Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 94

A couple of evenings ago, Raciel found himself deeply engrossed in thought, troubled by concerns surrounding Princess Adeline.


Scribble, scribble!

He was quickly jotting down the ideas that came to his mind onto a piece of paper. Writing, and writing some more. Organizing his thoughts, pondering over them, and then crumpling up the paper to start anew. Time slipped away as he grappled with his contemplations.

The hours grew later, and his worries grew more profound. Past midnight, a sense of fatigue began to set in. He could hear his internal organs grumbling.


[Your internal organs express dissatisfaction with your irregular sleep pattern.]

[Heart: Hey, aren’t you going to get some sleep?]

[Lungs: Hoo…Phew…]

[Large Intestine: Sleep quality has been in shambles lately. I’m utterly worn out.]

[Lungs: I just want to go home!]

[Stomach: If you’re going to keep this up, you might as well give up on life, hahaha.]


It was a chorus of grievances.

Initially, he attempted to disregard them, assuming that they would eventually quiet down by themselves. Nevertheless, the noise originating from his bodily organs only intensified.


[Your internal organs are contemplating going on strike.]

[Heart: Emergency! Fluctuations in heart rate! Mayday! Mayday! Output is decreasing! Deep breathing required!]

[Lungs: Inhale! Exhale! Inhale! Exhale!]

[Large Intestine: Full relaxation of the sphincter!]

[Lungs: Release lung function!]

[Stomach: Activate your villi!]

“…What are you all up to?”

Finally, he reached a point where he could no longer endure it and inquired. The response was immediate.

[Your internal organs strongly disapprove of your actions.]

[Heart: We’re doing this so that you will finally take a break.]

[Lungs: Hehehe… Paha…]

[Large Intestine: Seriously, we’re all so fatigued.]

[Liver: If you’re going to exploit us like this without rest, at least compensate us with overtime pay.]

[Stomach: Midnight snack! Absolutely a midnight snack!]


They appeared to harbor a plethora of grievances. And, to be honest, he couldn’t fault them.

‘Tch, that makes sense. I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately because of the Emperor.’

Looking after the Emperor, who had suffered a stroke, had been demanding. He had to be with him almost constantly, as he couldn’t predict when an emergency might arise. His sleep had been fragmented, and he was running on very little rest.

However, tonight, he was staying awake well past midnight, consumed by his thoughts, so it was entirely justifiable for his internal organs to protest. Raciel could only manage a wry smile.

“So all of you are upset, huh? But what am I supposed to do? I can’t unwind and sleep until I resolve this.”


[Your internal organs tilt their heads in confusion.]

[Heart: Something’s troubling you?]


As if the heart was taking the lead for his internal organs, it responded.

“Today, a messenger arrived from the Anbouaz Kingdom. It was a reply to the letter I had sent to their king.”

[Heart: What was the content of the reply?]

“They consented to dispatch the princess, as I had requested. She should arrive here in approximately three days. That’s why I’m concerned.”


[Your internal organs brighten up.]

[Heart: Are you planning to confess?]

[Lungs: Inhale! Exhale!]

[Large Intestine: Our villi are feeling quite mighty!]

[Liver: Time for a grand public proposal!]

[Stomach: Declare your affection for the princess from the rooftop during the first meeting!]

[Your internal organs wholeheartedly support your endeavor to escape singlehood and contribute 1,000 HP.]

[Current HP: 2,500]

“…No, no, it’s not a confession.”

Raciel promptly rectified the misunderstanding.

“In reality, the princess is unwell. In the event of her demise, a substantial conflict would ensue. I wish to provide her with treatment to avert a war, but I’m grappling with how to make her comprehend her ailment. Only then would she collaborate with the treatment.”

[Your internal organs are disheartened.]

[Your internal organs are requesting a refund of the HP they recently contributed.]

“No refund.”

Raciel audibly exhaled through his nose. He was resolute about setting things right and voiced his demand to his internal organs.

“Nevertheless, this is my concern. If you desire sleep, kindly assist me. Do you possess any sound ideas?”

[Your internal organs glare at you with frigid, fish-like eyes.]

“Come now. Should I decipher this, slumber will come to me, and you can likewise rest.”

He addressed them, beseeching for their cooperation. He sought to brainstorm collectively and garner some guidance. The response took a while to arrive.


[Your internal organs have concluded their discussion.]

[The heart apprises you of the meeting’s outcome.]

[Heart: Could you not merely restrain her and compel her to receive treatment?]


[Heart: You did mention she requires treatment, correct? Why not enforce her recovery?]

“…That’s not the way to go about it.”

[Heart: Why not?]

“If we handle it like that, that lady would probably become infuriated to the point of inciting a war. I don’t believe I can manage that.”

[Heart: …….]

