Crows x Souls

Chapter 28 – Itachi’s Trial I

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The feral, unabated bloodthirsty air surrounding the 11th Division Captain was something that spurred a mental image of Itachi’s former companion during his Akatsuki days, Kisame Hoshigaki.

Maybe with a little bit of Hidan too, without his religious fanaticism. 

Even with all of them having their Reiatsu under perfect control, apart from Zaraki Kenpachi who was having his barely restrained Reiatsu billowing over him, it was easy to tell that each and every single individual here were strong, though a few specific people caught Itachi’s attention more than the others. 

“Ah yes, that’s why we’re here.” Yoruichi began, standing in the middle of the two last Captains, facing Yamamoto. “This is Itachi Uchiha, from North Rukongai 69th District, a recently reincarnated soul barely having spent over a year in the Soul Society-” 

“Mind getting on with it? I wasn’t dragged here for a report, was I?” An irritated Kenpachi interrupted Yoruichi with a frown on his face. 

Yoruichi paused, gave him a look, and then turned back to Yamamoto. “He’s the one Captain Shiba encountered during his last mission scouting in the Rukongai.”

“That’s him?” Hirato Shinji asked, scratching his head confusedly. “I heard he killed some of Captain Shiba’s squad members. If this is a trial, why not just toss him to Central 46?”

Yamamoto had his calm eyes trained on both Yoruichi and Itachi, more the latter than the former. “Captain Shihōin, tell us why you brought him here with you.”

Shunsui Kyōraku tilted his straw hat downwards so that it covered his eyes, muttering in realization to himself. “Well, here we go.”

“Easy. I brought him here so that the charges against him will be dropped and I plan to bring him into my Division.”

A pin drop silence enveloped the hall as some of the Captains were stunned speechless, some held their head down, shaking it in Yoruichi’s daring request, while one just grinned. 

“Captain Shihōin,” Yamamoto started, the air of the room suddenly turned stifling. “Did you just request that the Seireitei waive off the charges against a ryoka for killing fellow Shinigami in order for you to let him into your Division?” He asked slowly. 

Despite the pressure that was coming off Yamamoto, Yoruichi stood her ground unfazed, so also did Itachi, something which caught all the Captain’s attention. 

“Yes, that’s basically what I want. In his defense, he was unaware of the situation given how recent he arrived in the Soul Society. Captain Shiba can confirm this.” Yoruichi's response resulted in a surprised ‘Eh?’ from Isshin who didn’t expect him to be called in defense of Itachi. 

“Captain Shiba, is that true?” Yamamoto turned to Isshin who was cursing Yoruichi’s carefreeness in his head. 

Seeing all the attention once more focused on him, Isshin looked at Itachi and Yoruichi, somehow taken aback by how calm Itachi was. Something he knew wasn’t a mask but was instead the boy’s mental state. 

Cursing himself along Yoruichi, he nodded. “I can affirm that what Captain Shihōin said is true.” He answered in support of Itachi. “When we first met, he did introduce himself and give a brief summary of his situation but the fight broke out after he refused to sheathe his weapon and come with us.”

Honestly, Itachi was surprised that Isshin would speak in his favor given how he had killed a few of his subordinates. His initial thoughts on the man were not enough to draw a conclusion of his character that Itachi could trust. 

“Not only that, but he’s been hunting Hollows and bandits during his days in the Soul Society from the reports I had my own people dig up. Not to mention with the latest information I’m sure Captain Kyōraku received he also saved three members of his squad from a Hollow attack that would have killed them, I verified that myself.”

Yoruichi shared the information she had on Itachi with the other Captains, especially the hiding ground where the dead bodies of five Shinigamis were found. 

‘She dug up most of my actions from the 69th District till recent.’ Itachi thought, surprised that she was able to find out that much given the few people he’s had contact with for a year. Even when he entered any settlement or village, the number of contact he had with the people there never exceeded two. 

