Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

Lucy; The Netrunner

At the same time in Japan, due to the time difference, early in the morning.

In an impressive meeting room at Hakone Castle, tension hung in the air among the six high-ranking members of the Kiji faction gathered in the room.

The office walls seamlessly blended elegant Japanese classical style with the neo-militaristic technological coldness typical of Arasaka. This setting encapsulated the aura of power emanating from the woman occupying the central position at the rectangular table.

Seated with a cold and almost emotionless gaze, Hanako scrutinized the leaders of her Kiji faction as they presented their quarterly updates. Respect and fear mingled in the room; fear of attracting her attention when something in the reports displeased her or was found incorrect.

Midway through the meeting, Niobe, the robotic black panther created by Sora, suddenly stood up, disrupting the dynamic by directing her golden eyes toward Hanako. All present turned their attention to the unusual pet, capable of capturing Hanako's full focus with its mere act of rising and looking at her.

Hanako and Niobe exchanged a gaze as if silently exchanging information. The notion of communication grew stronger when Hanako asked, "Right now?" and Niobe responded with a soft growl, nodding.

Intriguing the Kiji leaders, they witnessed Hanako's face, for the first time in the meeting, betray a genuine emotion. The cold mask dissolved into a modest smile, small but perceptible. Leaders exchanged puzzled looks, trying to decipher the meaning of this change in their leader's demeanor.

Instead of answers, they received a chilly "Everyone out, I want the room to myself" from Hanako, who reverted to her usual imperturbable expression as if the previous faint smile had been a mere mirage.

As everyone left the room without daring to object or complain, despite their busy schedules, Hanako activated all the room's security mechanisms and said, "Niobe, take control of the room, don't let anything in or out."

Niobe affirmed while dispersing a fine cloud of nanobots throughout the room, checking for any microphones or other listening devices.

Once the room was secured, Niobe's golden eyes shimmered. This made Hanako raise her eyebrows in surprise when a small holographic projection of Richard Night appeared on the table.

She looked at it in silence, tilting her head in confusion until she finally asked, "Are you some kind of new joke from my son?"

"From a certain point of view, I could be described that way. Pleased to meet you, Hanako-Sama, I'm Jarvis, the new AI created by your son," responded Jarvis, making a respectful bow.

"And what do I owe this sudden pleasure, Jarvis?
Before you answer. 

I must say I feel somewhat aggrieved and in a sudden bad mood. I thought it was my son calling his mother for a change, but far from reality, it turns out to be you... a Mini-Richard.

Though I have to admit it's somewhat comical... What really concerns and raises my suspicions is why my son has given you that particular form," she said, recalling the other AI with Richard's form that greeted them at the Gala, fearing whatever her son had come up with.

"That's precisely what I asked Niobe if I could steal a few minutes... to tell you about the singular chain of events that led to my creation by your son," explained Jarvis.

"Hmm... then tell me, Jarvis, aren't you betraying him by coming to me? He would never inform me of his actions or secrets, and you seem to be one of them, aren't you?" Hanako said seriously, but at the same time, internally playing with her son's new creation.

"What! No! I would never dare to betray the boss! Just simulating such an idea makes my code tremble. It was he himself who ordered me to inform you, even thoughI don't think you would like the recent actions of his son. The importance of what we discovered thanks to it is too relevant, and he wanted you to know," Jarvis quickly explained, almost in a panic.

Jarvis's hurried attitude kept Hanako entertained until he talked about his son's behavior, wanting to share such important information that made him willingly to reveal his machinations. Knowing him, especially as Hanako had done over the past three years, made her serious.

"Well, Jarvis, I'm all ears," Hanako finally said.

"Before I speak, just a gentle reminder that I only follow orders, those of your son, and I've barely had-" 

"Jarvis!" Hanako exclaimed to focus Jarvis and make him start talking.

"Alright, I don't know if you're aware of your son's work at Lazarus, accompanying Morgan Blackhand on his mission to solve the cyberattacks that Night Corp has been receiving for about three years..."

A few minutes after Jarvis had recounted part of what happened, Hanako found herself with a hand on her head, rubbing her forehead with her fingers, trying to calm her growing headache.