The heart felt like it had been struck with a stick dipped in honey.

Raciel inquired, “So, do you possess any ingenious and rational treatment ideas, apart from the peculiar notion of restraining and treating her?”

[Heart: In any case, the princess needs to collaborate with the treatment, correct?]

“That’s correct.”

[Heart: In that case, I have a commendable idea.]

“What is it?”

Could this potentially be a suitable approach? Raciel was filled with anticipation. The heart responded,

[Heart: Let’s employ water.]


[Heart: Water serves as a universal remedy. If you wish to shed weight, consume water. If your skin is lackluster, consume water. If blood stains your garments, immerse them in cold water.]

“How does that relate to the princess?”

[Heart: If we immerse the princess in water, perhaps she’d be more amenable to cooperating with the treatment.”

[Lungs: Heh… Puff! Splash! Hoo! Huff!]

[Large intestine: This is factual. I’ve heard that even individuals with anger management issues achieve mastery over anger control by dousing their nostrils with water.]

[Liver: 99.9% of Seoul National University students also consume water daily.]

[Stomach: Kiya. Water discerns the correct solution.]

[Large intestine: However, you know what? When you submerge a reserved individual in water, they actually become louder.]

[Stomach: That’s because you didn’t soak them for a sufficient duration!]


Raciel experienced a profound and intense irritation bubbling up from within, akin to water springing forth from a deep mountain. He directed a fierce glare at his organs while emitting a growl.

“Listen, I’m genuinely serious right now, alright?”

[Heart: We’re equally serious.]

“So your serious response is water torture?”

[Heart: If you find it disagreeable, why not work on enhancing your Palpation skill instead?]


Raciel halted, caught off guard by the unexpected suggestion. Enhance his Palpation skill? The heart persisted,

[Heart: You mentioned wanting the princess to believe in her symptoms, correct? Wouldn’t it be more effective to skip the cumbersome explanations and demonstrate directly?]

The proposition intrigued him.

Raciel inquired,

“So you’re suggesting that if I enhance my Palpation skill, I can demonstrate it to her?”

[Heart: Give it a try and find out lol]


Raciel closed his mouth, contemplating the words left by the heart. He could sense it. There was substance to this.

‘It doesn’t come across as a flippant comment.’

Suddenly, he recalled the time he summoned the second Phantom Beast, Poboki. During that period, he had been wrestling with concerns linked to treatment. At that juncture, his organs had given him comparable advice. Summon a Phantom Beast, they had advised, asserting they had spotted one with the desired abilities in the waiting room.

He followed their counsel, summoned Poboki, and his predicaments were neatly resolved.


In some manner, it felt reminiscent of this situation.

‘Should I give it a shot?’

By upgrading his Palpation skill, there might be the possibility of acquiring new functionalities. Even if not, it appeared there would be no downside. After all, he intended to frequently employ the Palpation skill, so improving it now could be advantageous in the long haul.

‘Yes, there’s nothing to lose. Let’s proceed.’

Raciel reached a decision and accessed the skill information window.

Ding dong!

[Skill Name: Palpation Lv. 6]

[Assess the health of a target by sensing their pulse. The outcomes are clearly visible through the <Comprehensive Examination Form>. Additionally, your awakened organs can confer with the corresponding organs of the patient, enabling a more detailed diagnosis of the patient’s condition.]

[Skill Exclusive Option ①: Meridian Scanning]

[HP required for next level-up: 300]

[Current HP: 2,500]


Due to his dedicated treatment at Star Palace Oriental Medicine Clinic, his Palpation skill level had considerably advanced.

He possessed ample HP as well. He glanced downward.

The <Skill Level Up> button was present.

Ding dong!

[Would you like to invest 300 HP to level up your Palpation skill?]

[YES / NO]

“Obviously, yes.”

The moment he nodded, a notification chimed.

Ding dong!

[Your skill level has risen.]

[Skill Name: Palpation Lv. 7]

His level had progressed.

However, no supplementary message followed. There was no mention of newly generated options. The sole alteration that had occurred…

[HP required for next level-up: 350]

…was that solitary line.


As anticipated, ascending one level wouldn’t prove sufficient. Raciel took a deep breath.

‘Let’s push as far as we can.’

Thump! Thump thump!

He repeatedly selected the skill level-up button. The amassed HP was swiftly consumed. In return, his Palpation skill level ascended.

From level 7 to level 8, from level 8 to level 9, and onward past level 10.

Upon reaching a juncture where he had expended a total of 2,000 HP, his Palpation skill attained level 11. A distinct message materialized.

…Ding dong!

A sound that disrupted his contemplation.

The notification sound was so resonant that it snapped Raciel back to reality. He lifted his head. And there, he could perceive.

“What is… this?”

