Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 659 - 659: Yogg-Saron and N’Zoth

Chapter 659: Yogg-Saron and N’Zoth

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

In the incomparably silent Void, it was still so dark and boundless. The energy of the Void was slowly flowing here, and there seemed to be nothing unusual.

After Roy entered the Void, he stayed here for a long time, wondering if he had thought wrongly. But before he had the thought of returning, the abnormal energy disturbance appeared again.

In order to feel this energy disturbance carefully, Roy even transformed into his Void Form. When he could feel the Void energy more clearly, he suddenly found that this energy disturbance was caused by two Void energies with different frequencies.

After discovering this, Roy had a strange expression on his face because he realized that the fluctuations of these two Void energies of different frequencies had a pattern, as though… as though two different radio waves were communicating!

Roy guessed this because these two Void energies appeared back and forth. This phenomenon indeed seemed to be some existences talking, and existences that could trigger Void energy were definitely some kind of Void creature. This communication method could also be called some kind of Void language.

As soon as Roy made this connection, he immediately began deciphering. Fortunately, although this Void disturbance phenomenon was intermittent, it appeared several times later, giving him enough time. After completing the deciphering work with the help of the system, he began listening.

Although the words sounded disjointed and Roy didn’t know the previous content, he could tell that these two Void creatures seemed to be arguing from afar!

And in the content of the argument, words with similar meanings as titans, guardians, and prison appeared from time to time. During the argument, the two Void creatures were expressing a desire to escape.

The more Roy listened, the stranger his expression became. He gradually realized that something might be wrong, so he used Auriel to disturb the Void energy in the same way to release a message into the Void. “Old Gods?”

This sudden addition of Void information made the Void energy disturbances suddenly stop. After some time, the Void energies suddenly disturbed the same frequency and asked Roy, “Who is it?!”

Even though it was just a deciphered message, Roy could still feel the other party’s surprise from the violent fluctuations of Void energy.

Tsk, I really guessed right… Roy felt a little depressed. To be honest, although he had ‘sunk’ into the Void in the space near Azeroth, this didn’t mean that after entering the Void from here, it had to be in the Void where Azeroth was. After all, according to Roy’s understanding, although the Void was the background of the entire universe, due to the special nature of Void energy, the positions of the universe corresponding to this background were definitely a mess. So he didn’t associate the conversation between these two Void creatures with the Old Gods of Azeroth at first.

But if they were other Old Gods, they shouldn’t have mentioned words like the titans and prison… So after thinking about it, Roy could only judge them as the Old Gods of the world of Azeroth.

So, who are the two Old Gods using the Void to converse across space? Roy’s mind was racing.

In fact, there were a total of five Old Gods who had descended on Azeroth. This was actually very rare. Under normal circumstances, because the Old Gods randomly chose planets and searched for world-souls through chance encounters, generally speaking, it was a small probability for one or two Old Gods to parasitize a planet. During Roy’s time traveling the universe, the parasitized planets he had seen were all basically like this.

However, it was definitely not a coincidence that five Old Gods had parasitized Azeroth. Roy believed that an Old God had found Azeroth first and subsequently sent a signal to attract more Old Gods. He had now confirmed this. The Old Gods could transmit information to their compatriots through the Void, and this method of information transmission wouldn’t be hindered by barriers of the material world.

As for why the Old God did not monopolize everything, it was very easy to understand. The first thing that the Old Gods had to ensure was to carry out the will of the Void Lords, and the energy of Azeroth’s world-soul was so powerful. If she could awaken to become a titan, she might even exceed the strength of Sargeras. Such a powerful world-soul was not something that an Old God could handle alone. Therefore, when the Old God who first landed on Azeroth discovered the world-soul here, it wasn’t incomprehensible for it to call for reinforcements.

According to Roy’s memories, among the five Old Gods who landed on Azeroth, the titans had already killed Y’Shaarj, and Xal’atath had been devoured by its compatriots for some unknown reason. So the remaining three Old Gods on Azeroth should be N’Zoth, Yogg-Saron, and C’Thun.

Of course, Roy wasn’t too sure about the current time node, so he didn’t know if Y’Shaarj still existed. After some thought, he simply sent a message. “Y’Shaarj?”