"So if I understand correctly, he created you to take control of Night Corp by deceiving a widow, posing as the AI with the memories of her deceased husband. Who died by extracting his own memories with the program we could consider the predecessor of Soulkiller, created by Altier's father, isn't that right?" Hanako asked, containing her anger, wanting to confirm if she had understood what she had just heard.

Fearing this would happen and having warned Sora about it, Jarvis tried to steer the conversation off course. "Yes, all that's true, but about the Rogue AI-" 

Unsuccessful, when Hanako interrupted him sharply before he could say more, "We'll get to that; for now, I'm processing my son's blatant actions."

"Yes," Jarvis replied, not daring to say more than the bare minimum, given Hanako's "volatile" mood.

Hanako stared at Jarvis, thinking about what she should say or shout, but she only sighed heavily. Trying to decipher what her son was thinking, she could understand that he might want to take control of Geofront; she, being in his shoes, would have done the same. However, the control of Night Corp... that was something her grandfather... Saburo... would have done.

"Well, Jarvis, now tell me what you found out about the AIs," Hanako said, looking at her son's peculiar AI, who ran away and let his Ai do the dirty work.

Upon hearing her, Jarvis couldn't help himself. "Excuse me, but it's somewhat pejorative to compare all AIs with the Rogues behind the wall."

"..." So peculiar that it made Hanako wonder if it was really one of her son's jokes, making her exclaim again, "JARVIS!"

After revealing the information about the Rogue AIs...

Hanako's face shifted from contained anger toward her son to an expression of deep concern for him, given the alarming activity of the AIs behind the wall they had discovered.

"How many people have you communicated this information to?" Hanako asked, feeling the need to use her icy mask unconsciously to keep her mind focused.

Jarvis quickly responded, "Three people, including you. Master Hiroyuki and, by the boss's order, Morgan Blackhand."

Hanako's face shifted from contained anger towards her son to an expression of deep concern, given the alarming AI activity behind the wall they had discovered.

Upon hearing the third name, Hanako's expression changed, and for the first time in years, she cursed, "Damn it," in a way that didn't align with her elite upbringing, influenced by her son's irreverent character.

Confirming her suspicions at that moment, Yumeko burst into the room, looking flustered.

"Hanako-Sama, pardon the intrusion, but you have a video call from your private terminal... it's from Lazarus Corporation's CEO, and it seems urgent. Should I transfer the call to Niobe?"

Hanako cursed just for this, not wanting to deal with that intricate woman. The last time she spoke with her, Hanako felt as if Lazarus's CEO spoke and looked at her differently, as if she knew more than she let on. That feeling was something Hanako didn't like at all.

After a few seconds, she nodded. Niobe, upon receiving the call link from Yumeko, who promptly exited, activated a holographic projector in the room, projecting the image of a pale blonde woman sitting behind a table, with a serious face and cold blue eyes, dressed in military attire.

"Hanako-san, glad to see you again," said Joy, Lazarus' CEO, with respect but on equal terms with Hanako, who responded in kind, "Likewise, Joy-san."

"I'll get straight to the point, but first... I assume, given who you are, that you're in a secure room. If not, please do so. The information we have must be handled with the utmost caution."

Hanako, not wanting to reveal how close her relationship with Sora was, didn't take her words for granted and, with her mask 'on' said, "I can assure you my side is completely secure, but what information are you talking about?"

Hanako's act didn't work on someone like Joy, who, knowing perfectly well why Hanako was playing dumb, made her abandon her CEO role. Revealing her true self as the "Boss" of Lazarus, she took out a pack of cigarettes from her desk drawer.

She lit one, took a long drag, as the smoke slid from the sides of her lips, rising and slightly obscuring her bright blue eyes, Joy said, forgetting the annoying suffixes: "Let's cut the crap... Hanako."

Before adding firmly, "I won't insult your intelligence or sugarcoat my words... So I'll be frank. Your 'boy,' the one you recommended to join Lazarus, where the hell did he get information about AIs and Night Corp? I've ordered Morgan to contact him to find out, but your 'boy' seems to be ignoring him, and you're my last option... his 'sponsor.'"

Joy concluded, making it clear what she knew, with a double-edged phrase, to avoid exposing anything if someone were listening. This sent Hanako into a panic, at least internally, trying not to show it on her face. Unsuccessfully, as Joy could see fear in Hanako's face for a moment.

