Cursed Heroine

Chapter 54: Camille’s escapade

Chapter 54: Camille’s escapade

I did it! A couple days after the girls got their tattoos, I infiltrated Camille’s room at night and tattooed her using a special new magic ink. I’m really proud of this ink because it has a mood effect. At normal body temperature, it’s invisible. It turns pink, then red as the body heats up. Of course, that’s now particularly difficult for her since I adjusted her arousal baseline to five-fold. I also made her four-fold more sensitive, tripled pleasure and doubled the build-up. The instant design is also there, but she can’t see any of it.

Camille was looking kind of ragged with red eyes by the time she came down for breakfast on Darkday. I felt really guilty and Sofy must have sensed it. Sofy dragged us back to her mother’s room after eating.

“Mother, do you happen to have a mark on your lower belly?”~Sofy

“No, why do you ask?”~Camille

“Alright, fess up and I’ll only give you a light punishment. I know my mother’s condition is your fault somehow because I can feel your guilty conscience.”~Sofy

“I just wanted her to find someone to make love to her. You know just how many times that I’ve walked in during her ‘playtime’ during those blundersome weeks. If she had difficulty doing it herself, I thought that she might seek out a partner.”~me

“Yes, yes. I know it’s your fault. Now how did you do it?”~Sofy

“I made a new ink. It’s normally invisible, but starts to appear and gets darker as your body temperature raises. Cool, right?!”~me

“Oh, that is pretty nice. Now hand over the solvent.”~Sofy

“I don’t have any right now.”~me


“Well, I uh, ran out of ingredients. I was trying to make it harder to remove as well and as a result, the solvent for this variation of ink requires some slightly rare materials to make.”~me

“Sofy, honey, what’s going on?”~Camille

“Lily drew a lust tattoo on you while you were sleeping. You haven’t noticed it because she used an invisible ink and now she can’t even remove it because she’s out of solvent.”~Sofy

Sofy removed my attire and showed her mother my lust tattoo, explaining what it does and with my assistance, explained what effects were included on Camille's. She was pretty mad at first, but her expression softened somewhat when she heard why I had done it.

“Hey mother, what do you think of Lily?”~Sofy

“Fluffy and cute!”~Camille

“Since she’s at fault, how about letting her make it up to you. At least until she can make more of the solvent?”~Sofy

“B-but, she’s your servant, I’d feel bad considering and then there’s her opinion to take into consideration.”~Camille

“I’ll just take that blush as a yes. I never mentioned how she would make it up to you. That’s entirely up to the two of you to decide. However, I don’t think either of you would be particularly unwilling to proceed in such a manner. Lily, stay with my mother until she’s been thoroughly satisfied with your repentance, whatever that may be. That’s an order.”~Sofy

“Keeping my mother satisfied can count as part of your punishment. Do well and that will be the end of it. Also, when will you be able to make more of the solvent and how long has the tattoo been on her?”~Sofy

“The ingredients are out of stock in all the local shops. I was planning to get them during our dungeon trip and make it for her before we dive in. I guess it’s been nearly four days now.”~me

“Since that’s the case, you’re not allowed to cum on your own as the second part of your punishment. That’s an order.”~Sofy

“Mother, don’t indulge her too much. If she doesn’t suffer a bit, she won’t learn her lesson. I’ll leave the two of you alone now. Bye.”~Sofy

Just as I’m thinking that it’s a pretty useless order since I don’t normally pleasure myself. I begin to feel a subtle vibration originating from my core executor. This is going to be a long week!

I ended up having to start things out between us. An instant climax activation by feeding my mana into the lust symbol perfectly resolved the lingering awkwardness that had been between us. Camille is WILD! Wow, just WOW! While I did sort of know she was a sexual woman, I never expected her to be so incredible. She also didn’t lack for any toys either. And here I had thought that things between me and Sofy couldn’t get any better. By treating this as a learning experience from Miss Expert, I can see areas that could definitely be improved.

The rest of the week practically flew by and it was once again time to go dungeon diving. In that time I managed to break through to stage four in body cultivation and started towards stage four for spirit. Flora broke through to stage one in spirit and started increasing it with much difficulty. Sofy didn’t make any breakthroughs, but is nearly ready to break through to stage three in spirit and nearly tripled her agility attribute. Sofy, Camille, Flora and I are currently flying towards Namiir on Trixy, who has gotten quite a bit stronger. She’s probably an upper stage four beast at this point.

