Dark Crow Rising

V2 Incline 13: Champion Nin

"So we climbing this?" I ask Vadei as she tests her nails against the rock. I watch curiously as they take on a very slight shade of pale green as she practices her grip. It's almost missable and were it not for the fact some of the mountain is dark grey, I'd've missed it entirely.

"Yes, the first one up wins." she answers as she steps away and comes towards me. Placing my hands on my hips, I look up at the platform she had scouted out earlier.

"Up to that platform?" I ask, just to make sure we both understand the goal.

"Yes, told you already..." she answers with a slight groan.

"Any rules beyond the unspoken one of no sending the other plummeting to their death?" I ask as I kick away some pebbles in the event someone does fall. Though, there's really no point. I am not too sure as to how my magic will interact with a fall, but, cracking my head right open strikes me as the likely result. And, if I can get hurt in this, she most definitely will be.

"Of course, you won't be using your magic..." she goes and I raise a brow at her words.

"I don't even know a water drops-worth about magic." I explain to her as I huff my bemusement after I am done speaking. I guess it doesn't matter anyway, my newfound strength lets me dig my fingers right into the rock. Though, my strength is magic-based now, so would I be violating the rules...?

"No spells." she changes the condition to and I happily nod along to that change. I've no clue what a 'spell' even is or what the term implies. I can't do anything like Rose-sweerui or Vapooliar, though, if that is what she means.

I eye her body behaviour briefly and start to nod a little. She seems quite confident with the idea that she might win. Admittedly, I agree with her in that regard. I can't go fast if at all right now.

So... Maybe a wager? Something to add a bit more of a smile to her lips. Being made fun of for losing a bet is much better than just bitter remarks. She'll also think she's earned it, I'd prefer to know that, personally.

"Want to make a bet?" I ask, grinning ever so slightly as she develops a sense of curiosity about it. Her ears turn to face me and her tail even starts to get a little eager.

"What do either of us have to offer the other?" she rightly asks, but, thankfully, I do know what I can offer her. Well, I know what I can take from someone else without issue to give to her... I hope the needle-legs are fine with it.

"I can basically just go and grab whatever you'd like, really." I explain to her and she looks down at her tatty, dying outfit. She spreads some of the filth to her fingers and her ears fall flat. Her tail starts to move excitedly, though.

"New, fresh clothes, a hot, relaxing bath and a... A quality brush so I can look after my tail..." she quietly answers as she nurtures the in-dire-need fluff-sausage. I smile a little as I consider her words. Then, I shake my head, shocking her.

"Tell you what, Vadei. I'll get all of that stuff for you regardless of if you win or not." I say and her eyes widen a little.

"T-Then... I..." she struggles to say as she tries to think of something else she would like.

"In exchange, what I want..." I interrupt, smiling mischievously at her tail, "Is to brush that to a fine sheen."

"No!" she snaps as she holds it close to her chest.

"Oh?" I huff as I get my expected answer.

"Fine... I will not let you brush my tail. But, if that's along the lines of what you want, I'll let you brush my backfur or hair. When I get my brush!" she compromises on. I think about what she just said and look down at her legs. I guess that fur on the back of them goes all the way up to her shoulders or neck? Must be odd being half soft and furry on one end and mostly skin on the other.

"I can work with that." I say as I look into her silver eyes. I grin as she narrows them towards my brown ones and she starts to bend.

"No magic, no pulling the other one. First up there wins." she reiterates as she prepares to prowl towards the mountain. Half-arsing my efforts at the start line, I watch her carefully as her tail whips about excitedly. Then, suddenly, it stiffens and sets itself out in a straight line.

"Ready..." I go as she starts to dig her nails into the dirt.

"Set..." she goes as I feel my body wind up on the inside. Shaking about slightly, I prepare to spring into action as modestly as I can. This excitement in me might cause a few issues if I am not careful!

I open my mouth so we can start...

"GO!" she shouts as she zooms off towards the mountain. She's already pulling herself up it before I even get a few steps in. I start to laugh to myself as I register her motivation to not have me anywhere near her with a brush. Maybe she's not even thinking about that, she might still just be relying on her confidence before the wager!

