Dark Crow Rising

V2 Incline 9: Champion Nin

"Not too different out there, compared to in here." I remark quietly, from my somewhat quiet corner of the pool. I lean over with my left hand and swirl it about in the cold water on the other side. Even right against the rocky wall separating it all, it's cold. Glancing up further, towards the mountain, I focus on the water it's letting out.

It's like a naturally occurring fountain. One that, while it appears rough and chaotic, it still has an orderly beauty to it. Everything on the mountain comes together to paint an amazing picture, so seemingly effortless in how it does so. Though, for all the sight has to offer, I can't help but smile at something silly.

"The mountain is peeing." I childishly and quietly snicker.

I remember that I am soaking in it and mock-up a shiver before I snicker again. Then, hearing water moving behind me, the sounds of someone wading towards me make my shivers sincere. Snapping around, I drop down into the water and tightly pack my bottom-half coverings against the smooth rock. Hiding my right arm slightly, I watch those approaching.

A grotesque-looking, oddly proportioned male needle-leg arrives with a small group of women. My eyes briefly look down, across and then they firmly lock onto their eyes. I am the odd one out in this entire bath. The only one wearing anything...

"You are the human that saved the Gilded-Bark's seed, yes?" the man amongst them asks, his voice full of admiration. I frown at his tone and start to look away. Not only does it just sound weird to hear something like this, with how isolated life in Tobaballe is... I just don't deserve it.

I didn't save anyone.

I look further away and try to ignore them, but they are insistent. One of the women comes closer carefully and she gently waves as she smiles. She doesn't say anything but her bulbs light up. She looks away and I catch how her expression keeps changing as she lights her bulbs up at the others.

"Alright, everyone, please step back. Leave the Champion be so that he may enjoy his first bath in some time." the Ivy-Mother thankfully calls out as she wades past them. I watch as she intentionally grazes past the male, snatching up his attention entirely. The women around him start to sneer and then they pretty much drag him off as he tries to laugh it off. The Ivy-Mother gently laughs next to me as she comes and sits down.

Leaning against me with her fingers spread out across my chest and side, I look over at her. I try to scoot away, but she just follows me with her eyes staring deeply into mine. Something wiggles down by my leg and I cautiously watch her tail snake about in the water. She starts to get more physical.

"I don't think I will ever get tired of this..." she lets out with a delighted whisper as she starts to move her front higher against me. Looking around quickly, I see more jealous gazes and groan within the safety of my head. Quiet, feminine fury is all about me and the Ivy-Mother is revelling in making it worse.

"Please, get off." I request as my neck starts to move with her efforts to press down on my head.

"Do I have to? Can't I just show them a little more how you are all mine?" she asks as she starts to tease me more precisely. My right arm starts to pat the rock near me as she keeps it up. Her lustful aggression is testing my patience and I start to cling to the spongey rock. Digging into it, a loud crack rings out.

The wall suddenly blasts open and she drops down into the gap.

I shoot to my feet with wide eyes and stare at my three-digit hand as it spreads itself out stiffly. Looking into the water, I see a mass of colour within it and all around me as bubbles rise up. Shooting out of the depths, the Ivy-Mother makes a sensual display with the water as it rolls down her. She laughs.

"Champion!" she goes as I try and figure out what just happened. That didn't feel like me just smashing the rock open. That spongey feeling...?

"I-I'm s-s-sorry!" I let out nervously as I feel the cold water slowly mix with the hot water. I stare at the decently-sized hole I made and the Ivy-Mother walks through it. She waves her hand dismissively at me.

"Do not worry about it, Champion! I'm sure we all appreciated seeing your strength..." she dismisses, biting her lip towards the end as she eyes my lower half. Freaking out, I make sure the cloth is still there and I glare back at her grin when I realise it is.

"You're bleeding..." I comment when I spot some red move into the water.

"Oh, it's fine." she waves off yet again as she moves her thigh about to get a look at the cut. She glances at my right hand and I shuffle about uncomfortably. But, she guides me back down into a seat and she sits next to me. Placing the abnormal limb onto her closest leg as she does so.

I slowly feel coldness spread through the water.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asks as she gently pats my underwater, wrapped-up arm.

"No." I answer firmly as my lefthand tightens its grip on the rock I am sitting on. I want to get rid of this arm, I would rather live the rest of my life as a one-armed invalid. But, even then, the idea scares me as for some reason, I think of it as my arm right now.