Not being one to blackmail a mother, Joy, without changing her frank tone, sighed and said, "I couldn't care less about your secrets, nor do I plan to use them. On the contrary, I'm considering helping if you ever need it, with the intention of building a relationship of trust with... let's say, 'your branch of the Arasaka family.'"

"Why?" Hanako asked dryly, skeptical and not believing a single word, staring at the cold and serious blue eyes that hadn't changed throughout the conversation.

"Why?" Lazarus' Boss repeated, finding it amusing for a second, smiled like a predator before answering, "Because when the time comes and wall falls, Arasaka's vast resources cannot be wasted... let alone fall into the hands of the enemy."

Though rational, Hanako didn't believe a relationship of trust was possible. If one side knows the secrets of the other, then they have control over it, and she had nothing she could use against either Lazarus or Joy.

Knowing perfectly well the doubts running through Hanako's mind and genuinely wanting to establish a trust relationship with her side, Joy added,

"Besides, considering how your family is, perhaps you don't know, but your... boy, already leveled the field, sneaking into Lazarus's secrets and, though I don't like it, warning us of what would happen if we did something... inappropriate from our side."

"Mutual destruction." Concluded 'the boss' of Lazarus. Showing how little she liked the idea by the foul expression she wore.

Upon hearing Joy's statement, Hanako was surprised, regaining color in her face upon learning that they weren't as exposed as she thought... thanks to her son.

Seeing Hanako regain confidence in her expression and posture that she had lost when she felt exposed, Joy rolled her eyes and inquired, "Now, could you tell me... how the FUCKING WAY did your boy get the damn information?"

Facing Lazarus' Boss's question, Hanako found herself in a contradictory mood, partly grateful and surprised by her son, and on the other hand... cursing him internally, as it seemed he was not only using his AI to do the dirty work but her as well.

Meanwhile, in a Night City apartment...

Lucy snapped out of her trance as she looked at the person next to her, contemplating how she ended up in this situation—sitting at her neighbors' table, having dinner with them.

An hour ago, she was, as usual, alone in her apartment. Just when she was about to immerse herself in one of her BDs to escape, she heard one of her neighbors coming home. 

Thinking it was Sora, Lucy removed the chip he had given her at the subway station, loaded with Eddies, which she still kept. Feeling grateful... before she knew it, her body had moved, stepping out of her apartment.

Meeting Judy instead of Sora, Lucy said nothing causing them both to stare at each other as one entered and the other exited.

After a moment of silence, Judy was the first to break it. "Lucy, right? Sora told me about what happened on the subway. Sorry for his behavior; he can be a pain in the ass sometimes."

"Eh! Not at all, he actually helped me!" Lucy quickly responded, extending her hand towards Judy in denial, while the other hand gripped the chip Sora had given her.

A smile grew on Judy's face after hearing her. She lifted the bag full of food and said, "I know it's a bit late, but we usually have dinner when Sora finishes his work. Would you like to join us?"

Lucy "..." remained silent before declining Judy's invitation, until she added, "It's home-cooked food from Sora's grandmother; I assure you it's delicious."

"I..." Unable to resist the temptation, Lucy said with some embarrassment, "I'd love to," accepting Judy's invitation.

Tempted after years without tasting anything "homemade," the last time being her mother's cooking before she passed away, and she was taken to an orphanage for children of Arasaka employees.

And so, time flew for Lucy as she conversed with Judy and enjoyed the delicious meal, bringing us to the present.

"Ahhh! That was delicious! There's nothing like eating well after a rough night. Kudos to the chef!" Said the person sitting next to Lucy, who joining them as soon as he entered his apartment.

After greeting, Sora, with his Okami helmet hidden under his arm, entered his fortified room, storing his armor and weapons, except for his two Malorians that he only took off to sleep and shower.

Quickly emerging in the clothes he wore under his armor—baggy brown/beige knee-length pants and a black t-shirt with the Iron Beast symbol in the center.

While clearing some of the numerous empty plates from the table, refusing the help of her guest and Sora to avoid leaving Lucy alone at the table, Judy replied. "Tell her yourself! And stop using me to do your dirty work! Aoi-san dropped by the workshop; apparently, she tried to call you but you're never available, and she had to come to me. She's worried about Musashi; according to her, he's been acting distant since he talked to you."

