Crimson Instinct

Chapter 87: Shot

*Xin Lei*

When I brought Ming in the inn, I already started the recorder on my phone to capture her confession. I never thought that Ming would be attacked under Duan Deming's watch. But I wondered if Ming would back out at the last moment in the court.

What if she got scared again and didn't confess?

That's why on the safe side, it was better to have evidence.

I observed Bai Li seem to be grim.

I typed. "What happened, Bai Li? What are you thinking?"

Bai Li instead looked at Liao Huifang's direction and asked, "Did Tian Song say anything to you when he held you on the gunpoint?"

Liao Huifang frowned. "No. However, I kept asking him if he was my sister's killer, but he said nothing. His expression was just cold and blank. Why did you ask?"

"... Nothing. I thought that he might have told you something about his boss."

"No, he didn't."

"What did you see when you entered the building?"

"Yes! It was dark, and I could only see because of the moonlight. Tian Song was holding the knife that was stabbed in Ming's stomach. Duan Deming was in pain, clutching his thigh. There were bruises on his face too."

I typed. "How will Tian Song contact Rodey now? He cannot, right?"

"He shouldn't be able to. Rodey is in tight security in the army."

Duan Deming came leaning on one officer. He said, "I have informed the Chief to order a search warrant for Tian Song. But until now, we didn't find any footage of his last location."

Bai, Li nodded. "Keep searching. And tell us if you find anything."

Duan Deming made a sour face. "Seriously, you are still planning to interfere?"

"I already said about our decision. We want to meet Yi Xiaosi."

"Please refrain from meddling in this case. Liao Huifang was in danger tonight, and Tian Song could have killed her. That's why I am telling you for the nth time that you are only civilians now. If something happened to you, I would be answerable to the Chief. What will I say to him? I am already going to get an earful from him. Thankfully, nothing happened to Liao Huifang."

"What about her testimony? Even if we said that Ming confessed, our statements wouldn't hold much value."

Liao Huifang said, "But you are a cop. Shouldn't your words have some weightage?"

I typed. "No, it is still difficult. We would need evidence."

Bai Li said, "But unfortunately we don't have any. Now it's all up to Xin Nianzu if he could prove the case in Fu Ting's favor."

I blinked at him.

Duan Deming sighed. He looked at Liao Huifang. "I will still try my best with what I can do. Please come with me. We need your statement in Ming's case."

She left with him. I typed, but then I thought to sign him with ASL.

I took his hand and moved his fingers.

'Why didn't you tell him about the recording?'

Bai Li paused for a bit. It seemed a little odd.

He whispered, "We should be careful. There might be some mole still lurking by, maybe one of Tian Song's men. What if he was standing with Duan Deming? The recording should be kept only between us."

I agreed and nodded.


The next morning, we were off to meet Yi Xiaosi in his office, after which we were going to head towards Tianjin Port.

But today was Zhang Chao and his rallies in Lang Fang, so we had to wait until they got over.

Bai Li suggested we go to their rallies just to take a look. First, we visited Yi Xiaosi's rally. Yi Xiaosi was in his early sixties. There was a graceful smile on his face, but his eyes looked sharp and alert. Zhao Wenyan was at his side greeting all the people, talking about their agenda, and asking them to vote for their party.

Along with Zhao Wenyan, two men stood at the other side of Yi Xiaosi close to him. They looked like they were in their thirties.

I could faintly see their resemblance to Yi Xiaosi.

His sons?

"Vote for Yi Xiaosi! Our plan is to serve the people of Lang Fang and give them a better life. Vote for the changes in the education system for your child's future. Vote to get clean water and cheap electricity. Vote to make Lang Fang safe."

The crowd cheered for Yi Xiaosi.

Liao Huifang said in distaste. "Aren't they tired to say the same things over and over again?"

Bai Li shrugged. "Well, they want power again and again so they won't stop."

Suddenly, somebody from the crowd jumped in front of the rally.

