Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 120


The surgical scalpel made its move.

The back of the hand registered a searing heat.

Vivid crimson blood seeped from the gash on the back of the hand. The flow exceeded expectations, almost as if it were gushing.

‘Sigh. Did I cut too deeply?’

Raciel briefly felt remorse, but it was irreversible now. Raciel took pleasure in observing the blood streaming from his hand.

Naturally, pandemonium ensued all around.


The first to display a startled reaction was Gardin. He stuttered, his expression a mix of horror and the desire to exclaim:

“What in the world-!”

Yet, the words eluded him. Even the hand that had been suturing a soldier’s arm quivered. Gardin wasn’t the only one reacting in such a manner.


Demian, who was lifting an injured soldier’s leg, also widened his eyes. So did the military officers, including Shandre. Even the medics gathered around the tent entrance reacted similarly.

If you combine all their stares, it was as though they were collectively thinking,

[Why is he suddenly engaging in self-harm?]

Even the body’s organs seemed to echo this sentiment.


[Your organs are shocked by your bizarre behavior.]

[Heart: What on earth are you doing? Have you lost your mind?]

[Lungs: I… I…]

[Large Intestine: Friends, it seems like this person is finally losing it, huh?]

[Liver: Why is he letting out blood when we have a patient with excessive bleeding? Is he planning to offer his blood to the wounded? Will that even work as a transfusion?]

[Stomach: LOL, these days transfusions are done via Wi-Fi LOL]

[A million question marks are hovering from your organs.]

[Your organs express concern for your mental health and contribute 100 HP of encouragement.]

[Your current HP: 7,400]


Indeed, chaos reigned among everyone.

But Raciel remained unfazed. Regardless of what anyone said, irrespective of the incredulous looks he received or the worried expressions on people breakdancing, he paid no attention.

He lifted his wounded hand without a care, brought it to his mouth, and covered the wound with his lips. The metallic scent of blood permeated his mouth as he avidly sucked it in, as if he were someone who hadn’t had water for days, consuming every drop.

“Zing! Zup!”

As if determined not to waste a single drop, he sucked vigorously on the back of his hand, akin to a person desperately quenching their thirst. He gulped down the blood.


The concerned gazes from those around him intensified. Yet, Raciel remained utterly indifferent. This had been his plan from the outset—the only way to save an injured soldier on the brink of death from excessive bleeding. He held a glimmer of hope, and that was his motivation.

‘Activate the circle slot.’

The moment he thought it,


A clear notification sound rang in his ear.

[Activating the storage function of the circle slot.]

[The circle slot is empty, so you can use the storage function.]

[Currently detected substance: Human Blood (Rh +O).]

[Would you like to store the detected material in the circle slot?]

[YES / NO]

‘Certainly, YES!’

He activated the storage function. From that point onward, the blood he was consuming ceased to flow into his stomach. Instead, it was stored in the circle slot.

[Storing material in Slot 1.]

[Slot 1 Storage Volume: Human Blood (Rh +O) 0.1 liter…… 0.2 liter……]

Zing Zing!

He kept on drinking. The amount of blood stored in the circle slot steadily increased. It crossed 0.3 liters, surpassing the typical donation amount of 0.4 liters in no time.

But he didn’t stop.

‘This isn’t sufficient. More!’

Since he had committed to it, he needed to ensure the soldier’s survival. With that determination, he continued to drink. Past 0.5 liters. Finally…

[Slot 1 Storage Volume: Human Blood (Rh +O) 0.6 liters]

Only then did Raciel remove his mouth from the back of his hand.


As he opened his mouth, he firmly applied a bandage to the back of his hand to halt the bleeding. Then, he immediately approached the wounded soldier.

“Are you okay?”

Gardin inquired, his face pale. A wry smile crossed Raciel’s face at the sight.

Yes, they probably wouldn’t comprehend what had just occurred. A wounded soldier was on the brink of death due to excessive bleeding, and inexplicably, Raciel had engaged in self-harm and consumed his own blood.

However, now was not the time for explanations. The soldier’s condition was deteriorating.

“I’m fine.”

He pressed on the soldier’s Yongchuan point (湧泉穴). It was the hollow spot at the very center of the sole, commonly known as ‘Joksim’.

‘It’s almost like the second heart of the human body.’

It marked both the beginning and end point of the Shao Yin Meridian (足少陰腎經), the lowest point in the body where energy descends and resides.

‘So, if I’m going to infuse mana for transfusion… this spot is the best.’

With conviction, Raciel firmly applied pressure to the soldier’s Yongchuan point. Simultaneously, he activated the circle slot’s discharge function.

Ding dong!

[Activating Slot 1’s discharge function.]

[Please set the discharge amount.]

‘0.01 liters.’

Not too much.

Slow and gentle.

But without interruption.

[Discharging <Human Blood (Rh +O)>: 0.01 liters from the circle slot.]


The slot opened wide.

The mana circle surrounding the heart began to rotate in reverse, carrying the stored blood. The blood flowed through the veins, starting from the heart, passing through the shoulders and arms, and reaching the thumb.

Finally, it was directed into the soldier’s Yongchuan point.