This was a very crucial question. If the other party could respond and confirm Y’Shaarj’s status, Roy would be able to roughly know at what point in time he was.

Sure enough, after Roy asked, there was silence in the Void for a while before messages came.

One of the messages said, “Y’Shaarj has been killed by the titans. My name is Yogg-Saron.”

The other message was straightforward. “My name is N’Zoth…”

It’s confirmed! Roy immediately understood when he heard this. It was probably not long after the titans of the Pantheon had killed Y’Shaarj and imprisoned the other Old Gods. In this case, the Well of Eternity on Azeroth should have just formed not long ago. Moreover, at this time, the titans were acting separately from Sargeras and Aggramar. Sargeras and Aggramar were still killing the demons in the Twisting Nether, so they didn’t know that the titans of the Pantheon had come to Azeroth.

It was also during this time that the titans had discovered the powerful world-soul being nurtured in Azeroth. Therefore, in their joy, the Pantheon didn’t hesitate to pay an immense price to set up a powerful planetary shield for the entire planet to isolate the invasion of foreign creatures and better protect Azeroth’s world-soul. As for the Old Gods that had invaded and parasitized earlier, the Pantheon adopted thunderous methods to eliminate the contamination of the Old Gods.

Unfortunately, the Old Gods had been parasitizing Azeroth for a long time. During the process of eliminating Y’Shaarj, the titans had been a little rough, but they didn’t expect it to cause a huge wound to Azeroth. The blood of the world-soul gushed out crazily in the form of liquid energy, forming the Well of Eternity.

The process of removing Y’Shaarj had almost severely injured Azeroth’s world-soul, so the titans naturally didn’t dare to use rough methods against the remaining Old Gods. So after much deliberation, the titans simply isolated the remaining three Old Gods in prisons and set up powerful restrictions and guardians as prison guards so that the Old Gods could no longer harm Azeroth’s world-soul.

However, judging from the current situation, although the titans had isolated the Old Gods in the material world, they couldn’t hinder the communication between them in the Void. Yogg-Saron and N’Zoth were now discussing how to escape from prison.

As for the argument between Yogg-Saron and N’Zoth that Roy had deciphered earlier, this was normal. The Old Gods did not cooperate closely with each other, and they even fought each other. If they could devour Azeroth alone, who would be willing to share it with other Old Gods? According to Roy’s guess, Xal’atath might have been the first to discover Azeroth. It was just that it was stupid and called its compatriots, but its compatriots devoured it instead…

These thoughts flashed through Roy’s mind in an instant. At this moment, Yogg-Saron and N’Zoth sent another Void message and asked, “Who are you? A compatriot?”

It was no wonder that Yogg-Saron and N’Zoth asked this question because only Void creatures like them could use Void energy to communicate. But Yogg-Saron and N’Zoth still had doubts because Roy’s first question was ‘Old Gods?’. The term ‘Old God’ was what the beings of the material world called them, and the Old Gods themselves didn’t call each other in this way.

After hearing their question, Roy actually wanted to pretend to be an Old God at first. But he thought about it and felt that it wouldn’t work. Even if he pretended to be an Old God, he didn’t even know the name of his Void Lord boss. If he were asked, he would be exposed, so after thinking about it, he replied, “My name is Osiris!”

He didn’t explain his demon identity, but what was interesting was this. Perhaps it was because of the special nature of the relationship between the demon name and the soul. After Roy spread his demon name with the vibration of Void energy, Yogg-Saron and N’Zoth actually realized his identity from this name and said doubtfully, “You’re… a demon?!”

Roy was surprised. He didn’t expect that Yogg-Saron and N’Zoth would be able to tell with just a name. But what he didn’t know was that Yogg-Saron and N’Zoth were even more surprised than him because they didn’t expect that there was a demon who knew the Void language!

Demons infected by Void energy had some characteristics of Void creatures, but this didn’t mean that these demons could use Void energy to communicate in the Void… So when they realized that it was a demon talking to them, Yogg-Saron and N’Zoth were surprised.

But despite its surprise, Yogg-Saron immediately reacted and asked, “Osiris, are you… near the planet Azeroth?”

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