Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 85 The most stable prince in history

Chapter 85 The most stable prince in history
"Zhu Biao, the eldest son of Zhu Yuanzhang, Emperor Gao of the Ming Dynasty, and his mother, Empress Ma Shi, who is filial and compassionate..."

In Shouning Palace, the side hall where Han Cheng lived, Han Cheng's voice sounded slowly.

Start to tell Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao about Zhu Biao.

As a result, Zhu Yuanzhang, who had always wanted to hear about Zhu Biao, turned dark when Han Cheng just spoke.

Zhu Biao's expression also looked a little strange.

"Stop! Stop!"

Zhu Yuanzhang interrupted Han Cheng.

Seeing this, Han Cheng couldn't help being taken aback, what's going on?

I'm just making a head start, why are you making a bad face?

Is this a premonition that what he said next is too exciting?
"Your Majesty, don't you want to hear it?

Great! Then I can make mooncakes with confidence! "

Zhu Yuanzhang's face became darker when he saw Han Cheng's performance.

"If you talk about Biao'er, just talk about Biao'er. If you're fine, what about Ming Taizu Gao Emperor and Xiaoci Gao Emperor?"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Han Cheng and said angrily.

Good guy, with this opening of my mouth, I'm going to send myself and my sister away together, right?

Is there anyone who says posthumous names in front of living people?

Are you so polite?
Although Lao Zhu has always believed that everyone must die, the moment a person is born, he is doomed to die in the future.

But now, Han Cheng, a latecomer, directly mentioned that he still has the posthumous name of his sister in front of him, and he still felt awkward.

Han Cheng was stunned for a moment, it was recorded like this in history, if I say it like this, is there something wrong?

What's wrong?
Seeing that Han Cheng didn't realize what was going on, Zhu Biao had no choice but to speak out.

"Han Cheng, although I know that you came here hundreds of years later, for you and the dynasty you belonged to, we can all be said to be dead.

But then you can't say your posthumous name in front of us..."

After Zhu Biao's reminder and explanation, Han Cheng realized what the problem was.

"Sorry, sorry, I don't know much about these.

It's easy to say for a while, I will say what is written in history, and I will pay attention to it later. "

Han Cheng apologized.

Sure enough, in this ancient time, due to differences in living habits and other aspects, it was easy to dig pits if you were not careful.

"Prince Zhu Biao was born in the first year of Longfeng, that is, the 15th year from Yuan to Zheng.

When Emperor Hongwu called him King Wu, he made him the son of King Wu.

Later, he followed Song Lian to study classics and biography.

He has been carefully taught since childhood.

Emperor Hongwu placed high hopes on him and cultivated him in many ways

In the first month of the first year of Hongwu, he was established as the crown prince and officially confirmed as his successor.

The prince has been familiar with Confucian classics since he was a child. He has a kind and generous personality and is very friendly to his younger brothers.

He is also deeply loved by his younger brothers, and among them, he has high prestige..."

Han Cheng is here to tell what he knows about Zhu Biao.

Although now, what Han Cheng is talking about is what happened 15 years before Hongwu, and Zhu Yuanzhang knows it all.

However, listening to Han Cheng's narration here, Zhu Yuanzhang didn't feel bored either.

On the contrary, he listened with gusto.

Following Han Cheng's narration, Zhu Yuanzhang remembered a lot about Zhu Biao's past.

I thought of the joy of having my first eldest son, and the scene where Zhu Biao called his father for the first time.

Thinking of his badge, seeing him staggering towards me after returning from the expedition, asking me to hug him.

It reminds me of the scene where Biaoer, like a little adult, takes care of his younger siblings.

My own standard is sensible since I was a child.

It's rare to see it!
As for Zhu Biao, he also fell into memory following Han Cheng's narration.

Many past events became clear in my mind again.

Especially the things between him and his younger siblings, one after another, all came to mind.

I just feel very warm.

Everyone said that the most ruthless emperor's family.

Father and son, brothers, for that position, all kinds of fights for power, all kinds of calculations and fights.

As a result, father and son turned against each other, and brothers became enemies.

Brother kills brother, son imprisons father.

The father was sick and hadn't died yet, so the brothers started all kinds of scrambles. When all the dust settled and went to look again, the hero who sat on the throne before had been dead for a long time, his bones were exposed, and many maggots were born...

Zhu Biao, who is familiar with history, has seen too many tragedies of the emperor's family through history books.

It is also because of this that he is deeply grateful and feels how lucky he is.

None of these uncomfortable and heartless things happened to him.

His father, the emperor, never fortified himself.

The emperor and the crown prince share an administrative team. This kind of thing is unique in the history books.

Many brothers respected him very much and listened to his elder brother very much.

Zhu Biao can be sure that when he becomes the emperor in the future, he will not have any brothers and will rebel against him!

He has this confidence.

Thinking of many younger brothers who have already gone to the feudal clan, and will return to Nanjing City one after another in the next few days, Zhu Biao becomes even more looking forward to and happy.

"Prince Zhu Biao is very popular with Ming Taizu...ah no, he is loved by Emperor Hongwu, and he is also really talented.

Since he tried to handle government affairs, he has been conscientious and handled things very well.

Emperor Hongwu trusted him very much and had no defense against him.

Seeing that the prince grows up and excels, he will only be happy, without any worries.

It is also for this reason that the prince Zhu Biao was called the most stable prince in history by later generations.

There are some sayings in later generations that are widely circulated.

For example, some people said that if one day Prince Zhu Biao really rebelled, not only would Emperor Hongwu not be angry, but he would also be very happy.

I think his son is promising!
And he will ask with concern whether his son's soldiers and horses are enough, and whether he needs to transfer some more.

Emperor Hongwu will definitely become the number one military advisor by Prince Zhu Biao's side when he rebels..."


Before Han Cheng's words fell, Zhu Yuanzhang burst out into a hearty laugh.

it is good!
Well said!

Appetite for yourself! !
Who made his mark so good?
"Biao'er, hurry up and practice your skills more.

One day you want to take the position, you can tell us that you can give up if you want us to give up, if you think giving up is meaningless, you can raise troops, we will give you good advice! "

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Biao and said with a smile.

Look at his logo, how it looks, how pleasing to the eye!

Zhu Biao waved his hands again and again, expressing that he did not dare to have such thoughts, and asked his father not to say such things.

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and said, "Biaoer, what are you afraid of? The world we fight is for you! If you really do this, we will be happy before it's too late!"

Sometimes, I also feel quite tired, so I can take a proper rest...

When you want to be the emperor, tell us quickly! "

"In the 24th year of Hongwu, the prince Zhu Biao was ordered to inspect Shaanxi. The Qin king Zhu Yu who was entrusted here made many mistakes here and was recalled to the capital. The prince Zhu Biao took advantage of the opportunity to investigate the words and deeds of the Qin king here...

Prince Zhu Biao returned from his inspection tour, presented a more detailed map of Shaanxi, and interceded for the King of Qin.

After Emperor Hongwu severely admonished King Qin, he allowed King Qin to return to his fief..."

When Han Cheng said this, he stopped.

Next, let's talk about Zhu Biaozhi's death...

"Huh? Why didn't you say it? We're still waiting to hear what our Biao'er did after he became emperor!"

Zhu Yuanzhang, who listened with gusto, turned his head to look at Han Cheng, looking a little dissatisfied, and said impatiently...

(End of this chapter)

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