Daddy Academy

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

At 11 o'clock in the evening, the children's parents came to the school to pick them up one after another. Half of the dormitory was gone, and the remaining half was sleeping.

When Zhang Tan came down, a strange man came in with him. He was between 30 and 40 years old. He was carrying a briefcase. He was still wearing a white long-sleeved shirt and black trousers on a hot day. His body was swollen and his face was round. Yes, my face is greasy, and I wipe it off with a paper towel as I go.

Seeing Zhang Tan, he bowed slightly and said with a smile, "Hello."

Zhang Tan responded, "Hello, are you here to pick up the child?"

"Yes, you are too?"

Zhang Tan smiled. At this time, Teacher Xiaoliu came forward and said, "Cheng Cheng is still sleeping. Would you like to sit down for a while or take him away now?"

It turned out to be Meng Chengcheng's father!Zhang Tan looked at each other again in surprise. Meng Chengcheng looked like an elf. Although it was impolite to think so, he really didn't see any resemblance between the two.

"When did Cheng Cheng sleep?" the other party asked.

Teacher Xiaoliu said, "At 10:30."

"Then wait a little longer and let her sleep a little longer."

Teacher Xiao Liu said, "You can sit over there for a while."

Zhang Tan saw the other party walk away and asked Teacher Xiao Liu, "Is Xiao Bai sleeping?"

Teacher Xiaoliu shook his head: "I read picture books on the first floor and don't want to sleep."

She was a night owl. All the other children were sleeping, but she was the only one who didn't.

Zhang Tan didn't go downstairs to look for Xiaobai immediately, but went to Aunt Huang's office.

The door was open, and the lights were spread all the way to the corridor. Aunt Huang was looking at the computer with glasses on. Zhang Tan knocked on the door, attracting her attention and saying, "Aunt Huang, are you still busy?"

Seeing that it was Zhang Tan, Aunt Huang took off her glasses, let him in, and asked, "You haven't slept yet?"

"Come down and see everyone." Zhang Tan sat down and said.

Aunt Huang looked at the clock on the wall and said, "This is the peak time for parents to pick up their children. After 12 o'clock, it's almost over."

She continued: "I heard that you have been here to help these days. You should rest early. You have to go to work the next day. Unlike us, it doesn't matter if you sleep a little longer tomorrow."

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "It's okay, I just want to know about the operation of the school. By the way, I want to see Xiaobai's file, do you have it here?"

"Archives?" Aunt Huang was a little surprised and didn't understand why Zhang Tan wanted to see this. This is confidential, but he is the boss and is not within the scope of confidentiality.

"Yes, I'll find out."

She got up and walked to the filing cabinet behind the desk, opened the lock with the key, rummaged for a while, took out a copy, and handed it to Zhang Tan: "This is Xiao Bai's."

Zhang Tan took it in his hand, untied the rope on the document bag, and pulled out a document.

Name: White Tsubaki
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years old

Birthday: May 12

Birthplace: Chengdu, Sichuan

Family situation: Adopted by uncle Bai Jianping and aunt Ma Lanhua
Address: No. 1035, Huangjia Village, Pujiang City


After reading it, Zhang Tan sighed softly and asked, "Where are Xiaobai's parents?"

Aunt Huang looked a little unbearable, and said, "It's not written on the file, but I talked to her aunt and said that Xiaobai died when he was a few months old, and there was only one grandma in the family. Grandma is old and can't take care of her alone. She will be brought up by them, and they came to Pujiang to work at the beginning of this year, and Xiaobai followed."

Zhang Tan asked again, "What does her aunt and uncle do?"

"One of their fellow villagers worked as a contractor on the construction site here, and both of them worked on the construction site. At night, they set up stalls on the street to sell small things." Aunt Huang said, "The life of an adult is not easy. "

Zhang Tan nodded: "Yes, it's not easy."

Aunt Huang asked, "Why do you suddenly want to see Xiaobai's file? What happened to her?"

"It's okay, I just think this kid is very special. I'll return the file to you. I'll go back first if it's okay." Zhang Tan reloaded the file and returned it to Aunt Huang.

"Okay, you should rest early, don't stay up late." Aunt Huang urged without asking more.

Zhang Tan left the office and saw Meng Chengcheng's father leaving the school, holding the child in his arms.

"Bye, bye~~See you tomorrow~"

There was a child standing under the eaves to say goodbye to them. Meng Chengcheng's father turned around and waved with a smile. It was a goodbye, and it was also to let her go back to rest.

It was the little white children's shoes who refused to sleep who said goodbye to others.

Zhang Tan came down the stairs, Xiaobai heard the movement, looked back, his eyes lit up: "Uncle is here, tell me a story."

The last time I told her about the vole Afo, she was thinking about it.

The little boy ran to find the picture book, and Zhang Tan said to him, "It's time for you to go to bed, aren't you sleepy?"

