Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 129


A sharp noise, like something cutting through the air, rent the sky. In the vivid blue autumn sky, as noon approached, numerous crimson streaks appeared.

These streaks transformed into tunes, igniting into flames, and pierced the ground.

Finally, they erupted into fire.


The efficacy of the flaming arrows was impeccable. It was already a dry late autumn. Despite the early morning mist, even that had been entirely evaporated by the morning sun.

Furthermore, in keeping with the season preceding winter, the earth was covered in yellowed, withered grass and reeds.

Wherever the flaming arrows landed, flames erupted. And there were hundreds, if not thousands, of such arrows.

Hundreds, thousands of fires spread out, growing in size. Gradually? No, rapidly. To an overwhelming degree. Beyond anyone’s control.



Unconsciously, Raciel muttered. Fires had ignited in various parts of the plains.

The flames encountered the dry grass of the season and the wind, rapidly growing, engulfing and multiplying exponentially. In no time, they appeared poised to devour the entire plains.

Naturally, the nearby rocky area where the group was hiding was no exception.

“This is insane! That guy is absolutely crazy!” Raciel held back his curses. Understanding the situation wasn’t difficult. Predicting what would happen next was just as straightforward.

If they stayed here any longer?

“We’ll end up roasted alive!”

The more he thought about it, the faster his heart raced. His organs were in turmoil.


[Your internal organs are severely affected by your current situation.]

[Your heart’s concerns intensify.]

[Due to your deepening worries, your heart beats even more vigorously.]

[The rest of your organs are disturbed by the commotion.]

[We all need to adopt a considerate lifestyle to reduce such disturbances. Wear indoor slippers, use noise-reducing mats, and remember that you’re sharing space with others. If challenged, you’re entirely in the right.]


What was that message he had just seen?

Nevertheless, this wasn’t the time to dwell on such matters. Raciel vigorously shook his head.

Having set the entire plains ablaze, he deduced Javillon’s intentions.

‘Obviously. He must have suspected I was hiding somewhere in the plains and employed this tactic due to concerns about the kingdom’s army.’

When there’s a fire?

They would be forced to emerge. That was his strategy.

Like smoking out prey from a burrow to catch them. Once they came out, the real hunt would begin. He intended to hunt them down in that manner.

So, they needed to stay put as much as possible. Moving would be detrimental. However… the problem was that staying put seemed impossible.

“Your Majesty! If we remain here any longer, it will be the end of us!” Demian’s desperate voice reached him, followed by the trembling cry of Gardin.

“Huuuu! Your Majesty!”

There was no denying it; the flames were already closing in on them. Their spread was faster than anticipated.

The wind wasn’t in their favor. If they lingered here any longer? They were likely to meet a fiery end within the rocks.


He never expected Javillon to resort to such madness. Gritting his teeth, Raciel acknowledged his miscalculation. Underestimating the opponent’s level of craziness was a mistake.

He made a decision.

“Let’s move, to the north.”

“To the north, Your Majesty? Not to the east?”

Gardin’s eyes widened in surprise. The flames were spreading from the west, while the area towards Balua Fortress in the east remained clear.

So, Gardin was perplexed. Logically, it seemed safer to flee to the east.

Reading Gardin’s thoughts, Raciel shook his head.

“Due to the wind direction, the flames are spreading from the west to the east. Escaping with such a fire at our backs would be suicidal. The flames would overtake us.”


“So, we should move as perpendicular to the direction of the fire as possible. Let’s move quickly. We don’t have time.”

Indeed, there was no time to waste.

Raciel took the lead, leaving the crevice in the rock and sprinting out. Demian followed, and finally, Gardin, carrying Kuku, hurriedly ran.

And on the other side of the plain, a few hundred steps away, Javillon watched the group with gleaming eyes.

“I’ve located them…”

Javillon felt exhilaration. At the same time, he experienced excruciating pain.

It hurt.

Every breath brought pain to his head. It wasn’t just a simple ache. It felt as if his head were being split open by an ax while he remained fully conscious.

It was as if tweezers were thrust into his temples and twisted around. He felt like his eyeballs might pop out at any moment.

The pain was all the more intense because it had been days since he last felt it.

When the Saint military officer caressed his head every morning, it wasn’t like this. After experiencing the strange song and his touch, he felt no pain for the rest of the day. Those were happier times.

“But you ran away after abandoning me?”

He had deceived him.


