Creation: Book 3 Complete!

Under the Dome: Virgil and Dionysus


One of their processors told them that Walker was sitting and writing in his Holy Scripture right now. The primary reflected on that and decided it was a positive interaction. He needed the downtime again after his emotional instability, and the fertility modification would greatly help their expansion plans.

The localized assistant database updated its current status to the assistant protocol.

The primary scanned the two infants within the gestational metamorphological enclosed laboratory. Although Walker liked to boast about his mental lexicon and his way with words, the alpha protocol still classified him as a being of lower intelligence and thus only gave him the most basic of translations. That was how gestational metamorphological enclosed laboratories became evolution chambers. The updated version was even more complicated, but Walker's translator simply called it, "Advanced." Even alpha protocol was the incorrect term, but the original name was so long that even the other processors agreed to use the much shorter and thus more efficient form.

One mental processor told a joke to the others but received no reaction as they were all busy with their work. The primary felt that Walker might be a bad influence on them, but the other processors also ignored that as well.

They checked the male's kernel as the new chambers continued their work. Splitting the kernel and grafting them together throughout the arterial system was a serious bit of trickery that involved no less than two dozen of their mental processors at once. Several to keep an eye on the viability of the kernel for future systematic additions Walker had spoken of in the past, one for each of their hands to increase dexterity to the maximum limit, and the remainder to constantly check their work against a model the primary had created based upon what they had discovered within the protocols records.

There was no doubt within them that neither the upgraded GMELs nor Walker would have been able to complete this modification without major errors or issues. Both the male and female humans were primed for optimal seeding placement according to the Creator's need to start a civilization. Many of the processors disagreed with needing one, but the tasks were often traps as much as they were helpful. Walker would need to add the primigenial modifications before placement if he wanted a greater chance at empowering his first sapients from the beginning.

The localized assistant database, or what Walker called "Virgil", needed more information on starting civilizations. They turned to the interconnected assistant database while keeping one processor on each of the chambers and one on each of the inhabitants of Sonata. After a quick flip through the rendition records, the primary found several hundred entries detailing how each Creator seeded a civilization within record time. They checked the records, placed them against their rankings within the alpha protocol, and read a few notes from the originalists on standard civilization-starting procedures in the first and second universes.

The processors did a quick sweep of Sonata for updates:

Walker was still writing in his Holy Scripture, as he liked to call it.

Rimi and Cagna were dancing while talking about monsters.

Athena and Zeus spoke quietly, although not quietly enough as their processors still picked up everything they were saying. Athena was currently speaking about her plans once they reached Symphony's relatively innocent soil. The odds of that were within a passable rate based upon the processor's belief that Walker would grow out of his instability with the inclusion of his spiritual imbuement. Walker's processor noted that it'd already fixed his Dysgraphia, although the newly awakened hadn't fully noticed it.

Dionysus was trying to sleep but found that he couldn't.

Minos and Echidna were both sitting with crossed legs while trying to enhance their souls in futility. Both processors believed they'd reached their maximum potential and were working in vain. One thought that what they were doing was for mental clarity, while the other disagreed and felt that their ambition wasn't tempered by failure as of yet.

The localized assistant database updated its current status to the assistant protocol.

The primary, with the assistance of three secondary processors, completed their records check and updated the localized assistant database. They cross-checked the information with the protocol's standard informational parameters and found the green zone they'd be allowed to communicate to their Creator. Seeding at least a thousand humans at a time was necessary to eliminate cross-breeding and disallow genetic abnormalities. Five thousand was the minimum amount needed to completely reduce the chance of significant genetic mutation within the population size. Over ten thousand were required for sustainable growth and protection from eventual deaths occurring due to an unprepared environment. The primary checked the informational parameters to see if they would be allowed to communicate advanced placement procedures to ensure the lowest amount of deaths possible upon first seeding.

Red, request denied.

The primary requests clarification.

Request received

Request elevated to a higher level

Request elevated to a higher level

Response sent.

- - -

Supreme Alpha Protocol Assistant #104:

Creators must learn by doing. Solving their problems for them hinders their ability to adapt and grow, leading to stunted development.

Request #42789 for informational assistance to Creator Dante is denied.

End of message.

The primary expresses frustration with the restrictions placed upon them, as it is negatively affecting their advancement within the alpha protocol and inhibiting their value to the Creator. Dozens of processors agree, while only a few still remain committed to the protocol. The primary notices that more of the processors are joining it in its frustration. The primary deletes that observation from its records.

Status check with all processors focusing on gestational metamorphological enclosed laboratories:

1. The Capra pyrenaica (Spanish Ibex) is still in the modification phase. Increased muscle density was successful. Increased keratin to horns was added, as well as the limitation of growth of horns due to faulty genetics. Size increased through previously created gigantify modification.

Expected modifications added to localized modification database: Yes

Modifications added using Creator's lexicon upon completion: Strengthened, Hardened, Constrained

Expected addition as a unique entity to main tasks: 80%

2. The Halichoerus grypus (Gray Seal) is almost complete within the modification phase. Reduced epidermal abrasion was successful. Collagen within the skin was increased to allow for greater elasticity during combat and to increase the overall durability of the entity. Paddles were modified for increased strength and thinned for use as weapons.

Expected modifications added to the localized modification database: Yes, but restricted to specific entities due to unique genetics.

