DanMachi: The Strongest Support In Labyrinth City

Chapter 6 Take It Off

"Guest! It's dangerous to do this!"

Seeing that a dagger worth 900 play-by-play was picked up by a child who looked less than ten years old and pointed the blade at himself, even the highly professional clerk was a little panicked.

This can already be called an emergency.

Seeing the nervous look of the clerk, Noel felt a little sorry.

That scream came from He Faith's shop, and as expected, the people nearby gathered immediately.

Include the main god here, but don't know the exact location.

Seeing a flaming red-haired beauty with her right eye covered by a blindfold come out from inside, Noel's eyes could no longer be attracted by other things.


For all rational beings in the lower world, when God appears in front of them, they will immediately realize how noble the person in front of them is.

Even if you can't use divine power, the qualities of the gods will not disappear.

This is the so-called Manifestation.

When he first saw Hermes, he was also frightened by the other party.

At this time, the god He Faith also exudes the unique atmosphere of the main god.

"What happened here?"

He Faith Toss asked the clerk immediately after arriving at the scene.

Noel, who didn't want to continue torturing the clerk's sister, took the initiative to stand up at this time.

"The Lord God, Faith, I, Noel, came here specially to join your clan, please forgive me for making such a situation!"

The high voice did not match his youthful appearance.

When all the onlookers saw a child suddenly stand up and request to join the He Faith Toss family, they all suddenly seemed to have found some kind of fun, and they did not leave, and gathered on the spot.

More than half of the people in Orari are Pleasure Monsters.

There will be no shortage of people if there are free live viewings.

Her Faith Toss.

Her dress is not very noble. As a god, she only wears an ordinary white silk shirt on her upper body, a pair of black trousers on her lower body, and a pair of knee-high boots.

The black gloves cover most of the forearm.

This outfit seems to have no connection with femininity, and the exposure of the skin is even more desperate, but it still makes her feel beautiful.

She looked at Noel, applauding his courage to speak out in front of so many people.


"Yes, Lord He Faith Toss."

"You want to join my clan?"

"That's right."

He Faith Tos stared at him for a moment.

Such a small child is very rare among the He Faith family.

The number of years a blacksmith has worked is equivalent to a profession of strength. This profession requires a solid foundation and a lot of experience. No matter which one is, it requires a huge amount of time to study and devote oneself to it. able to achieve a little.

So far, her clan has recruited blacksmiths with outstanding skills.

Facing the gods, all lies will be hidden.

Even if you can't use divine power, God can easily see through a person.

He Faith Toss could see that the Noel in front of him was not the type to cling to the powerful, even though such a young child might not have that kind of mind.

Noel looked directly at He Faith Toss, not looking away.

Gradually, the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

"Okay, let you join my family."

After all, it seems interesting.

"From today onwards, you are a member of my He Faith Toss family. From now on, you and I will become my family, carry my grace, and pursue your dreams on the land of Orari."

Noel covered his heart with one hand and bowed to his main god.

Bye bye...the bridge hole.

No, don't say goodbye, it's rude to say goodbye.

In the evening, Noel followed He Faith's orders during the day and came to her workshop.

Boom, boom.

It's not a matter of urgency to tap twice, this seems to be common sense within the family.

After all, He Faith Toss himself is also a blacksmith, and he should be immersed in his work at ordinary times. Once he is involved, his attention will not be distracted by foreign objects.

This time, probably because of an appointment in advance, the door was immediately opened from the inside.

"You are here."


When Noel entered the workshop, he could still feel the residual temperature of the furnace.

On the walls here hang some weapons of extraordinary quality that can be seen by the naked eye.

There are flat axes, two-handed greatswords, machetes, straight swords, and more.

But the number is not too much, no more than ten.

Noel guessed that the price of these equipment is definitely not the ones that can be touched outside.

Maybe the price of each one is more than 200 million french, or even more expensive.


He Faith Toss saw something in his reaction.

She said in a somewhat unexpected tone: "You can see the difference between these weapons and other weapons."

Noel nodded.

Although these equipments may not have gorgeous shapes, or even seem a little ordinary, the strong texture they exude is a little tingling just by looking at them with the naked eye.

"These weapons are proof that the best children in the family have graduated from me."

There was pride in He Faith's tone.

"The people of the lower world are really excellent, and they can always surpass the imagination of our gods. It is precisely because they can achieve this series of great achievements that the grace of gods has its true value."

That's right.

Day's appointment.

That is to come to He Faith Tos in the evening and receive the grace of God bestowed by her.

About favors.

That's actually a possibility.

It's just that this possibility needs to be guided by the gods.

No matter which God's favor is accepted, the effect is the same, the difference is the strength and resources between the relatives.

"Noel, don't you yearn for the adventure in the dungeon, don't you yearn for the heroes in the hero Tan at your age?"

What He Faith Tos wants to express is: "Our He Faith Tos family is a family of the production department. The exploration of the dungeon can only be said to be superficial, and the strength of the combatants cannot be compared with the real front line."

Adventurers, especially budding adventurers, are generally more attracted to adventure.

"This is the last chance, if you regret it, take advantage of it now."

Is this the advice of He Faith Toss?

Noel looked at the main god who was seriously concerned about his future, and answered without the slightest confusion.

"My main god is He Faith, already you."

He Faith Tos looked at the boy who looked very mature and stable even though he was young.

"Okay, take off your clothes."

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