Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 82 You just use this to test the official?How many officials can stand the test?

Chapter 82 You just use this to test the official?How many officials can stand the test?

Zhu Yuanzhang sat here, looking at Han Cheng who was also sitting opposite him, waiting for Han Cheng to speak and continue.

He was suffocating in his heart.

I still don't believe it, the system that I and many ministers have carefully researched on the basis of the previous dynasty is not easy to use.

It will really have such a bad influence on future generations!

The ancestral precepts and other things that I thought about were drilled into a sieve by the moths of the descendants, so I won’t talk about it.

This household registration system is not so easy to exploit loopholes!
Anyway, he thought about it quickly, but he didn't think of any means that people of later generations could use to make their household registration system full of holes!

Even if they drilled another hole, there must be a limit.

It won't be as ridiculous as being drilled like my ancestral training!
At least it will never be as serious as Han Cheng's expression at this time.

Han Chengdao: "The military household system was really easy to use at the beginning.

It can save a lot of money for the court.

Very effective solution to the food problem.

But then things changed.

The land of the guard house was sold off in large quantities, and was plundered by various means.

As a result, a large number of military households have no land to cultivate.

At the same time, the chiefs of the guards also frantically squeezed the military households, making many military households completely reduced to their personal servants.

All kinds of life and death.

And because of the restrictions on military households, these military households who have lost their land have no way to make a living elsewhere.

Therefore, it is conceivable how miserable the exploited ones are.

Later, there were a large number of escapees.

Escaped households are military households, who were exploited too hard to survive, and had to abandon their original identities, become refugees, or become bandits..."

Han Cheng's words quickly shattered the confidence in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart.

Emperor Hongwu, who couldn't hold the sand in his eyes, quickly got up again.

"How could it be? How could it be? How dare they?!

These military households, these soldiers and horses are used to defend Daming and defend the rivers and mountains!
Only with strong soldiers and strong horses can Da Ming not be troubled by foreign enemies!
Without so many soldiers, once foreign enemies invade, the people will be in dire straits!
A lot of people can't get a good one!

How dare these people do this?

How can you be so short-sighted? ! "

Zhu Yuanzhang's voice was cold, filled with endless anger, and his chest heaved.

When Zhu Yuanzhang felt that it was necessary to hide his emotions, he would naturally be able to hide his emotions tightly.

For example, after wrestling with Li Shanchang and others and making an empty seal case, the anger in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart obviously did not disappear because of this, but when facing Li Shanchang, he was able to do everything seamlessly.

Let Li Shanchang relax his vigilance, thinking that the matter is over...

Of course, there are not many times when Zhu Yuanzhang can be like this. In normal times, he likes to follow his own temperament, laughing when he is happy, and scolding when he is angry.

If you are still angry after scolding, then start beating people!
As for Han Cheng, Zhu Yuanzhang obviously didn't feel that he needed to do that to show off his city.

Seeing that Zhu Yuanzhang, who was full of confidence just now, was very confident about the household registration system he had formulated, and now he was so angry that he began to slap the table and scold his mother, Han Cheng immediately felt relieved.

"Your Majesty, do you think those people are really afraid?

What are they afraid of?
You are the founding emperor, you have made various regulations long ago, and you have also adopted various means to punish corrupt officials.

The peeling and real grass are all used, but there are no corrupt officials in this Ming Dynasty?

There must still be some, and there are still a lot of them.

Generally speaking, in a dynasty, the emperor is the most authoritative, and the period when he can best suppress the arrogant soldiers and ministers of civil and military affairs is when the founding emperor is still there.

The authority of the emperor who has come all the way to win the throne is far more majestic than those who have inherited the throne.

But now, under your rule, His Majesty the Emperor, if this is the case, then there is no need to think about what those people can do in the end.

Their courage has always been very large.

As for the major affairs of the family and the country, the overall situation has nothing to do with them.

They just want to fill their pockets, bite off some meat from the court, and fill their stomachs, that's all.

After all, there are only a few people who have a big picture, and even more are short-sighted people.

Perhaps, it cannot be said that they are short-sighted.

There are also many people who actually know that it is wrong to do so, but others have done it, so it is not good for them not to do it themselves?

Is it too bad?

The temptation is too great and the risk is too small. If you use this to test officials, officials will not be able to withstand the test.

There are too many people who know they made a mistake, regret it in their hearts, and continue to make mistakes at the same time..."

When Han Cheng said this, he couldn't help thinking of the experience in his later life that he couldn't stop playing while watching videos or wasting time playing games, feeling anxious and regretful...

Following what Han Cheng said, Zhu Yuanzhang's chest was full of anger for a while.

The existence of such an important military household is related to the safety of the country, and it is still treated like this.

As for the civilian households and artisan households, one can know without thinking too much that their lives will definitely not be too good.

While his chest was full of anger, he was also hit hard.

This household registration system was carefully researched by myself and others.

I was proud of it before, and felt that through this method, many people would definitely be sheltered, and many people would have a relatively stable life.

It can also maintain the stability of Daming to the greatest extent.

But in the end, in the end, this kind of system was actually riddled with holes!
I have long lost my original intention of setting it up in the first place!
So it will be like this?
How can this be so?

Zhu Yuanzhang felt that his head was a little messed up for a while.

Originally, Zhu Yuanzhang was a very confident person.

But now, at Han Cheng's place one after another, after knowing what he was proud of and what he turned into later, Zhu Yuanzhang was a little bit unconfident after being hit.

Do it yourself, really wrong?

He fell into confusion.

My mind was in a mess for a while.

After a while, he looked at Han Chengdao: "Could it be that the policies we formulated are really so useless?"

Han Cheng shook his head and said, "That's not the case, Your Majesty, you have made many policies that are actually very effective.

For example, the household registration system formulated by you, although later, various drawbacks appeared.

But it is undeniable that it played a big role in Daming's internal stability.

Without the various policies you formulated, it would have been difficult for the Ming Dynasty to have survived for more than 270 years. "

After listening to Han Cheng's words, Zhu Yuanzhang seemed confused, and he actually played such a role?

Obviously, later on, the policies I made have already had so many disadvantages!
If he didn't have so many disadvantages, would he be able to exist for a longer time?
Vaguely, Zhu Yuanzhang seemed to have caught something.

But soon, he fell into a deeper confusion.

How easy is it to formulate a policy that can break the 300-year curse of the dynasty?

I think I am very good, and many of my proud works have been proved by Han Cheng, and they are often crooked within a few decades.

"Your Majesty, in fact, you have fallen into a very serious misunderstanding..."

After hearing Han Cheng's words, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly raised his head and looked at Han Cheng, wanting to see what Han Cheng would say next!

Why did I fall into a misunderstanding?

(End of this chapter)

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