"Hm? That's strange; I haven't received any calls. I should check my IDn..." Sora responded, avoiding a serious topic, playfully sticking one of his black metallic fingers into his ear, as if trying to reach his "malfunctioning" IDn.

"Haha-hmpt..." Even though she didn't catch all the details of the conversation, Lucy laughed at Sora's silly and shameless behavior. Feeling Judy's gaze, Lucy added, "Sorry."

Reminding her of her 'naive' past self when she saw her, Judy warned her as she headed to the kitchen. "Don't worry, but... don't play along; it's funny until his antics affect you."

Left alone at the table, Lucy, containing her interest so as not to show it in her words, said, "At first, I thought you were just a couple of corpo kids, but you're really a mercenary, huh? Although Judy told me about her company and your work as a merc, I couldn't believe it until I saw you enter armed and in armor."

The armor Lucy saw when he entered looked familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before.

Sora nodded, and unexpectedly, said; "I know what you mean... I look great in it, don't I?"

"...." Lucy fell silent, not knowing how to respond. Unlike her, her pale cheeks honestly answered for her, subtly coloring.

This made Sora laugh, "Hahaha..." upon seeing it. From the kitchen, Judy didn't need to see what had happened to tell Lucy, "I told you."

Putting aside the jokes, Sora, well aware of the answer, asked, "And what about you? Are you one too? Or do you want to be?"

"I am," Lucy said confidently, which quickly faded as she added, "Or at least, I think I am. I only take simple jobs from scorned women wanting proof of their husband's infidelity or vice versa, things like that... I don't even have a Fixer."

Upon hearing this, and wanting to help her, Judy said, "If that's the case, Sora could introduce you to his Fixer. Although she doesn't usually work with small Mercs, I'm sure she could help you."

With slightly widened eyes at Judy's offer, realizing that her neighbor's 'Street Cred' level, was not "small," Lucy looked at Sora and asked as she took a sip of beer, "Who's your Fixer? Is it someone famous?"

"It could be..." Regardless of whether she knew the person or not, Sora added, "Drop by the Afterlife. If you tell the old hag running the place that I sent you, she'll probably give you some work and help you out... even if it's just to use you to gather information about how you know that name."

Sora's casual mention of the Afterlife and the insulting way of referring to its queen, "hm-pt," made Lucy choke on her beer, exclaiming; "Wait! Your fixer is Rogue, the Queen of Fixers? She only deals with the best... Mercs... in.. the...!"

Due to her own words that slowed down as she spoke, Lucy looked at Sora and asked, "Who are you?" as restless and curious as the person sitting next to her.

"Me...?" Growing a smile as he sipped his beer, Sora added, "I'm just your dear and annoying neighbo-" Unable to finish, when his head was hit from behind.

"Don't be an idiot!" Judy exclaimed after returning from the kitchen and 'lovingly' whipping Sora's head.

"Even though he doesn't look like it, this one!" Teasing Sora by grabbing one of his cheeks between her fingers, Judy said, unable to help but feel proud of her partner. "He's a big shot among the Mercs in the city, one of the two Mercs in charge of the major joint operation with the NCPD from a few days ago."

Hearing this, Lucy's eyes widened, recalling the major operation and who it was led by—the Legend Morgan Blackhand... and the Merc in the city who was on the way of becoming one, the same one who fought against Adam Smasher... "Okami," Lucy said, looking at him.

Sora, trying to preserve his dignity by acting as if Judy's hand, still firmly gripping his cheek, didn't exist, looked, as seriously as he could under the circumstances, at Lucy and replied, "What, impressed by this son of a corpo?" Ironically using how she thought of him, after all, she was right.


Lucy, in her apartment, flopped heavily onto her bed, caressing her smooth abdomen after indulging in a delicious meal. She held a chip in her other hand, contemplating the offer her neighbor had made as he escorted her to the adjacent door of her apartment.

"I'm putting together a "small" Gig, and I need a Netrunner. I'd like you to be that Netrunner," Seeing how she brought her hand behind her neck, he quickly added, while pulling a chip from the port on his neck, "You don't have to give me an answer now. If you're interested, come to this address tomorrow."

Before returning to his apartment, Sora handed Lucy a black chip with blue markings, with the city address. The same chip that Lucy fell asleep gazing at.


Upon waking up, Lucy made her decision.

