Creation: Book 3 Complete!

Journal Entry #3

What are the ramifications of a mind constantly on with no downtime? Like, how does the alpha protocol know to consistently balance my hormones and not allow me to go crazy?

Do most Creators go crazy?

Maybe the long haul of this ordeal, like the best way to succeed in the end, is just to hold onto your sanity.

I made something today. A monster. I gave it a terrible name as is usual, but I still fear the ramifications of what I've done. After I set it free and watched it become the monster I didn't know it was, I started to worry that I couldn't kill it. Instead of dealing with my issue, I'm going to wall it off and cross my fingers that it stays put. Not my most mature action, but contrary to what I have been through thus far, there is not a lot of maturity happening.

I was given the ability, once I selected the name Dante and changed my identity, to participate in a chatroom filled with Creators. Why? I have no idea. Perhaps other creators consistently need social feedback, but I've always had a nose deep in my books and only felt the need to speak when it was necessary. My father taught me that the less you have to say, the more profound it is when you speak. I'll need to carry that over to my world when things really start off, as I cannot imagine how terrifying it would be to have a small g god yelling at someone for not watering their plants in the morning, or cheating on their wife.

The chat is insane. This one creator, Fillora, said they made a seductress entity. A seductress. How are you going to seduce the Slicer? Do they not know about the Creator Wars? I am guessing, as I have an advanced assistant, that I'm getting a lot more information than all of the other Creators. They have the smarts, but currently, I hold the advantage. That's a lot of power for a former secondary school teacher. I need to use my advantages to really pull ahead of the others. The grand rewards help, but there has to be more. I need to step up my game and do things the protocol has never seen before. I think the evolution chamber is going to help, but the true ace in the hole is that fuckin tree.


It just keeps getting larger and weirder. Virgil has no idea and my universal translator didn't work on the weird bark writing. Is it instructions? What the fuck.

As I write this, another chat exploded. I'm going to transcribe it just so you can see what I'm dealing with.

Dalskifj: What do you mean your planet is exploding?

Kieieik: I mean I made the core molten and everything is melting! I changed the atmosphere a little too much and I'm worried the heat will reach it and it'll blow up!

Mirail: Idiot

Dalskifj: Yeah you're dumb as shit. Good luck though.

Kieieik: I need help, not negativity! What should I do?

Dante: Do you have an advanced assistant?

Mirail: Look at this guy with his "advanced" assistant--Probably doesn't even know how to calculate the trajectory of a Dalminian cruiser

Kieieik: I'm running out of time! Help!

Dante: My assistant says you need to dilute the flammable gas in the atmosphere with other gasses otherwise it will catch fire.

Kieieik: Okay!

Mirail: 50 credits we don't hear from them again

Dante: Hello?

Dante: Kieieik?

Mirail: Told you

Dante: You're kind of a dick.

Anyways. That was from a while ago and I haven't heard from Kieieik again. I've gotta stop looking at the chat though because, according to Virgil who can also see it, but isn't allowed to respond, a lot of Creators are giving bad information to the others. I get it, it's a competition. But there are a bunch of big assholes like Mirail in there. I hope he's not one of the ones who get through the protocol. One positive from this is, I feel like I have good odds going into the first battle. Did I just screw myself by saying that?......Nah probably not.

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