Cursed Heroine

Chapter 44: Spreading the love

Chapter 44: Spreading the love

The girls all agreed to come over after classes the next day. Our investigation last night revealed the limits of the blessing. I can bend the joints as though they are double jointed without any stoppage by soft tissues. Even if the muscle usually can’t go that far, it can with my help. Making the joint do something that can’t be done. Turning the ankles so their feet face backwards is impossible and would just be weird. Once the muscle has been stretched by me, they then have that same flexibility, but without being double jointed.

“Brit, would you mind demonstrating how flexible you are right now?”~Sofy

“Why is it always me being used for demonstrations? I’m not planning to stay the night and I’m not getting naked! Our parents will worry if we don’t come home later.”~Brit

“*chuckle* You can keep your clothes on this time. Lily’s new blessing that we wanted to show is a flexibility type that can work on other people too. I think that you’re probably the least flexible person among us, so I wanted you to demonstrate.”~Sofy

“She’s got you there. *giggles* Your body is about as limber as your sword.”~Amy

“Shush you! Fine, I’ll do it. Just don’t laugh at me like Amy.”~Brit

Brit was horribly inflexible for a girl. She could barely get halfway down for the splits and her cobra pose looked more like a push-up. Cobra is the one where you keep your hips on the ground and only push your upper body up. I’d seen enough and decided that she needed a little help. Taking her by surprise, I sat down on her butt and forced her back down. I then reached around her front and started pulling her chest up and back. She may have let out a little squeal as I did so, and I may have decided to use her breasts as handholds.

“Oh, stop your screaming already.”~Sofy

“Then stop Lily from forcefully stretching me! It hurts!”~Brit

“Does it, are you sure it really hurts? You don’t seem to be in any pain.”~Sofy

“Ye...huh? It doesn’t hurt? Then, is this the effect of her blessing?”~Brit

“Yep. Want to see how far she can bend you? Just tell her if you actually feel any pain and she’ll stop.”~Sofy

“Okay, but does she have to grab me there?!”~Brit

To respond to her complaint, I give her a little squeeze which elicits a small moan and promptly shuts her up. I then continued to pull her until her back is laying on the backs of her thighs, exactly how Sofy had been last night. We go through numerous other stretches and I perform the same service for the other girls after. The girls were given some special instructions from me via Sofy to stretch every day.

“Have someone help you with the stretches. We need to check how long it lasts, so we’ll be counting on you. Especially Brit, you’ve experienced the greatest change which will make you the best example to gauge by. Amy, please help her to stretch each day since you two live so close.”~Sofy

“You can count on it! She won’t miss a single day.”~Amy

She’s drooling! Not really, but her thoughts certainly are. I have no doubt that she will see her promise through and that Brit is probably in for some rough nights ahead. Tiff and Sofy would see to my own rough nights in the future. Before they left, I handed each of them a bottle of that beauty potion. We had received a message from Jaz that it does what is intended and is safe to consume, but we shouldn’t expect a sudden change. It will apparently take time to completely take effect. Besides us six girls, nana and Camille also got one. I’m saving the last one in my inventory.

The succubus blood ended up being a great time for Sofy. Apparently, I had been exceptionally frisky under its influence, but I can’t remember. It had nearly instantly threw me into an intoxicated state as soon as I drank it. I got up the next morning with a heavy feeling, an aching body and a nasty hangover. The heavy feeling was the only thing that didn’t go away after healing, thanks to some new jewelry I had apparently requested last night. A flower patterned set of silver bracelets and anklets.

