Dark Crow Rising

V2 Incline 18: Ivy-Mother Rose'lhia

"So, in three sleeps, then?" the Champion asks as I gently hum with my true-voice to add some much-needed rosy ambience to my bulb. He paces about with seemingly no intent, but, I can't help but feel attracted to the way his magic is behaving. The confirmation that he will need to show himself off is drawing that power out. If only he...

I cross my legs and adjust my dress to prevent my breasts from slipping out. I can't stop myself from leaking and while I do enjoy teasing and tempting him with my body. The fact I cannot do so without leaking my precious honey is incredibly embarrassing. I am Ivy-Mother, I should be able to show greater control over my body and its potential for sex.

My love is for the Gilded...

I find myself blinking as I feel the lack of sincerity in that thought.

"That is correct, yes." I start to answer as my true-voice goes dark, "The Gilded-Bark has agreed to it, although reluctantly. But, he has sounded the call and many of our males will be participating in this event. Though, not everyone will be attending solely to take part... Having so much strength on display is an exciting affair..."

The Champion watches as I idly trace a finger across the curve of my firm bust.

"So none of these roots will be attending?" he asks and I snort immediately at the question.

"Of course not, do not be ridiculous, Champion. They are kept away from the males for a reason. The thorns make their strongest home in the transition from stem to root for this purpose, Champion."

"Right..." he goes, once again showing this shameful ignorance of his to our plight. But, I ignore it as he will come to understand why in no time at all. I cannot be angry at his lack of knowledge, it's a natural thing, after all. I would be more than happy to explain why should he just ask.

Or, maybe it will be best for me to explain it to him regardless. The quicker it is made clear to him as to why he needs to steer clear of the roots the better. He will leave the Thief alone and he will be mine, I can go back to getting the Gilded-Bark to focus on me. It will be the seed that I cultivated within my bodily garden that will be on that pedestal.

I can correct the Gilded-Bark's only mistake, I can fix it all and make the world right...

"Okay, I get this is going to be a very physical thing, it's what I asked for after all. But, what exactly will I be doing?" the Champion asks as he starts to fiddle with some of my treasures. I smile at him as his childlike curiosity leads to him into making many small discoveries. The kind I am actually accepting of.

"Well, as a man, you will find that your magic is best developed initially in a physical way. As you have somewhat discovered during our sessions. Practical and active training will be best for you right now. As well, while I understand it will not be your primary focus, but, I hope you will take this opportunity to come to terms with the sensual part as well. Understand how your magic feels. But, to return to the tournament, one thing you can be sure of is weight-lifting. Competition focused solely on whose body holds the most power so they can show it all off!" I explain to him, sighing dreamily towards the end.

I close my eyes and imagine a figure standing proud in the grounds we have set aside for the event. I start to encourage the excitement electrifying my body a little and I moan so softly. The image in my head becomes clearer and I see the Champion losing to the Gilded-Bark. I smile as I watch the Champion take me into his arms as his power-emitting body demands a kiss.

I shake my head slightly and force a blink...

"That can work, but, I don't think some gym weights are going to be very hard to handle." the Champion comments as my body tingles in response to his power moving about in his hand. He can definitely lift a mountain with that kind of strength!

"As is customary, we have people out looking for appropriately thick and dense tree trunks. Our iron-gardeners are also working on solid core stakes, chains and bolts to hold them together." I explain and he nods slightly. He starts to think and I can't help but admire the idea that he is thinking back to his younger years. His greatest feat of strength back when he was weaker... Oh, I cannot wait to see how great he can be now!

"Is there anything else I can expect?" he asks as he looks away from the various curiosities and towards me.

"I can see something involving throwing happening. If only to see what the Valkinvar is capable with her strength. Beyond anything you or the Gilded-Bark are capable of." I explain to him as my awe slips into my tone. To think I would be able to see the power of a Valkinvar up close without my life being at risk.

"Vapooliar's going to be involved?" he asks as he suddenly sounds nervous. Though, I would be too if I had to be in the same event as someone as great as her.

