Cursed Heroine

Chapter 25: First day of lessons

Chapter 25: First day of lessons

“Based on how intense nana’s eyes were sparkling, you are in for a rough time from now on. Starting to regret getting that trait now?”~Sophia

“No. Just somewhat annoyed. Even I can admit that my fur and hair is really nice to touch now. What exactly are we supposed to learn in your first class. I thought your mother had already taught you Elven culture when you were young, including the language. Though I am not yet fluent with the language, I can read it after studying a few books from your father’s library. It is only a matter of time until I can understand it completely.”~me

“Parents are expected to give their children that much of a basic education. Cultural studies is a class for etiquette and mannerisms. It teaches a formal way of using the language as well as how to present oneself.”~Sophia

“Ugh. I thought you would be done with such things now that your father is out of the picture.”~me

“Nana is apparently an important person. Mother told me that I should take the course so that I would not be easily put down by others. I also don’t have any aversion to such lessons, unlike some people.”~Sophia

“Maybe they have a library I can visit during your lesson?”~me

“Nonsense. You will obviously have to attend with me to stave off parasites. Especially since I went to the trouble of obtaining permission. Who else could possibly be my dance partner otherwise?”~Sophia


*giggles* “Don’t worry so much and have fun with it. You are a great dancer and you learn really fast.”~Sophia

We make it to the first lesson just before the teacher shows up. The classroom is a large room with some chairs along the walls. There are various instruments off to one side and each of the students receive various books. They are asked which instrument they wish to play and given the corresponding book, also receiving books for formal dress, dining, speaking and dancing. Much to my relief, only after the first few have gained an acceptable mastery with an instrument will the dancing lessons begin. There are eight students in the class, three boys and five girls. While Sophia is trying to learn how to play what appears to be a harp, I sit off to the side and memorize her new books.

It isn’t necessary to remove my eye-shadow to read. The second sight skill gives vision in meters at a radius of the square-root of, its level times my spirit energy. Then square-root that number again for the range that the skill operates at perfect clarity. Vision gradually degrades as it gets further out. At level one I could see perfectly at about five meter distance and thirty-one meters max with the skill. My current level two allows me to see perfectly for about six meters and out to forty-four meters max distance. It doesn’t work like some sort of x-ray vision either. I can’t see through obstructions, although once the skill evolves I’ve read that it does so long as the obstruction doesn’t have an energy boundary. In other words, I would be able to see through ordinary walls, but not through walls saturated with one of the five energy types or even clothing since it tends to saturate with excess qi and mana from the wearer.

The following class, basic math, is quite boring. I make sure to memorize Sophia’s books on the subject so that I can help her with it, but math has been advanced quite a lot already due to the numerous heroes that have been summoned. I’ve been able to remember basically everything math related up through high school level; addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, powers, roots, basic algebra, basic trigonometry, basic geometry, and even some basic physics. After the math lesson is an hour long lunch break.

Stage three magecraft is the third lesson for the day. I managed to learn a lot more stage three runes that I hadn’t known before from the provided books. The books for this particular class were the most expensive, multiple times more than the other classes combined. This is due to the fact that only a stage three mage could scribe such books containing complete runes. Introduction to magescript is just as amazing as I had thought it would be. I notice from the lesson books that there are some runes I haven’t yet learned from stage four. There are at least a dozen stage three runes I am missing even after memorizing the runes from the last lesson’s books. Several dozen stage two runes are also unknown to me as well as many more stage one runes.

