Crimson Instinct

Chapter 105: Truly something unique


Rodey was calmly walking on the streets with a smirk laced on his lips.

"Ah, finally free. Damn, those soldiers really kept me hungry for this whole time." Rodey stretched his arms and felt the cold air brush past him.

On an almost deserted road, he sat on the bench by the roadside. He lit a cigarette and took a big puff.

Rodey sneered. He exhaled, dragging a smoke ring out of his mouth. He recalled how he made his escape.

When the proceedings in the court were over, the officers locked his wrists again with the handcuffs.

Rodey passed by Xin Nianzu. "Feeling happy about the win, Mr. Lawyer?"

Xin Nianzu smiled. "Definitely. Won't you congratulate me?"

Rodey laughed. "You are getting too overconfident. Do you think with this measly win, you have won against us?"

"Of course not. So many truths are yet to unfold. But isn't it a great start? Even if it is a minor crack, we have successfully intruded your dark and sinister place. It won't be long before we reach to the heart of it, smash it into pieces until it completely tumbles down."

Rodey raised his brow amusingly. His glance shifted to the Fu family, where Fu Biyu and Fu Jun were happily hugging Fu Ting with tears in their eyes. He tilted his head and looked back at Xin Nianzu.

"Heart of it?" He chuckled. "How will you smash the heart of it when there is not even a trace of it left in any of us standing on this side?"

Rodey raised his hand and pointed his finger at his chest. "This is empty. There is nothing here nor in the place you are looking for, Mr. Lawyer. It's all about the calculative and unfeeling brain."

Xin Nianzu quietly stared at him.

The officer signaled Rodey to move forward.

Before he left, Rodey turned. "You will never win against that person if you are searching for the heart of the truth."

As they came out in the open and were just about to enter the police car, somebody, to be precise, Rodey's accomplice threw a smoke bomb from above where it was hiding.

It blew off, and instantly, a dense fog of smoke covered the area.

"Hey! What is this smoke?"

"I can't see anything!"

Panic ensued, and everybody was confused about the sudden turn of events. Nobody could see anything for quite a distance away.

Lin Zihao was alarmed.

Where did this smoke bomb come from?

It was way too sudden that he didn't get the chance to see from which direction the bomb fell.

"His accomplice is somewhere here. They planned this escape."

He took out his radio and said, "Get the portable fans working and blow this smoke away fast!"

Taking advantage of the situation, Rodey pushed the officers away, jerking his body towards them. The collision was also just as sudden as the smoke bomb, and they stumbled.

"Hey! He ran away!"

According to the plan, even if it wasn't visible, Rodey already knew where to go. He quickly reached the designated place where his accomplice was already waiting for him.

Rodey said, "Unlock the cuffs, fast."


The cuffs opened, and Rodey quickly threw them away.

"Tsk, tsk! You made me do so much work just to get you out. I will take a hefty compensation for this. My help is not free."

Rodey didn't care. "Whatever."

"Nice plan you made there. I am impressed."

"I am smart. What else do you expect?"

"Tch. Such a narcissist. Do me a favor, and don't get caught again, okay? I missed my day to have fun with that teenage boy because of you."

Rodey shrugged.

The voice then turned grim. "Rodey. Don't forget that the boss is a bit displeased with you. Xin Nianzu is free, and you got caught. They are not happy about it."

"I know."

"You are alive because you are a useful asset to them. You are the right hand. Don't give them another reason to get you in trouble."

"Where is Sufy?"

"Usual base where the boy is kept."

Rodey hummed and then quietly escaped from the court, finally free.

At present, Rodey opened his eyes. It was dark apart from the faint flickering light of the street lamps.

Suddenly a twitch at the back snapped Rodey out of his daze.

He straightened up and got alert. He narrowed his eyes. He stubbed out the cigarette and crushed it under his foot.

A cop?

But then he faintly heard some sneers and laughs.

Rodey wanted to be sure that there was no danger. He had no intention of losing his hard-earned freedom just hardly after a few hours had gone by. Better safe than sorry.

Rodey got up. He stealthily followed the direction of that noise while hiding in the darkness.

Finally, the voices became clearer. He took a quiet step and hid behind a tree. He saw the backs of four men standing beside each other, forming a kind of semi-circle.

Rodey craned his neck and saw that a young, petite woman was stuck in between them and a tree at her back. It didn't take any rocket science for him to understand what was happening.

Deserted place, dark, and no people to help.

That woman was going to get raped. It was so evident with those men's postures, speech, and expressions.

And here I thought I was in trouble, Rodey had a bored expression on his face.

He turned to leave, but then he heard that woman's voice speaking to them.

"Do you know that North Korea and Cuba are the only places where you can't buy Coca Cola?"

Rodey stopped. He blinked his eyes rapidly.


Did I hear that, right?

He turned and observed her. She was in a grave situation, the worst of the dire situation where a woman could get herself into. But instead of fear, she was absolutely blank.

Literally, she was expressionless. It was as if the whole situation didn't even bother her.

The men were also equally dumbfounded.


The woman continued. "Do you know that Los Angeles is so big that the entire world's population could fit inside it?"

"Man, what is she blabbering?" One of the men nudged his friend.

"I have no idea."

The man standing directly in front of her said, "Didn't you hear us, woman? Strip naked right now, and let us enjoy you."

The woman seemed unaffected and said, "The hottest chili pepper in the world is so hot it could kill you."

Now they were more confused. "Is she insane?"

It was truly shocking because, in normal circumstances, any woman would cry and scream for help or beg to let go. But she didn't do anything of that sort.

"The world's most densely populated island is the size of two soccer fields."

"I think she has a screw loose."

The fourth man gulped. "She is insane. Crazy people are more dangerous."

"We are four. What can she even do?"

The woman said, "Dead bodies can be covered which looks like soap after death."

"Man, now is she cursing us?"

"Approximately 150000 people die each day around the world."

They choked.

Is she implying that we could be among them?

The man grabbed her hand. A glint of something flashed past her eyes, but it quickly subsided.

"Whatever she is crazy. She won't even understand what we will do to her. So we are safe."

The other cautiously said, "We should leave her. Crazy people are unpredictable. Who knows when she would attack us."

"Oh, shut it!"

And in an instant, he tore her sleeve. There was a faint crack in her expression.

The man sneered. "Your mouth is spewing garbage, but I think those lips would taste delicious." And he licked his lips with his tongue.

The woman said, "When people find out they are dying, they experience what's known as an 'existential slap,' according to palliative care experts. It's the moment when a person knows, on a gut level, that death is close."

"Oh, I assure you that it's you who is going to die beneath but us after we have loads of fun with your body."

The woman's eyelids trembled.

Just as he was about to kiss her forcibly, four consecutive shots rang in the air.

She jolted and opened her eyes. She saw that all the four men had a hole in between their brows, and a thin line of blood trickled out.

For a moment, it seemed as if everything froze. Their eyes were wide open as if shocked.

Soon, they fell on the ground with a thud. The woman made no sound, but she quickly stepped back.

They were dead. They didn't even know how and when it happened.

The woman was staring at their bodies when she heard a chuckle from a distance.

"That was an interesting method to ward off those rapists. Truly something unique. Sad that it didn't work out."

Rodey stepped out of the shadows and lazily looked at the men who were now corpses.

The woman said nothing for a moment. Once again, she was expressionless.

"Thank you."

Rodey laughed. He walked towards her and lifted her chin with the tip of his gun. The smell of gunpowder hit her nostrils, and her nose twitched.

"Thank you? What if I killed them because I want to have some fun with you?"

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