Dao Of The Salted Fish (Salted Fish Cultivator)

53. Like like like Wen-ge so much!

Thank you to Kara and Kansuou for the kofis!!


Sun Fuyu replied seriously, “Yes. Many demonic creatures come from the demonic realm, and many cultivators ascend to the Heavens. There are also many secret realms containing magical treasures left by past cultivators. Wen-ge, do you want to go to a secret realm? Even though you’re not yet an inner sect disciple, I’m sure my shifu will allow you!”

Wen Zhihao smiled slightly at Sun Fuyu’s sincerity. “There’s no need, but if Xiao Yu wants me to go one day, I’ll go.”

Sun Fuyu’s eyes crinkled in a smile.

“But there are also more than just other realms connected to this one.”

Sun Fuyu blinked curiously, the perfect picture of an obedient and attentive student. Wen Zhihao’s itchy hand reached out and rubbed Sun Fuyu’s head.

“There is at least one other kind of world where there are no cultivators,” Wen Zhihao continued. “For example, a world where, instead of qi, there is energy and science and technology. Horseless carriages move people around the country, and metal planes fly in the air instead of swords.”

Sun Fuyu listened very carefully. A world without cultivators? Did his Wen-ge have the ability to see or visit other worlds? His Wen-ge was so amazing!

“In that world, there are many nations that are very different, with different people, different environments, and different cultures. Because of this, there are many, many different food dishes. That kind of world was my original world. That is the real reason why your Wen-ge knows so many different dishes. Your Wen-ge is not as inventive as you think.”

Sun Fuyu subconsciously frowned, focusing on the important part of what Wen Zhihao said: “But I think Wen-ge is amazing!”

Wen Zhihao’s lips quirked up. Xiao Yu is so cute!

“Even the brush-pen I showed you is merely a copy of something that has existed in my old world for at least a hundred years. Over six months ago, nearly a year now, I died in my old world and somehow transmigrated here.”

Sun Fuyu’s eyes widened. “Y-you died?” His eyes grew red. “Wen-ge...Wen-ge…”

Sun Fuyu suddenly realised something— “Then the Wen-ge that I like is the Wen-ge from a different world? If the original Wen Zhihao returned then Wen-ge would be gone?”

“I don’t know what happened to the original soul of this body. It’s not here anymore.”

Sun Fuyu suddenly leaned over and hugged Wen Zhihao tightly. “Is Wen-ge telling me because you’re about to leave?!!!”

Fondness filled Wen Zhihao’s heart. He caressed Sun Fuyu’s hair. “No, of course not. I won’t leave Xiao Yu if I can help it. It’s just that Xiao Yu told me about your background and family, and so I wanted to tell Xiao Yu about my family. But Xiao Yu should not tell others. It’s our secret, okay?”

Sun Fuyu tilted his head up to look at Wen-ge. Suddenly, he didn’t feel so aggrieved anymore, because he realised that Wen-ge trusted him the most! That was why Wen-ge told him such a big secret!

“I won’t tell anyone,” Sun Fuyu promised. “As long as you don’t leave me.”

“En, I won’t leave,” Wen Zhihao said.

Sun Fuyu hugged him again. He really wanted to...do a certain thing… But he felt a bit shy… He pulled back from the hug and took Wen-ge’s hand, lightly touching his palm.

Wen Zhihao’s hand felt ticklish, and his heart felt like it was being gently touched too. Sun Fuyu’s head was lowered, eyes looking down. Was Xiao Yu so unsettled?

“What does Xiao Yu want? Although I came from a different world, now, my favourite people are you and all the other aunties and uncles and cats. If there is something Xiao Yu wants, I’ll try to make it happen, within reason.”

“Can we...um….” Sun Fuyu’s voice dropped to a whisper as redness spread across his cheeks. “L-lips...touching...together…” He shyly looked up through his eyelashes.

Wen Zhihao felt like he was struck by tribulation lightning.

Lips. Touching? Doesn’t that mean kissing? Xiao Yu wants to kiss? Then—then—

“We’ve….been dating for a few weeks now...but….if Wen-ge wants to wait…” Sun Fuyu’s head dipped down again as he played with Wen Zhihao’s hand.

Wen Zhihao felt like he had been struck by tribulation lightning again.

Hah? For a few weeks? When was that?! Wait—wait—

“...Um...forget about it then…” Sun Fuyu’s voice quietened to a whisper.

Wen Zhihao ruthlessly threw away his messy chaotic thoughts and got to the root of things.

  1. He liked Sun Fuyu. He knew that already, he wasn’t oblivious.
  2. Sun Fuyu wanted to kiss him. With Sun Fuyu’s character, this meant that Sun Fuyu liked him too.
  3. Sun Fuyu thought they were already dating for some unknown reason. In this case, it would be best to pretend that Wen Zhihao knew the entire time.

Conclusion: just go with the flow and kiss Sun Fuyu back!

Phew! This meant that Wen Zhihao wouldn’t need to work out a Plan or have to deal with messy pre-relationship romance stuff! Roll away all those dog blood romance plots!