The Champion starts to look through the trove of items I won from the human thorns earlier. There's nothing quite that interesting in there, certainly nothing valuable. The real value was in asserting myself over those lesser humans. A moment to spend some time with the Champion during something more casual.

He picks up the swingbarrel swinger and starts to spin it around, disturbing the airflow slightly with its whirring noise. I stand up and start to walk towards him as he moves it in my direction. My legs are moving a little closer together than they normally do. I make sure he is focusing on my smile.

My magic suddenly stops the swinger, making its string bend as it drops down and I slip up right against him. Pressing myself deeply against his unfortunately shirt-covered chest, I imprint some of my leaking honey against him. It just so happens there are some glasses right on the table next to us. So sliding my body against him, I smear more honey on his shirt and chest as I reach for and grab a glass.

The quality of this alcohol might not be anything I am used to, by the gods and goddesses no. But, I know one thing, these human thorns like it strong... And, well, some things just tend to happen when you have had a strong drink. More so when the servers spice things up.

An innocent little treat to be mixed in...

Stirring only a little bit of my honey into the poured drink, I lick the culprit finger clean. Smiling eagerly as its sweet tang makes my body erupt with shivers and warmth. I take a sip from the drink to test its potency and I feel a little woozy as the shivers and warmth return. I cannot actively feel my willingness to restrain myself decrease.

Aelenvari honey as a whole is more potent on men, but I can still get an idea of how strong it is right now. By the First Mother and Polite Pleasure, Motrtha and Aahtha, it is strong enough! I feel pride burst throughout me as I confidently pass the ambrosia of my breasts to him. If he cannot feel my excitement now, then I am more than happy to show it to him.

"Drink up..." I encourage as I start to move the glass closer to his lips myself. My smile grows as the traces of my honey on the glass touch his lips and the drink washes it into him. I giggle softly and lustfully as his reluctant sipping turns into something messy. His body starts to become more active but even now, he fights off my attempts to feel it.

He suddenly pushes me away but I take it in good order as I land on a pile of soft cushions. I anxiously and quickly spread my legs, but, I am left confused as he continues to stand there. He twitches about and his turned arm doesn't stop forming a tightly-knit fist again and again. I catch how his eyes have changed colour to something yellow.

The shade of his power takes on a disturbing sickly brown...

He lets out inhuman noises as his body twitches some more. I close my legs and start to get up, concerned as to what is happening. He suddenly freezes and then staggers backwards. He sounds normal again...

"I... I'm..." he lets out before he stumbles out of my bulb with the sound of terror in his voice. I lower my right arm which had risen and I clutch it.

I start to snarl at myself as my grip tightens to the point of pain, "You stupid Ivy-Mother! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"

I storm towards a chair then drop myself aggressively onto it. My eyes start to water and my true-voice starts to hurt as it glows like a star. I vent my anger through light and words and wipe my eyes dry. Getting up again, I work on making myself presentable for the rest of the night.

My precious Gilded-Bark, I need to find him so that I may show him how much I love him. I need him to know how much I do right as he needs me the most. I turn towards his precious seed, the one he made with the Thief, not me... It should've been his and mine.

Mine and the Champion's...

I shake my head clear of the invasive thoughts and snarl at the thought of him. It's just a performance, it is not sincere, the Champion is nothing to me. My love is for the greatest that is the Gilded-Bark, not some human that came stumbling into our flower! It's just an act to make it appear to others that I have no time to be planning anything righteous.

"You damnable human, why did you have to appear!?" I nearly scream as a flash of magical energies keeps my words under control. I grab a cloth and evoke its woven water magic and I start to clean my chest of honey. My mind is abuzz with contradiction and confusion and I doubt the sincerity of my love for the Gilded-Bark. There's no way it cannot be true...

Ever since I've first gazed upon the power within his body, I've loved him. I've been at his side ever since we were young when neither of us was what we are now. We are the very top of our flower, the greatest we can ever be! So...

Why am I unable to keep my focus on the Gilded-Bark? Why is this human able to upset my life like this...? His power... He's stronger than the Gilded-Bark!

"NO!" I scream and hiss as I take up my staff. Slamming its base against the floor, I walk out into the open to find something to occupy my mind with.

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