Creation: Book 3 Complete!

Non-Chapter Update! (Still at conference technically)

Howdy everyone,

I'm at a conference and haven't had time to really update the story and outline at this point. I do have the next 3 weeks drafts all setup, but I have to keep these time-skips to allow for my Patreon to match, and to give me a needed break. The last non-chapter update was about two months ago, so I feel like this is allowed? Okay? Who cares.

How are you liking the story so far? I feel like I've done a good job with making sure the grammar and spelling are up-to-snuff, and I've only found one continuity error that I fixed before it could show itself (next chapter). Thus far, I feel that the book will end up being around 160k words when done, maybe even closer to 200k once I've gone through my line-by-line edits and re-orders. I reviewed chapters 1-10 recently (including the hate journal chapters that now have a bit of purpose if you can tell), and found some errors and mergers that need to occur, but if I go back and make those changes, it takes away from what precious little time I currently have.

My drafts, as of this weekend (flashing forward a month as that is when all of this was setup), are a month ahead on Patreon. I'm at about chapter 30 + holy scripture 2 is about to release to my guys (I have no gals) in not too long. The reason I state this, is so you're aware that Battle #2 which begins in the next chapter, will be about 5 chapters long. Rather than label them parts 1-4, I gave the first series their own names, which you can see below:

Part 1: Tower Defense

Part 2: The Early Rounds

Part 3-5 (spoilers): Not telling you!

I haven't really written a lot of combat in the past (first time author), so please let me know what you do or don't like. Also, be on the lookout for my boy Chipper, he really shines.

The next chapters will also show my first attempts at providing art for my readers. I've received a limited amount of fan art, and I wanted to show you what was happening in the story and how I mentally see things. It is AI-made, because like the MC of Creation, I have dysgraphia and zero-talent at fine motor control in my hands. I'm not trying to take away the idea of art from actual artists, just using the means I have available to provide some visual representations of my work. If you have a problem with that....I can't help you.

For my last update for this non-chapter breakdown, I want to re-iterate that I don't really do review swaps. I've received a lot of anger over this in private messages, but again, it's my choice. In the future, any request for review swaps will be ignored entirely, as mental health-wise, I believe that to be the smartest move.

That's it, thank you for reading the non-chapter update! The next full chapter (and they are progressively longer than most in the series) will come on the 13th, a week from the time of this publishing. You can sub to my Patreon if you want (3 bucks for the cheapest), or you can wait it out and read the chapters for free.

p.s. I am considering changing the name and cover to something less used. Apparently, a guy named Dante made a book with Creation in the title and people keep getting it confused. Currently considering the simply titled: Symphony

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.