Daqin started with offering immortal medicine

Page 439

When the little prince of Donghu heard this, he slapped his forehead immediately, and sighed: "This Marquis is still being careless, the big boss is right, it's safe to feed the dog, and there are no bones left, good, good."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand to the guards: "Do as the pawnbroker says!"

The guard was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Is that killing and feeding the dog? Or just feeding the whole dog?"

The little prince Donghu said: "It's too cruel and bloody to feed the whole dog. It's better to kill it first and then chop it into pieces. It's better to feed the dog."

The guard nodded, and looked at Prince Yueshi in his hands, he had already fainted from fright...

Poor Prince Yuezhi, I'm afraid he never dreamed that he would end up being chopped up and fed to the dogs this time.

Chapter 387 The Wedding Dress

In other words, the little Marquis of Donghu chopped up Prince Da Yue into several pieces and fed them to the dogs. Originally, this was to keep the outside world from knowing what happened that night, so as to avoid the court's misunderstanding and bring him the disaster of killing himself.

However, who would have thought that within two days, this matter would spread from some servant in the mansion, and in a short while, the whole city of Chifeng City knew about it.

The sheriff of Chifeng City hurriedly reported the matter to the imperial court.

And let's talk about the imperial court, when they learned that the young master of Donghu had chopped up the eldest prince of the Da Yue clan and fed them to the dogs, the State Council was also unambiguous, and directly sent a reward to Liubaili to send it to Chifeng.

He praised Donghu Xiaohou a lot, saying that he had made a great contribution to crushing the hostile forces in the bud, which was regarded as a military service, so he was awarded the rank of Colonel of Daqin.

This made the little Marquis of Donghu very happy. Although he is a marquis, since the Great Qin changed the military system, the ranks of military merit have been separated. There are special ranks in the army, from private to general, and there are more ranks. It is a symbol of identity and status.It's just that this kind of Marquis is naturally something to be proud of for others, but the Marquis of Young Master Donghu is actually a kind of gift of obedience, which is not glorious, and this is something that makes him always worry about it.

But now it's different, Master Ben is the colonel of Daqin.

The rank of colonel is actually obtained entirely by military meritorious service, so the rank of colonel conferred by the imperial court is particularly honorable to the little lord Donghu.

More importantly, a colonel is the rank of an upper-middle-level officer in the Daqin military system, and he can directly command a regiment (three battalions) in the army.In other words, with a little more meritorious service, you can be promoted to general.

This made Donghu Xiaohou very excited, and at the same time ignited his ambition to become a general. Dang even wrote to the court, willing to join the army and make further military contributions.

At the age of fifteen or sixteen, it is obviously unrealistic to go to the army to lead the army. According to the concept of later generations, it is obviously unrealistic.

However, this is the Qin Dynasty. In order to encourage the nomadic tribes and the soldiers of the Central Plains to fight against the enemy with one heart and the spirit of defending the country, Li Yang immediately approved it and transferred him to the headquarters of the Northeast Military Region to listen.

Of course, Wang Li, the commander-in-chief of the Northeast Military Region, naturally couldn't let this young master, the youngest colonel in the Great Qin Army, go to the front line, just let him practice in the army for the time being.After all, he is still young, and he is still a Marquis, isn't he?

It is worth mentioning that in today's Great Qin Army, especially in the Northeast Military Region, nomadic tribes still account for nearly [-]% of the soldiers.

It's just that Daqin didn't separate the soldiers of these tribes into battalions, but treated them equally like the soldiers of the Central Plains.Central Plains generals have grassland soldiers under their command, and grassland generals also have Central Plains soldiers under their command.

This also caused it to be impossible for the young master to command his Donghu soldiers in the army.

Because, in today's Qin State, the whole country is of the Huaxia nationality, and there is no division of regions and tribes in the country, let alone regions and tribes in the army.As long as you enter the army, there is no distinction between Laoqin people, Han people, Zhao people, Wei people, Chu people, Yan people, Donghu people, Huns, Fuyu people, and Sushen people. You have only one identity, that is Qin people, Qin soldiers!

In Li Yang's words, the military is a big melting pot, and it is even more important to do a good job in the integration and unity between different regions and tribes, so that people from different regions and different tribes can unite and unite, so as to achieve the goal of the Chinese nation. The purpose of great integration.

As long as in the army, the old Qin people, Han people, Zhao people, Wei people, Chu people, Yan people, Donghu people, Xiongnu people, Fuyu people, and Sushen people all regard each other as compatriots and brothers, unite as one, defend the family country, then the whole Qin country will naturally unite as one.