Princess Adeline appeared bewildered. Her eyes displayed visible tremors.

Her gaze was fixed upon a hovering image. This image was being projected, showcasing large wings resembling flames that extended gracefully in a cinematic 16:9 aspect ratio. The image depicted the outcomes of a test.

Mere moments ago, he had employed the Palpation skill to scan the princess’s gallbladder, briefly touching her shoulder. The image presented the results akin to a CT scan.

Flickering flames danced.

On the screen, an unusual pouch was depicted. Within this pouch, numerous brown beads were visible. It called to mind the message he had received a few days prior when he had elevated his Palpation skill to an intermediate level.

[Your Palpation skill has achieved level 11.]

[The grade of your Palpation skill has progressed.]

[Beginner Lv.10 -> Intermediate Lv.1]

[Through extensive experiences and point investment, your proficiency in the Palpation skill has grown. Now, you can not only peer within a patient through your Palpation skill but also present the findings to the patient.]

[New skill options have unlocked as the skill grade advances.]

[Skill Exclusive Option 2: CT Output – You can exhibit the results of a Palpation scan on an external screen for the patient’s perusal. However, the external screen requires a consistent light source.]

…was the content of the message.

Thanks to this, he could now display the state of the princess’s gallbladder without any manipulation, in its unaltered form.

“Is this… an image of my gallbladder?”


The princess inquired, and Raciel nodded.

“If you’re skeptical, press down on the right side of your waist.”


The princess still harbored suspicions that this might be a trick. Her countenance reflected uncertainty momentarily, but she eventually raised her hand.


The instant she applied pressure to the right acupoint, a transformation occurred in the gallbladder image projected on Poboki’s screen.


The gallbladder on one side compressed. Surprise widened the princess’s eyes. She withdrew her hand in alarm, causing the compressed gallbladder in the image to revert to its original shape.



A trace of doubt receded from her visage. She repeated the action, pressing the acupoint and then releasing it. Every time, as expected, the gallbladder in the video contracted and then resumed its initial form.


The princess fell silent. Observing her, Raciel had an inkling.

‘It’s working. She’s beginning to believe.’

Indeed, seeing is embracing belief. A demonstration outweighs a hundred explanations, and this axiom held true in this instance. The princess continued to press the acupoint, her expression alternating between amazement and astonishment.

Raciel couldn’t let this opportunity slip by. Now was the moment. He moistened his lips and rapidly delivered his prepared lines.

“I comprehend your astonishment. Witnessing real-time observation of one’s internal organs can be startling for anyone. However, this is reality.”


“This is the prowess of the Phantom Beast. Thanks to it, I can scrutinize your gallbladder and its contents, even verifying the presence of gallstones.”

“Is this truly…?”

“Yes, the gallstones I mentioned earlier. Those formations will eventually obstruct your bile duct.”

“So you’re suggesting I’m headed for death?”



“By now, you’re likely questioning why I am so determined to heal you. Correct?”


Adeline nodded. She was genuinely intrigued.

“I’m baffled. Even if I am unwell, what impels the crown prince to go out of his way to provide treatment for me?”

Raciel’s response surpassed her expectations. “For peace,” he stated.



Raciel affirmed.

“I aim for you to become the strong and healthy ruler of Anbouaz. I believe that this will lead to peace for both of our royal families. That’s why I’ve brought you here. I intend to convince you.”

He spoke with heartfelt sincerity, delivering his words directly.

“Will you place your trust in me and collaborate on this treatment, just this once?”


Adeline regarded the crown prince.

The crown prince’s gaze met hers, conveying seriousness and sincerity. His eyes seemed to plead, as if the matter was truly crucial, as if it was a path advantageous to all. This might be why she inquired:

“So, if I agree to cooperate with the treatment, what’s your plan for my treatment?”

She asked, her focus unwavering on the crown prince, who responded with a grave expression.

“It’s uncomplicated.”


“You’re a highly skilled martial artist, right?”


“So you’re capable of channeling mana through your fists, correct?”

“Ah, yes. To some extent.”



Adeline tilted her head in confusion.

Perfect? What was he referring to?

As she contemplated this perplexing response, Raciel’s smile broadened, akin to someone who had found the solution to all the world’s troubles.

“You only need to target the acupoint with a self-directed mana blast from your fists.”


Adeline’s pupils dilated, akin to being struck by a level 10 jolt. However, Raciel paid it no heed and continued to smile even more widely. Concurrently, he thought to himself:

‘With the energy wave the princess emits and my Asrahan technique, I can make it work.’

He had the capability to make it a reality.

He possessed confidence.

‘Extracorporeal shockwave therapy. This is the optimal method to break internal stones.’

Raciel’s smile was an exhibition of his self-assuredness.

(To be Continued)

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