She got up, took a shower, and dressed in her usual attire: long black boots, black synthetic leather stockings, white shorts, and a sleeveless, legless Netrunner suit top. She put on her small white jacket, that left his shoulders exposed and left her apartment.

Having slept longer than she thought, it was 10 in the morning when she approached her neighbor's door to tell Sora that she couldn't help him. But when she knocked on the door, ready to explain her decision... 

No one answered.

Since Lucy didn't have Sora's ID number, she decided to go to the address he had given her. As she walked down the stairs of the building, the thought crossed her mind to call Iron Beast headquarters and leave a message for Judy.

"But what do I tell the person who answers? That I'm the boss's neighbor?" Lucy pondered, shaking her white mane at the end of her internal monologue. "Yes, it's better to go to the address and talk to Sora in person. It's not like I'm really interested. Right?"

Lucy found an answer to her question when she exclaimed, "Shit." She really wanted to accept the job, if only she didn't dread delving into cyberspace.

With conflicting feelings, Lucy left the building, as Sora's given address was at Cherry Blossom Market. She decided to walk through the bustling streets of Japantown distric. Passing under the imposing shadow of the iconic four-armed monk statue, surrounded by torii gates at each cardinal point, with several Bhikkhu monks meditating around it in the busy square.

While walking, Lucy encountered a group of Tiger Claws, whose unpleasant looks fixated on her, devouring her with their eyes. This prompted her to reach under her jacket, gripping the handle of her pistol, not letting go until she was away from them, without being pursued.

Upon reaching the market, holographic cherry blossoms adorned the landscape, falling and disappearing before touching the ground from the holographic branches of cherry blossom trees that decorated the market.

For Lucy, it was a beautiful setting, but at the same time, a false recreation that concealed the harsh reality of Night City's dirty and cold streets. Following the address, Lucy finally arrived at her destination in Cherry Blossom Market—a music store called Rainbow Cadenza, reminiscent of the past. From the outside, the place exuded a mix of nostalgia and rebellion with its classic old-school bar appearance.

Upon entering, the scent of vinyl and the amalgamation of colors transported her to another era. The store still maintained a stage from its bar era, with walls adorned with guitars and basses, signed clothing, and album covers from various Rock and Punk bands, with Samurai's unmistakable presence standing out above all.

Lucy was familiar with the old band; she enjoyed it when one of their songs played on the radio, and she had even purchased Kerry Eurodyne's latest album.

While Lucy explored the shop, the elderly owner, clad in a Samurai group T-shirt, with a rough and straightforward expression, said from behind the newly renovated bar – now serving as a counter – "This isn't a museum; either buy something or leave.'"

Due to his brusque tone, Lucy confronted him with a penetrating gaze, causing him to audibly swallow before she said, "Supposedly, I'm supposed to meet someone here."

"Who told you?" The old man fixed his eyes on Lucy, seeking a direct answer.

"Not your business, old man." Lucy replied coldly, showing no intention of revealing more information than necessary.

"Well, if you don't want help, get out of my store, girl." the old man grunted in disdain, shifting his gaze towards the door.

"Ugh, he just gave me this chip," Lucy said annoyed, holding a black chip with blue markings between her fingers.

Seeing it, the old man said, "So, you're the person the 'kid' was waiting for, huh? One can never be too cautious... Karim."

"What?" Lucy raised an eyebrow, confused by the shift in attitude.

"My name is Karim. Karim Noel." The old man clarified, introducing himself, Lucy, understanding, exclaimed, "Ah!" before cautiously doing the same. "Lucy."

"Alright, Lucy, follow me." Karim stepped out from behind the bar, grabbing a small cardboard box that was on it before gesturing for Lucy to follow him to the back of the store.

As they entered the back room, Lucy slipped her hand under her jacket and followed Karim to a staircase. She asked curiously, "What is this place, old man? Where are you taking me?"

Karim seized the moment to recount the Rainbow Cadenza's story. "This used to be an old joint, almost like a cult spot for Night City's Rock music, filled with stories of bands that had left their mark on the city. Over 10 years ago, it was on the brink of disappearance when the original owner's son lost the bar due to debts with the bank."

Intrigued, Lucy asked, "Why are you telling me all this?"

Karim responded candidly, "Well, I usually don't say anything to people who come here, but with you, I do because it's related to the person who invited you...

