Crimson Instinct

Chapter 36: Restlessness


Xin Nianzu was huffing breathlessly as he stopped near a lamp post. He leaned on it, taking deep breaths. It was quite a difficult task to climb up the shaft, go through the narrow passage, and then again climb down the pipe.

I must hide somewhere until the case hearing and contact Lei Lei.

He slowly walked along the way among the crowd. His hair looked messed up, and clothes were ragged with creases and dirt. He was hungry. But he had no money and a cell phone. People were murmuring and muttering, and some mothers kept their children close to them.

Xin Nianzu didn't bother. He thought about the most immediate concern.

His apartment was not a safe place to stay. But he needed a place to spend the night.

Were hotels a safe place?

He thought that he could alter his appearance a little. He already looked like a wild bear.

But money?

He looked at the wristwatch in his hand. It didn't look like it, but it was a little expensive.

Maybe I trade it for one night. This would definitely cover the amount.

He couldn't look for a high-end hotel because of the money constraint, plus they also needed ID proof.

Naturally, he couldn't give it. Too risky.

So he went for a moderate classed hotel which took care of both of his concerns.

And then, I have to think of a way to contact Lei Lei.


The barmaid, aka the tea waitress, was on a call with the same mysterious man who was with her in the bar.

She said, "The little girl's kidnapping and the woman's death in LangFang are connected. She saw her getting beaten up."

The man said in a deep voice. "I see. They must be planning to go to Langfang now."


There was silence for a beat.

"They and I have the same goals, although for different reasons."

The barmaid picked a glass and swirled it in her hand. She smiled. "If you uncover the truth behind the gang, then your name would rise and shine in the Underworld."

"Yes. I would be a step closer to my goal."

"What is going on over there?"

"Unrest. Everybody is jittery. Everybody is looking for a chance. But such fools they are. They are looking at it in the wrong place." The man chuckled in amusement.

She laughed softly. "And while you are struck with gold. Aren't you a wolf in a sheep's clothing?"

"Right. Once I uproot that gang, it will be like a walk in the park."

"I will call you once I know more. Oh, and…" She looked like a seductress, her voice husky, "Come back before the hickeys you gave fades away. I don't like a spotless body anymore."

The man's tone was equally sexy as he whispered. "Just a little more, honey. I will mark your entire body once I come back until you are satisfied."

"I'm waiting."

*Xin Lei*, ---

I came out from the shower, drying my hair. The room was modest and comfortable, and the bath was relaxing.

Bai Li was with Cocoa, playing and rubbing his head.

"I will have one now."

Bai Li stood and went inside.

Cocoa jumped to my side. I bent on my knees and kissed on his head. Cocoa touched my cheek with his paw.

Really he was too cute!

It calmed me down a little. I was feeling quite annoyed for a while. Perhaps the barmaid was dating the man who we sensed in the bar that day. And so all the more I disliked her for hitting on Bai Li. I was grateful to her for helping us at this time, but her smile and her expression still irked me.

I knew that it was wrong, but I felt relieved that Bai Li couldn't see her. Had he got smitten with her if he could see?

I felt threatened.

I wasn't unaware of my feelings for Bai Li. It wasn't love yet...but I was definitely attracted to him. It was hard not to.

Even during the time we stayed at that hotel, I was feeling restless. I didn't know what took over me when I asked him to sleep on the bed. I felt disappointed, just a little when he was adamant about sleeping on the couch.

The more we spent time together, the more I started to like his company. I wanted his strong arms to embrace me. I wanted his large hands to caress my face. Just once...I wanted his lips on mine.

And now I was nervous as fuck. Once again, we were staying in the same room. A giddy feeling arose in my stomach.

Was I hoping for something? Did I want something to happen?

Idiot Xin Lei! Don't do anything that will get you in trouble!

I couldn't sit still now. I got up and started pacing back and forth in the room. Cocoa was following me all the way, looking at me concerned.

Damn it! What is happening to me?

I turned, and suddenly my nose hit something hard and muscular. I stumbled a little, but Bai Li's arm caught my waist.

I froze.

I heard Bai Li taking a sharp breath.

When did he come outside? I didn't even hear the sound of the door opening.

I opened my eyes and saw his broad chest greeting my sight. We were practically hugging now. His chest was warm and moist, with water droplets still dripping down his abs. It made him look even sexier.

I gulped.

This was not good.

Bai Li asked, his breath fanning my face, "What are you doing?"

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