It's not my arm, but...

"Your mind is a mess, Champion. It would be wise to talk about it." she implores as she tries to reassure me by leaning up to me. I find it strange how I did not mistake it for anything lustful, given her track record.

"Talking about it won't do anything, talking won't get me my arm back..." I sigh as she gently strokes the limb in question. It's nice to know she wants to help, but, I don't know. I don't know. Maybe another time, just not now.

"Perhaps if I bring someone you are more familiar with?" she asks as she starts to move away, slightly.

I scoff as that would be a right fine accomplishment. Everyone I knew on the trip is dead, turned to bugs. Everyone else I know is far, far away from here. They know nothing of places like this.

"Good luck with that..." I manage to say as my brows narrow in time with my sorrow warping to anger. Even if she could find someone, we would probably hate each other. It's just how the city of Tobaballe is. Maybe it's a good thing you need to cross a wasteland to get to it, pass by a lightning-infested sky with a vast sea of molten gold around it.

"Is the Valkinvar not someone you are close to? Her behaviour and attitude towards you have struck me otherwise. Not even the three human thorns she came here with?" the Ivy-Mother questions as a hand is placed on my shoulder.

"A tricky question to answer..." is all I can say as I just don't know how to answer the question. I know them, I am familiar with them. We technically went through something pretty big together, as a group depending on each other. But, even then, I don't know.

I feel like all I know is a face and a smile, or a sneer, or frown...

"You are not from Thurnmourer's old forge, then?" she asks and I blink. I don't recall seeing a city near Anvil-Peak. Her words are confusing and intriguing. I can't imagine I'd misremember the myths, though, not with my craft-god.

Though, admittedly, if there is a city there, I probably missed it, what with all that flesh-searing thunder!

"No... I am from the city of Tobaballe. It's... Far... Far from here, on, what I assume is the other side of Anvil-Peak. So far away from all of this stuff. Everything is so much simpler." I explain to her, but I frown as she starts to smile oddly.

She starts to laugh, and my frown deepens, "No, you can't be. Why would anyone live in a land where the Emerald Winds don't blow? You are making your lives worse off! You make yourselves needlessly ugly and hideous!"

I pay close attention to how her tone changes from a baffled laugh to a sneer of utter disgust.

Though, I guess it does clarify something for me as well. Whatever happened to me in that cave, when I first saw that emerald light, whatever happened then... It made me what I am today, handsome and delectable in their, shining, black eyes. This power is what they are attracted to, not me.

I don't know how to feel about that, admittedly. Disappointed that they do not think I am good-looking? Happy that I can maybe just do something to get rid of all this attention? I suppose I won't lose sleep over it either way.

But, I wonder, if this power attracts them, why do they dress the way they do? Can I hide it perhaps by wearing one of those thick leather outfits? Would be nice, looking around at the uncertain, strange sights around me. There are a lot of eyes on us, on me.

Not a fan of so many eyes.

If power is what attracts them, then, I guess Vapooliar has it quite easy. She might as well be the definition of strength and power for me right now. I know the gods are a thing, I've seen their works, I am proof of their spilt blood and the efforts they made to defend us. But, the fact I can see Vapooliar's strength in action, the way the winds rush over me when she suddenly reappears beside me.

It's something heart-stoppingly terrifying.

"I am afraid it is true, I am not from around here. You can even ask Vadei and she can confirm my story." I explain to her as she's probably met her too. Though, on that topic, what three thorns?

What happened to the group...?

"Vadei?" she goes, her voice full of disgust as if she just ate excrement, "Right... The pathetic oxfuine that came here with the Valkinvar. I think I will pass, even if it's your recommendation, Champion."

I blink at her attitude and slowly nod.

Her words are focused on Vadei, but, the way she's acting, it might as well be me. I don't really know how to respond and I start to think of some proof I might be able to present. I tap my feet through the water. Pondering as it rushes between my toes.

"Ankle bracelets!" I go as I lean into the water to snatch my foot up. Rushing it back up to the surface, I see how there is nothing on my ankle. I swap to the other one but find the same situation. They're gone.

I look at her as she confusedly stares back at me.

"What did you people do with my ankle bracelets!?" I demand to know as I smack the area where one of them should be. Somehow, I found myself hating how clean I am right now. I'm too used to seeing a slight rub-off of orange on my shins.

