of Raze's hands once again, and this time, it was light blue in color, the metal on the blade looked like a slight frost had already appeared on it.

Raze swung the sword while in the air, and it looked as if he was using the Crimson Slash. As the attacks flew through the air, they didn't move as fast as when using the Wind enchanted sword.

However, when they landed around the large cuffs, the areas that were hit started to cover themselves with ice.

Raze continued to swing his sword until all of the cuffs were covered in ice.

After he was done, he quickly changed the blade in his hand again. This one was large and jagged, black in color.

This sword, unlike the others, wasn't enchanted, and there was a reason for that.

While floating in the air, Raze lifted both swords above his head.

'The Ghost blade grows with power as Demonic Qi is used, and although magic can be used

with it, its magic power isn't enhanced.'

'As for the other sword, using Qi doesn't enhance it at all, but one of the gifts from the kingdoms, it seemed this sword goes quite well with magic!'

At that moment, Dark magic started to creep out of Raze's hand and swirled above both of the


The others watching had seen this before. They knew what was coming as they witnessed both

of the swords covered in black.

"He's... using that... with both swords!" Mantis said.

As the others prepared to move out of the way.

"The Dark Edge Sword Art, Second Formation!" Raze shouted out as the energy had reached

its peak.

'I've been preparing everything I can to get rid of them, so you stepping stone-get out of my way!' Raze swung both of his swords down as he screamed. "Dual Eclipse Strike!"

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