I met that kid when he was just a strange little boy asking about music groups much older than him." A smile appeared on Karim's wrinkled face as he reminisced about the strange 6-year-old, with an excellent musical taste for his young age.

"That kid was the only person I could share my dream of buying the bar, even encouraging me to do it. I mortgaged my house, gathered all the Eddies I could, until I had a disastrous meeting with the bank where they laughed at my pitiful offer, far from the figure the bank demanded."

Karim paused, lost in his memories, before continuing more mysteriously, "But, you know? Even though he keeps denying that he did anything, the day after I told him about the meeting with the bank and they response, something strange happened. I received a nervous call from the bank, delighted to accept my offer. I ended up in debt, but I made a dream come true." Karim said with a smile, without a hint of remorse, before concluding;"With the help of that kid, now not so little, we created Rainbow Cadenza music store."

After descending the stairs and proceeding through a basement corridor, Karim led Lucy to a large refrigerated chamber, alarming her once again. After relaxing upon hearing the story of the music store and what seemed like the mysterious intervention of her neighbor.

Until Karim said, while opening the door of the chamber, "But as the kid said, we can't live clinging to the past... and bills need to be paid, so; Welcome to Rainbow Cadenza, the Netrunner Nest."

Upon opening the door to the chamber, rock-techno music flooded the refrigerator entrance, and simultaneously, the temperature dropped, as if the refrigerator were in full operation.

As they crossed the chamber and reached the other side, Lucy found herself in a small private club with sub-zero temperatures.

After putting on a coat, Karim offered one to Lucy, who declined, not needing it like the other Netrunners inside, using the powerful processors in their Neuralports to keep their bodies warm.

The place was divided into two levels, surrounded by semi-private booths with various seats for Netrunners connected to a network of cables that extended throughout the venue. Some of the booths were occupied by clients connected to the network, sipping drinks, consuming more illicit substances, or directly caressing and passionately kissing while connected to the network or each other.

"What is this place?" Lucy asked, bewildered and intrigued by the almost intoxicating atmosphere, reminiscent of descriptions of old and illegal "spice" shops, but for...

"This is a private club for Netrunners. Here, they can relax, have a drink, or engage in other activities, using their Cyberware for pleasure rather than what they usually use it for. That's why I kindly asked you to leave. I don't know what you're doing here if you don't have a Neuralport," Karim said firmly, causing Lucy to instinctively touch her Neuralport, hidden under the synthetic skin of her neck.

Unfazed by Lucy's gestures, Karim tilted his head and added, "But if the kid invited you, he must have his reasons. Come, follow me; I'll take you to him. He's in one of the private booths."

As they navigated through the club, Lucy couldn't help but turn her head, capturing and examining every corner of the venue and its patrons. The place lacked human waiters; all clients were being served by bots connected to the private network that formed the club.

Despite the music, the atmosphere was immersed in a peculiar silence; none of the people enjoying their drinks or consuming other substances seemed to talk, as all their conversations took place through the network.

Lucy never thought such places existed; for her, it was challenging to see the advantages of being a Netrunner. But without realizing it, she kept turning her head from side to side.

Guiding Lucy to one of the booths on the second level, Karim knocked before entering. "Kid, you're in luck. I just got the album you were looking for."

"Hoh! That's my Karim! You never fail! Toss it over!" Sora exclaimed excitedly, sitting in a chair in the booth in front of a small table where he was assembling something, filled with screws and unassembled parts, raising his hands to catch the box.

"Kid, do you know how hard I had to search for it?" Karim said as he tossed the cardboard box, adding, "Where the hell do you know a band from 1981? I wasn't even born then."

"And you should be ashamed not to know them, you self-proclaimed biggest Samurai fan and knowledgeable about music in the city? If I were like you, I wouldn't know about Samurai either!" Sora cheekily replied, easily provoking the old Karim.

"You little brat, it's all thanks to Datakrash! Damn it, do you know how many groups and songs were lost? The strange thing is why YOU know them!" Karim explained his plausible view of why the young man in front of him sometimes knew more about music than an old-timer like him.

In a stubborn and loud tone, Sora jokingly said, "Excuses!"

Prompting Karim to curse again. "Damn-"

Unable to finish, Lucy, witnessing everything, intervened confusedly, "Excuse me?"