And fled. Boldly. Without acknowledging his gratitude. Discarded him. Left cruelly, intending to cast him aside like an old lover.

It was infuriating.

Now, the Saint military officer, whom he had once cherished as a lifelong friend, was fleeing across the plains away from the flames. Hatred boiled within Javillon.

He felt resentment. Yet, at the same time, he held affection. He didn’t want to let him go. He didn’t want anyone else to take him.

“You are my kin.”

That’s how it should be. That’s how he would make it. So, he started the fire. With slight suspicion. Despite the improbable certainty. He shouted towards the plain and ignited the flames.

Thanks to that, he found him. His heart fluttered with joy. The thought of capturing and keeping him forever filled him with ecstasy.


Javillon drew his sword. He pointed it at Raciel and his group.

“Royal Guards, advance!”

With that command, he urged his powerful black steed, which snorted heavily.

Following him, 300 Royal Guards adjusted their helmets. The battle cry of the elite cavalry echoed across the plains.


The path ahead was blocked by roaring flames. But Javillon didn’t hesitate.

He urged his steed even harder. Understanding its master’s intent, the muscles of the black horse exerted explosive power, accelerating further.

At the same time, Javillon pulled back his sword. He aimed. The moment his eyes gleamed with madness.


Even though he pointed at thin air.

He cleaved through the flames with his blade.

Pssh- Whoosh!

It was an explosive thrust filled with the aura of a Sword Master. The flames in the path of the sword were extinguished as if struck by a vacuum storm.

A temporary tunnel opened up through the flames. Javillon dove in, and the Royal Guards followed.

“Ha! Forward! Ha!”

He spurred his steed onward.

Carving a path through the fire.

Javillon wore a cruelly joyful smile. Seeing the Saint military officer getting closer by the moment filled him with ecstasy.

Soon, he’d capture him, disable his legs, and ensure he could never escape again. The mere thought brought him satisfaction.

So, just a bit more.

A little more patience.

A bit more running.

And this agonizing headache would end.



Javillon’s frenzied shout pierced through the flames. He and his 300 Royal Guards continued their relentless charge towards Raciel and his group in the center of the plains.

On the far eastern side of the plains, Balua Fortress stood. Inside, the kingdom’s army watched the chaos on the plains with growing agitation.

“What’s… going on?”

The King of Anbouaz, Merovingian, felt a sense of horror. Simultaneously, he also experienced a worsening headache.

He was bewildered.

Despite witnessing the situation, he couldn’t believe it. It wasn’t just simple astonishment. It felt as if he were being struck on the back of the head while fully conscious.

He never imagined such an incident would occur. He wanted to rub his eyes vigorously, as if to clarify what he was seeing.

The sudden actions of the rebels compounded his confusion. Furthermore, the sudden outbreak of a fire across the entire plain made it even more perplexing.

“But, causing all this chaos, sending out the cavalry, all just to pursue three people?”

King Merovingian’s gaze turned to the center of the plains. Three individuals were escaping from the flames.

They were too distant to identify. However, judging by the fact that they weren’t on horses…

“It doesn’t appear to be a high-ranking noble or a wealthy merchant.”

A deep voice emanated from beside him. It belonged to the elder who had served the throne his entire life and was a Swordmaster, Lord Idris. He continued speaking.

“Due to the thick smoke, even my eyes can’t make out the details, but they seem to be three young men.”

“Three men?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. Judging by their simple clothing…”

“Likely ordinary citizens.”

“It seems so, Your Majesty.”


King Merovingian held his thoughts.

Rebels who had suddenly ignited the plains. Three ordinary citizens rapidly escaping from the blaze. And the rebel cavalry, aggressively pursuing those civilians as if to kill them.

How should he interpret this situation?

‘It’s perplexing.’

Could it be that these three citizens are unexpectedly important individuals? However, after careful consideration, he couldn’t think of any plausible identities for them.

In this scenario, no one fitting the description of being ordinary yet pursued by rebel cavalry came to mind.

The king inquired of Lord Idris,

“Did you happen to hear what Javillon shouted just before launching the flaming arrows?”

“I regret to inform you, I did not.”

“Even with your keen hearing as a Swordmaster?”

“Indeed, Your Majesty. Javillon himself is a formidable Swordmaster. He likely modulated his voice, infused with mana, to prevent its content from reaching us.”

“I see.”

The king’s eyes narrowed.

His concerns deepened.