“How can you be so energetic? I haven’t hardly seen you or my mother for nearly a week, but you don’t seem repentant at all. Did you not learn anything during the last few days with my mother?”~Sofy

“Oh, I learned plenty! Like how AMAZING a woman your mother is and a significant number of new tricks and techniques.”~me

“LALALA, I’m not hearing this, LALALA. Just because I know what probably happened between you two, does not mean that I want to hear about it.”~Sofy

I was promptly shut out for the remainder of the flight. We arrived before dark and made our way to Alice and Mary’s place. We’d stay there since there are extra rooms. Me and Sofy would take the master downstairs which they left empty for us as thanks for buying the house. They even started a garden in the backyard for Flora. Camille would sleep in the last room upstairs. Mary and Alice have separate rooms, but the two little girls share one. And that gives us a full house during our stay.

Camille can be scary! I’m pretty sure that I heard her say ‘mine’ when she saw Alice. Alice didn’t stand a chance even though she had already activated her ‘fluffy shunpo’ when she saw me. But Camille had somehow intercepted Alice mid-teleport and proceeded to mofu.

First thing we did was to collect the various items we had reserved. Sofy used the inventory skill crystal and we started transferring items that she uses daily from mine over into her own. Just when it was about to reach capacity, it freaking leveled up! How does she do that?! I may have her beat with my cultivation speed, but her skill leveling speed is just broken. With the new size, I’m able to transfer the rest of her stuff over to her and even gave her most of the spare crystals for cultivation, less enough for my own the next two days. I’d pick up a lot more once we enter the dungeon.

We’d wait for the auction that would happen the next evening and enter the dungeon the day after. Susan came over to join us for dinner and stayed with Sofy and I throughout the night. I made breakfast for everyone early in the morning. As I was waking everyone up to eat, I found Camille in Alice’s bed still clinging to her...naked!

“I think I’ll stay in Namiir for a while and help these girls. None of them seem to have received much local education, especially the two young ones who don’t seem to even know much common sense. These ladies have done okay while caring for them, but they don’t have my experience. Alice has already agreed.”~Camille

From what I saw this morning and your sparkly eyes tell me that education is not the primary reason, just an excuse! I’ll pray for your futures, my kindred souls.

I can’t help but have a trace of pity in my eyes as I look over at Alice, who is sitting right next to Camille, who is currently fluffing her tail on the sligh. This wasn’t surprising however. What surprised me was that Susan sat down next to Mary causing her to squirm because her tail was misbehaving.

The auction was uneventful, exactly what I’d expected it to be like. Only one item managed to peak my interest, but I wasn’t about to bid against Camille and Susan for it. They also weren’t the only ones bidding either and the item eventually wound up with Camille for a ridiculous price. It was quickly brought up for her once the bidding finished. Alice brought it over personally since the auction was now over.

[Succubus’s Collar of Submission]
{Can only be placed/worn on a willing subject, locked when worn, removable by placer}
Effect: servitude, dual cultivation, greater stamina boost

“Holy crap! Shouldn’t this be in the month end auction instead?”~me(note)

“The owner urgently needed money and wouldn’t accept our buyout offer, for good reason it would seem.”~Mary


We all just kind of stared with dumbfounded expressions for a full minute. Alice is now wearing the collar with an exceedingly red face. Camille is next to Alice with her hands still near her neck looking as proud as a wolf that’s just staked her claim. On another note, it looks good on her. It’s a slender band that’s made from some sort of metal with a pinkish hue, engraved with flowers and a little heart dangling on the front that now has “Camille’s” engraved on it.

“SHE’S WEARING IT?!!!”~Mary and Sofy

They both knew the stats of the collar and that it required the wearer to be willing in order to put it on. Hence the synchronized, surprised exclamations. It will only come off now if she rejects having a relationship with her or Camille removes it. I somehow doubt that it will ever come off. Susan’s not surprised. As she is part succubus, she can sense these things pretty easily. Though, Mary is now looking at her with caution while Susan is avoiding eye contact.

“I’ve got to get me one of those...or multiple. Do you think it came from a floor in the forties or perhaps even the fifties?”~me

“You do realize that I can’t wear it for you, right? It would contradict your curse.”~Sofy

“Yes, but Tiff and Jill could wear them.”~me

“Good point! Let’s start first thing in the morning. And maybe we should crash at Susan’s tonight. Being around my mother right now is...yea, let’s go with that.”~Sofy

Susan was especially happy to agree as I’d already promised to draw a customized lust symbol on her tonight.

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