Dark Fantasy: Super Coward Mode

Chapter 62


Somehow, the Princess’s cheeks have turned slightly red.

This beautiful platinum blonde woman was leaning on my shoulder with a slightly embarrassed expression.

Showing signs of being both reluctant and not so reluctant.


Why am I suddenly like this?

Realizing my situation belatedly and feeling my face flush, I tried to get away, but the Princess grabbed my arm.

“No, don’t.”

With a face so red it looked ready to burst any moment, the Princess spoke.

“If you pull away now… it’ll be different from what we talked about earlier, right?”


Right, I clearly remember making it to the Princess Room’s entrance.

I carefully recollect my memory.

Just as I was about to grab the doorknob to open the door, the door began to open as if acknowledging my presence, and I was slightly surprised.

Assuming it was a sign to come in immediately, I cautiously stepped in.

As soon as I entered, I instinctively looked towards the brazier, remembering my previous experience of the Princess not being visibly present.

“…Hehe, you found me right away this time?”

I could find the Princess still cheekily hiding behind the flames.

Unlike last time, she didn’t come out immediately this time and seemed to hesitate a bit.


Without any qualms, she removed her forearm as if it were a part of a robot and placed it in the brazier.

It seemed like that since she was fueling the brazier with a part of her body.

What surprised me wasn’t that part.

After all, the gruesome scene was censored thanks to the super coward mode.


What shocked me was that the Princess was about to step out nude again.

Startled by her sudden action, I hurriedly turned around, and I could hear her footsteps indicating she had stepped out.

There was the sound of fabric brushing as she put on clothes a few times.

After the sound had completely faded, I cautiously turned around and saw the Princess in a white dress.

“Why were you turning around when I would’ve looked like a skeleton anyway?”

“…Regardless, the Princess’s dignity should not be affronted when she’s dressing.”

“Hmm, thank you for your consideration.”

…If I mentioned that I saw her original form due to the super coward mode’s censorship, I felt I might be executed for spying on the Princess, so I came up with a plausible explanation.

It seemed her body had fully recovered as she checked herself several times and nodded before walking towards me.

“I must look quite freakish right now, right? Unlike our previous meeting, the flames are weak this time, so I had no choice but to detach parts of my body. Please excuse me for that.”

“Of course. It is due to the Princess’s sacrifice that I am able to maintain my life.”

“Hehe, thank you for saying so.”

Watching the Princess cover her mouth with her only remaining hand while smiling, various thoughts crossed my mind.

Anyway, after we both sat at the table again, we exchanged simple greetings.

The Princess already knew how I was doing since she had received reports from the Deputy Director.

I also knew that the Princess’s daily routine involved watching the political situation calmly while remaining in flames, so our conversation didn’t last long.

“So, I assume you’ve heard from the Deputy Director why I called you this time?”

“Yes, it’s to bestow an award upon me….”

Upon hearing my words, the Princess exaggeratedly nodded once.

“They say you, Leydan Tanton, have not accepted any of the rewards and positions the Deputy Director and I carefully selected for you. Especially, turning down the prestigious position of Mystic; other Knights would be shocked to hear that, like their eyes would pop out.”

“…I apologize.”

“No need for that. That’s not why I called you.”

The Princess leaned her chin on the table, closing the gap between us a bit.

“So, since I thought you’d refuse through the Deputy Director, I called you directly. Were you planning on rejecting the reward I personally give to you?”

“…No, Your Highness.”

Upon hearing my response, the Princess smiled like she expected that answer.

…The so-called ‘Royal Command’ seemed like an unguardable technique.

While appearing lost in thought, the Princess lifted her chin from the table and, rubbing her chin with her finger, lowered her gaze.

It seemed she was contemplating what reward to bestow upon me.

“…I have quite a few things in mind, so I’m considering what would be best to give you.”

…I’m not someone who generates variables, so why did she think of so many possible outcomes or cases?

Considering I couldn’t refuse anything the Princess gave, she must know that.

While the Princess was deep in thought, she seemed to have made up her mind and asked me a blunt question.

“Tanton, do you like pretty women?”


What is this question all of a sudden?

“What do you mean….”

“Just answer the question.”

“Yes, I do. After all, I am a man….”

With her suddenly stern tone, I had no choice but to answer uprightly.

Hearing my response, the Princess handed something over to me with a decisive look in her eyes.

“Shall we have a cup of tea first? I’ve decided what reward to give you. You mustn’t refuse this time.”

“Ah, yes.”

Without any doubt, I took the cup the Princess offered, and as I drank from it, I felt a vague dizziness overtake my consciousness.

…And now here we are.

I looked at the Princess’s wavering eyes.

Why is she going this far, even while looking so embarrassed?!

“Your Highness?!”

With a shocked heart, I called out loudly to the Princess, but she simply cleared her throat.