10 milliliters of blood infused with mana stimulated the area around the Yongchuan point, providing a slight but appropriate stimulus. Neither excessive nor insufficient. The blood vessels around the Yongchuan point responded, accepting the 10 milliliters of blood.

Fresh nutrients and oxygen.

A small surge of vitality coursed through the blood vessels.

‘…It’s working!’

Raciel cheered.

It was the glimmer of hope he had dared to entertain. The only method of transfusion he had conceived was indeed effective.

‘Another 10 milliliters!’


Continuing bit by bit. Steadily without interruption. Just like a gradual transfusion.

Until finally, the slot emptied after transferring 0.6 liters.

During that time, the transferred blood effectively rejuvenated the soldier’s body. It provided the much-needed oxygen and nutrients. It acted as a potent reinforcement for the ailing flesh.

The soldier’s Shao Yin Meridian also responded.

The transferred mana coursed through the Yongchuan point, stimulating various other points, until it reached deep inside the chest.

The fatigued heart reacted to the stimulation.


For the first time since the transfusion commenced, the soldier’s heart beat vigorously. It felt like the prelude to a counter-attack, gripping the atria and ventricles.

The robust blood flow left the heart and awakened the aorta, coursing through the carotid artery, ultimately rejuvenating the entire body.

Finally, color returned to the soldier’s pallid face. His breathing steadied, and his cold hands and feet warmed.

That was the moment.

Ding dong!

[Patient Rangs, who received your emergency transfusion, has surpassed the critical stage of hemorrhagic shock.]

[You have pioneered a transfusion method using the Asrahan Core Technique. However, this method is exclusive to you and won’t become widely known among the public.]

The clear notification sound confirmed Raciel’s conviction.

‘I did it!’

He saved him.

They had crossed the perilous threshold.

A belated sense of relief washed over him as he withdrew his hand from the soldier’s wound. Was it because he had been tense and suddenly felt relief? Or perhaps it resulted from overexerting his mana circle while employing the Asrahan Core technique? Or maybe it was the loss of a significant amount of blood.


Suddenly, dizziness overcame him.

His vision blurred into yellow.

Did his legs give way? The world seemed to sink. He felt a dull impact on his backside. Demian reached out a hand toward him, Gardin yelled frantically – he saw it all. Only then did Raciel realize his condition.

‘Ah, I overdid it once more.’

Despite his fragile state, a ticking time bomb of a patient at the peak of frailty, he had acted without recognizing his own limitations. Perhaps that’s why he was feeling this way.

‘But at least I saved a person.’

That alone was satisfying enough. With a content smile, Raciel closed his eyes. A faint notification sound chimed in his ears.


[You have exhibited an extreme act of altruism by expending your own blood to save another.]

[Moreover, many witnesses have observed a person being pulled back from the brink of death through your healing.]

[For those unaware of Asrahan Core Technique and circle slots, this act may be regarded as a ‘holy miracle’.]

[Your fame is poised to skyrocket…]

‘Ah, fame…’

That sounded nice.

With that thought, he surrendered to unconsciousness. The world darkened. He had completely fainted.

“A miracle… occurred? In a mere military medical camp of the kingdom?”

Inside a dimly lit room, bathed in the glow of a single candle, Javillon, the leader of the Anbouaz rebels, raised his head. He gazed at the man kneeling before him, a military intelligence officer tasked with reporting on the kingdom’s activities.

“Yes, my Lord,” the officer affirmed with a nod.

“According to the reports, a military officer saved the life of a dying soldier with just a touch,” Javillon inquired.

“Just a touch? On the soldier’s body?” he pressed further.

“Yes, my Lord,” the officer confirmed.

“He didn’t employ any tools?” Javillon sought clarification.

“It was with his bare hands, as I’ve been told.”

“Hmm. Could it be an exaggerated rumor?” Javillon pondered.

“It appears not, my Lord.”

“On what basis?”

“Because one of our spies, embedded within the kingdom’s army, witnessed it firsthand and provided a report.”

“…Is that so?” Javillon’s eyes narrowed, brimming with deep interest.


The ability to rescue a dying person with a mere touch. Truly, a feat worthy of the title of a saint. Javillon’s fascination with this power grew, and he was increasingly drawn to its symbolism.

‘What if this person were to come under my command?’

The idea kindled his greed.

‘Beyond the capacity to save lives, what if this saint were to align with me publicly? If he were to openly support my cause? The people of the kingdom might view me and my rebel army in a new light. A saint following an army. A saint endorsing a ruler. That alone could reshape the dynamics of this civil war.’

His calculations ran deeper.

His lack of legitimate authority was his greatest vulnerability, the core reason why the rebel faction struggled to expand. But what if a figure venerated as a saint joined him? Joined the rebellion?

The symbolism would be monumental.

With determination coursing through him, Javillon tightly clenched his fist.

“Then, let’s proceed in this manner,” he declared.

He turned to his intelligence officer and issued instructions.

“Contact that saintly individual through the spy we’ve placed within the kingdom’s army.”

“Meaning, initiate contact?”

“Yes. We must bring him to our side. At any cost, no matter how high.”

Javillon, the leader of the rebel force, harbored an intense eagerness for this promising talent.

(To be Continued)

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