For this reason, patriotism learning and education are often carried out in the army of Daqin, and the whole army deeply studies the important thought of the first emperor's "three safeguards".

Thoroughly implement the military strategic guidelines, gather strength to prepare for war, strengthen military training and preparations, resolutely safeguard national sovereignty, safeguard national security and development interests, and maintain overall social stability.

At the same time, the military also often learns to adhere to the guidance of Li Yang, President of the State Council, to strengthen the "two consciousnesses": national consciousness and mission consciousness.

Adhere to "defending the country, remembering the mission" as the eternal task of military construction and the lifelong awareness of all soldiers, in order to build our army into a national military force with a unified consciousness, remember the mission, and be able to fight at any time and win. Resolutely complete the mission of maintaining the peace and unity of the country.

Of course, the fact that Young Master Donghu was awarded the rank of major and transferred to the Northeast Military Region Command really made Su Shenhou and the others envious and jealous.

When King Sushen heard the news, he couldn't help cursing King Yuezhi for his blind eyes, wanting to do something in the northern grasslands, but not looking for himself, Marquis Sushen first. Chance.

Although King Sushen is over fifty years old, and Daqin treats him well, and has no intention of crossing the river and tearing down the bridge.But he also understood in his heart that the Marquis was a gift of obedience, and it would not last long.

A title without authority, has an egg?

I can be a marquis for the rest of my life, but what about my children and grandchildren?Today's Sushen tribe has long been dismantled due to the prefecture and county system. As a Sushenhou, he has nothing but status and honor. After his death, his family will also be lonely.

Therefore, if you want to keep this kind of wealth for a long time, you must have real authority.

And at this moment, he heard another important news that Daqin was going to send troops to Wusun for reinforcements.

Therefore, Marquis Sushen and Marquis Fuyu didn't have time to present the memorial to the court, and sent their sons directly to Wang Li's headquarters, begging Wang Li to give them a chance to practice in the army.

In fact, to put it bluntly, he wanted his son to take this opportunity to earn some military merit.

Wang Li naturally understood what they meant, so he readily agreed. At the same time, with Su Jiao as the general, he led [-] cavalry to help Wusun...

At the same time that Su Jiao led troops to aid Wusun in the Northeast Military Region, Xianyang also welcomed envoys from Qiang.

Everything was as Li Yang expected, and Qiang sent envoys here this time, naturally he also asked for help.

Qiang obviously knew about Wusun's surrender to the Great Qin, so he came to ask for help this time with full sincerity, directly expressing his willingness to surrender to the Great Qin.

It is estimated that King Yuezhi never imagined in his dreams that he would attack Wusun and Qiang, and the result would be to make a wedding dress for Daqin.

A country was not destroyed, but they were all forced to submit to the Great Qin.

It was precisely because of this that when King Yueshi learned about this, he spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and fell to the ground with his head raised...

Yes, he knew that Da Yuezhi was going to end!

Chapter 388 Finale

In the 12th year of AD, the first month and a half.

After waiting for Qiang's surrender and asking for help, the Great Qin Empire launched a formal attack on the Yuezhi.

In the Southwest Military Region, Commander Shejian led [-] troops to support the Qiang; in the Northeast Military Region, Commander Wang Li led [-] troops to attack the royal court of Yueshi, and Su Jiao led [-] cavalry to support Wusun.

A total of 25 troops were besieging the Yue clan on three sides. The Yue clan, which originally had only [-] troops, could not withstand the Qin army even with the division of troops.

As soon as the Qin army arrived, no matter whether it was the Yuezhi army attacking Wusun or the Yuezhi army attacking Qiang, they were immediately defeated.

And Wang Li's [-] troops swept across the royal court of Yuezhi.

In less than half a month, Wusun, Qiang, and Yueshi all returned to Daqin.

Not only that, the unification of Wusun and Yuezhi also marked the intention of Qin to unify the Western Regions. Loulan and other ten countries in the Western Regions voluntarily surrendered.Wang Li led 20 troops to guard the Western Regions, and the Western Regions were settled!

At the same time, the Southwest Military Region sent [-] troops into Tibet, and the east of the Himalayas belonged to Daqin.

In the spring of 12 A.D., the Great Qin established Tibet, Qiang, Yuezhi, Wusun, Loulan and other ten countries in the Western Regions into four provinces: Tibet, Qinghai, Gansu and Xinjiang.This also means that the territory of Great Qin has doubled directly!

In fact, the territory of Great Qin at this time has already covered the territory of the era before Li Yang traveled.

Because the current territory of the Great Qin, although Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan have not yet been included, Outer Mongolia is already the territory of the Great Qin, and more importantly, there is also Shaohao in America.

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