“It’s not that I particularly like this. I’m just really grateful to you, Tanton, but since you keep refusing everything… if I don’t do it like this, you’ll probably reject again….”

Did she mix something in the tea because of this?

Is that why my memory vanished?

This is just too forceful!


The Princess, looking slightly teary-eyed, glanced up at me.

“Do I not meet Tanton’s standards?”

“That, that’s not it. I cannot dare to trespass upon your royal presence….”

Given that the Princess’s appearance was beyond amazing, there was no reason for me to think otherwise, but I was more afraid that touching the Princess recklessly might become problematic.

As I spoke in fluster, the Princess shook her head and replied.

“…I truly have nothing to offer you, Tanton. So, even if it’s just with something like this, if it could heal your heart a little….”

That’s how the Princess spoke while wrapping her arms around herself and leaned her head on my shoulder again.

…I could swear I heard the mutterings of some weed Outsider and a puppy Outsider somewhere, but I felt it was better for my mental health not to listen to them.

“…Let’s stay like this for just 1 minute?”

“…Yes, as you wish.”

Since there was no way for me to refuse, I had no choice but to comply with the Princess’s request obediently.

And so, the silence persisted for quite a while.

I could hear the sound of my own heartbeat, worrying if it would reach the Princess.

Trying to calm my heart, I tightly closed my eyes.

“…It may seem like I keep trying to make up for it with rewards, but I truly am thankful to you, Tanton.”

The Princess spoke first.

“Since you joined the Knights, the majority of Rondan’s troubles have diminished. After the disappearance of the Knight Commander, I really didn’t know what to do. But it’s truly reassuring as the Hunter struggles inside the walls and you, Tanton, outside.”

Listening quietly to what sounded like a litany of woes, I realized a lot had happened.

I released the Watcher, the current Bell, from the underground prison, dealt with the candles entering Rondan, handled the Gardener, rescued Knight Commander, and sent off the Cook.

Also tackled the dragon slayer, which was an old trauma for the White Mask, and stopped the cultists.

…Thinking about it all occurring in that short time, I felt I had done quite a bit.

If I hadn’t been there, it’d mean the Hunter had to handle it all alone.

No wonder they called ‘kill the foreign god’ man.

“…Many things will continue to occur from now on. Although it feels burdensome to keep asking, I’ll still say this. Please smooth your chivalrous spirit for Rondan, and for me, from now on too.”

Saying so, the Princess then adopted a visibly more relaxed expression as she closed her eyes.


There was still a lot to be done.

Regarding the Interrogator and also dealing with the giant of Snow Mountain.

In truth, what was done till now was merely the beginning.

Let’s become stronger.

And swiftly bring peace to Rondan.

Then I, too, can rest easily.

“I will definitely make sure the Princess, too, gets relief from her worries.”


Upon hearing the word ‘worries,’ the Princess appeared lost in thought for a moment before slightly nodding.

“…That would be nice.”

Her response was somewhat ambiguous, leaving me wondering if she was thinking of something else.

Even if she was hiding something from me, as I had no means of finding out on my own.

Besides, she is the Princess of Rondan.

It must be worries beneficial to the territory.


But, it feels like quite a bit of time has passed.

“Your Highness, I believe the minute has passed.”


“Your Highness?”

…the Princess still remained silent.

Thanks to that, it felt like it had been about 30 minutes by the time I could leave her room.


Upon leaving the Hearth, the place I headed to was outside of Rondan.

The reason for coming here was to summon the Cook, which I had been putting off for a long time.

Although it seemed like I was managing for now with my current physical abilities, knowing that this world had a game-like background suggested that stronger enemies would continue to emerge.

Hence, I must make preparations accordingly.

Of course, there were personal training methods, but I felt those couldn’t keep up with the pace of the story.

So, the food buffs from the Cook were imperative.

…There was an element of fear regarding the aftermath of the dragon slayer too.

Anyhow, summoning an Outsider within Rondan would certainly invite trouble, so I had come to the deserted Gardener’s Garden.


Thinking about the familiar face I would soon see, a mix of excitement and nervousness welled up inside me.

Upon resolving, I picked up the party whistle and blew it.


An almost trumpet-like sound emanated from the party whistle, and I felt as if the space in my mind expanded.

Along with it, I anticipated hearing a voice first, but instead.

A figure began materializing before my eyes.

A fluttering apron.

Black socks rising to the knees.

Curvaceous figure.

Most importantly, there’s an ambiance that creates a warm feeling just by looking.

The very moment when I recognized what all this was.


That existence hugged me tightly.


Momentarily surprised, the figure holding me tightly lifted its face to meet mine while still wrapping its arms around me.

“…It’s been a while.”

“…Yes, it has been.”

Seemingly caught in nostalgia, the Cook looked at me with a gentle smile.

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