“Mistress, I think I would enjoy using this magescript as my primary language from now on.”~me

“Seriously? I think it’s probably a good thing then that I can always just understand your intent. I absolutely hate magescript. It isn’t even a complete language yet.”~Sophia

“That’s true, but you can somewhat see what the language is missing because of that, which allows you to predict to a certain extent what the magic runes we use currently are lacking.”~me

“I don’t follow. Why is it a good thing to know what is lacking?”~Sophia

“The primary thing lacking in the language is descriptive characters such as numbers, shape, and actions. Right now we can only determine the scale of a magic by how much mana we pour into it, its shape is determined by mentally manipulating the mana, and the action such as moving a fire towards the target by positioning are mana in that direction. All of these extra things use up more mana than the spell itself cost to cast and places a heavy burden on the caster’s mind.”~me

“Wait. Aren’t these factors also the reasons why an enchantment won’t work for a person that doesn’t properly comprehend it?”~Sophia

“Bingo! Last time I talked to Kat, she told me that there are things missing from current enchantments that would allow them to work for anybody. I already had an idea of what was missing before, but this lesson about magescript made things incredibly obvious. The only thing that has me confused is how we’re supposed to figure out the missing runes without an example given.”~me

“I’m sorry. You may have to wait until I reach a higher level so that you can attend some of the highest level lessons with me. If it weren’t for the fact that you must be an elf to attend the lessons here, you could definitely skip much further ahead.”~Sophia

“It’s no trouble. If there is one thing I have more than enough of, it’s time. Can we purchase the lesson books for the lower levels of magecraft? I noticed that I was missing quite a few runes while reading through the books on magescript. It will benefit you as well to learn the missing runes that Sven did not know.”~me

“Do we have enough money? You must have spent quite a lot on that birthday present, right?”~Sophia

“There’s enough. To supplement our pocket money after I purchase your birthday presents, I exchanged a few of our more common luxury items that can be bought again through local merchants. I’m surprised that there weren’t nearly as many flies buzzing around you during the lessons as I had thought there would be.”~me

“You may have a lot of time, but elves aren’t that lacking in time either. I’m certain they are just biding their time to approach at the most ideal moment. Don’t let them have any openings. I’m sure they would approach me to help in any small way: let me share their book during a lesson, let me copy their notes, or correct my mistakes.”~Sophia

“We should ask your nana if she has a library or at least if she happens to have some books that would be relevant to your current lessons. She has read from a different book every day at each of her tea times, so I’m sure she has books somewhere in her house.”~me

“I’ll be sure to ask nana about the books when we get home. Let’s wait on buying the lesson books for now. We might be able to fill the gaps with the books at home.”~Sophia

Having decided on a plan, we make our way home for the day. As expected, I’m almost immediately dragged off by nana to accompany her for her daily tea time. Sophia tags along and learns the locations of nana’s library after having tea while chatting with nana for a short time. I’m left with nana while Sophia leaves to find the library. She kept me informed about what she found via our link. From her description, the library is quite large. I’d expect nothing less from an elf that is several hundred years old. 

Shortly after nana’s tea time, I helped to make dinner and then me and Sophia spent the rest of the evening in the library after dinner was cleaned up. I immediately started memorizing the sections about magic and other useful topics while Sophia seems to have found the drama story section. Epics, legends, romance novels and other such material doesn’t interest me much. I’ve read plenty of such novels in my previous life. What I found somewhat strange was that Sophia had started practicing a spell she found in one of those books. From what I could deduce after memorizing the spell while she practiced, it seemed like a peculiar, vigor-type healing spell. When I asked her what it was for, she would only tell me that she would let me know later. Yeah, I would find out all right! Tonight would be interesting…

Once again that night, I’ve been positioned in an awkward pose while equipped with a familiar bondage harness complete with gag, silence effect earrings and cuffs. She placed the spell she had learned earlier on each of my breasts. When I didn’t notice any immediate change, I assumed that it must have some sort of touch enhancing effect. I didn’t focus on it too long as Sophia managed to distract me from thinking further by playing around with the rest of my body. It was only after she had already started pounding me with her strap-on that she finally confirmed my earlier assumption. When she finally touched my breasts during intercourse, I finally noticed that they were much more tender and enlarged than any previous occasion. I only found out that the enhanced sensation was just a side effect when I experienced some strange new sensation as she brought her head down to suck on my nipples. My attempt to question her about the new sensation is blown away as she induced me into my next round of orgasms.

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