The rebels’ actions were perplexing. How should King Merovingian interpret this situation? He contemplated it, eventually reaching a conclusion.

“Javillon, that traitor, is likely attempting to demoralize our army.”

“That’s my assessment as well, Your Majesty.”

“You see it the same way?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Lord Idris nodded, his anger subtly evident in his gesture.

“It’s clear what Javillon, that damned traitor, intends. By setting fire to the plains and drawing the attention of our kingdom’s army, he’s showcasing the merciless slaughter of innocent civilians as if he’s hunting them down.”

“…So, he’s trying to demoralize our army by making us witness our citizens being hunted.”

“Indeed, Your Majesty. He aims to induce a sense of powerlessness in us and lower our morale. In short, this is blatant and despicable psychological warfare, Your Majesty.”

“So, we shouldn’t fall for this psychological warfare?”

“Of course not, Your Majesty.”

Lord Idris responded firmly. King Merovingian nodded.

“Good. I share your perspective. Let’s rescue those vulnerable and pitiable citizens being pursued by the rebels.”

“Should I go personally?”


The king shook his head.

“You should always stay by my side. Instead, send that young one with my personal guards.”

“Really? Is that… acceptable?”

“Of course.”

The king responded with determination.

His personal guards should be more than sufficient. They can surely overcome a mere rebel cavalry unit.

The king was confident and sure. However, this miscalculation arose from his ignorance that Javillon, a Swordmaster, was leading the rebel cavalry himself.

In reality, the king’s oversight was due to the thick smoke enveloping the entire plain.

On a regular day, Lord Idris at his side would have identified Javillon, who was at the forefront of the Royal Guard Cavalry, with the exceptional vision unique to a Swordmaster.

But that wasn’t possible now. Poor visibility due to the fire prevented it.

Unaware of this fact, a confident smile graced King Merovingian’s face.

“Sending the royal guards to rescue our pitiable citizens being chased by the rebels and having that young one lead them would be symbolic, wouldn’t it? It would significantly boost the morale of our kingdom’s army.”

“If that is Your Majesty’s wish… I shall follow the command.”

Lord Idris bowed his head.

The order was issued.

A short while later, the gates of Balua Fortress, housing the kingdom’s army, swung open. A total of 500 of the king’s personal guards, gleaming in their silver armor, set forth.

They advanced resolutely to the west, with the goal of rescuing the three pitiable citizens (?) being pursued.

Leading these royal guards was Princess Adeline.

“Ha! Hyah! Ha!”

She rode her charging steed.

She shouted battle cries from its back.

Adeline was already on edge from witnessing the citizens being pursued by the rebels.

She yearned to rush and rescue the pitiable citizens immediately. Then, an order from her father arrived. She was overjoyed. She felt deeply moved.

Simultaneously, she made a vow.

To unquestionably rescue the citizens.

To boost the morale of the kingdom’s army in front of everyone, to crush the enemy, and plunge them into profound despair. She pledged to succeed. She vowed, motivated herself, and prepared.

“Ha! Haa!”

She urged her horse on even harder. She galloped through the thick smoke. Thankfully, she was closer to the citizens than the rebels. She felt relieved. It seemed she would reach the citizens first.

‘Just a bit more! Faster!’

She accelerated.

The citizens were drawing nearer. From behind, she could faintly see the ranks of the rebels chasing them. Her heart pounded loudly.

‘Alright. I can do this.’

Strength surged through her hands gripping the reins. She encouraged herself. Suddenly, she recalled someone to whom she owed a great deal.

‘Crown Prince, are you watching?’

Thanks to you, my kidney stones were cured, and now, I’m standing up to the rebels to rescue these pitiable citizens.

So, wherever you are, please support me. I’ll always make efforts, never forgetting my gratitude to you.


Her heart throbbed loudly.

The sound of hooves striking the ground.

The rapidly approaching sight of the citizens. And yet, a strangely familiar nape, and that chubby red-haired man with a somewhat flustered expression looking back…


Princess Adeline paused in surprise. Her eyes widened in shock.

‘…Crown Prince?’

Didn’t he say he was returning to his homeland? He definitely wrote that in his letter to her, right? That’s why she even sent the jar of queen bee alcohol he had left behind to the imperial city. And she used the most expensive express carriage delivery. She sent it quite generously.

‘So why are you here?’

Feeling a peculiar mix of melancholy and a sense of betrayal, Princess Adeline found herself involuntarily grinding her teeth.

(To be Continued)

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