"Ankle bracelets? I'm afraid I do not know, Champion. You were stripped when you first arrived here. Then, we had you taken to my bulb where I have nurtured you since." she explains.

"I-It's fine... But, now what do I use for proof?" I answer her before I ask myself out loud.

"Why would some decorative jewellery convince me of your absurd story, Champion?" she asks with a bemused scoff.

"Well..." come on, surely I can explain why I thought the idea would work, "They lack this weird power?"

"Magic." she corrects as she settles herself into hearing things that must sound just stupid to her.

"Y-Yeah, they don't have magic! If I am from around here, then wouldn't they be magicless!" I think I lie as I have no idea how magic works.

"How do you not know the word of your gifts, but you grasp the difference between internal-magic and external-magic?" she quietly laughs and asks.

"Internal-whatnow?" I repeat and she giggles even louder.

"Again, I am not sure if to be embarrassed by your ignorance or laugh at how adorable this all is." she goes as she pulls my head down to her chest. She strokes my head and it feels condescending but I let it happen.

"I'm not from around here... I don't know any of this stuff..." I whine quietly, but just loud enough for her to hear me clearly.

She seems to moan with delight, "Oh, Champion... Champion, Champion... I am going to enjoy our time together. You are so strong but, so blind and unknowing. I will delight greatly in making you something greater in my image."

My lips straighten as her moans start to take on an erotic angle as a hand strokes my face.

"I guess that would be nice..." I somewhat agree to as it would, in fact, be nice to know how to use this power, this magic. Vapooliar tried to some extent, but I needed her armour to even move properly. I don't know why I can right now without it, but, maybe it's because this power is leaving me.

Though, with Vapooliar on my mind again...

"Have you seen the Valkinvar?" I ask, unsure if she knows Vapooliar as Vapooliar.

"I am afraid not, I have been looking after you for some time now. I can go look for her, though, if you'd like?" she offers and I nod ecstatically as I leave her grip. She blows me a farewell kiss and I frown at her as she wades off into the distance. Somehow, though, she still manages to keep her lower half bouncing about even in the water.

Just enough to have it pop out of the water before she leaves the pool...

Quiet returns and I slide into the water, tired. No one seems to be willing to bother me for the moment. Though, maybe I should head to warmer water? It's getting fairly chill near the hole.

The winds move strongly.

"Nin?" a familiar, desired-for voice says from behind. It sounds happy but it's also on the verge of crying. I turn around and l find myself looking up. Floating above the water with bright, emerald winds about her.

"Long time no see..." I go as I recall the moment I shoved her away from the mountain. When that thing came from the ground and stabbed her right in the gut...

She descends towards me and her white dress darkens as she enters the water. Sitting down next to me, on my left, I try to keep my eyes from going towards her open chest. I focus on her. I look a little at the odd emerald strands hidden amongst her brown hair.

She seems to be restraining herself from doing something.

"I am glad you are okay..." she quietly says as she focuses on my wrapped-up arm. Her body tenses up whenever it moves, no matter how slight. I try to hide my arm, knowing some of what she went through in the hive. I start to turn away slightly as I try to figure out how I can hide the arm.

"Would you prefer it if we-" I start to say before she latches onto me from behind. Pulling me into a hug, she starts to let out the tears she's been holding back. I feel that she is biased towards my left side, but, I am happy to get a hug like this. Compared to all the teasing from the Ivy-Mother, some sincerity is appreciated.

"No, here is fine..." she explains as she practically starts to choke my left arm with her hug. Suddenly, she backs away with one of the reddest faces I have ever seen. I turn around to face her properly.

Silence falls between us and we occasionally see each other's eyes. I notice how they are like her hair, little bits of shining emerald hidden amongst brown. I keep looking down at her dress and how oddly it matches with her body. The armour she has on is an interesting touch as well.

"I like the dress, it suits you." I tell her, smiling a little.

"Th-Thank you..." she goes as she starts to play with it. Though, she seems to mostly try and cover herself up. Maybe she doesn't like the dress?

"Sorry, but, I lost your armour." I explain as I stare at what is left of it, the few bits she still has on.

She smiles back at me, "The fact you are here means it has done its job, do not worry."

My smile widens as she wipes her face clean of tears.

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