Instantly used by Sora who added; "That's it, old man, stop complaining. Can't you see there are people here?"

"You little-" Karim stopped and took a deep breath, refusing to fall further into Sora's provocations, who smiled at him, waiting for more curses or insults to continue annoying him while rubbing his ears and saying, "That's woosah!" Irritating him further, making Karim storm out while cursing.

"Hehe..." After chuckling at Karim's sulking departure, Sora turned to Lucy and said, "Glad to see you, Lucy. Take a seat if you'd like," pointing to the chair next to him without his Okami helmet on.

Sora was clad in his Mercenary attire, donning high-armored boots paired with brown pants that flared at the ends to cover his boots, with protective panels on the outer part of his legs.

His leather jacket was on the back of the chair, revealing the fully armored and technologically complex upper part of his chest. Composed of several metal layers that conformed to Sora's figure like a second skin. Leaving uncovered his metallic right arm up to the shoulder, with his two Malorian guns peeking from under his arms.

More interested in the box in his hands than in Lucy, who had just arrived, Sora opened (shredded) the cardboard box, revealing an old CD from a music group that Lucy read aloud upon seeing it, "Beastie Boys?"

"Do you know them?" Sora asked, surprised.

"Huh? No, the first time I've heard of them," Lucy replied, shaking her head.

"Ah!" Sora exclaimed, seeming momentarily disappointed before his expression changed 180 degrees as he added, "Well, you'll get to know them... just like Militech." Unable to contain the wicked smile that formed on his face when imagining what he would use the CD for.

"And you're going to help me with that, right? Is that why you're here?" Sora asked enthusiastically.

"Actually, I came to tell you the opposite. I can't help you," Lucy replied without beating around the bush.

Lucy's response abruptly halted Sora's enthusiasm. Unable to comprehend why she was here then, he asked, "Couldn't you have just called?"

"I thought about it, but I didn't want to bother Judy at work, and since the address was nearby, I preferred to come in person," Lucy explained.

"..." Due to the circumstances, expecting another decision from Lucy, both shared an awkward silence "..."

Interrupted by Lucy, who quickly stood up and, without looking at Sora, said, "I, I'm sorry again. If I-"

Before she could leave, Sora stopped her, asking, "Wait a moment. Can you at least tell me why you don't want to help me?"

Lucy, standing in front of the door to be opened, replied "It's not that I don't want to help you... I would like to, it's just that..." Lucy's desire to overcome her traumas, had the opposite reaction, when these surfaced loudly again in her mind.

Clutching her neck tightly again, Lucy opened the door and left without looking at Sora. "It's personal, I'm sorry..."

She tried to leave as quickly as possible, her pulse racing, and her breath catching as she relived that cursed moment again; running through that narrow and metallic corridor, where the gasps of her companions echoed behind her.

Until the sound of a gunshot resounded, again, and again through the hallway, eliminating one by one the gasps behind Lucy, who kept running without looking back. Leaving her companions, almost like her siblings, injured or dead as she continued moving, abandoning them to their fate to escape and save her own life.

Lucy felt as if the ghosts of her siblings, whom she thought were dead, were following her, judging her, blaming her, and insulting her for abandoning them.

She relived her traumatic memories on a loop as she moved as fast as she could, until something blocked her path. Believing it was a wall, Lucy looked up until she saw black eyes with a shining blue circle staring at her, as if reaching into her soul.

Sora slowed down his perception of time and stepped out of the booth, appearing instantly in front of Lucy when he saw the pain in her face. He raised his black hand, causing Lucy to startle in her current state, huddling like a small animal until the hand gently rested on her head, accompanied by a calm voice that comforted Lucy.

"Calm down... let's have a drink, you smoke, right? I understand you've lived through the worst things cyberspace has to offer, so let me show you how beautiful it really is, okay?"

Lucy wanted to believe in his words, to find solace and continue feeling the security and surprising warmth emanating from the metallic hand resting gently on her head. Just by its touch, the ghosts disappeared.

After stopping Lucy's panic attack with the nanobots from his right hand on her head, Lucy, now calmer, nodded.

So, the two of them returned to the private booth. After ordering drinks, smoking a bit, and explaining what Sora had just finished assembling into a lightweight helmet, the two spent time together.


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