“That’s quite the report, Captain Shihōin.” Yamamoto commented after listening to all that Yoruichi had in defense of Itachi. It wasn’t just Yamamoto that was surprised at Yoruichi’s change in character from being laid back as she normally was. 

“That’s my job, Head Captain. And I’m good at my job.” She smirked. 

Yamamoto sighed. “As true as those words are, there are still a few things left to confirm. You, Itachi Uchiha, mind explaining how you came in possession of a Zanpakutō, and not just that, but also unlocked its Shikai state?”

Apart from Isshin who had suspected it and Kisuke who was aware of it, Yoruichi had made no mention of Itachi’s combat abilities yet so none of the Captains thought he had unlocked a Shikai. 

Regardless of when he unlocked it, the fact that he achieved his Shikai in months of him arriving in the Soul Society made it clear how talented he was. 

Yoruichi looked wryly at Yamamoto and ended up shrugging. “I’ve done my best, brat. Try not to mess up my hard work, okay?” She said to Itachi as she left to stand on the right hand side besides Kisuke. 

“I picked it up from the body of a dead Shinigami after a Hollow incident I came across in the 67th District. Following that, I observed the Shinigamis I came across as I made my way down the Rukongai and that clued me in on the fact that the sword was more than just a mundane weapon. Also with the fact that it seems to passively meld itself with my energy. I only achieved the Shikai after my fight with Captain Shiba after understanding what it was.”

He told them what he knew and what he did during his time in the Rukongai Districts. Since these Captains weren’t outright overbearing, he figured it’d be against his better interests if he wasn’t honest. Not like there was anything of value in his daily life. 

The only thing he kept to himself was his Shikai abilities and his eyes, silently thankful that Yoruichi didn’t bring it up. 

“Oi, you said you fought a Captain, killed his subordinates and still managed to escape while not having that Shikai thing?” Kenpachi asked with a happy grin on his face. “Hey, old man. Let me fight him, if he dies then he isn’t worth our attention, if he doesn’t… Well, we’ll continue fighting until one of us drops. That’s better than this boring talk, right?!”

A soft snort interrupted Kenpachi’s impassioned plea. “Why not let the Head Captain give his decisions before you try to satisfy your vain desire.” Ginrei Kuchiki calmly chided the brute, Kenpachi. 

“Huh? What are you on, damned twig? Keep being silent or I’ll come over and help you do that… permanently, this time.” Kenpachi snarled at the elegantly looking old man who didn’t bother to deign him a response. 

Now wasn’t that another surprise? Escaping a Captain using his Shikai while not having one. 

“From what my Zanpakutō’s spirit told me, this sword is its permanent home so I’m sorry, but if your words revolve around me handing it over, I won’t.” Itachi said, looking at Yamamoto. 

He knew that if it were to come to a fight, it was virtually impossible for him to escape the encirclement  especially when he didn’t have his Mangekyō’s Amaterasu and Susano’o, but that didn’t mean he would let them just take away a part of his soul without fighting for it. 

Yoruichi palmed her head while Kisuke snickered beside her as all the Captains were now staring at Itachi with a cold expression at his words that could be construed as a direct challenge. 

“It will do you good to not be so confrontational with your words, young man. It can get scary real fast for you. Just a friendly advice.” Shunsui said while tilting his hat a little higher to cross his eyes with Itachi’s. 

Itachi received his look, held it for a second before turning back to Yamamoto to know what the man had to say. 

It needed no saying that the person Itachi felt the most powerful momentum from was the old man sitting down. It honestly reminded him of the Leaf’s Lord Third. 

“The youthful brashness children display is something I’ll never get over.” Yamamoto said, and it could’ve just been Itachi’s perception, but he could see flickers of flame trickling at the man’s feet. “That aside, there are a lot of complications involved with your acceptance into the Gotei 13. And the only reason why this is being considered is because of a reputable Captain deciding to stand in defense of you. As such, you’ll have to answer a few of my questions.”

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