Dark Fantasy: Super Coward Mode

Chapter 80

In the game, one of the elements that stimulates gamers is the ‘hidden element,’ or Easter eggs.

And if you hide these Easter eggs in places gamers frequently use as passages, the catharsis of discovery is even more amplified.

Fortunately, the Gardener’s Garden is just a short distance from the entrance of Rondan, making it a must-visit spot.

The moment I stepped into the Gardener’s Garden, my heart was racing at the thought of finding that Easter egg.

“Wow, there are a ton of corpses piled up here.”

“I guess many fools mistake this place for one without an Outsider. These are likely the words of those dumb idiots.”

“…Even so, isn’t that desecration of the dead, Hunter?!”

“In this world, being foolish is a crime.”

Watching the banter between the Hunter and Agartha made it feel like I was truly on a journey.

Yeah, there’s nothing quite like the time spent finding Easter eggs with a friend.

The thrill when we finally find it…

“Sir Tanton, you seem strangely happy.”

Noticing my expression, the Saint smiled and said.

Well, how could I not be happy?

It feels like I’m finally experiencing the Snow Castle properly, and to be able to ‘really’ see that Easter egg is beyond words.

In a way, I might even be considered a ‘god’ in the eyes of all gamers, right?

“It seems it’s been a long time since I’ve been with old companions.”

But since I couldn’t express my true feelings, I glanced at Agartha and the Hunter and made up some vague words.

Looks convincing, right?

Who would dare to rebuttal, “No, you didn’t think that?”

As expected, the Saint nodded with a pleased expression in response to my words.

“…Oh my!”

But then, an overly exaggerated voice broke the atmosphere.

I turned to see it was Agartha, with mischief gleaming in her eyes.

“Sir Tanton, so you were thinking that! You were happy to do something with me?”

“No, am I saying something strange?”

“No need to decline. You can always stick with me, you know? If anything, I can offer you the right to work at the same level as me.”

Click, Agartha waved her prosthetic arm with a sound.

How could ‘the fundamental member is the best!’ turn into ‘Hey, let me be a thief too?’

And why has she been trying to scout me lately?

Wasn’t it agreed before to meet up after each being successful?

The Hunter seemed perplexed too and let out a deep sigh, sounding off.

“An alleged knight would be quite receptive.”

“If you wish, you can join anytime, Hunter! You’re welcome.”

“Rather than trailing behind Outsiders, it’s more my style to find and exterminate them.”

“…Isn’t trailing behind us the Mystic’s job? I’m just taking care of ‘that’ too.”

“Ah, Lady Agartha. Are you yet again taking only our knowledge and cautiously drawing the line? Please, have mercy.”

Gak! “Stay quiet, Saint!”

While I thought they were still annoying, I also felt some curiosity about the Saint.

He has a somewhat serious image, yet he sneaked into this chaotic banter.

Maybe he’s not as ordinary as I thought.

As we continued discussing while walking, Agartha pointed to somewhere with a joyful expression.

“Oh, look over there!”

Turning to see, there was an area I had never seen before.

Thickly grown tree trunks and parasitic leaves climbing up those trees.

All that stuff seemed to subtly hide the space we were looking for, so even if we tried to look for it carefully, it wouldn’t be easily visible.

Moreover, the area beyond was pitch black, making one wonder if the knight had some supernatural ability.

Upon discovering the destination, everyone ceased their banter and walked seriously towards it.

Once we arrived, the Hunter and Agartha drew daggers from their belongings and began cutting away all the foliage, and finally, something began to appear.

Inside, there was a cave.

But it didn’t look at all damp like we expected; instead, mysterious colored light particles were floating in the air in very small sizes.

Because of this, the cave was faintly visible, giving it a very mystical feel.

Usually, Easter eggs are often just lying around, but…

I never expected such a meticulously constructed space.

I think I finally understand why the Snow Castle is revered as a masterpiece.

Game differences often lie in these subtle details.


The Hunter reached out towards the direction of the cave.