[Moody gravity cuffs]
{Cannot be removed by normal means}
Effect: pressure, whimsical

“Mistress, please take them off. The sudden changes in weight caused by the whimsical effect makes it really difficult to walk. They’d definitely endanger us if I should get into a fight or I could end up tripping onto the hot stove while cooking!”~me

“No way! Even though you don’t remember, Lily, you had complained repeatedly last night about how slow your physical training was and that you needed such items. Those excuses won’t work on me. I’ve only set them up on your maid attire, not your fighting, cooking or anything else.”~Sofy

“Uh huh. That story might be a bit more believable if you weren’t having so much fun laughing at me every time these wicked things trip me up!”~me

I’d only just barely managed to keep myself from falling over numerous times already. Not only did I have to maintain a low level of qi use in order to keep upright under the extra weight from the pressure effect, but the weight would suddenly increase or decrease at random thanks to the whimsical effect. It’s seriously difficult to keep my balance! I can only take some comfort in the promising effects of my new trait, [Love Serum(activate: 500sp)]. It turns my body fluids into aphrodisiacs for others, once I’ve accumulated enough soul potential to activate it of course.

Thanks to my new blessing, Sofy was starting to get more creative and adventurous. One particular week, she was quite daring. She jam-packed me into a small backpack and carried me around with her while maintaining lightweight and sound isolation spells on the bag the entire time. I was in it from the afternoon on Airday until the morning of the next Waterday. Nearly an entire week! If I didn’t have to work on those two days, who knows how long she would have kept me like that. Starvation was no longer an issue since we had long ago switched to ball gags with a hole in them for feeding.

I got a little bit angry this time. Not because it was painful or anything like that. I got mad because the toy she’d left me with made sure I was too occupied to be able to cultivate!  I had missed an entire week’s worth of cultivation time and it was really boring. Thankfully, she said that she wouldn’t be doing it again, that she’s already ‘scratched the itch’.

After six weeks of spring, we finally saw a dryad born. We didn’t grab the first opportunity since I wanted to see how much energy it took. I wanted to be able to pour as much of my energy into the creation of my own as I could. Even then, I couldn’t get an accurate reading of the energy levels. After the mass of nature elemental mana reached a certain density, it changed slightly. Traces of some other kind of energy appeared within it and accelerated the process. If I had to guess, that new energy was probably the world’s laws at work. I would only have a chance to contribute my own energy before that change occured. The energy needed for a dryad to form is at the level of a mid stage seven cultivator. Investigating the new dryad revealed that it had many of the features of the greenery that surrounded the area it was born. This gave me an idea. We had already started to plant a garden for Sofy, so we decided to just birth a dryad there.

Sofy’s garden only had the herbs and plants she was interested in experimenting with. Whether it be the trees, flowers or roots, they almost all fall into four categories. All of them, except one, produce some sort of stimulants(mostly aphrodisiacs), sensitivity amplifiers, beauty effects or male only targeted poisons. Many of them were not newly grown either. We had picked up many of her garden’s plants during our excursions into the forest looking for a dryad. The exception was the feeder vine, a type of vine that can easily cover an entire forest with its roots. It’s a type of mutually symbiotic plant that spreads its roots everywhere and into any plants it touches. Already processed nutrients are taken from other plants and it evenly distributes the area’s raw nutrients to the plants in its root network through diffusion.

I spent about two weeks dispersing my mana into the garden every day before the nature elemental mana started to converge on its own. It took another two weeks before the key change necessary to birth a dryad occurred. All the while, I continued to feed my mana into the garden, but it still only amounted to about two percent of the total. A lot of my mana was absorbed by the garden’s plants as well. The final part after the energy changes is fairly quick, only taking an hour. I stood in the garden at that time feeding it my mana while imprinting it with the mental image of my desired dryad.

At last, a beautiful humanoid dryad was born. Her waist-length hair is a forest green with small pink flowers budding in it, each with six heart-shaped petals. She has bright green eyes, the color of shiny emeralds. Since she’s really a plant without any internal organs, I had imagined her with a certain doll’s unrealistic yet beautiful figure. The face is cute and her height is the same as mine. If this were earth, she’d be the perfect supermodel. Well, maybe if her skin wasn’t tinted a light green color.

Before she could become self-aware, I rushed in and inscribed my tamer rune on her core. Everything went smoothly and I succeeded with ease.

“You have been tamed by Lilia? Huh? What is this message and where am I?”~dryad

I suddenly have a really bad feeling about what exactly Kat might have done.

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