Xiaobai stood on tiptoe, and quickly found "Vole Afo" from the bookshelf, holding it and giving it to Zhang Tan, with a dark face and bright eyes: "Xiaobai is not sleepy, uncle, tell a story. , I thank you."

Zhang Tan was about to refuse, but found that he had already taken the picture book in his hand!

Forget it, I've taken it all, let's talk about one, the little boy in front of him has a hopeful look on his face, like a puppy.

"Then let me pick one at random? Or which one do you want to hear?"

Xiaobai stood on tiptoe, pointed to the opened picture book, and said, "I want to hear this, this, this, and this..."

Seeing this, Zhang Tan hurriedly said, "Forget it, don't talk about it, I know you want to hear everything."

"Goose, goose, goose~~" Xiaobai laughed again and became a goose call.

Zhang Tan asked her to sit down, and at the same time agreed that she had to go to bed after listening to a story.

Xiaobai agreed.

At this time, it feels like she agrees to do whatever she wants.

The dog that eats is the most aggressive, but the dog before eating is the best talker.

Zhang Tan decided to quiz her, pointed to the cover of the picture book, the four words "A Buddha in the Field Mouse", and asked her, "Do you know what these words are?"

The last time Xiaobai said she was illiterate, Zhang Tan didn't believe it at first, but after reading her file just now, she learned that she didn't even go to kindergarten!
Maybe, she really hasn't started to read yet.

"Windmill Alphard, I'm not a native dog." Xiaobai said indignantly.

"This is a field mouse, not a windmill." Zhang Tan said.

Xiaobai argued rationally, "This is a windmill."

Zhang Tan thought to himself that it was probably the difference between Sichuanese and Putonghua. Forget it, let's say she knew her, and it seemed she knew a few words.

Zhang Tan turned to the content page, pointed to a line of words casually, and continued to ask her to upgrade the test.

"Then how do you read this sentence?"

Xiaobai stared at it for a long time, then smiled without saying a word.

"What's the matter? Just laughing and not talking? Can you read these words?"

Xiaobai shook his head.

"Don't know these two words?"

Zhang Tan pointed to the word "Afo" and asked.

Xiaobai stared at him very seriously, looking at the words and Zhang Tan. It was hard to understand why she had to recognize these two words by listening to his tone?

Shaking his head, he still doesn't know.

Zhang Tan said, "It turns out that you were blinded just now."

These two words are "Afo".

Zhang Tan judged that the little white children's shoes were covered up just now, and the title of the book was better.


Hearing Zhang Tan say that she was blind, Xiaobai was very unhappy.

"What are you instigating?? You instigate it again, let me hear it clearly."

It seems like a prelude to going crazy, maybe the next second is a bunch of Sichuan dialects.

"It's okay, I didn't mean you, let's tell a story, the vole Afo, this day, it met a cat..."

Xiaobai was surprised.

"What? Fake sophistication? It's a fairy board, and the windmill is dead~"

A mouse meets a cat.

Zhang Tan: "..."

The windmill had already given him a headache just now, but now there is a fake sophistication.
However, the fairy board, he understood!

Zhang Tan stared at Xiao Bai without speaking.Xiaobai also looked at him innocently, not understanding why he was mute, and urged: "Uncle, continue talking about thiocyanate."

Zhang Tan: "Don't think I can't understand what you said about the immortal board, children don't swear."

"Oh, if you want to get it~" Xiaobai said, and immediately muttered: "Old is very popular."

Zhang Tan heard it and asked, "What did you say?"

"Good thief, thief, I'm so good, how can I instigate swear words, you must have heard it wrong, you need to clear your earwax."

"...Can you speak Mandarin?"

"Okay uncle, Xiaobai is a good baby."

Xiaobai sat upright and looked like a good baby.

Zhang Tan kept "Old Fire is very hot" in his heart. If there is fire, it is the sun, and the sun is also called "Sun". Well, it is estimated that if it is a curse, you must go online to find out what it means.

no!Can't wait to look back, check it out now!

He took out his mobile phone and searched online. Fortunately, Laohuo was very careless and troublesome.

Xiaobai curiously stretched out his little head and looked at the screen of his mobile phone.

Zhang Tan put away his mobile phone, and you have escaped, little white children's shoes.

It took less than 5 minutes to tell Xiaobai another story about the vole, Afo, and took her back to the dormitory to rest, urging the children to lie down on the crib.

She rolled on the cot, propped up her upper body, and said to Zhang Tan, "Uncle, let me tell you something."


"Come here and get some thiocyanate, put some thiocyanate in your ear."

Zhang Tan put his ears close.

"My aunt is coming to pick me up, I'm sleeping with a shovel."

Zhang Tan: "..."

He looked at Teacher Xiaoliu, Xiaoliu smiled and nodded.

Zhang Tan: -_-||
 Two flowers, Baichunhua and Malanhua, join hands to ask the gentlemen for recommended tickets

(End of this chapter)

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