"Yi Xiaosi! What do you have to say about the dead bodies found in Natural Park? Hah! You talk about safety, but look at what happened! What do you have to answer?"

The crowd went silent at his outburst. But then some people started voicing their protest too.

Yi Xiaosi still looked calm and composed as if he had expected this.

I wondered if either Zhang Chao or Yun Shuang sent this man to stain his reputation. It was in their advantage to use this chance to throw Yi Xiaosi from his seat.

I didn't care anyway because if he was involved in the deaths, then he deserved much worse than just throwing dirt on his reputation.

Zhao Wenyan looked troubled. The two men who I assume to be Yi Xiaosi's sons came forward, but he stopped them. They seemed a bit eager at first, but now they were disappointed.

I raised my brow.

Yi Xiaosi took the mike. He faced the crowd eye to eye. The crowd was silent and were boring their gazes as he got ready to speak.

He said, "We will find the culprits for sure."

That was it. His voice was calm but firm. That was the only thing he said.

He didn't give any long speech. He didn't blame any opposition. He didn't ask or said anything to the man who shouted at him. Neither did he try to defend himself. His facial muscles showed no twitch and his eyes showed no guilt.

The crowd looked like it was waiting for more, but Yi Xiaoshi had really finished saying his piece. He handed the mike back to Zhao Wenyan.

Bai Li commented. "That was a short and nice speech. He would be a fun person to talk to, don't you think?"

I shook my head.

We then headed towards Zhang Chao's rally. The scene wasn't anything different here. The crowd was cheering just like before, and his supporters were making the same announcements and promises.

The same woman we saw in Andingzhen, perhaps his daughter, stood beside him, greeting the crowd.

But this time, I didn't see General Song beside him. It was some other man I never saw before. There were also some of the army officers stationed around him.

Zhang Chao then took the mike and said, "Greetings and good morning, everyone."

The crowd cheered in support.

But as opposed to a smile, his expression seemed grave.

"This was supposed to be a joyful event for my rally, but sadly, it isn't."

The crowd looked confused, just as I was.

Liao Huifang whispered from my side. "What is he talking about? Oh, is he giving up on the elections?"

Bai Li said, "I don't think so."

"I just came to know the atrocities that were committed in the Natural Park, and all the deaths truly sadden me. Such a vicious culprit is roaming free in Lang Fang. I hope they are caught soon, and I am happy to extend any help if needed by Yi Xiaosi to catch them."

The crowd excitedly shouted their support.

It was surprising. Wasn't Zhao Wenyan saying that he would definitely use this situation to his favor?

"And I would like to invite the three brave citizens of our country because of whom the truth came to light. Fortunately, they are here today in this rally."


"Miss Xin Lei, Miss Liao Huifang and Mr. Bai Li. Can you please come up here?"

I was dumbfounded. Liao Huifang looked just as confused.

I looked at Bai Li and typed. "What is happening? Why is he calling us on stage?"

Bai Li snorted. "These politicians...He must be up to something with concern to Yi Xiaosi."

The people were looking left and right to see if we emerged from somewhere.

"Let's go anyway."

We slowly made our way to the stage. It was hell awkward with everybody staring at us all the way.

Zhang Chao smiled. The woman beside him politely bowed too. She softly said, "We apologize for calling you like that. Nice to meet you. I am Zhang Ning, his daughter."

I just slightly nodded.

Zhang Chao looked at Bai Li. "Young man. I appreciate your bravery. You three did an excellent job."

Bai Li spoke in a low voice. "I cannot say the same thing about you, though."

There goes Bai Li's poison tongue.

Zhang Chao and Zhang Ning looked astounded.

He was going to say something, but Bai Li suddenly looked more alert.

And in a split second, Bai Li grabbed Zhang Ning's arm and pushed her away at the side. He ducked with her, but it was a second late.

A shot fired from behind where Zhang Ning was standing, and it pierced through Bai Li.

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