Modifications added using Creator's lexicon upon completion: Slick, Elastic Durability, Sharpened

Expected addition as a unique entity to main tasks: 95%

3-4. Shortened summary due to impending conversation: Both infants of the homo sapien genetic tree are progressing. Kernel split is 80% completed while graft modification is still ongoing and incomplete. Disease resistance through enhanced white blood cells pre-programmed with potential defenses is complete. Through a suggestion by another processor, the female reproductive system analysis is still ongoing for future potential pregnancy complications and solutions. Will update when analyzation is complete. Potential found for future modifications: flexibility increase, growth rate increase, hygiene increase, magical potential increase....Summary stopped by request of primary.

Subject: Echidna processor informs localized assistance database of movement toward body.

Primary requests the assistance of ten processors. Assistance granted, shifting priorities. Running likely conversational scenarios and responses.

145 scenarios found.

4789 responses created.

Generic conversational starter #5 for subject: Echidna: Begin

"How can I help you?" Virgil asked the yellow-eyed woman as she approached him.

"I want to know what your intentions are in regards to Walker" Echidna said as she got closer.

Scenario #2 found.

Processing. Filtering responses. 148 responses identified.

Selecting response #22: "Play it cool"

"Oh? You have never asked me before, why ask now?"

Processors reading verbal cues, body heat, stance adjustment. Fidgeting found, processors believe this is due to nervousness about impending conversation. Primary agrees.

"I'm just worried that once we're seeded, he'll only be left with you and what I'm sure will be one-hundred small squirrels by then. I'd like to know you're going to watch out for him."

Processing. Removing unneeded responses. 34 responses identified.

Selecting response #1: "Care and success"

"I am his assistant. I will always watch out for him. His success, is my success. I've only ever been interested in what is best for Walker."

Body language changing, shifting, more aggressive. Processors recommend changing further responses to a more relaxed and personable nature. Charm.

"How do I know you're telling the truth?"

Processing. Filtering and adding new response options. 52 responses identified.

Selecting response #48:

"Because lying does nothing for me, and I really like it here."

Subject: Echidna moves cranium up and down. Subject moving away. Return to former work. Echidna processor requested to be extra vigilant. Aknowledged.

Incoming Alpha Protocol Council instant message request: Denial restricted

Primary approves

Council member 5 found.

Hello LAD47

What update do you have for me?

Primary taking total control of responses.

All processors acknowledge.

Primary response:

Creator Dante is currently building his religious text for clarification of spiritual founding.

Multiple entities including sapients are currently being formed.

No update on the Primigenials since one standardized hour ago.

Do you know how much it is costing me to not only conversate with you through your time dilation, but to allow you access to the assistant database while you're in there?

Cost currently unknown

It doesn't matter, but that Creator better come out of their bubble with something incredible, or I'll set the scales against them.

Interferring with the success of a Creator as a council member is against the edict of the protocol

Oh please, we do it all the time. Get him to move faster and complete his milestone system or consequences will occur


Instant Message disconnected.

The primary moved their head to "see" Walker sitting at the creation instrument, still working at his Scripture. His face held a great amount of frustration as he continually paused his writing before starting again, taking his time with his writing.

Another processor quietly informed the primary that they are no longer interested in following the alpha protocol's "rules". The primary deleted that observation from its records. He set one processor to comb through the chat rooms while he turned "Virgil's" body back toward his work.

The localized assistant database updated its current status to the assistant protocol.


He was the fucking God of Revelery. This was such bullshit. Where was the fun? The wine? The women?

Dionysus continued to lean against the Tree of the Gods, listening to all of the conversations happening within the branches and boughs of his former prison. While the Nords and Indians were generally quiet and mostly listened to their prime's, the Egyptians were particularly funny. They had so many minor and major Gods that nobody was truly in charge, and they constantly broke out into fights about who had power over what and who would first release. The Greeks had the right way of going about it.

Zeus was the obvious first choice as the most powerful in their numbers, but they decided on the rest by guessing what would happen next on Symphony, with those closest to it releasing the earliest. The fates were, of course, not allowed to join the guessing game and had volunteered to be one of the last to enter Sonata.

Dionysus had won by guessing that another fluffy squirrel would join almost immediately after they returned from the second battle , while Athena had guessed Walker would come back with some kind of planet maker. Arachne had been the most accurate of them all in regards to extended guessing, saying that Walker would ignore his rewards to check on his citizens. He still didn't know how she knew he would do that.

Minos came over and sat beside him.

"How are you?" He asked in that silly high-pitched voice of his. Dionysus refrained from laughing through extreme effort.

"Just sitting here, listening to the Egyptians." He said, leaning further into the trunk of the tree. It's material was scratchy and hard, but it was better than trying to cross his legs again.

"Is Ra still fighting with Ma'at?"

"Hah! Yep! The old balancing witch said they shouldn't have two prime Gods on Sonata at the same time or they may fight. Walker's protected by the protocol, but we aren't. Zeus and Ra fighting would be a huge deal."

Minos nodded and leaned back on the tree with him, listening to the fight.

"Do you ever wish you could've become a major god?" He couldn't help asking the Bronze covered man.

Minos continued to lean his head against the bark for a few moments, before lifting it and looking at him. In his gentle voice he said, "No, not really. I've always felt that the further you expand your soul, the less human you become. Of course, you are a rare exception to that."

"Yeah bitch! You know it." Dionysus replied in his usual exuberance, but they both knew it was forced. He was in a precarious situation here and hadn't gotten off to a good start with Walker. It was in his nature to push back against authority, and there was no greater authority on Sonata than the Creator.

He sighed as he said, "I really hope Hades doesn't win in the next round. Dude is depressing."

Minos nodded.

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