Sun Fuyu’s head snapped up. “Okay?” His eyes glowed, his lips curving into a big smile. He threw himself against Wen Zhihao’s body and hugged tightly, burying his face in Wen Zhihao’s shoulder. Ah! Ah! So happy! Like like like Wen-ge so much!!

Wen Zhihao’s lips twitched up. He wrapped his arms around Sun Fuyu and hugged just as tightly. Hmm, hugging Sun Fuyu felt really good~~

“Wait—wait,” Sun Fuyu wriggled out of the hug and sat up properly. His face became serious. “We can’t kiss if we hug like that.”

Sun Fuyu’s serious face was so cute!

“I’ll listen to you. How do you want to do it?” Cough, this would be Wen Zhihao’s first kiss, and since he had mentally thrown away all those dog blood romance dramas, he temporarily forgot how to kiss.

Sun Fuyu licked his lips, his heart beating like a drum. “Lean closer?”

Wen Zhihao leaned closer, and Sun Fuyu did the same.

The redness in Sun Fuyu’s cheeks deepened. “Um, a little closer?”

They both moved their heads closer together, going slower and slower as both of them felt like they needed to make sure that their lips actually touched each other—wouldn’t it be so embarrassing if they missed??!!

And then...


Lips touched and noses brushed.

Both of them were relieved when they didn’t miss, so relieved that they separated again immediately.

It was so fast that Wen Zhihao didn’t get to experience it. He cleared his throat slightly. “Again?”

Sun Fuyu nodded shyly.

This time, Wen Zhihao lightly held Sun Fuyu’s chin.

Sun Fuyu felt tingly and warm, his eyes closing as he trusted Wen-ge. Soon, slightly dry lips touched lightly against his own. A light sensation bloomed across his lips as their qi mingled.

Wen Zhihao felt all warm and soft. Xiao Yu’s lips were so soft, even softer than when he accidentally touched them with his fingers…

They soon parted again, and Sun Fuyu’s eyes opened. Wen Zhihao let go of Sun Fuyu’s chin, dropping his hand to Sun Fuyu’s arm.

“Good?” Wen Zhihao asked, a little nervous.

“Good!” Happiness radiated from Sun Fuyu. He coquettishly rubbed his cheek against Wen Zhihao’s shoulder.

Wen Zhihao hugged him, looking at Sun Fuyu with overflowing fondness.

“Does Xiao Yu want to hear more about my past?”

“En!” Sun Fuyu settled himself comfortably into Wen-ge’s embrace and prepared to listen well.

While hugging the firm and soft new boyfriend (well apparently they’d been boyfriends for a few weeks, but Wen Zhihao will just ignore that!), Wen Zhihao told him about his family with his divorced parents, about how it was like to live in his old world, and about how this kind of xianxia world could only be found in fantasy and dreams.

Sun Fuyu remembered all the special information given to him by Wen-ge.

“I’m happy that you’re here,” Sun Fuyu said. His eyes darkened slightly. If he hadn’t met Wen-ge, then he might still be in the outer sect, struggling to cultivate. Or maybe he would have died as the fortune-teller said...

“It’s getting late, it’s time for bed,” Wen Zhihao said. Seeing how he now knew that they were dating, and how sticky Sun Fuyu was being—hugging Wen Zhihao as though he might disappear—Wen Zhihao offered, “Do you want to sleep together in the same set of bedding?”

Sun Fuyu nodded like a chicken pecking rice. Wen Zhihao reached out and stopped his head.

“Don’t make yourself dizzy!” he said fondly.

They both got ready to sleep. Sun Fuyu was fastest, laying down first. He looked at Wen Zhihao with eyes full of sleepy warmth.

Once Wen Zhihao laid down though, Sun Fuyu carefully left a small gap between them.

Wen Zhihao rolled on his side to face Sun Fuyu and reached out and took his hands. He stroked them lightly. “Go to sleep, Xiao Yu.”

“Only if Wen-ge goes to sleep too.”

“Of course.” Wen Zhihao took the initiative to close his eyes first. Let Xiao Yu look his fill, ba.

And as typical, Wen Zhihao quickly fell asleep.

Sun Fuyu gazed at his sleeping ge, illuminated slightly by starlight. He tugged Wen Zhihao’s hands closer to himself, feeling the solid warmth of the person he liked best. After looking at Wen Zhihao a few more times, he closed his eyes too.

Among the fragrant scent of the wildflowers and grass, the two of them slept with warm hearts.



Congrats to everyone who predicted that Sun Fuyu would easily accept that Wen Zhihao came from another world, and double congrats to anyone who predicted that Sun Fuyu would think that Wen Zhihao was super-super-super amazing because he came from another world 🤣🤣

This chapter’s rec yet another one of my favourite stories, Reborn with an Old Enemy on the Day of our Marriage! I love how the two main reborn/reincarnated characters retain their maturity and their dynamic is hilarious and cute~

Also, the BL Spring Anthology is now complete, with 30 different short stories!

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