"And here I thought this would be a little too steep for you!" I call up to her as I start to climb the mountain slope.

"WHAT!? I CAN'T HEAR YOU, LOSER!" she yells heartily back down at me as she takes the moment to show off her climbing prowess. I laugh some more against the mossy rock and pull myself up sluggishly. Cracking and breaking bits off each time, I heave myself up like a rusty skeleton. I start to focus more so on her, now.

Looking up at her, I watch her tail as it moves and notice how important it is for her swift movements. However, I am more so taken aback by how much fluffier it looks from this downward angle. Maybe it's the wind going through the hairs, but it looks like it is just more tail, really!

Really wish I can win now, actually, just to see its proper majesty...

But, I can't see myself ever winning no matter what I do. The way she moves reminds me of an insect, so skittish and quick. I am beginning to wonder how she is able to have such a sure grip with how fast she is moving. Whereas I am ponderous with my grip, it's almost like a well-known path to her.

She knows the best spots, seemingly and she has no qualms about taking them. Everything just feels so weak to me, in comparison. Rock is just cracking and sometimes, a whole piece that can fill a plate just falls out. I make strange noises and nervously jitter as I slow down. My right, turned arm sinks into the soft, spongey rock...

"No..." I tell it as the peculiar sensation starts to come about at the worst time. Regardless of what little I know, I know just enough to see that this is not good. I move my hand to a rather mossy piece of rock, gripping it tightly. But, it seems I've just mistaken the strangely spongey rock for the softness of the moss.

It warps out towards me as I climb up...

I eye the strange, jagged line of stone and put my foot onto it. Snapping it off with my foot, it plummets to the ground and I go back to focusing on the race. I shake off the idea of beating Vadei, but, placing my right hand against the rock again is troublesome. Cracks suddenly surge out of control, in her general direction...

"Undwote ignore us..." I mutter quietly before I accidentally yank out a newborn-sized chunk from the mountain. My eyes widen as I drop the deceptively light, spongey rock and it shatters on the ground below. I gulp down nearly a mouthful of saliva and it forces its way down my tense throat as more problems start to arise.

Jumping to the top, Vadei guffaws victoriously!

"Look like I win, so much free stuff just for me!" she nearly sings as she dances slightly to the sound of victory. Though all I can hear is dread, I watch carefully as more and more cracks keep spontaneously appearing around my righthand. I swear I am even watching the stone follow me as I climb up this mountain. The cracks lunge towards the platform!

"Hold on!" I call out as she starts to panic when the first crack streaks onto the platform. I start to speed up as her worries become easier and easier to hear. I look around slightly, hoping I might be able to spot Vapooliar somewhere so I can scream for her. But, I can't find her, she's nowhere to be seen and I can't waste time looking for her!

I practically start to gallop up the mountain as the darkness within the cracks grows. Shards burst out at me with each, heavy, hammer-like swing I make into the mountain's hide. I keep turning towards the platform Vadei is on as she shuffles closer to the edge. Holding her tail close, she whines as a chunk falls from the platform.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" she screams down at me just as I make my way onto the platform with her. Ignoring her fear and anger, I snatch her up into my arms as the platform starts to slip from its holdings. Vadei claws at me as she tries to find purchase anywhere on my body and I back up towards the mountain. We start to slide...

What did my arm do!?

Whatever it did, I keep silent as I try to resist the increasingly steep angle. I eye the gathering crowd down below widely as I start to run off the edge. Leaping modestly away from the mountain, we quickly drop to the ground. Vadei whines against me as she curls in on herself.

I try to think of something, anything! The slightest thing that might cushion our fall, but I can't think of anything. I spread my hand across the back of Vadei's head gently and I try to adjust myself. Anything to keep her safe from the impact.

We hit the ground.

Bending into the fall, we sink into the crater with a deafening crash as an imposing shadow covers us. Vadei whimpers as she starts to move. She tries to urge me to move with all she has. But I can't look away from the mountain as it chases us.

My mind fills with images of stone teeth and rusted metal. My arm is just like that thing, isn't it!? I am becoming something like it...? I am turning into it!

"NIN!" Vadei screams against me too late.

Staring up at the falling mountain chunk, the distant sky booms.

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