Crows x Souls

Chapter 11 – First Clash

[North Rukongai, District 50]

Arriving at District 50, it became even more noticeable how sharply the living conditions declined as one went deeper into the Rukongai. 

Though the standard of living was not anything to write about, at least the people weren’t wearing outright rags on them and didn’t look like sack of bones. 

It still had the image of a dilapidating slum village but at least they could fend for themselves somewhat. 

Another thing to note was that as the living conditions of the Rukongai got better and you get closer to the Seireitei, the presence of Shinigamis got more frequent. 

After managing to batter a set of new clothes with how tattered his former ones were, Itachi inconspicuously continued on. 

Sometimes he would catch the movements of Shinigamis zipping past him, taking his presence as that of a normal soul, all serving as bits of information he could pick up on. 

Something was going on in the 50th District which warranted the presence of the Shinigamis and given how fast they were moving, even in separate groups, Itachi concluded that either it was because of a Hollow incident or the trace of one. 

If the groups of Shinigamis he had seen for the past days were all heading in one direction, that meant that whatever they were fighting or investigating was that serious. 

“You don’t mind me seeing what’s going on, do you?” Itachi asked. 

Even though no reply came, he nodded and faded away moments later. 


“Captain, it’s worse than we thought. The-” 

“There’s no trace of the Shinigamis who disappeared, right?” A gruff voice interrupted the report with a click of his tongue. 

Wearing a Captain’s apparel, a white haori draped over his black shihakushō with a ‘Ten’ kanji written at its back, a roughly trimmed beard and a muscular physique, Isshin Shiba turned to the person doing the report. 

“Have the update from the Second arrived?”

The young woman before him shook her head. Rangiku Matsumoto shook her head and replied. “We should be getting it any minute from now. They were the ones who first ran interference when the news came in.”

Isshin didn’t say anything and just closed him eyes with his arms folded across his chest, confusing Rangiku who just stood to the side and copied her Captain’s silence. 

Rangiku Matsumoto, the Vice Captain of the 10th Division, is a busty orange haired woman wearing a pink scarf around her neck being the only addition to the standard Shinigami uniform. 

“They are here.” Isshin said and the next second, four people, two Shinigamis and two people dressed in ninja garbs, appeared in front of them. 

“Greetings, Captain Shiba.” The one leading them greeted them was one of the masked ninjas, a girl from her voice. 

“So?” While generally known as a fun-loving and laidback individual, Isshin Shiba was in no mood for jokes right now. 

As per her duty, she delivered the news she was supposed to pass on and then a drive containing the exact route and time stamps of the missing group of Shinigamis. 

“Wait, if there were no Hollow reports on the 50th District, why did they come here then?” Rangiku couldn’t help but ask upon seeing the inconsistency of the data provided. 

The ninja shook her head slowly. “We have no idea or information regarding why they strayed from their mission. As far as we know, no orders were given to them to come this far. Their mission ended in the 37th District.” She said. 

“This is becoming more of an issue than expected. Maybe I should have a word with the Captain Commander when I return.” Isshin muttered before turning to the individuals from the Second. “You’re dismissed. Tell Yoruichi I said thanks.”

They bowed their heads and left. 

“Stay here for a second, Rangiku. I want to check something out.” With that, Isshin left his Vice Captain and disappeared. 


Itachi had trailed a certain group of Shinigamis because of a familiar similarity they had. 

From their get-up to their weapons and movements, they bore a similar distinction to the Root and ANBU Black Ops he was eerily familiar with. 

“Not that much of a surprise. It would have been weird otherwise if they didn’t have one.” Special Black Ops are the strategical backbone of any military organization. 

“Kunai and shurikens; finally something normal.” While he would have loved to attack them and arm himself up to a comfortable degree, he pushed that thought aside and just settled for trailing them. 

They were good with their movements, but clearly not the best. 

The traceback led to another group of Shinigami and Itachi finally got a good look at a Division Captain. 

He wasn’t stupid enough to carelessly approach, not when he knew next to nothing about the combat abilities of a division Captain, so he stayed back. 

He did manage to get a few snippets from what they were saying to make a conjecture on why they were, so he made his exit as soon as the Black Ops did. 



“Hoh? That’s a good reaction.” The Captain said with a dim smile as Itachi had immediately attacked as soon as his hands went to draw his blade. “What? Come on, don’t tell me you’re one of those silent types?”

Itachi twisted his blade around his hands, his hands blurring in motion that surprised the hell out of Isshin as he found Itachi’s blade coming for his neck. 

Isshin retreated and looked at Itachi with squinted eyes as he noticed one thing about the young man in front of him. 

Throughout the exchange, not once did his Reiatsu make an upbeat surge. 

“Who are you?” Isshin asked but Itachi remained silent, stealthily scouring the area to make sure he wasn’t being surrounded. 

“If you won’t answer that then answer why you were snooping around my Division earlier.” Isshin asked. 

Both of them silently gauged each other with different resulting evaluations. While Isshin saw Itachi’s reaction and swiftness with the sword, he already made a conservative estimate of Itachi’s strength, even adding the possibility of a Shikai release. 

On the other hand, it was only after crossing blades with him that Itachi felt the bubbling amount of energy bubbling inside the Captain’s body. 

“A lot of Shinigamis have been appearing lately in this district. I was keeping an ear out for information as to why that was.” Since the other party already knew he had been listening in, Itachi saw no reason to tell a lie concerning that. 

“Hmm? That’s awfully convenient, don’t you think?” Isshin asked sardonically. The current mission had left him in a bad mood and meeting a likely deserted or possible rogue Shinigami snooping around was ticking him off a fierce thing. 

“Unfortunately, yes it is.” Itachi answered. 

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