Crows x Souls

Chapter 21 – Lacking Trust

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The calmness that had persisted from their breakfast and the beginning of the conversation had started thinning out and the three of them could feel it.

It wasn’t like they were intentionally doing it and pushing their hostilities outward towards the other, but that it was clear that the conversation wouldn’t lead to a compromise. 

Without knowing what he was getting into, Itachi will be considered brain dead if he lets them apprehend him. He was on the back foot when it came to the information both sides had, he knew and they knew it also. 

“Young man, don’t you think you’re being too unreasonable? Even my words aside, the fact that you killed a few Shinigami means that Central 46 automatically has it out for you. And besides, aren’t you heading to the Seireitei? We’ll just be cutting the journey.”

Honestly Itachi had nothing to lose by following Yoruichi as based on her character, she would protect him from the charges against him regardless of what the fools of Central 46 wanted to cry about. But Itachi didn’t know that. 

As per his character, he was heavily distrustful of everyone. He was the type of person to backstab someone if it meant completing his mission. 

‘Maybe I shouldn’t think like that anymore. This isn’t a mission…. Sigh, easier said than done.’

“I still know nothing about the Shinigami, and also those Hollows that seem to show up every now and then.” He said. 

Yoruichi sighed irritatedly, knowing just the type of person Itachi was. ‘He is the type that would try every avenue available to him to get his way. As for his moral lines, that remains to be seen.’

“We’re in charge of guiding lost souls to the Soul Society and also stopping the Hollows from devouring the defenseless souls. It’s a pretty simple job.” She said nonchalantly. 

“Guiding lost souls? Does that mean you go to the human world?” He asked tentatively. 

“Don’t.” Yoruichi sharply cut him off, misunderstanding the reason behind his question. Not that she was far off. “Shinigami are forbidden from interfering with their earthly relations. In fact we’re forbidden from interacting with humans so we won’t influence their souls.”

Seeing Itachi merely nod, Yoruichi held back a groan knowing he hadn’t let go of that. 

The young man before her was clearly a warrior when he was alive, an exceptionally strong one, maybe even a Fullbring and Yoruichi will admit that he was very to read, even for her, but she has lived for centuries and have met all sorts of people with different types of habitual quirks. This wasn’t the first time dealing with someone like Itachi. 

‘It’s like seeing a picture of Byakuya. I bet just like Byakuya, he used to smile freely as a child.’

“Now then Itachi, what do you say? Want to come with me to the Soul Society or do you want to take your time walking there?” She asked with a smile, even laying back and propping up her head with her hand. “Know that I’m still bringing you with me regardless.”

And this was the reason why the current situation was so tense. 

Itachi, while he wouldn’t say he’s met a lot of willful people like Yoruichi in his life, he knew just enough of them to know that they were annoying to deal with. 

‘Deidara. Hidan.’ These were the two most willful people Itachi was close to and he knew the only way to get them to listen to you was to beat the obedience into them or induce enough fear to ensure it. Or both. Just like he did with Deidara. 

“Don’t you think you’re being too unreasonable, Lady Yoruichi?” He asked. Objectively, he preferred the cordiality they were sharing to the hostility of the Shinigamis he now received. Thinking that way, it might be him who was being unreasonable. 

“I can say the same for you. I can hazard a guess as to why you want to reach the Seireitei and here I am, gifting it to you. Yet you want it on your terms.” Yoruichi stared at him with one eye closed. Soi Fon behind her had her eyes trained on every minute movement Itachi made. 

“Say I follow you and get what I want, what do you want in return?” He asked. The absolute feral nature that wafted around this Shinigami Captain, hidden behind a veil of carefreeness, was something that reminded him of Kisame, his partner in the Akatsuki. Maybe that was why he bothered with this long conversation. 

Hearing those words, she clapped her hands happily. “Easy, just like Soi Fon here, you'll be under my 2nd Division and under my orders.”

He had very well expected it from the beginning when she chose to maintain civility, but those words still ticked him a fierce thing. 

Itachi had no problems with serving under someone, he had done so his entire life. What he had a problem with, especially after the event of his clan’s massacre at his hands, was the thoughts of those he served. 

He didn’t escape a cog just to jump into another one. He didn’t keep away from the war by choosing death just for him to trap himself in another one in death. 

Yoruichi had no idea of his inner turmoil since his expression barely shifted. All she cared about was snagging Itachi under her command because even now, his control over his Reiatsu was something that fascinated her. Everything was calmly kept within his body. 

“I’m afraid I can’t make such a hasty decision, Lady Yoruichi.” He said. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t. 

This was a conversation he had with Tsukuyomi but the answer was something neither of them could reach. 

Do not fall under the illusion of the past, Itachi. You have no duty to uphold; not to your brother, not to the village, not to your dead clansmen. Your duty in death is what you want it to be. 

Those were the words Tsukuyomi had said to him. 

His experience would always be there, and his past always an illusion in his mind, all something to learn from – not a shackle. 

“I guessed so.” Yoruichi said softly, a smile still on her face. “Now I will have to arrest you. Can’t have the Head Captain questioning my capabilities after my little personal vacation. On the bright side, I’ll have ample time to instruct you in ways of a Shinigami.”

Like most of the decisions Yoruichi’s made in her long life, it was spontaneous and with little logical reasoning, if any at all. 

Honestly she would have just killed Itachi if not for the initial impression he made on her. His calmness and decisiveness was something most lacked, even in their long life as souls. 

‘And I want to see what it’s like teaching a genius.’ She thought. Kisuke didn’t count because it was more accurate to say they taught each other. 

“A shame. I enjoyed our cordiality.” Itachi said, not appearing the least bit rattled upon hearing that she was going to arrest him. 

“Soi Fon.” She called. 

“Yes, Lady Yoruichi.” Soi Fon answered. 

“Move away.” It was a simple order and Soi Fon carried it out immediately. 

Itachi and Yoruichi stared at each other calmly and got up from their position slowly. 

Itachi held his blade while Yoruichi just stood there unfazed, only a flickering flame standing between them. 

All Soi Fon saw was that the two of them disappeared, initially too fast for her eyes to follow until she locked onto their Reiatsu, and that was when she realized. 

Even as they clashed, both of them had every wave of their Reiatsu under complete control. 

With Itachi, the very first thing he realized before they even clashed was that she was easily faster than him, almost impossible for him to catch her movements with his normal eyes. 

When he brought his blade down, he could easily tell how experienced she was with the way she stopped his sword’s momentum but using her arms to impact the hilt of his blade. 

“Show me something interesting, Itachi.” She grinned at him and made a backflip to dodge the slash from a knife in Itachi’s other hand. 

“Let’s use this, okay?” She said and pulled out a small dagger before rushing at him and clashing blades once again. 

If not the first exchange, then the second, that they both knew how skilled the other was with their weapons. 

Even as a master hand-to-hand combatant, Yoruichi’s proficiency with a blade was something only a few Captains could contend with and she could name them on one hand. 

Despite wielding a blade, Itachi was no slouch when it came to taijutsu. Whether it was against fellow Jonins or even Kages, Itachi’s taijutsu would never fall short. 

He blocked Yoruichi’s kick, grunting at the unrealistic force behind them even though he knew she still wasn’t pulling out all stops. 

“You’re pretty good, Itachi.” She complimented and Itachi replied with a slash that she ducked under and quickly crossed to block the back heel coming for her face. 

She just wanted to test him, nothing more, and seeing a tip of how good he was in combat, she wanted to see more. 

She was curious. 

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