As the Saint had explained earlier, there must be something there, as the Hunter’s finger suddenly bent, as if blocked by something.

After feeling that barrier with his palm, the Hunter nodded and went back.

“Definitely something is there.”


Agartha seemed to want to try something on that barrier using the ‘royal spell-piercing technique’ she mentioned before.

But Easter eggs are those where such laws have no relevance.

If you don’t unlock it in the way the creator intended, you can’t break through.

Agartha soon sighed and slapped her forehead.

“Oh no! We can’t do anything! I can’t believe my technique couldn’t break through!”

“No, isn’t it a bit too early to say we’re done just because one thing is blocked?”

At my words, Agartha grabbed my shoulder and shook me vigorously.

“What do you mean early?! The technique I use is considered top-tier, you know?! Giving up quickly is wise! This is why strength-only knights are no good!”

“That’s a bit too much to naturally insult someone! And if it’s just strength, should I show you how the White Mask feels?”

“Eek! Don’t say scary things so casually, you cold-blooded person!”

As her face was being shaken around, her rebuttal was quite amusing.

I just wanted to get it done casually and go home fast.

The Saint stroked his chin thoughtfully before nodding as if reaching a conclusion.

“I’ll analyze what this is made of. Meanwhile, Hunter, I’d like you and Sir Tanton to go around this area and find hints.”

“…Tch, annoying people.”

Saying that, the Hunter began to turn and walk away.

“Got it. I’ll check around here too.”

“Thank you.”

Unlike the Hunter, I felt quite pleased.

Because finally, there was a gap.

I carefully looked around to see if anyone was following me, then slipped into a more secluded area.


I wondered if the Hunter might come this way to investigate, but it was almost impossible for them to come here naturally.

If they weren’t following me from the start, I probably wouldn’t meet the Hunter.

On the day I came to take down Muyun and the Gardener.

At that time, I arrived at the place where the red flowers were thick, guided by Lia towards the Gardener.

Seeing the long-lost scenery made me feel nostalgic.

But enough of that reflection.

I carefully pulled the party whistle from my pocket.

It felt quite empty now since those pesky voices in my head had vanished.

Especially since the Gardener had provided me with solutions right when I needed them, her absence was felt even more.


What would they say about me calling so late?

If I said I had too many things going on, they’d probably let it pass.

They’re such kind Outsiders.

If it really comes to it, I’ll just pin it all on Nutricha.

Thinking that way, I blew the party whistle.


An immature sound echoed, and just as I expected,

In an instant, four shapes began to materialize.


One of those shapes was materializing much faster than the others.

Feeling something odd, I watched it closely.

Before it could fully take shape, it suddenly charged at me.


Before I could avoid it, that shape knocked me to the ground and grabbed my wrist.

Surprised, I looked and realized it was the Dragon Slayer.

But now, her eyes seemed vacant.

Huh? What’s this?

Why does her expression look like that?

Feeling something strange, I tried to break free, but how could an ordinary human overcome the power of an Elite Outsider?


But even scarier than that power was the fact that something much more terrifying ran down my spine.

She smiled sweetly like a Dragon Slayer but spoke in a thin voice.

Most of all, her choice of words sounded like we were married or something.

“I hope you can answer my question.”

“W-what is it?”

“Is it good for you to be with several women?”

Feeling a crisis, I quickly shook my head vigorously.

But was that the wrong answer?

I had no choice but to face the Dragon Slayer’s vacant expression again.

“Then why are you seducing other women when you have me?”

“W-what woman?”

Now I was even bowing my head in speechlessness.

“Blah! Human, don’t pretend you don’t know!”

At that moment, the summoned Outsiders began to approach slowly.

But their expressions were not much different from the Dragon Slayer’s.

Ah, no.

Bell, why do you have that expression?

“I guess you still haven’t realized.”


That emotion was clearly reflected in her expression and voice.

The Gardener was showing those emotions strongly.

“Did you think we wouldn’t know what you were doing in your dreams?”


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